
Now I really did it :((

Good morning girls!

Junie, It is great that there are some benefits for you in this situation and getting to spend more time with your dh and son is a big plus. And I am so happy that the move went as well as it could have gone and your mom is comfortably setting in and I hope the sleep schedule can be reworked for her so you can all sleep well. Hoping each day gets a bit more comfortable and manageable as you are navigating new waters and that it all just fits. And I am so pleased for you that your sister is staying 2 weeks to help you. (((Hugs))).

Rainwood, I love the photo of Jumbo. He is regal and is doing his privacy pose so we cannot see his face. 8) That horror movie Greg and I watched the other night called "The Unborn" well the supernatural baby trying to come into this was named Jumby. Oooh spooky. :errrr: :bigsmile:

And believe me I won't mix up who recommended what. Eligible is more up my alley than the Pride Prejudice and Zombies though I know LLJ and K really loved the latter I think I will much prefer the former. But I will check both out though I probably won't be able to get through K's rec since I know it has violence and gore. Sorry K I am not good with blood and guts. Even if in jest. :knockout:

Also you know how much I value and appreciate your advice and friendship and take everything you say to me to heart. Thank you Rainwood and (((hugs))).

Jimmianne, I cannot believe you are coming home soon already. It feels like you just got there but I am so pleased it was such a wonderful and productive trip. :appl: I know what you mean when you say you miss your routine back at home. I get that and you have a lot to look forward to in both homes now so very happy for you! And more good wishes for Pom and his complete recovery!

Marcy, that sucks about work and finding and keeping good employees and it is a frustrating situation. You deserve better employees but it is so true about paying peanuts will attract less than the stellar candidates for the position. Igby Goes Down is a dark movie so keep that in mind. Not light hearted so it might not be what you are looking for. I tend to like the darker movies. But we started watching a really enjoyable movie last night from 2015 called Trainwreck which is a light romantic comedy and both Greg and I are loving it. Much better than we thought it would be and in fact we started watching it thinking we would pull the plug in 15 minutes (that's how long we generally give a movie to see if it is worth watching the whole way through) but we didn't want to stop. I got tired so we are going to finish it today but I already know I am recommending it because it is funny. Didn't get it on Netflix however. I TIVOd it from Cable.

I hope that fire is out by now and that no one was hurt. Wow 200 miles and you smelled the smoke. I guess it depends on how big the fire is and what direction and speed the wind is blowing. Hope everyone is safe. Yeah Marty had a rough day :lol: with all that golf work and yeah your company is the typical make no sense company that has no common sense. I am too familiar with that unfortunately. ::)
Hey if you retire around the same time I retire (which might be any day now) we should have a big retirement party. Beach house party and then we go to France via cruise? 8-)

Scandi, sorry you lost a long post honey and I look forward to your next update. I copy and paste usually (though sometimes I forget) so I don't lose too many more posts. It is not fun to write a lot and then lose it. Hope you have a happy update to share soon!

Callie thank you for always being here for me and you too Kristie. And all you girls. It means the world to me.
Greg's biopsy is negative (though I have yet to hear this from the doctor yet but that's a long story) and we are relieved. I appreciate all the support and good wishes thank you!!!

Ann called me yesterday because she wanted to share some thoughts and bounce some ideas off me about Cola because for some reason she won't do anything re our ferals without my agreement and I think that's because Greg and I are paying for our ferals though I keep telling her I trust her and what she decides but she doesn't make a move without my OK. Ann doesn't think Cola is completely feral and thinks she is an abandoned house cat but she is not social or domesticated anymore due to her ordeal. So what we are going to do is give her a trial where she stays with Ann (who was able to find in her network people who are willing to take some of the other feral kittens she found a few weeks ago so there is an opening in her home to keep another foster for now) and Ann will observe her behavior. We are not spaying her until we decide if we can find her a permanent home or if she has to be forever a feral and outdoor kitty. It will all depend on if she can become more friendly and less scared.

Also Ann decided not to spay Sprite yet and give her a few more weeks with her kittens for their benefit. So only cat of ours that is getting neutered this round is Fresca. It is good news that Ann has room in her home to keep Cola for a bit longer to see if she can become a house kitty and I am so hoping this works out for Cola. I want her to have a comfy good life and I am so angry at the people who dumped her and other cats too who are in the same situation. My thoughts are that perhaps Rootbeer, Seven Up and Ginger Ale might be in a similar situation but we have not yet trapped them and are a long way from trapping them so it will probably be too late to save them i.e. domesticate them again when we do trap them. I am sad about that but just doing the best we can within the parameters we have.

OK that's my update girls. I hope everyone has a good Wednesday and hope it is a calm one for all!

Leaving you with a school pic from 1986. Just got this in the mail yesterday. Reunion. Can you find my dh? 8)
Homeoffice = long hike in the forest :-)

Hi girls!

Missy, I know I've said this before but I'm so glad you have Ann to help you and Greg navigate your way through taking care of the ferals, it really helps to know you're not in this alone and you have someone to bounce ideas off of and support you. It's great that Ann can keep Cola to watch her behavior and figure out what is the best course of action to take with her. I hope things work out well for her too. I will never, ever understand how people can just And also good she is keeping Sprite a little longer for the kittens' sake. And it's just impossible to tell which cats are strays and which are ferals, but it sounds like there's just not much you can do about that issue so all you can do is just keep plugging along and do the best that you can. You're doing a great job handling all of this missy, and remember that your efforts are improving the lives of some of these ferals and that's huge, it really is.

Marcy, yes, I have the kindle app so maybe you got a credit too. I'm really sorry you are so frustrated by your team, and I don't blame you a bit for how you feel. I can't believe the guy is unhappy because he just has to do his job! I'm with you, it never even entered my mind to whine to a boss because I had to perform certain job, I just figured that's what I'm getting paid for. It's not like he's being abused or mistreated :roll: Hang in there and you know what, at this stage of the game retirement is always an option lol. That's what my poor dh keeps telling himself, he is so stressed right now by work. I'm so sorry Marty had a bad day, I just don't even get it and think the whole thing is ridiculous. I hope he didn't let it get to him too much and is feeling better. And how frustrating that the people from corporate didn't bother to get input from the people who will be using the new system, doesn't make any sense :wall:

Marcy, thank you so much for your support, it means the world to me. For now we are just going to have someone come in during the day. Having someone come in at night is a distinct possibility at some point if my mother keeps getting up every few hours to use the commode, because I just might not be able to relax enough to leave her alone for a stretch of 5 - 6 hours. It's going to hinge on whether I can do that or not. My sister and I were talking and it is obviously impossible to watch her all night long so we're going to have to figure something out. I don't think my mother is going to deal with a caregiver very well to begin with so we're going to just get her used to having someone in during the day.

Jimmianne, thank you for the good wishes! Omigosh, I can't believe you're heading home soon, it seems like you just left! Can't wait until you're back, and I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip. I've missed you.

LLJsmom, thank you so much sweetheart, you're the best. (((hugs)))

Rainwood, lol, yes, anything short of my mother demanding to be taken home immediately if not sooner is a success. I agree that the sleep issues and frequent bathroom use is very common with elderly people; and the bathroom use is common for us lol. It crossed my mind she might have a uti but in the past when she had one she was using the commode a lot during the day too, which isn't the case now. Thanks for the good thoughts, I'm hanging in there.

Love the pic of the eagle, it's amazing to see one in person.

Scandi, so sorry about the lost post, I hate when that happens and almost cry in frustration when I do it. ;( Great pic of you and your furbaby!

I won't continue to go on a lot about what's going on with me, I mean seriously, enough is enough lol, but as a quick update my mother seems to be doing well so far, she's a little more alert and talkative, and seems to be moving a little better than she did at her house. I'm glad to see her doing well but I did have a rough few hours last night; I was feeling drained and tired, and just kind of overwhelmed by the change in my life. I realize that I have to give this time, take one day at a time, and once we establish more of a routine, I need to make sure I focus on myself a little and not lose my sense of myself as a person.

And all I can say is thank goodness for bling, what a wonderful distraction lol - I've been browsing around on etsy and came across this ring and I keep going back to it - I've been wanting a pink stone and this caught my eye, and it's reasonably priced, for a piece of jewelry anyway lol - it's really similar to my sapphire ring but the prongs are different and the setting is higher…not sure if I should go for such a similar look but I do really like it. Probably shouldn't be buying bling right now but it would cheer me up ha. Probably won't get it but I'm having fun thinking about it :cheeky: I know you girls get it. :Up_to_something:

Missy, I'm voting front row, last one on the right. How did I do?
I am here to apologize to our dear dear Junie. I forgot your birthday last week Junie and I don't know what happened. I am so so sorry and I hope you forgive me and know how much I value you and your friendship and my lapse has nothing to do with how much I care about you. Here is a poem I wrote for you and I hope you enjoy it. I am so sorry sweetheart. I cannot apologize enough and I feel so badly about forgetting.

Dear Junie's birthday poem. And a lot of birthday cakes to make up for being late! (((HUGS))).

Dearest Junie the very sweetest NIRDI
I cannot believe I forgot your birthday
I am so very sorry and have no excuses
I hope you will forgive me and accept my best wishes

Wishing you happiness and bling and so very much more
Happy birthday dearest Junie the NIRDI we so adore

May things always go smoothly
May this year be the best with only good things truly
May all your family be happy with lots to enjoy
and may you all have much health, love, and joy

You are such a sweetheart to everyone around
your kindness and caring knows no bounds
Your friends your family and everyone in PS town
All of us so lucky you are hanging around

You are a true jewel
The brightest of gems
No sapphire or diamond
Or ruby could compare
When it comes to our Junie
There is nothing more fair

You are kind and loving
Sweet and so good
We don't deserve you
in the NIRDI hood

But I hope you will always grace us
With your presence here and beyond
It wouldn't be the NIRDIs if you decided to be gone

And who would blame you since your birthday I forgot oh no
I cannot believe that I did that
but now I have it written down and I will always know
Please know that despite not remembering
I value you so

OK so now you are another year older
Wiser and smarter and perhaps a bit bolder
taking on so much and doing it wonderfully
You are an amazing and strong beautiful lady

Thank you for being here for all of us girls
Sending you lots of love and the biggest of hugs
Happy birthday dear Junie
We LOVE you so much!




Junie, a very happy birthday to you! I hope that beautiful antique ring is but one pressie!!! :appl: :love: :appl:

(Dying to see a hand shot, what a beauty!)
Scandi, great pic of happy dog smile!
Junie, I got a credit on my Amazon Kindle too ($220) and of course now my ice maker won't work right :angryfire:

I feel like whenever I win something or get something 'free' here comes something BROKEN, :lol:

So the first 'free' e-book I bought was "Stoned," which as you might guess is about jewelry and gemstones/diamonds :love:

Jimmianne, have a safe trip coming home.

LLJsmom, are any of the fires in CA near you? The fires are popping up all over the Rocky Mountain region. Ugh. It’s going to be a long summer. I know the big fire in Canada is still going on as well.

Rainwood, thank you for the Marci for Men ad - Missy sent it to me this morning. It is fabulous. Missy can send you my email too if you want it. LOL to “Take a Holy Terror to Dinner” club. We were in a restaurant one time where 2 young girls (grade school age) were basically having a screaming contest and their parents just flat out ignored they were doing it. Jumbo looks like a very impressive bird. Cool!

Missy, thanks for the image from Rainwood. Did you get my response? I can’t find I sent it but it was on my mini at work. I was going to rent Trainwreck when it was on PPV - it looked like it could be funny. I’ll hunt it down on some weekend when Marty is playing golf. We like dark movies too. About the only type of movie I don’t like is vampire. That fire is over 4000 acres today and 0% contained. The wind it blowing directly our way. That would be a fun retirement party for us. Nice! Ann is sure going the extra mile to help Cola and the other kitties. Great poem for Junebug.

Scandinavian, great picture of the homeoffice. Are you on the left?

Junebug, I’ll have to log in to our Kindle account and see if we got a credit. I think the Kindle emails go to Marty’s email account. I am sorry to hear your husband is stressed at work; it sure makes for a long day. I hope things get better for him. I decided that whiney guy is going to be kept busy. I didn’t think much of him before and now I know why. I agree easing your mom in to having a care giver during the day is a good idea. Dealing with a stranger in the middle of the night might be more difficult for her. It is going to be a slow process finding what works and what doesn’t. At least you’ll be at home and that can help take some of the stress off of you. I understand that you would be overwhelmed by this dramatic change in your life. Please take some time off and away just for you. I am glad to hear your mom is doing pretty well so far. That pink ring is gorgeous. I love it. Of course I’d vote you buy it.

Kristie, that is a nice refund from Kindle. Darn it that your ice maker broke. I love the book title “Stoned” about jewelry and precious gems.

I met a friend for supper then came home and did dishes. Marty met a friend of his at a bike GTG in the park and they road around the historical house section of town. He took his bike down there in his truck which made me glad to hear because he won’t wear a helmet. I couldn’t see how he could get to the park without being on busy streets. I am a worrier.

The fire near here grew today so it’s pretty smokey again. Pretty sunset though.

Take care.
I picked up my sister's sapphire rings tonight. She emailed me at work to say the jewelry store called and said they were ready to pick up. My response was "what rings?" I sure think I'm funny. I think the rings turned out pretty. She will be happy with them.

Looks like we got $143 something in our Kindle account.

Belated happy birthday June!
What a beautiful ring! The opinion here is a resounding
Heck Yeah!

Excellent poem and so true.

At 9 am I sign for the house (!)
Then head for the train.
Overnight in an airport hotel
and home tomorrow.

Hugs nirdis!
Hello and good «morning» :wavey:

I have probably missed about half, but here goes.. :lol: Copy paste lost my smiles, so please insert them everywhere!

I’ll try to beat Missy as the opening act today – should not be too hard given the time difference – but then again… 

Marcy and LLJsmom, I totally agree with you regarding the educational system, or lack there of.. I is the same here, especially the basic subjects like math and English gets a bit neglected – it is soooo important to have fun… NOT?? So now there is a huge debate as to whether or not we need a new school building because the one we have is a bit old. I think they should spend the money on good teachers and more books etc, and not on a building. (The building is fine, but they (teachers, council) want something more modern.. everything has to be so high tech with the boards and interactive tools etc that I could scream – and the argument is always that the children think those things are fun, so they are more interested in learning. IMO they are more interested in playing with the gadgets than learning… Grrr… :wall:

Fortunately, I have a 5 year master in finance/economy, so I can teach them a bit of mathematics myself. And most of my work days are spent scribbling in English (plus I have a bachelor in that from university – a bit over studied, I know, but had a chance to take some extra English as a side study so why not, lol) so I try to force my DD (now 8) to become a bit better in English during the holidays ;)) I have warned her that she should focus hard, because by Christmas I will only speak to her in English. LOL poor thing! It’s just that the school is not providing her with any challenges. She does the entire week worth of homework on Mondays. (We have a system where “all children are equal” which is a bit frustrating, because children are not equal. So neither the children who need a bit more attention nor the children who need more challenges are really happy. My DD is however allowed to attend math 2 classes above her own, but still. She is bored. I know the feeling, lol. We consider sending her to a private school in a few years. Not sending as in the American/English way – just sending her there every morning by bus (private school bus, I’m not crazy)  But it is an hour drive each way, so we shall see. For now she will go where her friends are also attending)

Enough of the ramble.

Rainwood, I think all children are a bit of a nightmare sometimes! When our DD was almost 3, we went to Greece on a family holiday. She screamed for 30 minutes during the entire taxi drive from the airport to the port. Luckily, the taxi driver was a well balanced man, and just kept saying “terrible threes, eh?” over and over again. Could not even yell at her, the noise was so loud I don’t think she could hear me.. LOL Oh well, really important IMO to tell them it is NOT ALLOWED to behave like that, and that if they do, they can stay at home and not be included in the fun!

At least it works on my little trolls, they love to come with us even for dining out, or cafes or what ever (they like really good restaurant food, have spoiled them already, not intentionally and will probably have to pay for it later.. lol) so I always tell them the rules before we leave for visits, holidays, restaurants, etc so they know. And make them promise to follow the rules. If they break them, there will be conseqences. For example, my DS got a play pirate sword, and I told him it would go strait in the bin if he hit anyone with it. Watch and behold, a few days later he hit DD (not hard, but still) and that was that. No more sword. Cried a bit but agreed. The most difficult to handle was actually my mother, LOL, who felt sorry for him and wanted to buy him a new one. Ehhhh… do think that kind of would have ruined the lesson??? LOL

My mother is normally a very nice person, so I’m so sorry for you Gypsy (and you Missy) and anyone else with a more difficult mother. I have no idea what we would ever do without the support system and practical help she and my dad provides for our everyday and children and practical help with the children and the house. Now, my dad is actually in charge of building a garage for our car + boat at the summerhouse, because we are so buzzy with the house and log mess.

Missy, as I mentioned, I would have loved to take Cola if we lived there. Not sure if our dog would agree, but a lot of other people have both cats and dogs, so I suppose they can be friends. For now, she hates the neighbour’s cat though.. He was in our garden yesterday and I jumped quite literally, when she jumped into the window, barking as if the house was on fire. Apparently, it is her garden, LOL. I do think Cola is domestic, she is looking for a new home now that she is going to be a mother  How anyone could ever leave an animal like that is beyond my understanding. I would go through fire for my baby. When we crashed the car and I broke my ankle, I refused to go away with the ambulance until my dad arrived to take care of her. The evil people tried to argue that the police could look after her. My poor scared baby! Like I would ever leave her with strangers!!

The last few days have been a bit hectic, work and children. But now the children have left for our cabin in the mountains with my mother, and we will drive up there for the weekend.

Gypsy – you are so kind to help people find a perfect OEC!

Callie, furbaby stayed at home. She is in heat, so I figured that it would be enough stress without her, especially because I thought that other people might bring their dogs.. no one did though. You are way way too kind re my figure. It is not that great – but I’m not going to show you those pictures, now am I?? LOL. I do work out and try to eat healthy. But then again – not 17 any more.. LOL.
Marcy, I’m SO SO sorry about your new employee. I actually started laughing.. But don’t you think that this is kind of a proof that the other employees are a bit… – in need of an adjustment? When a new person can’t even take them for a week..?

Missy, I do hope things work out with your job. But you know you are more than welcome to come and visit me  anytime! Just get Greg to give you a lot of sleeping pills and I’ll collect you at the gate, LOL. You want remember a thing.. Seriously though, you need to start flying again. There are so many nice places in the world! Or buy a sail boat :halo: :Up_to_something: :halo:  

Callie, I don’t know the whole story re your brother, but I’m very happy that he is doing better! I know this has been difficult.

June, I’m very happy that your sister is there with you!! I hope things get into a more manageable pattern soon. For our children when they were babies, we had to “force” them to be awake during the day so that they would sleep at night, but probably not a good idea for an elderly lady..

Rainwood, love the pictures of DH and Nina! So much love in those pictures :-)

Marcy, my best to Marty, I think your employer was a bit short-sighted to refuse him to be on site that day..

Rainwood, really (really!!!) can not picture you reading about zombies! LOL LOL LOL

Missy, re domesticating Cola. I know nothing about cats, but a fair amount about dogs. If a dog is properly domesticated and “branded” on humans when it is a baby, it might still get “wild” if left alone in the wild for too long (and hunting its own food). However, there is hope that the dog might again trust humans (but is very prone to run away later) if the domestication was strong enough when it was a baby. (Here, dogs have run away from kennels, and it has taken months to recapture a couple of them, they had to set fox traps with a female dog in heat as bait.. The dogs were ok again but never perfect – its like the “call of the wild” can win with at least huskys etc). My point re Cola, it might take a while for her to warm up again.

June, you definitely deserve some bling ;)) Happy birthday! Maybe a little present from you to you…? 

Marcy – re picture: my left or yours?? LOL

June, so what else is going on in your life? I thought about what you wrote, and I agree – enough is enough sometimes – and so to “force” you to think of AND DO something else every once in a while – do you have any plans for the weekend? (I do hope you read my good intentions and not my words – HUGS!!)

Jimmianne! Singing for the house! So much fun and so scary and interesting! Look forward to having you home on a proper internet connection again :-)

Marcy, your sister should be happy :-) They look very pretty :-)
Yesterday :-)

Good morning girls!

Rainwood, you got it! That photo is only part of his class and he doesn't even remember when it was taken but it was fun getting the reunion invite and seeing that photo from 30 years ago. Maybe I am biased (heck yeah I am :lol: ) but I think he is even more handsome now. :bigsmile:

Junie, I love that beautiful ring. It feels so vintage and feminine and just lovely. And the color is gorgeous. I hope you keep it. I too would like to see a handshot if you are so inclined. And yes you know we get it. Bling engages us in something else for a while and allows us to forget about all the stresses we are experiencing and that is good even if only for a short while. And it is the gift that keeps on giving. Looking at our pretty bling makes us smile and that is always a good thing.

How is your mom sleeping and adjusting to living with you? I hope you are finding some time each day just for you and I hope your sister is continuing to be a big help. Remember the new NIRDI motto. One day at a time.

I am sorry your dh is stressed at work. That sucks and is one thing people all have in common at some point. Sigh. Hoping everything becomes less stressful all around very soon. Thinking of you and (((hugs))).

Scandi, Haha you did beat me but to be fair I overslept today and now I am late but I am still replying to my beloved NIRDIs. :halo:
I love that photo of you and your sweet girl. Hope work went well yesterday and that you weren't working too late into the evening last night. And I love your newest addition to the thread. How peaceful, how serene. Makes me calm just looking at it. Thank you for sharing. And thanks for all the info re domestication. I have no clue what kind of a home Cola grew up in but my guess is lousy if they dumped her so I am not sure how hopeful I should allow myself to get re saving her. Fingers crossed and same for all the kitties. I really think Ginger Ale and Rootbeer and Seven Up might be in the same boat but they are not yet trapped and we are not trapping for a while now. No room to keep anyone as of now. Frustrates me but what can I do? Thank you for all your support especially about coming after Greg's medical staff if anyone screws up. Love you Scandi. You're a girl after my own heart. 8)

Marcy, I did not get your response. Thank you for letting me know here you received what I sent you. I hate when email (and text) is not reliable and also regular snail mail. My sister sent me a check in the mail and I got it. A full 60 days later. What's up with that? She had the correct address and postage and it took 60 days from one part of NY to another? Darn, cannot even count on anything these days. This is happening too often where I don't get texts or emails and I always check my spam. :knockout:

Oh no on the fires. I am so sorry for all the people affected. I hope it gets controlled soon and completely put out. Sending everyone there good wishes.

Marcy, I'm a worrier too but I think you know that. I wish Marty would wear his helmet. Maybe show him gory outcomes of people who had bike accidents who were not wearing their helmets. Maybe that would change his mind. I know a few personal stories where friends of mine were saved because they were wearing their helmets. What's up with people not using their common sense? Oh that's right. It is not so common is it. ::) Tell Marty the NIRDIs are politely asking for him to wear his helmet. :pray:

Haha what ring? Did your sister find that funny? :lol: Very pretty.

Hope work is going better for you and that everyone is behaving.

Jimmianne, Congratulations and Wow! So happy for you! Safe travels and I know how excited you are to return home and get back to your "normal" life and routine. Your trip was a huge success. :appl:

Work went very well yesterday and the clinic chief heard what I had to say and agreed to everything so I am staying for now. There are lots of changes ahead and as you know we are being taken over by another company and going from non profit to for profit so I have no clue how this will change our clinic except to know it will. So as all of us always say...One day at a time. And that is exactly how I am living my days at work. Yesterday was good and I am pleased with how it went but I am also cautious and know that things can change like that. As with life but I am even more acutely aware of that at work. So one day at a time...the NIRDI motto. :appl:

Have a good Thursday girls and hope to see you later. :wavey:
Pepsi sighting! :love:
Isn't she a sweet girl? :love:

Caption for Pepsi's Star Turn:

"Effing Paparazzi!!!! Cannot even eat in peace!"
azstonie|1466713256|4047247 said:
Caption for Pepsi's Star Turn:

"Effing Paparazzi!!!! Cannot even eat in peace!"

By the time they're old, the ferals will have logged more camera time than the Kardashians!!
rainwood|1466714890|4047256 said:
azstonie|1466713256|4047247 said:
Caption for Pepsi's Star Turn:

"Effing Paparazzi!!!! Cannot even eat in peace!"

By the time they're old, the ferals will have logged more camera time than the Kardashians!!

You guys are a riot! :lol:

Missy, I hope Greg's biopsy with normal and i am glad you "worked" things out at, well, at work. I know most of us go to work to help but when it is a drag/dragging us down, one does need to rethink that commitment. Because, at work, NO ONE looks after us and therefore we need to do that for ourselves. Goodness knows I am there now.

Junebug-o-rama--luvs to ya. You are sweet and tireless and being there for your mama, is just beautiful. And Happy belated Birthday and of course your new ring would match what I wore today. Can I borrow it? :saint:

Scandi, that chipmunk face you insert over your face in your posts is pretty funny. Especially cuz I don't think chipmunks have long blonde hair!

Howdy to the rest of the gang. :wavey: Keep well!!

rainwood|1466714890|4047256 said:
azstonie|1466713256|4047247 said:
Caption for Pepsi's Star Turn:

"Effing Paparazzi!!!! Cannot even eat in peace!"

By the time they're old, the ferals will have logged more camera time than the Kardashians!!

Rob Got Fat!
Kylie The Slutty One!
Kendall The Supermodel!
Hey you guys, have you been in Matata's backyard thread? She has a pic of her landscaper with his tractor and I OF COURSE immediately thought of our own Jimmianne, because what would be cuter than HIS-N-HERS TRACTORS?!?!?!?!?
Hi everyone. Feeling a little drained and raw today. So I'm just dropping to say "hey", enjoy the pictures and everyone's stories and just... be.

Junnie, happy belated birthday.

You guys are so wonderful.

I'll be in a better place tomorrow hopefully and will post later .

Jimmianne, you had an eventful day. Sign for you house then head for the airport? When are you heading back to your new house? Safe travels home.

Scandinavian, you nailed it on going high tech and using gadgets isn’t the best way to learn. When I was teaching my students were far more responsive when they had to do hands on things than watching fancy videos or power points. That is great you are teaching your children and challenging them to learn more. They will definitely be ahead of their peers in school. And that is awesome you follow through on your stated consequences if they misbehave. Love your lake picture today. It is gorgeous. Any news on your logs yet?

Missy, wow to 30 years ago, huh? Times flies. I like One Day at a Time. Good NIRDI plan. The fire is still not contained. It is 2 miles south of the Wyoming border and I guess the Colorado crew fighting the fire turned our fire fighters away. WTH? We had a good rain here this afternoon so I hope they had some over the fire. I can try to tell Marty all of us NIRDIs think he should wear a helmet. It can’t hurt. Maybe I should go buy him a helmet. Ha! My sister thinks I am fabulous - I really have her fooled. She does think I’m funny. My other sister probably not so much. I am delighted to hear you are getting everything you want at the clinic. My Vulcan mind beam must have reach the clinic chief. She kept hearing “be nice to Missy or else”. Pepsi is a cutie.

Kristie, perfect caption to the Pepsi picture. LOL to the new names for the kitties.

Rainwood, the kitties are way more cute and intelligent than the Kardashians. They definitely have more class.

Sharon, very valid point that we have to look after ourselves at work. I truly like my job but dealing with people sure makes it a pain.

Gypsy, sorry you are feeling drained today. Sleep well and dream of pretty diamonds and gemstones.

We went out for supper. I needed a drink and no dishes. I got 1/2 of my wish but the dishes weren’t that bad when we got home.

My new guy called in sick. I decided there is no way no how he is going to blend in to a team environment but I’ll give him a try.

My team made a noticeable mistake today - we will see how far that goes. Corporate knows but when they make mistakes it disappears like a box of Krispy Kremes so hopefully I never hear another work about it. (Mm donuts).

I spent my day agitating everyone which became almost kind of fun. At least tomorrow is Friday!

Have a great evening.


Marcy, Scandi, thank you for the pictures. So peaceful.

Kristie, I like RobGotFat. I can just hear it. "Where is RobGotFat?" :lol: :lol:

Junie, hope that today was a good day. And happy belated. :D The ring so beautiful. Colored stones make me hungry. :devil:

Gypsy, at least today is over. Hope you're already sleeping.

Missy, hi poet/doctor... Pepsi says, "What?"

Jimmianne, big day. Wow, you will be a Frenchwoman. I think you're allowed that if you own property in France, right?

Ok NIRDIs, I've got a big day tomorrow. Gonna see the VCA Sweet! Hugs!
I'm still trying to process the UK voting to leave the EU. There must be a lot of people trying to figure out what to do next.

Okay, back to our regularly scheduled NIRDI programming.

Missy, I hope you have a great trip to the beach this weekend and get lots of good cycling weather. It sounds like you're having a bit of chilly June the same way we are. And be sure to celebrate and have some forbidden food. And I love how the ferals look up when the security camera starts up. We got a lot more face shots that way! And I'm surprised that raccoon hasn't sized out of the feeding station. Must be mostly fur.

Scandi, love the photo and that you fight for your kids to have a better education. Many educators here have the same mind-set with a belief that new buildings are the solution. Paying good teachers more money so they can stay in teaching and treating our new teachers better with more job stability and predictability (most newer teachers here get only one-year contracts every year and have to sweat renewal or a new contract all summer) would be a good start in our school districts. Lots of parents send their kids to private school, but very few here are boarding schools so the kids still live at home.

Marcy, that sunset is so beautiful but it's so sad that some of that pink is probably because of the fire. We've had a lot of rain here today so maybe more is heading your way. And your new employee sounds like the same old problem in a new package. And I love your saying that 'You pay peanuts, you get monkeys.' We get far too any examples of that everyday.

Junie, love that ring and I vote buy! It would look wonderful on you. And I'm sorry your DH is stressed at work. It's so hard to watch someone you love go through that. I hope mom is settling into her living situation and that you're doing the same.

Kristie, I'm not sure I could love the ferals if they were Kats. And I'm ashamed I know who all the K's are and how appropriate your nicknames are for the younger ones!

Gypsy, sorry you're going through a rough patch. Hope tomorrow is better.

LL (Cool) J, hope you love the VCA Sweet!

Callie, very cool you got to go out with your brother. Stem-cell transplant if I remember correctly. Is that right?

Sharon - hi! Glad we're entertaining!

I walked with a friend and her 4-month old golden retriever puppy today. So cute, so stubborn, so puppy attention deficit disorder. Stops on a dime for a leaf, can be distracted by a blade of grass, plops down in the middle of the road. I coaxed the pup along for a few blocks to give her very tired dog mom a bit of a breather. Loved hanging out, glad I don't have to take her out in the middle of the night. Am enjoying being with small kids and puppies then going back to the peace and quiet of adulthood.

I also started doing yoga again yesterday. I haven't done it regularly in years, but want to get back to it. Will post more later about how technology is providing some of the incentive.

Have a great Friday!
Good "morning" from Scandinavia!
At least it is still morning for you girls, lol. But perhaps not for you Jimmianne, I'm afraid I have forgotten exactly when you will land.

Not much new here, actually noting new here. We are leaving for our cabin later today when my DH comes home from work - so probably tonight. So much stuff going on in the markets now, and not exactly less today with the Brexit I guess. Oh well, maybe everybody will be in shock so that nothing much happens before Monday. The stock exchanges, oil prices and currencies are however reacting already. (I know, I know, how do I know these things?? I swear that it is not from reading the papers... I just know to many people who do.. lol)

The papers are speculating that the Brexit was caused by the immigration and refugee problems, kind of sad if that is the case. However, there are a lot of problems in Europe now from these things. I don't want to talk politics, just remembered that I wanted to tell you Rainwood to be careful where you go in Stockholm these days.. Not a lot of crime, just a few residential areas that you should avoid really. There has been a lot of new reports because some found out that the police and ambulances are scared to enter into parts of the town. Scandal. All the tourist things are ok though. Reminds me, I think you asked for lunch restaurants in Stockholm? Not sure what you like, I think restaurants are as different as books, to tell you the truth. So I tried to find you a few different type of places, have a look at these:

Missy, I was so so happy to read that your clinic chief was listening to you and actually heard what you said. It gives hope for mankind when someone actually listens, don't you think? Fingers crossed that it lasts! I love that the kitties actually looks at the camera! Any good plans for the weekend? You are so good with the cycling, I feel guilty for not working out more!

Marcy, yes, Marty should wear a helmet. I even wear a helmet when cycling... lol. Had to after DD started asking why she had to if I did not... LOL. I can not believe that he would call in sick!! That is - evil me - does not believe that he is sick - poor guy, what if he actually is... Bad me!

Sharon - are you sure that chipmunks don't have blond hair.... ??? LOL

Kristie, good naming ideas :-) How are things with you?

Gypsy, I love what LLJsmom wrote: now yesterday is all over. And let me add to that - today is a new day - let's hope it is a good one! Sometimes I just go for a walk if I think it is hard to be positive. That always helps me. A bit of fresh air and working up a pulse so that my brain can't think too much - too buzzy trying to breath.. LOL... but it works for me. Only problem is actually doing it..

LLJsmom, hope you will have fun today!

Rainwood, I wish we had more private schools here, but there are very few of them and a bit far away. I LOVE PUPPIES!!! :love: :love: :love: I'm going to go play with two puppies next week, a friend has just got them :love: :appl: :appl: Can hardly wait :-) Golden retrievers are so cute, especially when they are babies, the paws are just too big :-)

Today's spam ;))

Good morning girls though it is anything but a good morning for our friends across the sea and for us here as well. I cannot believe the news I woke up to. How can this be? Oy I am sorry for all those affected by the UK leaving the EU and it is not going to be good for any of us. :wall: :((

Kristie, LOL you crack me up girlfriend. :lol: Is it bad that I don't know most of those Kardashians or their names? I recognize one. Kourtney. But I wouldn't be able to pick her out of a lineup. Not a Kardashian fan. And I have to veto those names. The soda gang is more genteel and refined than any tv reality star. But you already know that. Nice try. 8)

Rainwood, :lol: I think you're right. And here is today's installment of the day. Squirt (Pepsi's sister look alike except check out Squirt's white paws vs Pepsi's dark paws). They are both super model sisters no doubt. Always ready for their closeups. :halo:


I'm glad you got to enjoy your friend's 4 month old golden retriever puppies. There is almost nothing better than puppies except kittens and puppies. :love: Ooh I wish I lived on a farm and had as many animals as those who needed homes. Hope you get to enjoy your friend and her puppy often. Yay for starting yoga again. I have never tried it but if it needs flexibility I'm out. Not flexible literally but trying to be more flexible figuratively. I'm trying. 8)

Gypsy, I'm sorry you are drained and tired and sending you big rejuvenating hugs and good vibes! Hope you are having sweet dreams right now and wake up feeling refreshed. I am glad you and your dh enjoyed a visit this week from one of our very own. (((HUGS))).

Marcy, that's crazy. Why would Colorado firefighters turn around the extra help from Wyoming firefighters? Wow unless something we don't know about is going on and the fire was/is totally controlled when they got there that's just not right. I sure hope the fire departments don't act like our governments. That is, without common sense. :blackeye: Still reeling from the news about the UK. I just don't understand why they are doing it and it is going to hurt everyone. :((

I'm with you. Those kitties are way cuter than any tv or even movie star. They cannot take a bad pic.

Sorry your team made a big mistake yesterday but I am glad you sort of enjoyed agitating them. They deserve that. Give it back to them and see how they like it. yeah. Did someone say Krispy Kreme? I never had one of those but I wouldn't turn one of them down. At least once to see what it is all about. I know I know. I haven't lived. Bring on the donuts. :lol:

Love your sunset pic Marcy. I am a sucker for a pretty sky and you certainly have that in Wyoming. Crisp sunsets so colorful and lovely.

Sharon, thank you. Greg's doing well. I am sorry you are dealing with heavy work issues too. Frustrating and I like the way you phrased it. No one is looking out for us at work. True dat. Maybe we should both retire and then spend time doing what we love to do and are appreciated for doing i.e. volunteer work we find rewarding. I know when I feel appreciated I am energized and feel good about the day. That goes a long way doesn't it. Hope your work issues are resolved and if they are not perhaps you, Marcy and I can have a retirement party and invite all the NIRDIs. I can think of a lot I would like to do if we weren't working. Anyone up for a cruise to France to visit Jimmianne at her new pad?

Which brings me to Jimmianne, hope you have arrived on USA soil and have safely landed. Hope your flight went well and that you are home already happy to be there with all your furry crew. Cannot wait to hear more about your travels and welcome home!

Sweet Junie, I am glad you are hanging in there though you are exhausted. Thank you for letting me know you are doing OK and we are all thinking good thoughts for you and your mom. Now I know this is a crazy thought and I already see you rolling your eyes (haha not really I know you don't do that 8-) :halo: ) but can you join us next week? Maybe your sister can relieve you with your mom so you can join the mini NIRDI GTG. We are going to visit one of our favorite PS vendors and OMG wouldn't that be a lovely respite from your daily routine? Think about it please. How often will your sister be there helping and this might be the perfect pressure but just saying... :pray: Big (((HUGS))) and love to you dear Junie.

LLJsmom, ooh have fun today at VCA. Girl, I want your life! :lol:

Scandi, this is a stressful weekend. We are hosting and entertaining. My parents, my sister and her dh and her children my darling but very active and sometimes quite bratty nieces and my challenging Aunt and Uncle. Challenging on many levels so picky and opinionated and difficult. Yup it is going to be quite the weekend. And poor Greg has a lot of prep and cooking to do. :lol: I promise I am helping though. :halo: Anyway he just left for work and when he returns we are leaving for the beach house with all the kitties in tow and we are getting (I hope!) a bike ride in before shopping for the food for the weekend and taking our first trip to Costco since the AM Ex Visa switch. Hoping no unpleasant surprises there. And then expecting our family tomorrow early afternoon. Is it bad I am looking forward to next week already? :devil: LOL JK. I think. 8-)

What are your weekend plans? I know you are headed to the cabin later today but do you have any specific activities planned?

OK girls, long day and weekend ahead and I hope everyone has a great Friday. I am thinking of all the NIRDIs and also our friends in the UK and all over who are affected by this latest news. It continues to be a tumultuous world and time we live in and I am hoping it works out for all involved. (((HUGS))) to you girls.
Missy, thanks for the kitty update. I’m not always able to identify the members of the soda gang so it helps when you talk about the different markings and coloring to help me keep them straight. Cola I recognize, but some of them resemble each other too much for me to tell. And you may not know the Kardashians but I know you do watch some trashy reality TV!! Hope all goes well over the weekend.

Scandi, thanks for the lunch recommendations! I will check those out for sure. And thank you for the heads up on avoiding certain areas. I know Scandinavia is generally much safer than the U.S., but I also can’t just park my brain while I’m there when it comes to my own personal safety. The only part I’m a little nervous about is toward the end of the trip when we get into the Oslo train station after 0100 (1 a.m. for us Yanks) and have to walk about two blocks to our hotel. Train stations can be a bit sketchy, but other people will be on the same train so I’m hoping it’s not an issue. Plus, my sister and I can be pretty badass when we need to be!

Marcy, I hope work went better today and your team was motivated toward accuracy. I know Krispy Kremes are some peoples’ favorite sweet, but the first time I had one I could only wonder ‘What’s all the fuss about? It’s a bunch of air, with a little warm dough around it and a ton of sugary, sticky glaze.' The next time we went to KK because someone wanted to try them and I asked if they could do one without the glaze by just pulling it off the line before they get doused with the stuff. The KK person looked at me like I was crazy so I took that as a no. I love sweets, but for some reason donuts are one of the few I can easily pass up. I wish there were more things that fell in that category!

As for me, the one thing I did want to tell you all about is this new app I’m trying called 'Streaks.' It won one of the 2016 Apple Design Awards which is how I heard about it so I went to check it out, read the reviews, and saw that it is easy to use and intuitive so paid the $3.99. Love it so far! Essentially, you can pick up to 6 items that you want to have good habits for, and it has a system both to define and track your streaks for each and to give you reminders about them during the day. And if you have an iPhone and one of your items is about walking/running, it can keep track automatically from the data in Apple Health so it will “know” when and if you kept up your streak for reaching that goal mileage/steps. This is way more effective for me than my fitness tracker which I like but in a different way and the wristband approach of trackers is more limited. With Streaks, you can set goals that have nothing to do with fitness. The ones that aren’t synced with Apple Health are reported on the honor system so you have to be honest about whether you achieved that goal for the day, but the way they’ve designed it is just the right amount of nudging and motivation for me. I don’t like breaking a streak if it’s something I should be doing. Thought I’d share for any of you who might be interested. So that’s my good deed for the day.

Hope everyone is doing well and has a great weekend!
Rainwood, Which hotel are you staying at in Oslo?

Missy, I hope your party with your family goes well. I absolutely hate entertaining. I find it very stressful! I'm sure everyone will have a good time. They are with you and at the beach, how can they not enjoy their stay. My husband had lots of things to say about the situation in Europe. He said his phone was ringing off the hook at work this morning. If you think we are in shock the Europeans are more so at least the people my husband works with. It sounded pretty much how we would feel if Trump were elected. Too funny about the names for the kitties. If their butts start to get larger we are definitely going to call them Kardasian names! At least Kristie and I will!

Rainwood, Don't let Missy fool you. She watches some reality TV. Housewives of New York anyone???? I'm glad you are spending time with the puppies. They sound adorable. Do you have anything planned for the weekend? My brother had a liver and kidney transplant. Things are going as smoothly as can be expected. We were told the first year he will be in and out of the hospital a lot. He was hospitalized for 5 days last week due to a brain infection. He's fine this week. I just wish I didn't let it upset me so much when things go wrong because he is going to have lots of setbacks. I also never understood what all the fuss was about Krispy Kreme. They had them all over here and my husband lost 10 pounds when they all closed.

Marcy, You are both fabulous and funny. I'm sorry your employee called in sick today. You need a vacation just from your problem employees Marcy! Was the mistake at work a huge one?

LLJ'smom, Well you had quite the fun day today. Those necklaces couldn't have been more beautiful. Missy, you need that necklace! I want to go shopping with your mom!!! I bought a Michael Kors dress on Sunday and Tuesday the darn thing went on sale for half the price so I ordered two more and am returning the one I bought on Sunday. So much for my great shopping! I need your moms help.

Gypsy, I hope today was a better day. Do you have any fun plans for the weekend.

Scandi, I'm LOVE that picture of the lake? Do you live on a lake? That picture looks like heaven to me. I would give anything to have that beautiful view. Any good news regarding the logs? I'm sorry you have been having to deal with this problem. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be.

Junebug, I'm sorry we missed your birthday on your actual birthday. I love the picture of the ring! Isn't jewelry the best distraction. Did you go ahead and make the the purchase or are you thinking about getting this ring? How are things going with your mom? Has it been a big help having your sister there with you? Are you getting you mom adjusted to your schedule? Are you feeling okay? I just worry about you being too stressed. Hopefully she is adjusting well and you are feeling more comfortable. Does you husband travel a lot during the week or has his travel schedule slowed down?

Jimmianne, I can't wait to hear about your trip and your new house!

Hi Kristie, Give Finn and Maggie a hug for me!