@OTL I LOVE the blue-green tourm in that setting! Do you mind sharing where you found the loose stone? That is a perfect color! Congrats on all the beauties!
OTL I LOVE the blue-green tourm in that setting! Do you mind sharing where you found the loose stone? That is a perfect color! Congrats on all the beauties!
@OTL I LOVE the blue-green tourm in that setting! Do you mind sharing where you found the loose stone? That is a perfect color! Congrats on all the beauties!
So now that you have so many lovely rings, do you find that you have one or two favorites that you gravitate to on a regular basis? I'd have to re-read your threads to remember all of your rings, but I imagine you have some hard but good choices to make each day?
OTL you have a fabulous collection, can't believe I missed this thread until now. I don't know which one I like best since there are too many gorgeous stones to choose from.
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