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Well he is straight to the point isn't he?Date: 2/8/2007 4:59:38 PM
Author: luvmysparklies
Well, the verbiage on his website indicates (and has indicated) that he likes very specific, well thought out projects. A person would naturally think to be as specific as possible rather than waste his or their time flip-flopping and being generally indecisive. That could drive any custom jewelry maker nuts.
But when it is emphasized 'very specific' it could be reasonably concluded that the potential client should have a very focused idea of what they want. All gypsy did was be specific, which is what was stated as being desired by Mark on his website. Then all of a sudden the 'artisan diva' comes out and now she's too specific? When I read this from his website, it comes off arrogant and condescending...There is a less crappy way to convey the point he wants to make. If I want someone to flip me the birdie, I'll cut them off in traffic! LOL!
General Information
Regarding accent stones (baguettes, trapezoids, 'fancies' in general) and small round diamonds (melle) to accompany your center diamond:
Please don't buy a suite of stones with the assumption that I'm willing to set whatever I receive from your sources.
I'll provide any necessary small stones for the work that I do. If I'm unable source the stones myself, then we'll discuss our options.
If you feel the need to have a particular vendor's small / accent diamonds used in your project, there is every chance that the vendor can help you with your mounting needs as well. You won't need my advocacy.
I would love that info myself. It''s gorgeous!Date: 2/8/2007 5:56:34 PM
Author: Pricescope
Gypsy, if you are looking for an extra bling not necessarily for a halo, this ring will be available as a line from a respectable designer company very soon, there is another one too, but this one will accommodate an asscher.
May be it''s better for you to get a ''ready'' ring, not a custom - kind of ''what you see is what you get''.
Wow, Irina!!!!! What a STUNNING mounting!Date: 2/8/2007 5:56:34 PM
Author: Pricescope
Gypsy, if you are looking for an extra bling not necessarily for a halo, this ring will be available as a line from a respectable designer company very soon, there is another one too, but this one will accommodate an asscher.
yes, ocean is VERY nice and TOTALLY open to ideas... if I were you I would wait and see how "cehra''s" ring turned out first haha - since you have some time and ocean is kinda ps newbie... Maybe you can make the next meeting if we have it online againDate: 2/8/2007 3:39:06 PM
Author: mrssalvo
I''m sorry Gypsy. I know how excited you were about your project and finding the right person to make it for you. Have faith, the right one is out there. Have you thought about Ocean, the gal Wink uses. I saw part of the presentation they did with Cehra and she and Wink both seemed to be open to, enough love all the detail Cehra put into her design ideas. anyway, better to know you''re not a match now then 1/2 way through..
no... its a sign that MM isn''t the right person for the job. I admit it - things like this just reinforce my concerns about him. It seems that once a jeweler has become super popular, it kinda goes to their head.Date: 2/8/2007 3:46:56 PM
Author: Gypsy
I really am very dissapointed...but it really is his perrogative.
I think its a sign that I really should just not do this re-set at all. I don''t think it was meant to be.
well known or not - I think it boils down to ego pure and simple.Date: 2/8/2007 4:46:41 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
I am really sorry to hear this as well, Gypsy. I agree with Deco''s first point. I think your PP would be good for an unknown custom jeweler, but since Mark Morrell is fairly much known for the highest quality work (shown in highly magnified photos), it would maybe be a little insulting to tell him some of those things. I think some ideas of what size stones and some pictures of styles you like would have been fine. In my case, as an example, I just asked him what kind of melee he used and he told me, and I said it was fine (rather than me telling him what I expected before asking him). Handmade jewelry is rarely perfect...there''s always cast jewlery for people who want something identical to a sample. But I think when you get to the level of Mark Morrell or Leon, it goes without saying that their quality is the highest, so they probably don''t need your full powerpoint. At least that is something to consider the next time.Date: 2/8/2007 4:09:13 PM
Author: decodelighted
It''s probably for the best. I can see how those phrases could be perceived as ''insulting'' to an artist known (and probably CHOSEN) for his perfectionism. Especially after a discussion where ''trust'' was presumably built -- only to be dashed by a form-letter presentation stating seemingly obvious requests: I want it ''flawless'' ... please make it ''even''???
This seems like a case of ''upper hand''. Artists like MWM get to pick & choose what they do with their time. Don''t treat them with kid gloves & your project won''t be chosen. Seem like you''re not possible to please ... why bother trying?
Ya might have to decide if you want to romance an artiste & let him do his thing .... or completely control the process with someone whose ego can take it.
Irina would you care to tell us the actual designers name - must be someone pretty competent i would say?Date: 2/8/2007 5:56:34 PM
Author: Pricescope
Gypsy, if you are looking for an extra bling not necessarily for a halo, this ring will be available as a line from a respectable designer company very soon, there is another one too, but this one will accommodate an asscher.
May be it''s better for you to get a ''ready'' ring, not a custom - kind of ''what you see is what you get''.
Sorry to hear the prob''s Gypsy - I can see where he is vcoming from as an employer of 6 bench jewellers.Date: 2/8/2007 3:42:33 PM
Author: Gypsy
I did send him an email explaining where I was coming from... but his wife replied and made it clear that it was over as far as he was concerned...
Funny thing is... the vendors I have sent this presentation to always love it because they say it makes my needs clear and my ideas concrete. Oh course... most of those have been ''build to print'' folk... and Mark is not.
These are the phrases he took offense to... mea culpa:
Regarding the diamonds used in the setting:
''And, though this may not be necessary to state, as perfectly matched and aligned as possible''
Regarding the setting itself:
If there is a question on whether or not I want ''‘exhibition quality’ or ‘saleable quality’ ... would like this setting executed as flawlessly as possible''
You might remember that the question of ‘exhibition quality’ v ‘saleable quality’ came up in the baguette halo querries... which amazed us all.
Here was his response:
'' really only have one quality to offer. I''ve built a reputation within and outside of my industry with my level of fit and finish. However, I did attempt to work with a young lady who felt she had ''microscopic vision''. She first came to me with a document that was not unlike yours in content . She found herself scrutinizing things I had never though about in my 36 years on the work bench. Unfortunately, many of her unstated prior assumptions came to light after I delivered her ring. In an effort to avoid ''Death by a thousand small cuts'', I bought my work back from her boyfriend.
When you state:
I would like this setting executed as flawlessly as possible
I have to ask - Why wouldn''t you? But I also need to ask: ''Flawless'' by who''s standard?
I enjoyed our talk yesterday very much.
In considering our earlier discussions about keeping costs under control along with today''s document wherein you feel the need to mention:
Ø''''And, though this may not be necessary to state, as perfectly matched and aligned as possible.''''
Without mincing words, the above comment reminds me too much of comments made by a handful of others over the course of my career who I should not have tried to please. When I hear a comment such as the one above, a switch is thrown in my thought process that causes me to second guess every move I make on behalf of whomever made that statement. Ultimately, I spend much more time on that project than necessary. When my work is well received, it''s very rare for my work to not be well received, I still end up on the losing end because of the excessive time spent.
I do my kind of work to a degree of fit and finish that has established me in some very good circles but at the end of the day, I''m simply a craftsman trying to do good work for those who trust me to do so. I regret that this is the time for me to thank you very much for considering me for your project but I feel it''s in my best interest to decline your request.
I wish you well moving forward.
Mark Morrell''
I think that people are confusing art with commissioned art though - if an artist wants to create whatever the heck he wants - that''s fine and dandy and they can sell it in a store or gallery - but when a piece of art is COMMISSIONED as these custom jewelry pieces are, then the wishes of the client must be respected in the execution of the piece. If they can''t do it - decline it yes... if him turning gypsy down this one time was the only thing I might blow it off, but this isn''t the only indication of ego I''ve seen. Maybe he should stick to doing his art and selling it ready made.Date: 2/8/2007 4:41:41 PM
Author: kev_800
Just some general observations....
I would think its a sign of prefessionalism and pride in his own work that he would decline a project based upon the requests of his client or whether he feels he could meet the client''s expecatations. Its pretty clear by doing a search here or on google that former clients are generally incredibly enthusiastic about the jewelry he creates...and he is an artist and when you approach an artist you should look at ALL of his creations to determine if what he creates is something that is compatible with your sense of aesthetics. The way you build trust in an artist who is commissioned to create something is to view their portfolio and determine compatibility.
Maybe thats just me....
I''m convinced that ocean is the best of both worlds - I won''t recommend her until I have a ring that I can vouch for... but I do see her as an artist and not just a bench worker... but without the artiste attitude.Date: 2/8/2007 4:45:33 PM
Author: kcoursolle
Oh Gypsy, what a bummer!! I''m probably as anal and detail oriented as you, so I can really relate to how you might feel right now. The way I see it there are two ways to get a quality ring done: 1) you can choose an artist like leon or MM and have little input and have to *trust* that the final product will turn out beautifully, or 2) chose someone more like WF who does quality work, but without the artisan nature or ego and have quite a bit of input, but you might not have the level of detail or craftsmanship as leon or mm.
Tough call...depending on the project, I might *trust* leon or MM with it, but with other designs I want a ring made to order exactly the way I specified. This was the case with my five stone band. I had a specific idea in mind and I wanted someone to execute it well rather than give artisitc input and for this the ppt presentation worked well.
I wonder if it was that she sent this to him after she told him she''d have to put it off for a bit - maybe he doesn''t like his head cluttered with too much and doesn''t want this lingering and anything that throws up a flag - red or yellow - is just like nahhhhh....Date: 2/8/2007 5:12:58 PM
Author: fatkid
I do not think it comes back to her powerpoint presentation specifically. (ie her design requirements she outlined)
its her stating the very obvious: ''I would like this setting executed as flawlessly as possible''
have you ever had someone tell you do something when you''re _just_ about to do it.. like brush your teeth, take out the garbage... a weak analogy.. the reaction might be diva''esque or childlike, but nevertheless it''s annoying when someone nags.
And that''s the beauty of freelance in any industry, you get to pick and choose your projects/client at your whim.
Heirloom quality is EXACTLY the wording that wink, ocean and I were using on the phone after the public session... and heirloom quality is what wink really prefers to work with.Date: 2/8/2007 8:34:42 PM
Author: Gypsy
I like the suggestion of Ocean... I will wait and see how Cehra''s ring turns out... especially as I need the time to regroup. Thank you Cehra.
I did contact Leon about the project before MWM and his price was much more reasonable....
I have removed that language from my presentation.
I still believe it that the powerpoint is the best way to nail it all down.
I won''t give in to DRAMA Mara.
I don''t want flawless... I want heirloom quality.. I want the quality to stand up to years of wear.
And I do not believe that MWM is a bad guy... I think he''s a little sensitive... but he might well have cause to be. And I repect the integrity of his work.
This post isn''t a slur against him... I just wanted to talk to you all and hear your thoughts. Thank you for always being honest.
ETA: Cehra, I wasn''t putting it off really, I was going to pay the development fees now, to get on his calendar... then go forward when I had the rest of the $$. I don''t think that was it. But thank you, as always, for the support.
Wow. Just wow.Date: 2/8/2007 8:16:48 PM
Author: Cehrabehra
Maybe he should stick to doing his art and selling it ready made.
Gypsy - Sorry MM is being so *artsy* about this. I''m sure he''s had his share of difficult clients, though. It just wasn''t meant to be. Something else will work out. Chin up!Date: 2/8/2007 5:56:34 PM
Author: Pricescope
Gypsy, if you are looking for an extra bling not necessarily for a halo, this ring will be available as a line from a respectable designer company very soon, there is another one too, but this one will accommodate an asscher.
May be it''s better for you to get a ''ready'' ring, not a custom - kind of ''what you see is what you get''.