
New Name- do you practice?


Feb 11, 2010
Who here (who plans to change their name) has practiced writing it? Don't you feel like a elementary school girl writing your crushes I don't know about you but writing a last name that is different from what I grew up writing is hard, not mentally but physical. I'm so used to writing my name as it is now (unmarried) that to write it any other way (married) is nearly impossible. I guess I'll just have to keep doodling to practice and make it feel more natural. Have to retrain the brain. :))
I just tried this for the first time about 2 weeks ago at brunch with girlfriends. Impossible! There's a "b" in the middle that throws me off. I might just have to eventually do a big squiggle from the first letter of the new last name. In the meantime, I have plenty of time to practice. Too funny!
haha I have not practiced but I have said it in my head a few times! Unfortunately I don't think my current first name goes well with BF's last name (or many last names...I have sort of an unusual first name) but I suppose I'll get used to it :)
peachtea I just laughed really hard when you were talking about that 'b' :lol:
Hehe, I already do :)

I didn't try it until we got engaged though. His last name is pretty neat (i think) and I can't wait to change mine. I dislike my last name and it doesn't sound good with my first name. It's very harsh sounding. His name flows really well with mine.
Peachtea- there's a "b" in his name too, it just disrupts the whole thing. I was never good at cursive in the first place but then throw in one of those loopy/funky letters and forget it. I know in the end it's gonna be a scribble of something illegible. I'm looking forward to having a different last name, I love my dad and all that his name stands for, its just boring and generic so I want something that distinguishes me.
I never had before, but thanks to you, I just did! It's definitely weird, but not too bad. My last name starts with an "F" and his starts with a "T." Since the shapes are similar in cursive, it wasn't too disruptive.

I think my first name sounds great with my current last name and okay with my boyfriend's name. It doesn't sound bad, but I don't like how my first name ends with the same sound his last name begins with. It kinds of blends in the middle, which I'm not fond of. Still, I love him and his name, and I will be proudly taking it when we get married.
Yes, I've written it. I know this might sound crazy to some, but I actually believe that visualizing and speaking about things as you want them to be helps them come to pass.

A few months ago, when my BF and I were at a restaurant, the check came and I signed the credit card slip with my current name. He said that I had a pretty signature. So, just for fun, I grabbed a paper napkin and signed my future "married" name and said something like "I think this will look even nicer." He smiled, grabbed the napkin and put it in his pocket. Not sure where it is or what he did with it, but I just thought the gesture was so sweet.
Our last names start with the same letter, and both of them are traditionally first names. So stylistically, I don't have to change a whole lot.
SweetPea-<3 said:
Yes, I've written it. I know this might sound crazy to some, but I actually believe that visualizing and speaking about things as you want them to be helps them come to pass.

A few months ago, when my BF and I were at a restaurant, the check came and I signed the credit card slip with my current name. He said that I had a pretty signature. So, just for fun, I grabbed a paper napkin and signed my future "married" name and said something like "I think this will look even nicer." He smiled, grabbed the napkin and put it in his pocket. Not sure where it is or what he did with it, but I just thought the gesture was so sweet.

That is the cutest story! I totally believe in the Law of Attraction and that your thoughts become things. Maybe this is why I stare at my ring finger and imagine a huge rock on it :naughty:

My boyfriend has found pieces of paper with my "married name" written all over it, he just smiled and thought it was cute. I'm pretty stoked to take his last name, it's more interesting sounding and easy to write. Saying it out load with my first name still sounds weird to me though, lot's of his friends call him by his last name, so when I say it in my head it sounds like someone is asking for both me and him, if that makes sense lol.
I've practiced, but more because I'm not sure what I'd like to do. His name is kind of awkward to say and write, and people ALWAYS spell it wrong. They had to correct our mortgage and abstract papers, as they'd spelled his name wrong on both. Though, people spell mine wrong all the time too, and it's a common 4 letter word.
I've practiced writing it one time it looked strange on paper but has a nice ring to it. When I use to take my SO car to get service the people would call me Mrs. his last name I didn't bother correcting them mine as well get use to it. I keep joking with SO that I'm going to keep my last name his like oh no your not. I love seeing his reaction when I say that. I can't wait to get rid of my last name don't care for it and take his.
The weird thing about my signature is that I have such bad handwriting it looks different every time I sign my name, just a bunch of squiggles. I've tried signing what will be my married name and it looks almost the same even though they are completely different. :lol:
I've practice.. because my last name is so engrained that I wanted to know how it'd be to write out what my married name would be. I went back and forth with the idea to keep my fathers name in memory but my BF is the one who has to pass his name on too so I will take his name. It will be funny when I have his name since it is an obvious Greek last name and I definately do not look Greek!
I usually "sign" my name now with my first initial, my last initial, and some squiggles that pretend to be my last name. My last initial and his are totally different, but for some reason they both look similar when I write them. If I actually sign my name on something that matters (something other than when I use my debit card), I actually write the letters in my full first and last name. I've practiced writing his last name and thankfully there are no tricky Bs in the middle :tongue: and from the first time I wrote it, it came naturally.

For the last couple months, when I use my debit card, I usually sign with my first initial, his last initial, and a squiggle. :Up_to_something:
I just did it then, I thought it would be easy, but it really isnt! This is going to take getting used to! Its weird! My name and his last name sound pretty though.
I've been signing my new name for a few months, and it was tricky at first but I got used to it way faster than I would've imagined! In only a few weeks I was signing it without thinking twice.
I totally practiced before we got engaged heehee. Its funny, Im not any better at it now that we are married (almost 2 years too), its hard to switch names after 25+ years of the same name! I say Practice Away! :bigsmile:
I've totally been doing this! My last name is so freakin' long (it's hyphenated), and his is really nice. And for some reason, I seem to write it really well and my cursive looks great when I'm doodling that name. It doesn't feel weird to write at all. :naughty:

I haven't decided yet whether or not my first name sounds good with his last name, but it's gotta sound better than my current hyphenated name.
I am so so so guilty of this!! Of course, I've also already named our much in the future children, taking into account name meanings, length, and ease of writing the whole name in cursive.

I'm a little crazy for names :oops:
I did practice.. one or twice in physics when I probably should have been paying attention.

I realized that I really don't remember cursive, I never use it. I had to think about the "right" way to write a capital S. Honestly my signature now sort of looks like a fish with a flamboyant tail.

SweetPea<3 I just had to explain to SO why I was like "awwwwwwwwwww." lol. : ) Cute story.