
#TBT Not even off my cold, lifeless new 4.01 ACA in DK custom

And this is the golden ticket....

My wedding finger set; 4.01 I VS1 ACA in DKJ halo including .2ct 2/3pt stones, DKJ Holly wedder, and DK pave anniversary band with E/F 3 pt VS diamonds.


And I also love this rich yellow gold ! I always loved it more than white metals . I think it’s more complementary to most of the ppl skin tone . Is that 18k or 14k?
OH-MY-GOSH!!!! Ahhhhhh it's gorgeous...Tiffany's eat your heart out...soooo amazing!!
I just saw this on "Eye Candy" -- still don't know how could possibly miss this thread!! @mrs-b, this is just perfection... there are no other words.
It’s perfect @mrs-b and it looks perfect on you. It’s even make me like halos and I usually really don’t.
Yssie - I'm so glad you like it! DH was working from home today (no coincidence, I suspect?) so was able to share the joy with me.

There is no such thing as 'the best ring in the world' - but this is exactly the ring I wanted, and a wonderful example of its kind. So I am more than satisfied.

I checked out the troughs either side of the roundels first thing, and they're fine. After they go over the top, they're not as deep as they might appear, and I have no concerns with its wearability. For such a big ring (12.5mm across) it's actually very wearable and fits the size of my hands pretty well. It's very elegant and its craftsmanship is obvious.

I don't see myself ever changing this; I have no idea how I'd get something better than this little piece of perfection. What a privilege it is to wear these small pieces of art on our fingers!

Thank you for following my journey with me - your company and insight have been greatly appreciated. :wavey:
Lol, @Golden_bird! I hope the photos were worth the wait! :mrgreen: There's a possibility I might change the diamond one day, as I've always enjoyed super white stones. But this setting is sublime, so I won't be changing this!

Thank you, @Weecam! I think so, too. It's far more sparkly when you see it in person, of course; I wore it to the grocery store this afternoon and almost drove my trolley into a fruit display, I was so obsessed with staring at it!

@nala - thank you. :kiss2:
@ac117 - Yesssssss! It's HEEEEEEEEERE!

Finally! How long ago was it that I started that thread in rocky talky about being lost in the land of resetting?? @diamondseeker2006, at 5 years, has me well beat in the 'taking so long to find the perfect setting' stakes. But I DO feel as tho I've been plugging away at this foreeeeeeverrrrrrr!

Thank you for keeping me company along the ride - it was a joy to share this with you. :wavey:

@lovedogs - thank you! I have to say, I can't fault it! It's a beautiful, beautiful ring. :))

Thank you, @JDDN! I've been so indecisive about this - and I normally know my own mind pretty well. I didn't want to overshoot with detail, but I just felt it needed more than a completely plain band. It needed something to tie it all together. I *think* I hit it. As for its size - it's quite a high set ring, so that really plays up its size. It's 12.5mm across, tho, so that ain't nuthin'!
@Catmom - ha! You? Jealous? With your collection?? I doubt it! I'm glad you like it, tho. It's certainly eye catching and it had insane sparkle in Wegman's this afternoon! (what an exciting life I do lead!)

I hope one day we'll be in the same place and I can show it to you in person.

(...which will, of course, also - ahem! - give me a chance to steal your beautiful yellow diamond beauty!!)
@Golden_bird - yes, stacking is always an option I suppose. My fingers aren't long, tho, so this isn't my first option. I can see myself going down the sizing beed path, tho, altho this is a poor second to having gloriously long, slender fingers!!

All the rings in the photo are 18kt, and the color is very pretty and rich. And I totally agree with you - I think most skin types go better with yellow gold. Certainly mine does, anyway!

Thank you, @msop04. :wavey: You know I LOVE your set, tho, so hopefully this is a pretty as yours. It's hard to beat an unadorned soli - such a staple classic. But I've never had a halo, so I decided that now was my time!

I think I'll enjoy this a great deal. :))

@foxinsox - thank you! I think the reason this halo looks so good is because it's just sooooo slender! When you see it in real life, the minute-ness of the melee is quite breathtaking! It makes me wish I had nicer hands - but by the same token, at least it's on MY hand!! :mrgreen2:
I have to say, you knocked this one out of the park! I absolutely love the shank changes!! :love: That's just the kind of extra detail that I love! And the bands are fantastic with the e-ring! I am so thrilled for you, and you are making me really want to put some thought into doing mine!
Congrats on such a flawless ring! Amazing and looks great on you.
But more importantly, congrats on 34 years! We are going on year 25. Not always easy, but so worth it!
Happy anniversary mrs-b! (DH and I also celebrated 34 yrs in July)
Your ring is phenomenal, and I’m glad you followed your own vision and added the embellishments. Shows you what the rest of us know! :lol:
Wear her in good health! Cheers to another 34 years!
Happy Anniversary!!

Oh.....and I love the added details you put on the ring! When I saw the first pictures from a while ago, I could not understand how it could be made any more beautiful. Now seeing the finished product, you certainly have an eye for this that I lack. The shoulders are fabulous, as is the miligrain. What a beautiful ring you have!!!
And lastly - the hand shot. I took over 15 photos. This is the only one that was any good.


Well that one good one is plenty Good! Just stunning! You must be in heaven today
I don't see myself ever changing this; I have no idea how I'd get something better than this little piece of perfection. What a privilege it is to wear these small pieces of art on our fingers!. :wavey:
I completely agree...can't get any more perfect than that. I'd never change a thing either. I just adore the yellow gold. And the simple yet exquisite details...stunning
@goldenfire - I was able to get one other good one. I think it's on the page before this one. It gives a slightly better idea how it looks on the hand.
It is simply beautiful - and it looks fantastic on you! A smidge larger or smaller and it wouldn't be as perfect as this ring is on you. I hope you enjoy this for many, many years to come. Best wishes for a glorious anniversary!
Happy Anniversary mrs-b!! What a wonderful way to celebrate....gorgeous roses and the most stunning ring ever :love: :love: It is perfect and I love all the detailing!
Ohhh, it’s truly perfection!! The yellow gold is so rich and sets off that gorgeous stone perfectly!! Congrats!
Wow congratulations! Your ring is to die for- looks AMAZING on you :love:
In a strange twist of fate, my ring arrived at 10.01am this morning. In Australia - where my husband and I come from - it had just clicked over to September 1st. Which is our 34th wedding anniversary.

Pretty good timing!

Happy Anniversary @mrs-b :kiss2:
I’m kind of speechless.... your rings are exquisite, beautiful, timeless and elegant! I hope you enjoy wearing your amazing set of rings for a very very long time.
All of it is gorgeous. I’m in complete love. Stunning job ❤️❤️❤️❤️
New photos from this morning - worn with my yellow gold anni band, which is in the Triumvirate. (ok - that name's just a joke, but it certainly makes me laugh!)




New photos from this morning - worn with my yellow gold anni band, which is in the Triumvirate. (ok - that name's just a joke, but it certainly makes me laugh!)





I’m loving it. Impeccable!!!
I have to say, you knocked this one out of the park! I absolutely love the shank changes!! :love: That's just the kind of extra detail that I love! And the bands are fantastic with the e-ring! I am so thrilled for you, and you are making me really want to put some thought into doing mine!

Yaaaaaay! Thank you for those kind words, @diamondseeker2006, and I'm SO glad you like it! You know how it is with diamonds - they look sooooo much better in real life, and I just can't do this one justice. Suffice to say tho - it's stunning from every angle on my finger. I'm currently wearing it with my slender anni band (made with 3.5 pt stones) and they look so complementary! I'm very happy.

So. Moving on. Your AVR.....? i think part of your difficulty with this particular stone at this point is that you've thought about it SO much, you've probably put yourself under all sorts of pressure to make this one 'perfect'. That's a tough gig to play. But I know you and Caysie will come out with something spectacular, and I'll celebrate with you when it's done. :kiss2:
@MissGotRocks - I'm glad you like the proportions! I was aware I didn't want to go to a size that looked ridiculous on my finger; even with a size 8 digit, you can still go too big, in my opinion. And a halo, of course, jacks up the size substantially. But I'm really happy with where I landed and I cannot fault this setting.

Thank you so much, @kmarla! I love the details, too! And I've prepared for this - in that I have my stackers already made! :mrgreen:

Thank you, @yennyfire :wavey: I love yellow gold. I absolutely love it! It has a deliciousness to it that makes my mouth water! And it looks FAR better on my skin tone than platinum. I wonder if rose gold would look as good.... Now there's food for thought for a later anniversary!!
@jamtengee - thank you for your kind words. I really wish I had nicer hands with long slender fingers! But my days of being 25 are long gone, so now I just have to make sure that my rings are so spectacular that nobody notices my hands!! :))

Thank you, @Sparkles88! I think 'timeless' or 'classic' are my favorite compliments. Anything that implies that they'll still be as beautiful in 50 years as they are now. Which is an interesting thought... I wonder what paths this ring will take after I'm long gone? We track all sorts of animals in the wild - tracking the life of a diamond would be fascinating!

@LoveWins - thanks! I'm pretty much in love with it myself! :))
Wow this is absolutely beautiful @mrs-b I love love love it, looks stunning on your hand and the set together :love:. I love your beautiful diamond, how delicate the melee are, the yellow gold, the holly design. Really is a knock out in every possible way, many congratulations.
Congratulations on your anniversary and your ring! You must have literal hearts coming out of your eyes.

I wasn't so sure about the shoulders on DK's pictures to you, but your pictures show that they're a beautiful touch! Really helps add that little bit of extra something... Not sure what? A sort of bridge between the gap of something flat out modern and something a touch vintage, a touch... artistic in a way even the beautifully crafted halo and prongs etc don't quite manage. I think it ties in really nicely with the Holly motif on the shank.

I also am really liking the finish on the metal. What is that? Satin? I've never seen that quality before... It's really nice!

Now, I know that the pictures so far have in part been a few of many you've taken to find the perfect pictures to show us (we appreciate your dedication!), but I don't suppose there's any way that you might consider including a video for us to lust over, too? :love::lickout::love:
Congratulations again! That halo, that shank, that basket, so etheral. :love: I'm 2nd guessing my CADS now. LOL The halo is perfection & the style suits you so well. Congratulations on your anniversary. =)2