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Good morning girls!
Junie, It is great that there are some benefits for you in this situation and getting to spend more time with your dh and son is a big plus. And I am so happy that the move went as well as it could have gone and your mom is comfortably setting in and I hope the sleep schedule can be reworked for her so you can all sleep well. Hoping each day gets a bit more comfortable and manageable as you are navigating new waters and that it all just fits. And I am so pleased for you that your sister is staying 2 weeks to help you. (((Hugs))).
Rainwood, I love the photo of Jumbo. He is regal and is doing his privacy pose so we cannot see his face.
That horror movie Greg and I watched the other night called "The Unborn" well the supernatural baby trying to come into this was named Jumby. Oooh spooky.
And believe me I won't mix up who recommended what. Eligible is more up my alley than the Pride Prejudice and Zombies though I know LLJ and K really loved the latter I think I will much prefer the former. But I will check both out though I probably won't be able to get through K's rec since I know it has violence and gore. Sorry K I am not good with blood and guts. Even if in jest.
Also you know how much I value and appreciate your advice and friendship and take everything you say to me to heart. Thank you Rainwood and (((hugs))).
Jimmianne, I cannot believe you are coming home soon already. It feels like you just got there but I am so pleased it was such a wonderful and productive trip.
I know what you mean when you say you miss your routine back at home. I get that and you have a lot to look forward to in both homes now so very happy for you! And more good wishes for Pom and his complete recovery!
Marcy, that sucks about work and finding and keeping good employees and it is a frustrating situation. You deserve better employees but it is so true about paying peanuts will attract less than the stellar candidates for the position. Igby Goes Down is a dark movie so keep that in mind. Not light hearted so it might not be what you are looking for. I tend to like the darker movies. But we started watching a really enjoyable movie last night from 2015 called Trainwreck which is a light romantic comedy and both Greg and I are loving it. Much better than we thought it would be and in fact we started watching it thinking we would pull the plug in 15 minutes (that's how long we generally give a movie to see if it is worth watching the whole way through) but we didn't want to stop. I got tired so we are going to finish it today but I already know I am recommending it because it is funny. Didn't get it on Netflix however. I TIVOd it from Cable.
I hope that fire is out by now and that no one was hurt. Wow 200 miles and you smelled the smoke. I guess it depends on how big the fire is and what direction and speed the wind is blowing. Hope everyone is safe. Yeah Marty had a rough day
with all that golf work and yeah your company is the typical make no sense company that has no common sense. I am too familiar with that unfortunately.
Hey if you retire around the same time I retire (which might be any day now) we should have a big retirement party. Beach house party and then we go to France via cruise?
Scandi, sorry you lost a long post honey and I look forward to your next update. I copy and paste usually (though sometimes I forget) so I don't lose too many more posts. It is not fun to write a lot and then lose it. Hope you have a happy update to share soon!
Callie thank you for always being here for me and you too Kristie. And all you girls. It means the world to me.
Greg's biopsy is negative (though I have yet to hear this from the doctor yet but that's a long story) and we are relieved. I appreciate all the support and good wishes thank you!!!
Ann called me yesterday because she wanted to share some thoughts and bounce some ideas off me about Cola because for some reason she won't do anything re our ferals without my agreement and I think that's because Greg and I are paying for our ferals though I keep telling her I trust her and what she decides but she doesn't make a move without my OK. Ann doesn't think Cola is completely feral and thinks she is an abandoned house cat but she is not social or domesticated anymore due to her ordeal. So what we are going to do is give her a trial where she stays with Ann (who was able to find in her network people who are willing to take some of the other feral kittens she found a few weeks ago so there is an opening in her home to keep another foster for now) and Ann will observe her behavior. We are not spaying her until we decide if we can find her a permanent home or if she has to be forever a feral and outdoor kitty. It will all depend on if she can become more friendly and less scared.
Also Ann decided not to spay Sprite yet and give her a few more weeks with her kittens for their benefit. So only cat of ours that is getting neutered this round is Fresca. It is good news that Ann has room in her home to keep Cola for a bit longer to see if she can become a house kitty and I am so hoping this works out for Cola. I want her to have a comfy good life and I am so angry at the people who dumped her and other cats too who are in the same situation. My thoughts are that perhaps Rootbeer, Seven Up and Ginger Ale might be in a similar situation but we have not yet trapped them and are a long way from trapping them so it will probably be too late to save them i.e. domesticate them again when we do trap them. I am sad about that but just doing the best we can within the parameters we have.
OK that's my update girls. I hope everyone has a good Wednesday and hope it is a calm one for all!
Leaving you with a school pic from 1986. Just got this in the mail yesterday. Reunion. Can you find my dh?

Junie, It is great that there are some benefits for you in this situation and getting to spend more time with your dh and son is a big plus. And I am so happy that the move went as well as it could have gone and your mom is comfortably setting in and I hope the sleep schedule can be reworked for her so you can all sleep well. Hoping each day gets a bit more comfortable and manageable as you are navigating new waters and that it all just fits. And I am so pleased for you that your sister is staying 2 weeks to help you. (((Hugs))).
Rainwood, I love the photo of Jumbo. He is regal and is doing his privacy pose so we cannot see his face.

And believe me I won't mix up who recommended what. Eligible is more up my alley than the Pride Prejudice and Zombies though I know LLJ and K really loved the latter I think I will much prefer the former. But I will check both out though I probably won't be able to get through K's rec since I know it has violence and gore. Sorry K I am not good with blood and guts. Even if in jest.

Also you know how much I value and appreciate your advice and friendship and take everything you say to me to heart. Thank you Rainwood and (((hugs))).
Jimmianne, I cannot believe you are coming home soon already. It feels like you just got there but I am so pleased it was such a wonderful and productive trip.

Marcy, that sucks about work and finding and keeping good employees and it is a frustrating situation. You deserve better employees but it is so true about paying peanuts will attract less than the stellar candidates for the position. Igby Goes Down is a dark movie so keep that in mind. Not light hearted so it might not be what you are looking for. I tend to like the darker movies. But we started watching a really enjoyable movie last night from 2015 called Trainwreck which is a light romantic comedy and both Greg and I are loving it. Much better than we thought it would be and in fact we started watching it thinking we would pull the plug in 15 minutes (that's how long we generally give a movie to see if it is worth watching the whole way through) but we didn't want to stop. I got tired so we are going to finish it today but I already know I am recommending it because it is funny. Didn't get it on Netflix however. I TIVOd it from Cable.
I hope that fire is out by now and that no one was hurt. Wow 200 miles and you smelled the smoke. I guess it depends on how big the fire is and what direction and speed the wind is blowing. Hope everyone is safe. Yeah Marty had a rough day

Hey if you retire around the same time I retire (which might be any day now) we should have a big retirement party. Beach house party and then we go to France via cruise?
Scandi, sorry you lost a long post honey and I look forward to your next update. I copy and paste usually (though sometimes I forget) so I don't lose too many more posts. It is not fun to write a lot and then lose it. Hope you have a happy update to share soon!
Callie thank you for always being here for me and you too Kristie. And all you girls. It means the world to me.
Greg's biopsy is negative (though I have yet to hear this from the doctor yet but that's a long story) and we are relieved. I appreciate all the support and good wishes thank you!!!
Ann called me yesterday because she wanted to share some thoughts and bounce some ideas off me about Cola because for some reason she won't do anything re our ferals without my agreement and I think that's because Greg and I are paying for our ferals though I keep telling her I trust her and what she decides but she doesn't make a move without my OK. Ann doesn't think Cola is completely feral and thinks she is an abandoned house cat but she is not social or domesticated anymore due to her ordeal. So what we are going to do is give her a trial where she stays with Ann (who was able to find in her network people who are willing to take some of the other feral kittens she found a few weeks ago so there is an opening in her home to keep another foster for now) and Ann will observe her behavior. We are not spaying her until we decide if we can find her a permanent home or if she has to be forever a feral and outdoor kitty. It will all depend on if she can become more friendly and less scared.
Also Ann decided not to spay Sprite yet and give her a few more weeks with her kittens for their benefit. So only cat of ours that is getting neutered this round is Fresca. It is good news that Ann has room in her home to keep Cola for a bit longer to see if she can become a house kitty and I am so hoping this works out for Cola. I want her to have a comfy good life and I am so angry at the people who dumped her and other cats too who are in the same situation. My thoughts are that perhaps Rootbeer, Seven Up and Ginger Ale might be in a similar situation but we have not yet trapped them and are a long way from trapping them so it will probably be too late to save them i.e. domesticate them again when we do trap them. I am sad about that but just doing the best we can within the parameters we have.
OK that's my update girls. I hope everyone has a good Wednesday and hope it is a calm one for all!
Leaving you with a school pic from 1986. Just got this in the mail yesterday. Reunion. Can you find my dh?