
New Online Diamond Exchange as an alternative to RapNet Platform

This thread is really excellent, thank you to everyone contributing :))

I have had to re-read this to try and get my head round it... :lol:

I think I'm correct in saying that it basically summarises as something like:

'the cheapest X ct G VS2 is not the cheapest X ct G VS2, because it's actually (looking like) an X-0.20ct H SI1' ??


(and, of course, we haven't even included Cut quality ;-) :D )

Yes!! But out of many.., many "apparent" possibilities and schemes. This is actually where the industry Luna Park is, and the rides are endless, until a crisis occurs.
We've never really had to live by lists and I don't think that aspect will ever change.

I am reading in this that the future is the color of high summer light - later than mid-day, dusk, not night; obviously beautiful, no need to think to see, & what is to 'helm'? [@diagem: "a new fresh thinking generation at the helm."]
Regarding the Rap take on diamond cut - his highest spec for proportions still allows for a truck of wide proportions to fit through and 1ct sizes (as Paul mentions) that are around 6.3mm.
This is Rap's "investment Diamond" criteria!!!!
It shows the lack of understanding that XXX can not have those girdle thicknesses or that 62% can be an acceptable table size but 54% can not be. Imagine a 10ct round with 62% table - yuck where as a 54% could actually look good!
An excerpt from a short article I wrote a couple of weeks ago:

"...I couldn't help from noticing of the huge Diamantaires vs. Rapaport feud going on, I fully understand the frustration and I too am pondering why Mr. Rapaport chose his recent price-list move but I genuinely can't understand the fierce reaction from some in this industry.


Many big companies used bank credits to create big stocks of polished and rough diamonds .
if Rapaport prices drop the pledge value drops also and the companies have to pay to banks huge amounts in time when they have zero income and many other expenses .
It creates fear and even horror. Now they have lost mind and are blaming 3d parties in their strategical mistakes.
This thread is really excellent, thank you to everyone contributing :))

I have had to re-read this to try and get my head round it... :lol:

I think I'm correct in saying that it basically summarises as something like:

'the cheapest X ct G VS2 is not the cheapest X ct G VS2, because it's actually (looking like) an X-0.20ct H SI1' ??


(and, of course, we haven't even included Cut quality ;-) :D )

Hi OoohShiny,

Your summary is obviously exaggerated, but it may be illuminating.

In that regard, years ago, I went through an exercise, purely out of curiosity. I checked all round brilliant diamonds asked about or suggested here on RT, and based upon the assumption that the GIA- or AGS-grade was absolutely correct and smack-in-the-middle of the grade, I calculated what the value of that diamond would be for me.

Obviously, my value is based upon professional knowledge and considering each diamond just like a rough diamond, able to produce what we sell.

It was surprizing to have, every now and then, a diamond where I would not mind giving more than 80 cents on the dollar.

But the huge majority ended up around 65 cents on the dollar, and regularly, I would see diamonds where I personally, even assuming the best of the best, would not even give 50 cents on the dollar. Apparently, such diamonds were really cheap and looked very attractive. Unfortunately, I did not see it backed by value

Live long,