
Now I really did it :((

Hi NIRDIs! :wavey:

Junebug, how exciting your ring was delivered. I am so anxious to see it. Probably not as much as you are though! I think I would adjust to retirement and find ways to keep myself busy. Whether they are good for me or cost me money; that remains to be seen. Marty asked me one time what I would do if I retired. I honestly had no answer for him and he was kind of stunned by that. I told him the next day if he approached it as if you weren’t working I could answer that question. I guess I just don’t think about retiring even though it’s something I should be thinking about. I love your dream. Yes, I think it’s bad we are all dreaming about jewelry. Too much bling on the brain. I am glad to hear you love Snoopy. I’ve been a Snoopy fan my entire life. We have some of Tom Everhart’s art and even got to meet him.

Missy, I was thrilled to find the Snoopy tree skirt. I’ve looked for one for over 10 years. Our original tree skirt was something my mom made for us and we had live trees then so it ended up being completely destroyed from tree sap. I did all the cooking until we moved in to this house and now Marty cooks as much as I do. He won’t make breakfast for us or bake sweets. That ring is pretty. Maybe I’ll check my mega millions ticket - who knows I might be able to buy that ring after all. Yes, I think we all need bling. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Congratulations for hitting 4200 K on your bikes. Wow!!! Great picture of Greg. I hope all goes well with Ann’s plan for the soda gang. You are giving them the best chance they can have for a better life.

Poker night a M&M land tonight. It was loosely posted on Facebook so who knows how many people will show up.

I spent about 90 minutes last night and over an hour this morning doing some updates for work. I am very frustrated with my person on call. She never saw my texts last night or this morning and didn’t answer me when I called her. I tried again about 10 minutes ago and she’s like “huh?”. How can you be on call if you don’t hear phone calls or text messages? This is easily the 4th time she’s done that in the past year. Sigh. My new boss is a “write her up” person too.

So our old house prevented too many “chefs” in the kitchen at once. We had tiny countertop space, butt to butt room and it was definitely a one cook kitchen. Our kitchen now doesn’t have that problem but 2 opposing views with egos probably shouldn’t cook together no matter what the size. We were making rolls for the family dinner in a few weeks and Marty took over the stand mixer. Anal Marcy is freaking out with visions of 9 cups of flour blowing all over the place. Conflict #1: he removed my dough hook and mixed the first batch of stuff with the regular hook. He mixed the yeast, 4 c flour, eggs and the milk / sugar / butter / salt mixture on medium speed. My roll recipe says you use the dough hook on low or 2. So then he changes hooks (getting runny dough all over the countertop) and starts the mixer on low and is pouring in flour while the mixer is going. Conflict #2: don’t pour flour in while the mixer is going and you put most of the flour in at once rather than 1/2 c at a time. So then he follows my directions and when I tell him to use a towel to keep flour from flying along comes Conflict #3 he puts the towel over the back of the mixer and leaves the front wide open. After my third freakout Marty went to the man cave. Oops. Too be fair every recipe I found after that said to do exactly what he was doing. I had to tell him he was right, I was wrong I’m sorry. But love concurs all (or is that familiarity of putting up with each other’s crap?). We have our rolls done now and they taste great. No one will know the behind the scene drama it took to get them baked and ready to eat.

It’s snowing by the way. There is a surprise!

Missy, It will all work out with the ferals. It will feel so good to know they have been fixed and vaccinated. You are giving the best possible life Missy. My husband looked at me like I a had three heads when I told him I need to know if cats are as smart as raccoons. I'm still liking the idea of the traveling ring. Too bad the husband didn't see it ths same way. I believe he said something like how many rings do you need?

I can't believe the warm weather we are having. It was 58 here today. I had to laugh when you said you had a personal best for riding this year. Remember not too long ago said you were worried you wouldn't be able to do half those miles in a year. You made it!!! What a difference a year makes!

Marcy, Your dinner sounded delicious. I love your Christmas tree! Is Marty home for the rest of the year now? Will you sisters be visiting for the holidays this year? I'm sorry you are getting snow. It so warm here now it doesn't even feel like Christmas is in a few weeks. I think you should make the margaritas. After a couple of them I bet the snow won't bother you as much.

Junie, I hope you are having a wonderful time and your husband and that he did well in the race. What is the weather like in South Carolina today? I can't wait to hear how you feel about your new ring. It would be driving me crazy that it is waiting for you at home.
Do you have all your Christmas plans made?

Kristie, What did you do today? How are Finn and Maggie. I ventured out to do some Christmas shopping but it was so crowed and parking was awful. How is Finn feeling today. Did the clinic agree to call you if they were running late for Finn's appointments next week. Are you enjoying seeing Groovy on your finger?

LLJsmom, I hope you dad is beginning to feel better. Are you finished shopping for your son and daughter?
Callie, Marty may go to DC one more time but we aren't sure yet. Weird our husbands don't like the idea of a traveling ring. No we can never have enough rings or earrings. Do you have your Christmas shopping done yet?

Here is a picture of our dinner rolls. A few of the tops didn't stick so they have handles. The house smells great though.

Dinner rolls and a margarita sounds like a perfect dinner to me Marcy. I can smell those rolls from here. Would you like me to bring some butter? Notice how I just invited myself over.
Jimmianne|1447581068|3949872 said:
Andelain|1447580601|3949870 said:
Hey Jimmianne, I finally got your old ACA mounted. :clap: :clap: :clap:
So...where are the photos??? :naughty:
wear in good health! and tell her I said hello. She's a beauty.



:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Calliecake, come on over! I'll make the margaritas.

Andelain, your ring looks fabulous. :wavey:
Hi there everyone!

Missy, I understand how you're feeling about the ferals, omg this is so difficult…just keep telling yourself over and over that this is the best thing for them and the right thing to do. The end result is they will be much healthier and stronger and that will make their lives so much better. It is so wonderful of you to do so much for these kitties and to care about them so much. Big, big hugs to you - I will be hoping and praying this all goes as smoothly as possible right along with you.

Greg looks great! Congrats on hitting 4200 miles, that is awesome! Wow, sounds like the cause of the rash was definitely the vest. I'm glad you were able to figure that out.

Oh my gosh marcy, that must have been some scene in the kitchen! Isn't it funny how simple things can create such drama between two people? My husband and I usually end up bickering whenever we try to do something together. And the worst is having to admit the other one was right! And he wants to retire and spend all day with me? :lol: It all seems so silly when you look back on it, but at the time it seems like such a big deal! I'm glad you and Marty worked it out, and the rolls look soooo delicious!

I don't blame you for being annoyed with the on-call person. Not paying attention to your calls defeats the whole purpose of being on-call :roll:

Callie, this warm weather really is amazing. The weather was lovely this weekend in South Carolina too, upper 70's and sunny. We went for a bike ride on the beach and saw dolphins in the ocean, so relaxing. My husband ended up doing well in the half-marathon, he finished in 2 hours 10 minutes and seemed pretty happy with that. It was a good experience but he doesn't seem too anxious to do another one any time soon lol!

Good for you for braving the crowds and doing some shopping, I have to start getting organized and figure out what I'm getting people. I don't even have that many people to buy for but I feel very disorganized and confused as to what to get.

Kristie, I've been thinking about Finn - how is he doing? Did you get your ruby band yet?

LLJsmom, I thinking of you and your father and hoping he's feeling ok.

Andelain, that ring is gorgeous!!! :love:

My daughter ended up taking a few pictures of the ring for me (she made a video too) and the good news is the diamond looks very pretty and the bad news is it's the wrong setting! ;( I guess it's my fault - I ordered the 2 mm comfort fit and I just assumed it came with v tip prongs, since that's what was pictured on the website. but I guess I was supposed to specify what kind of prongs I wanted because the ring has pointed prongs. In my defense the woman I spoke to when I ordered didn't mention anything about prongs. But I really should have been more specific. Ugh. I "chatted" with someone on the website and she said they can redo the ring and will send me a shipping label and instructions to mail the ring back. Here are the pics

And here's the link to the v prongs - you have to click on "round" at the bottom of the pic and then click marquise from the menu

I don't know, which do you guys like better? I can't wear the ring until Christmas anyway, so it's not a big deal but just a pain.

Take care and have a good night!



Junebug, your ring is really pretty. The diamond looks great! I don't mind the prongs on your ring right now but the V prongs might protect the point better. I have a V prong on the point of my heart diamond ring and like it. Yes looking back our kitchen disagreement was kind of silly but some of the things he does in the kitchen do make me pause. He was going to cook corn on the cob for us once and used the largest skillet we had with sides maybe 3 to 3.5 inches. He had water almost to the top. Of course a short pan filled to the top is going to slop everywhere. I didn't say anything but I sure wondered about his choice. I guess it seemed logical to him.

Good morning girls!

Junie, congratulations on Mr Junebug's successful and speedy marathon run yesterday! Woohoo! :appl:

I love your marquise but I agree I prefer the V shaped prongs. Get what you want and send it back and get the exact ring you envisioned. I hope they will cover shipping both ways because the salesperson should have asked you to specify the prongs being there was a choice that you were not aware of and you wanted the pictured ring. That is the job of the salesperson right? To make sure they get the order right. Otherwise you could have ordered it online without any help at all. I am sure they will do the right thing. Anyway the ring looks beautiful. Nice size!

Thank you for sharing the photo and I think the ring will look gorgeous on your hand, I really do! It looks great on your dc's hand. Haha are you sure she will give it back?

Marcy, Oh my, I cannot believe you are dealing again with snow when it is 64 degrees here this weekend. OMG.

Please come over to our house and we will make sure you are warm and content. We have lots and lots of food. Plus I am hoping next weekend we can do some baking.

I feel your kitchen conflict though perhaps our roles are switched. Greg is a very stern head chef (not saying you are but my dh is!) and wants things done exactly his way in the kitchen. When we were dating for the first few months truth be told I was scared of him in the kitchen. He gets very drill sergeant like and I remember commiserating with some of his friends who advised me just to stay out of his way when he is in the kitchen hahaha. Now though he is a little bit better but mainly because I had to work on him but I am still staying out of the kitchen when it gets all intense like that. Your dinner rolls look scrumptious! I so love when the house smells delicious from baking and those dinner rolls look so good Marcy I am tasting them right now in my imagination. I'll be right over and bring the Evan Williams and Grey Goose OK?

How was poker night and what is M&M land? If it has anything to do with M&Ms put me down for the peanut m&ms please! I love those. Mmmmm chocolate and peanuts a delicious combo. :lickout:

And that on call person at work is ridiculous. If she was a doctor on call would she have just let her patient die? I mean if you are on call you have to be aware of all communication. Greg is always on call and (just like everyone here) is always alert to any office needs/calls/emails etc. I cannot imagine doing our job the way your colleague did hers Marcy. I am sorry you keep having incompetent and less than conscientious coworkers to deal with and manage.

Callie, no luck with the ferals TNR. Ann was here for a few hours yesterday and she said the neighbors made too much noise because there was a cat (I think it was Sprite from her description) sniffing around the trap but then Al was talking loudly outside. Sigh. IDK how she is going to trap our 5 cats and then someone down the block is feeding a whole different group (orange and calico) ferals that she is also trying to TNR. OMG.

Girls, please just keep thinking good thoughts and sending all the ferals lots of good luck dust for successful trapping, neutering and release. Above all I don't want to do any harm. Thank you all for all the support and comfort you always share!

Callie, I am glad you are having mild weather too. We are really enjoying it and had a nice bike ride yesterday as well though we didn't go as far. And as you already know I bought 4 new dresses yesterday afternoon while we were trying to stay out of Ann's way as she was staked out in our driveway. Killing time has its advantages. See what we are doing for the economy lol. I cannot wait to see your new coat. I think you got a great deal and it is beautiful too! Let me know how warm you think it is when it arrives OK?

LLJsmom, love all the bling links and pics. I was drooling going through all of them.
Thank you!

Continuing to send healing vibes and bucket loads of ***DUST*** your father's way. (((HUGS))).

Kristie, don't you owe us some pictures? :cheeky: Pretty please.


Andelain, your ACA diamond ring is just beautiful. :love: Thank you for sharing it.

We are going on a bike ride and then heading back to Brooklyn this afternoon instead of tomorrow AM because Greg has a doctor's appointment at 7:30 AM tomorrow morning. So early and I am going with him. Already sleepy thinking of waking up even earlier than usual because it is about an hour away. As long as everything is OK with his health I don't care how early we have to wake up. Fingers crossed everything is good. ::)

Have a good Sunday girls!
Missy, I hope all goes with with Greg's doctor appointment tomorrow. I'm so glad you are getting bike rides in. It's going to be 62 here today and it sounds like you are having the same weather. Hopefully they will be able to trap the kitties quickly. Do you know the other person who is feeding the kitties?

Junie, I love your new ring. It looks beautiful on your daughter. I think the mix up with the prongs is the jewelers fault as well. I would think the default prongs if someone didn't specify what they wanted, would be the prongs they show in the photograph. I'm sorry you have to go thru the hassle of sending the ring back but would get the v prongs if they protect the diamond better. The people I thought shopping would be the easiest for have been the hardest this year. I ran out to get my SIL gifts thinking it would take less than an hour. I'm just not finding things I know they will love this year. It's been a particularly hard year for one of my SIL's this year so i want to get her something special. I'm going to go to Tiffany's. She loves sterling silver jewelry so hopfully I will find something special for her there.

LLJsmom, Thank you so much for the pictures and videos last night. They were a fun little treat. The pink stone is so beautiful.

Marcy, I forget to tell you that it would probably be wise to right this person up. If the time comes where you chose to let this person go the documentation will do a world of good, especially if they file a lawsuit. I can imagine how frustrating this person must be for you especially if it happens repeatedly.

Your story about Marty and the rolls is so funny. I think maybe a margarita was needed. Reservations seem to work best in our house. The only argument is where we are going for dinner.

Kristie, Where are you? Please quit staring at Groovy and talk to us. I hope you are having a great weekend and all is going well with Finn and Maggie.
Hi everyone!

Missy, I'm sorry the TNR didn't go too smoothly today (thanks to loudmouth Al) but I really think it's going to work out, it might just take a little time. Hang in there, it's great that you have Ann to help with this. Hugs to you, you and the kitties are always in my thoughts.

Missy and marcy, thanks for the comments on the setting - I can't wait to see the stone in person, it's showing a tint in the pics but I'm wondering if the lighting is contributing to that. I didn't see a tint in the video. I'm not super color sensitive but we'll see. I love that it doesn't seem to have a bow tie and it looks like a nice sized stone. My daughter says it's very sparkly. Missy, I agree with you on the salesperson clarifying about the prongs. If they offer both, you'd think she would ask which ones I wanted - but I'm so annoyed with myself as well for just assuming. Marcy, my daughter made the same point as you about the v prongs protecting the stone a little better. As I said, I can't wear it now anyway so I might as well send it back and get what I really want. Thanks for your input!

Missy, will be thinking of Greg tomorrow and hoping for a smooth and uneventful doctor's visit!

Hope everyone is having a good Sunday!

Missy, I am pretty bad at doing things my way in the kitchen. Marty really started cooking once we moved in to our new house and sometimes I have to bite my tongue. I need to just stay out of his way, huh? Come on over and have some rolls. Marty will be happy to see Grey Goose. I guarantee he has some more of that in the man cave. Poker night went well. Only 5 of them were playing but they laughed a lot and didn’t go home until well after midnight so they had a great time. I was in bed long before they left. I agree peanut M&Ms are tasty. I know exactly what you mean about the responsibility of being on call. I am on call 24x7 and the only time my phone isn’t on or near me is when I’m in the shower. I always check it when I get out of the shower. I hope Ann manages to wrangle and help all the feral cats. Quite an undertaking. PS Dust coming Greg’s way for his appointment tomorrow.

Callie, you and Missy need to enjoy the warmer weather for me. At least the sun came out today. Another snow storm is moving in tomorrow evening. I hate those years when it’s difficult to find something perfect for Christmas gifts. My family used to exchange gifts with everyone and that was quite a chore to find something special for everyone. Once my mom reached the point it was too much for her we quit exchanging gifts. I kind of pushed it on everyone but it made the day easier and less expensive for everyone. This year we are going to do a white elephant exchange so that should be fun. That is nice of you to try and find your SIL something special at Tiffany’s. I am going to check my notes and see how many times that lady has not answered a call or text in the past year and probably write her up. We fired someone 5 years ago now and she filed a lawsuit. It was very stressful but the company won. I had quite a bit of documentation but decided you can never document enough. My sister and BIL were here today and I was telling my sister how I felt bad getting after how Marty was mixing up the rolls and Marty came upstairs. She we were all chuckling about it. The rolls actually taste better than the batch we made a few weeks ago.

Junebug, I don’t think your diamond is going to show a tint. The picture of the ring on your DD’s finger is very white; the other 2 photos lean yellow but it’s the entire photo not just the diamond. It looks like lighting to me. All of our ceiling lights lean yellow and I hate how they make my photos look yellow. I spent over 20 years of my life as a photo printer and inspector and I am very picky about making use photos look right. I am glad you are thinking about returning it to have them change out the prongs. I think the diamond looks really pretty.

We had a nice day. My sister and BIL got here about 10:30. We ordered in pizza for lunch and had some of our mini cheesecakes for dessert.

I spent some time setting up more things on my iPhone. I hit reset all settings yesterday and keep finding things I have to set up. Hopefully it’s all in working order now. My first comment is “I need a new one. It’s broke”. My tech guy husband always starts with “What did you do” which is a good way to put me on the defensive. I didn’t rise to the bait today though after not sharing my mixer well yesterday.

Do I really have to go back to work tomorrow?

Have a great Monday!
Good morning girls! Not much time this morning as we are leaving soon but just wanted to pop in and say hello and also find out how everyone is doing today.

Junie, Hope your trip back home was a good one. Please let us know your thoughts and when you have time a pic on your hand before you send the ring back if possible? If not though we will be patient and wait for its return. Hope you have a good Monday and look forward to hearing more of your thoughts re the diamond and the setting when you see it in person.

Marcy, I will enjoy the mild weather while it lasts for you too. It is turning cooler very soon starting today. My only thought right now about the weather is for the kitties. I am happy with the amount of bike riding we got in this year and content if we are done with cycling till 2016. Now I just want mild dry weather for the kitties. It is going to rain this week unfortunately. Hope the snow has stopped by you!

Haha I think you know how I feel about our dhs speaking to us in that tone of voice when it comes to certain things. LOL. Easy to laugh after the fact but not so funny when it is happening!

Marcy should we do that latest apple update I think it is something like iOS 9.2. I keep hitting later because I am afraid to do the update and I wonder if I should just do it. Every day it has been bothering me about that darn update-both the iPad and iPhone.

Callie, how did the rest of your shopping go? Are you done yet? What did you guys do yesterday? When is your weather changing? It is getting cooler and wetter here today and tomorrow and supposed to be in the 30's/40's this coming weekend. I guess winter is coming. :wink2:

Ann had no luck yesterday either. Ugh. IDK how it will be possible to trap even one let alone all 5 of my ferals and the other person's ferals also! Callie, I don't know the person who is taking care of a different bunch of ferals in the neighborhood all I know is it is an overwhelming problem caused by stupid careless and ignorant people who don't give a darn about anyone but themselves. End of rant. ;(

On that note I am off to go to the doctor's with Greg. Love you girls and have a good morning. As the terminator said "I will be back". Hopefully LOL. Leaving you with my perhaps last pic of 2015 cycling.

Junie, love your new diamond!!! :love: :appl: lol, think you can get it back from your DD????
Andelain, that is a beauty! And I love a good FIRE shot, thank you!!!!
Nice pic of Greg, Missy!!! How crazy is your weather????? :appl: :lol:

I'm sorry about the TNR situation. The Soda Gang, damn they're smart!!!! :tongue:

Missy, I hope you do have a mild winter to help out the kitties. We had sun today here but a storm is moving in tonight. Yes, we always do the updates when they are available on our phones or iPads. I hope Greg’s appointment went well today. Great picture of Greg.

Kristie, enjoy that warm weather for me.

Junebug, when do you get to see your ring? I am anxious to hear what you think.

Busy day at work again. Marty found out his company has use or loose leave by the end of the year so he officially is on vacation sometime next week to use up his remaining days. I guess you can arrange to sell them back but he had to do that some time ago.

I’ll be jealous when he’s goofing off and I’m working. My poor bears will be more terrorized than they are now.

Marty made stir fry for supper with tenderloin tips. It was tasty.

Marty wants to go to Denver this weekend. I told him if we go look at sapphires it is going to cost him money. Of course if we go look at watches it is going to cost us money.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.

Good morning girls!

All is well with Greg thank you so much for thinking good thoughts for him! :appl: What a huge relief.

Unfortunately Ann emailed me yesterday afternoon and is calling off the TNR for now due to rainy weather. It's a disappointment though also a little bit of a relief because I hated starving them. And as soon as she put the food back and left all 3 of them Sprite, Squirt and Sammy (probably their mother) were inside the cage eating. LOL. As Kristie said the Soda gang are survivors and not stupid. I still have no clue how Ann hopes to trap all of them. Once one is trapped I fear they will never come back. Girls that would be such a tragedy. If in trying to help I made it worse for them and therein lies my mental struggle. OK let's see what steps Ann wants to take next and when.

Greg left at 5AM this morning to go to the beach house to take care of some of the basement stuff and miscellaneous things. He is working so hard for his woodworking space to be a success and I really hope it all works out for him.

Marcy, yay for extra vacation time for Marty and perhaps you need to take a few days too? If not have Marty complete his honey do list (mine is quite long hehe) so at least he can be productive while you are working. I hope you go to Denver this weekend and get to gaze at some beautiful sapphires. :love: Remind me what watches Marty likes? Greg is into watches too and has quite the collection. My mom says Greg and I are a good match hehe. Except I think he is much more stylish than I am.

Kristie, good morning to you and your Westie crew. How is Finn doing today and how is Ms Maggie dealing with her disappointment re not getting to roughhouse with Sir Finn yesterday? Good luck with the treatments today. Sending you lots of doggie dust for a great visit!

You still owe us pics. Don't think we have forgotten. 8)

Junie, speaking of pics what is going on with your ring. Hope you had a good trip back and that you are in love with your new ring regardless of the setting. It is a really lovely marquise diamond. Eye catching. :love:

Callie, mmmm hash browns and pancakes. A carb lovers (that's me!) dream. :lickout: Your darling grandniece is so sweet. :halo: She is more delicious than that dinner for sure. I am glad you enjoyed a wonderful visit with her yesterday and also so happy she is doing well. :dance:

Have a good day girls and talk to you later. :wavey:

Leaving you with the security picture from last night right after Ann put back the food and left. Sammy is on the left, Sprite is in the middle and Squirt is directly on his right. Right against Sprite eating from the same feeder. They are precious. I just want to keep them safe and also from multiplying. Too many ferals. Fingers crossed girls that somehow this all works out.

Girls, just a reminder to post your stories here for a chance to win the PS holiday giveaway. Good luck NIRDIs!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:


And adding a big joyous HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our dearest Jimmianne!!!! Joyeux anniversaire dear sweet Jimmianne. We hope you are enjoying a most marvelous french holiday and having a wonderful birthday! Miss you and love you.

Hi all!

PS decided to stop loading and I lost an entire post! :wall: So this will be the short version lol.

Missy, I'm sorry the TNR is stalled for now, although I get that you're relieved you can feed the kitties. I'm continuing to hope and pray Ann can pull this off. These kitties really are too smart. I know I sound like a broken record at this point, but you are doing all you can so please try not to be hard on yourself. Big hugs and try to hang in.

Love the pic of Greg! I'm so glad you were able to get some extra cycling because of this mild weather. I hope it keeps up for the kitties' sake. Greg must be getting excited about the basement project, I really hope it all goes smoothly.

Your post in the PS giveaway was really touching. LOVE the pics of your parents, they are an amazing looking couple. Now I know where your beauty comes from! It's so wonderful to see them so in love after all these years, it's very special.

Marcy, glad to hear you had a nice and relaxing visit with your sister. Going to Denver to look at sapphires sounds like a great idea to me! I guess we have no choice but to let Marty look at watches too lol. Yes, there are times I can't even look at what my dh is doing in the kitchen. Sometimes I can't hold my tongue and he'll tell me I'm bossy, can you imagine? ha. Then I'll tell him he's the bossy one and it goes downhill from there. Sorry to hear a storm is headed your way. Do you think you might be able to take off a day or two while Marty is on vacation?

Your post in the PS giveaway really moved me Marcy, (((hugs))).

Here are a few pics I took yesterday before I headed out to my mothers - I have to be honest (and I know some people will probably think "I told you so" :oops: ) that my first thought was that the stone looked a little smaller than I thought it would. I thought that at 9x5 it would have a little more presence. It looks bigger in pics lol. I wore it for a while yesterday It's really pretty and I love the shape. Of course, JA already sent me a return label for a repair so if I want to return it I guess I have to call them again. Ugh.




Junie, I think the ring looks gorgeous on your hand! :love: :love: :love: I am not just saying that either. I think you know me by now. If I didn't love it I would say so. Really gorgeous on you! Classic and elegant. Everything you embody. Now you just have to decide about the setting. In the pictures it looks pretty but I still think the V set prongs would be even prettier (and more secure).

And thank you so much for those lovely comments about my parents. I love them so much and owe them everything and funnily enough I never tell them that. Maybe it is time right? Why is it so easy to say to tell others how I feel about them and not let them know? :think:

Marcy, what you wrote in the giveaway was lovely and poignant. (((Hugs))).

Love your new ring Junie!!!!! :love:

Missy, I am delighted to hear Greg got a good report card at the doctor. Greg is anxious for his woodworking space; he will absolutely love it and be so happy to have his own workshop. I hate to hear Ann stopped trying to catch the soda gang because of the rain. Marty’s favorite brand of watch seems to be Bell and Ross. He has a Panerai and I can’t remember what other brands. What brands does Greg like? The kitty feeder is so fabulous. I loved your story of your sentimental piece of jewelry. I enjoyed seeing pictures of your parents. They are a great looking couple. Thank you for the comment about my story in the giveaway contest. Definitely tell your parents how much they mean to you while you have the chance. I’ll be anxious to hear what you think of your earrings.

Happy Birthday Jimmianne! I hope you are having a fabulous time in France.

Junebug, I really like your ring. It looks great on your hand and the diamond looks very nice. Sometimes it’s best to just set the table and walk away from the kitchen, huh? If we go to Denver and find that Omega Apollo 13 Snoopy watch we are buying that baby. That would put a major crimp in my sapphire budget but Snoopy is Snoopy. Thanks for the comment about my story in the contest. I didn’t want to give anymore info than necessary but I think I conveyed why my rings are important to me.

I left for work and turned around at the corner and came home. I told Marty to get his shoes on and take me to work. The drifts are really bad around town and the roads are really icy. I think we had about 8” of snow but since it’s drifted so bad it is hard to say for sure.

I may be “sick” tomorrow. Ha!

I guess we are having a Star Wars marathon here Sunday. People can watch all the movies then make the 10:05 showing of the new movie that night. I told Marty I’d catch the movie with him later because I don’t want to be out that late on a work night.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.


Missy, thanks! I like the elegant feel of it too - and yeah, the prongs actually look really nice. I will go with the v tip prongs though if I decide to keep the ring. I'm going to wear it tomorrow for a while and see how I feel at the end of the day.

I cannot wait for you to see your new earrings! I'm so excited for you, I think they're going to be gorgeous and I hope you love them!

Forgot to mention in my previous post that I'm really glad Greg's doctor visit went well! Yay :clap:

Marcy, the weather conditions sound terrible! Ugh, I hate ice, and I can see you might not feel very well tomorrow hehe! That would be great if you could find the Snoopy watch, now that would make for a special Christimas. I don't blame you for not wanting to be out late on a work night, you pay for it the next day and it's just not worth it.

I'm glad you like the ring, I'm wearing it right now lol - and oh my gosh your ring is beautiful!! :love: How cool to have a heart-shaped diamond, it's a perfect heart shape and I love the sapphires with it. Thanks for posting the pic, it gives me a good idea of what the v tips will look like.

Thinking of our Jimmianne and hoping she had a magical birthday with her dd in France.

Kristie, thanks for the nice words on the ring - Believe it or not, my dd isn't really into bling! She's more of a shoes and purses kind of gal.

Take care all, and see you soon!

June, love the marquise, esp with the eternity. It is gorgeous. I think you'll really love wearing it. As for your DD, give her time. I didn't develop my diamond love until I was 40. And then it hit hard. Just sayin'...

Missy, glad Greg is OK! Phew... :)

Marcy, I want your food. Ok, there I said it.

Kristie, I haven't asked about Finn and Maggie. How are they doing?

Everyone else, I can't remember most of the posts I flew through. Will be back...
Good morning girls. I need extra coffee this AM. Somehow I managed to stay up for hours after I headed to bed because I got involved with RHOBH. LOL I watched 2 and a half episodes while Greg was soundly sleeping next to me.

Those women make drama like no other except maybe RHOA which I still have not watched but for bits and pieces. I need to start watching that because I have a feeling that is going to be one entertaining show. Though my sleep might suffer. There is not enough coffee today to wake me up this AM.



Marcy, I hope it has calmed down for you weather wise and I am glad you had Marty take you in yesterday. No sense chancing it. What we need to get you is a reindeer driven sleigh for ease of transport over the ice and through the snow.


Love that sapphire heart ring. :love: It looks bigger than its size and it is gorgeous.

Greg loves Omega watches and also Panerai, Rolex and Breitling. Those are the ones that come to mind right now. He has a nice collection and more watches than I have rings lol. It sounds like Marty has a nice collection too. Greg has not bought any watches since the shed and garage progress have been in motion though. Smart man.

Your Sunday event Star Wars marathon sounds like fun and I think it is a wise decision not to go to that super late showing on a work (or as I still call it a school) night.

See, if we lived closer to each other and you were taking a "sick" day today you could be the one to get my delivery for me this morning! :bigsmile:

Junie, I hope you keep the ring because I think it is beautiful and looks great on your hand but I understand being unsure. HA I live that re bling these days as you girls know. I am a bit nervous about today but will keep you all posted and as soon as I can let you know what I think.

How is your mom doing? How did she fare while you were away? Did your brother look after her? Are you staying in NJ for the holidays or going to the beach house. I am sorry I don't remember if you said. Did all the furniture you order arrive to the beach house by now? Sorry for all the questions but I keep forgetting to ask and I hope you are well settled there but I know it takes time especially when you are long distance. LOL when we first bought this current beach house I went a little bit crazy and furnished the whole house within a few weeks. Yeah I don't do delayed gratification very well and I have been known to make some impulsive purchases. But for the most part (except for some bling $$$ purchases) I haven't made too many mistakes.

I'm with LLJsmom re the bling. I was not really into bling (except for my mom's black opal) till my mid 30s. Swear to g-d. Now look at me so there's hope (haha not sure that's the right word) for your DD yet. :devil: :halo:

LLJsmom, thank you for sharing the good news. More continued good thoughts and hugs being sent your and your father's way. Love that 5 stone and yes to the beautiful and classic plat band with your ER. It's a winning combo IMO.

Kristie, woohoo cannot wait for you to pick up your new ruby band today.

Sunstorm, all I can say is

OK girls, it's a workday for me and today of all days I am especially looking forward to getting back and getting you know what. I am not sure if I will love them or not but sometimes you just have to see it in person yanno? Will keep you all posted.

Have a great day and be safe and enjoy. And girls, please keep us posted re all your bling decisions!

Speaking of watches...I just found these pics. The first pic is of my 2 favorite main watches. The last pic are gifts from my mom and MIL. However I haven't worn any watch since my accident. I go through cycles where I always wear a watch to where I just don't want to wear anything on my wrist. Greg bought me the Cartier tank in Milan during our honeymoon.

I also have a ridiculous amount of casual watches i.e. Swatches etc. that I haven't worn for decades. One day I will go through everything I have and get organized.



Junebug, I am with you about ice. I hate it too. I would be delighted to get Marty that Snoopy watch but it is a limited edition and the place he usually shops in Denver doesn’t have one. Hopefully showing up there in person will encourage them to be more diligent at finding him one. Thank you for the kind words about my heart diamond ring. It’s one of my favorite rings. I bought it as a solitaire for a RHR then decided to buy an anniversary band and wear it as my wedding rings which lasted for about 3 months – until I saw my first ASG0 diamond and bought it for my ering. So I decided to try a ring guard with the heart solitaire ring to wear as a RHR. I just didn’t like the ring guard that well and finally found the sapphire semi-mount and have been happy with the ring every since.

LLJsmom, we do eat well around M&MLand. I definitely should eat less of it. Your rings are beautiful. I want a 5 stone ring but my list is long and varied.

Missy, sorry you didn’t sleep well yesterday. It is nice to have a chauffeur. The truck is warm when Marty picks me up. He brought a Killer Rabbit with us; he said the rabbit wanted to make sure I actually work because he didn’t see any evidence of it. The brat! Thanks for the comments on my ring. The diamond is ½ carat and I’ve thought of upgrading it but I think a larger size wouldn’t work as well with the ring and it’s big enough that I don’t think it’s small on my hand. I’d definitely stay in and wait for your delivery. I can’t promise I wouldn’t try on your earrings when they showed up though. Your watches are fabulous.

After looking out the window this morning and then opening the garage door I quickly decided either Marty was taking me to work or I was staying home. When Marty got back from the gym he said the same thing. So Marty took me to work. The drifts in our neighborhood were awful. Our cleaning lady was coming today and she’s pregnant so I told her to come another day since it was so bad out here. I don’t think she appreciated it but I don’t want her falling or getting stuck to clean our house.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.

MISSY, love the watch pics!! REally. And your ring is so gorgeous!

Marcy, really nice of you to tell your cleaning lady not to come. It is dangerous out there.

June, your marquise is very lovely. I especially love the gold band. Maybe you will wear it a lot.

Kristie, can't wait to see your bands, I mean more pics.

Callie, Love your ring. It's beautiful on you.

OK, bye for now!
Good morning girls!

Marcy, be careful and yes continue having Marty take you to and from work. I hate icy roads (says the klutzy NIRDI brunette).
1899459x1360o1ky8.gif Hope your snow stops and the weather becomes warm enough to melt it all away.

Glad you are postponing your cleaning lady. No sense risking her safety. The house just gets dirty again anyway. :D

How is your task learning going? Any work party planned? This evening is our work party but I do not plan on staying. Not even for a little bit. Supposed to be pouring rain starting this afternoon. 1229646u2ypdh0e8n.gif
I am looking forward to being on vacation starting tomorrow till 2016. Woohoo! 1899448obhhwxi0xs.gif

Callie, I LOVE that ring. Please buy it. No pressure but it is gorgeous. Romantic and soft but sophisticated and edgy at the same time. That's right. Romantic and edgy. It's possible and this ring has all that and more. Btw, I am going to kill you for ruining my diet (that I have not yet started lol) but thank you and I know Greg thanks you. A lot. :bigsmile:

LLJsmom, thank you. Your ring is GORGEOUS. Icy white, bright and really beautiful. I don't think we ever discussed that but after seeing it in person as well as all the pics I love it and think it looks so great on your hand. :love:
HA I just read your response in the over long hair over 40 thread and I love it! thismuchistrue.gif

June, enjoy making your decision. Have fun with it and see what you think. :appl:

OK girls. Lots on my mind and most concerning is the newest health issue. My friend is going to take a look at it hopefully today and I'll see if I need to really be concerned. Thanks for all your support and entertaining company last night.

And before I forget Jimmianne contacted me from France and wants me to say a big HELLO to all of you and she is sending (((HUGS))) to all the NIRDIs! 579081gumtwy2sum.gif
She is having a great time and even found an amazing jeweler there with quality antique pieces. But she is resisting the impulse to purchase. Strong woman that she is. 8) Have a safe trip back Jimmianne and looking forward to catching up with you soon! file.gif
Hi everyone!

Missy, I am so happy you love the earrings!!! They are absolutely stunning! I keep going back and looking at your pictures, they are amazing. I'm glad you decided to wear them as is for now - I think they look fine and they are too beautiful not to be worn and enjoyed.

Your watches are beautiful, I think my favorite is the Tank, I just love that watch, but they are all lovely. And omg your ring! :love:

I'm glad you're consulting with your friend, I know you are worried and I think it's a good idea to get it checked out to see what's going on so it's not eating at you - especially on your vacation!! Which is so great, woo-hoo! I can't help but feel you're going to be ok but I know it's a real worry for you.

Too funny about staying up late to watch RH! Although the next morning you were probably thinking why did I do that ha - Those shows are addictive.

Thanks for asking about my mother, she and my brother did ok while I was away… I spoke to him yesterday and unfortunately she wasn't doing well - extremely lethargic and not wanting to eat. I'm at her house now but she's still sleeping so not sure how she's doing today yet - hoping yesterday was just a really bad day. I'm thinking it might be due to her dementia as opposed to something physical. I was so stressed out last night I just started eating anything I could find. Which I can't afford to do because I'm putting on weight. Aren't' you glad you asked lol?!?

Marcy, you did the right thing canceling the cleaning woman, it is just too dangerous for a pregnant woman to be dealing with the ice, it would be a disaster if she fell. And I'm so glad Marty was able to drive you to work. Be careful!

LLJsmom, I'm keeping your father in my thoughts, I really hope things get settled soon, I know how stressful it is to have something like this on your mind all the time. ((((hugs)))))

Callie, the ring you're considering is so beautiful! Good luck with your decision.

Kristie, looking forward to seeing your band!

So glad to hear our Jimmianne is having a great time in France :dance:

Speaking of decisions, I still can't decide on this ring lol! When I went to bed last night I was definitely returning it and then I popped it on this morning and thought oooh pretty! :oops: Here's the thing, in the back of my mind I'm still dreaming of that ring I mentioned a while back from Costco. I keep thinking maybe I should save the funds for that ring, but it's more expensive so I'd have to hold off for a while. Not sure dh would even be on board with all of this anyway haha. If it wasn't for my love of that ring I would keep this one, because I really don't have any other bling wishes and I do like how the marquise looks on my hand. Marcy suggested a while back that I try on the Costco ring and I never did, I think I'll do that this weekend.

Here's a really bad pic of the ring I found on the internet, I promise it's prettier in person - I know, the double halo is a bit much and overshadows the center stone but I love it anyway! I visit it every time I go to Costco. :oops: I'm hopeless ;(

Hope everyone is having a good Thursday!
