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Good morning girls. I am exhausted this morning. Didn't sleep well past 2 nights despite being so tired last night. Lots on my mind of course but nothing new there. Ann trapped another feral on our property yesterday and Greg mistakenly thought it was Squirt. But it wasn't Squirt and we aren't sure if it is Dr Pepper (since we never see him in daylight security pics only evening grainy pics). This is what happened. Squirt walked into the trap around 2:30 PM yesterday and ate and left without triggering the door of the trap shut. Then almost right after another cat who Greg thought was Squirt walked right back in and triggered the trap. Greg was watching on security video live and thought it was Squirt who had just returned. He called Ann who came to get the cat. Turned out last night after reviewing the pics the cat she trapped has grey paws and Squirt has white paws. I know it is silly but I started crying because I just so badly wanted Squirt to be trapped so he could get neutered and vaccinated and now we just aren't sure who this trapped cat is. If it is Dr Pepper that is good and of course any feral cat to be neutered/spayed is good. Too many in the feral population at large. But just so badly want the soda gang to be taken care of...Today Ann is trying one more time. She has one slot left (out of 6) and we hope she can trap another one of ours (hopefully Squirt but I think he may be too smart for his own good) and she said she will bring a different trap (different mechanism) that hopefully will be triggered this time if he enters it. One of my big worries is Sammy. She has had no food since yesterday at 6AM and she will be starving and I don't want her to enter the trap. That might traumatize her to the point of no return to our property so I am worried. And why my sleep has been poor. OK glad to get that off my chest. Onto other important NIRDI news.
Scandi, I am so sorry about your grandmother and hoping for an easy recovery for her. Thank goodness your mom realized something was going on and that your grandmother got the care she needed quickly. And how awful about the oil spill. I hope the professionals can help you and make it as good as new. I am going to ask Greg about this and will get back to you OK? He knows a lot about oil spills and such so maybe he will have some useful info. (((HUGS))).
Marcy, I am so excited for you and cannot wait to see you loot today and tomorrow. OMG so much blingy excitement yesterday today and tomorrow. Not sure my heart can handle all this excitement. Oh yes it can! Bring on the bling...that's excitement I can always handle.
Soon enough you will straighten out your spectacle problem. What's happening with Marty's glasses? Did they redo them already I hope. Hopefully your car troubles will turn out to be quickly and inexpensively and properly fixed with little to no hassle on your part. Good luck!
Junie, thank you sweetheart. Sorry I sound like a broken record. I have to keep telling myself doing the best we all can and hoping it works out. Right now we are doing what we can and I cannot think of anything else we can do since we don't live there full time. I don't want to start doing this on a regular basis I'm just not strong enough. My heart has been through so much emotional heartbreak with these cats and cats in the past (Blu
) and it is just not something I feel I can do unless I toughen up emotionally. I am trying though but I just cannot make it/will it to happen.
I think I told you girls about Ann finding 5 sick little kittens in the middle of the road Saturday morning before she came to meet with us later that day and she managed to rescue 2 of them. Well yesterday morning before she came to set the trap for our ferals she went back and was able to get the remaining 3 kittens from the other location. Woohoo! She is so strong that she can do this work. Anyway now she has Sprite, her 3 kittens, these other 5 kittens she just got, and 4 or 5 adult ferals that she just trapped yesterday from various locations (one of ours maybe it's Dr Pepper maybe a new one we don't know about IDK) but she is pretty full now so not sure when next round of trapping will happen after this month. She only has room for so many. OMG.
Ann mentioned something about her husband when we were chatting last Saturday at our house but I couldn't tell if he is still in the picture. And I couldn't ask but I wonder. I hope she has a caring supportive husband who is there for her as she does this work of angels. I know most people probably think she is crazy and I might have been one of those people in the past because my interaction/experience with most animal rescue people has shown me that some of them are a little bit nuts. But whether she is or not (and so far she seems completely rational and sane and "normal') so far she seems A-OK to me!
And I know many people think I am nuts for 1. having 4 cats of my own and 2. getting involved in this whole mess to begin with. But you remember why right? I just couldn't walk away from Sammy begging for help and food those nights last September when w were staying at the beach house for 2 weeks. I tried if you remember. The first night I just hardened my heart knowing if I started feeding her we would be at a stressful junction at some point but the second night she came around right up to our glass doors in the backyard looking in at us in the living room all warm and comfy and that was it. I had to go out and put food down. And then a week later the rest of the soda gang made themselves known.
HA I thought I was only dealing with one feral. Little did I know. But you didn't need a crystal ball (thank you Rainwood, I know you warned me and had my best interest at heart and I just couldn't turn away from them) to realize it would get to this point and beyond but I felt that I had no choice. SO I did walk into this with my eyes wide open and yet I still started feeding them. I have no one but myself to blame I know that. And I appreciate being able to share it with you girls here and offline too. Thank you again. I can never thank you all enough for letting me just get out my worries and fears. (((HUGS))). And thank you Kristie for letting me cry on your shoulder yesterday afternoon when I was feeling overwhelmed. It's nice to have a 24/7 NIRDI support hotline.
Today we are all hoping one of the soda gang remaining can get safely trapped and then we wait till next round which might not be till July/August. And that Sammy remains safely away from our trap and that she returns to eat when it is safe.
Sorry I wrote another novel and if you read this far so sorry LOL. But appreciate you listening. OK onto happier brighter blingier thoughts.
Don't hold back with your bling purchases. Share them with us. When one of the NIRDIs gets bling it sorta feels like we all do.
Have a good day girls and looking forward to seeing the new loot Marcy. And LLJsmom, looking forward to hearing any new thoughts you might have today. (((HUGS))) to all of you.
Scandi, I am so sorry about your grandmother and hoping for an easy recovery for her. Thank goodness your mom realized something was going on and that your grandmother got the care she needed quickly. And how awful about the oil spill. I hope the professionals can help you and make it as good as new. I am going to ask Greg about this and will get back to you OK? He knows a lot about oil spills and such so maybe he will have some useful info. (((HUGS))).
Marcy, I am so excited for you and cannot wait to see you loot today and tomorrow. OMG so much blingy excitement yesterday today and tomorrow. Not sure my heart can handle all this excitement. Oh yes it can! Bring on the bling...that's excitement I can always handle.
Junie, thank you sweetheart. Sorry I sound like a broken record. I have to keep telling myself doing the best we all can and hoping it works out. Right now we are doing what we can and I cannot think of anything else we can do since we don't live there full time. I don't want to start doing this on a regular basis I'm just not strong enough. My heart has been through so much emotional heartbreak with these cats and cats in the past (Blu
I think I told you girls about Ann finding 5 sick little kittens in the middle of the road Saturday morning before she came to meet with us later that day and she managed to rescue 2 of them. Well yesterday morning before she came to set the trap for our ferals she went back and was able to get the remaining 3 kittens from the other location. Woohoo! She is so strong that she can do this work. Anyway now she has Sprite, her 3 kittens, these other 5 kittens she just got, and 4 or 5 adult ferals that she just trapped yesterday from various locations (one of ours maybe it's Dr Pepper maybe a new one we don't know about IDK) but she is pretty full now so not sure when next round of trapping will happen after this month. She only has room for so many. OMG.
Ann mentioned something about her husband when we were chatting last Saturday at our house but I couldn't tell if he is still in the picture. And I couldn't ask but I wonder. I hope she has a caring supportive husband who is there for her as she does this work of angels. I know most people probably think she is crazy and I might have been one of those people in the past because my interaction/experience with most animal rescue people has shown me that some of them are a little bit nuts. But whether she is or not (and so far she seems completely rational and sane and "normal') so far she seems A-OK to me!
And I know many people think I am nuts for 1. having 4 cats of my own and 2. getting involved in this whole mess to begin with. But you remember why right? I just couldn't walk away from Sammy begging for help and food those nights last September when w were staying at the beach house for 2 weeks. I tried if you remember. The first night I just hardened my heart knowing if I started feeding her we would be at a stressful junction at some point but the second night she came around right up to our glass doors in the backyard looking in at us in the living room all warm and comfy and that was it. I had to go out and put food down. And then a week later the rest of the soda gang made themselves known.
HA I thought I was only dealing with one feral. Little did I know. But you didn't need a crystal ball (thank you Rainwood, I know you warned me and had my best interest at heart and I just couldn't turn away from them) to realize it would get to this point and beyond but I felt that I had no choice. SO I did walk into this with my eyes wide open and yet I still started feeding them. I have no one but myself to blame I know that. And I appreciate being able to share it with you girls here and offline too. Thank you again. I can never thank you all enough for letting me just get out my worries and fears. (((HUGS))). And thank you Kristie for letting me cry on your shoulder yesterday afternoon when I was feeling overwhelmed. It's nice to have a 24/7 NIRDI support hotline.

Today we are all hoping one of the soda gang remaining can get safely trapped and then we wait till next round which might not be till July/August. And that Sammy remains safely away from our trap and that she returns to eat when it is safe.
Sorry I wrote another novel and if you read this far so sorry LOL. But appreciate you listening. OK onto happier brighter blingier thoughts.
Don't hold back with your bling purchases. Share them with us. When one of the NIRDIs gets bling it sorta feels like we all do.

Have a good day girls and looking forward to seeing the new loot Marcy. And LLJsmom, looking forward to hearing any new thoughts you might have today. (((HUGS))) to all of you.