
Now I really did it :((

Good morning girls and happy Saturday!

Rainwood, LOVE all the photos and the pics of the garden brings me back to when I visited. Such a beautiful place. Glad you had a wonderful visit. I especially love the raindrop photos. Gorgeous. LOL to the least ravaged by age. Greg's class had no such contests and I can imagine how that would deter some from attending and I'm with you anyway. Never been to any of my reunions and unlikely to attend any of them either. No desire. I keep in touch with who I want to and no desire to get together with people I don't even know anymore. But I am antisocial that way anyway.

I hope you have heat in your city home and that your weekend is going well and that you did not lose power and that the storms are not hitting you. But if the storms do reach you I hope it will be a gentle one and that all remains calm. Sending good thoughts and calm vibes your way and also (((hugs))).

Jimmianne, congratulations. That is an honor to be asked to teach those classes and I know you will bring a fresh and unique exciting perspective for the students. I have not been keeping a record of my poems but that is a nice idea. Greg prints out the poems I write for him however and puts them in the cards for the occasion so I guess that counts for the poems I wrote him at least. How are Pom and Issy doing and the rest of the furry crew? I know you will miss them during your month in France but OMG what a beautiful place. Thank you for sharing that last photo. LOVE how serene and scenic it is. A picture perfect postcard.

Scandi, I love that slip dress you bought. Lovely and sophisticated. I know it will look glamorous on you. Hope the dog training is going well and that your night without indoor plumbing was more like glamping than camping. You are glamorous no matter the situation my dear. :halo: LOL yes I picked OK for the dh role didn't I? I guess I was waiting for my Prince Charming for all those years I was adamant about not getting married without even realizing it. Because if I had wanted to marry before that I never would have found Greg as he didn't come around till my 30's. Procrastination worked well in my case. :bigsmile:

Marcy, I am glad the crockpot lasagna turned out deliciously and I am glad it is the weekend for you. A deserved break from work for sure. Hope Marty's trip is going well and that he is back sooner than you can even miss him. How did those Broncos do? Thanks for the info on the Benadryl cream and I will order some. So far the hives only made an appearance for 2 days and so far so good for now. My POD area is very sensitive and hurts more these last few days but I blame the weather here for that. Autumn used to be my favorite time of year but that was before I started getting autumn related skin issues. But I am maintaining a positive attitude because that is the only thing I can control right now. My attitude. Or as HRH Francesca likes to say...catitude. Meeoooow. :kiss: By the way the princess Francesca says hey to Ace.

CJ, how is the kitty doing? I am thinking of all of you and continuing to send healing vibes and lots of hugs to all of you and especially that dear sweet kitty. (((Hugs))).

Junie, so glad you are enjoying your beach vacation and hoping you are getting all the R&R you need and want. Thank goodness your home was spared and yay for your dh cleaning up the ice cream cake. He is a keeper. Thank you for your kind words Junie. You are always so sweet. (((Hugs))).

LLJsmom, hope you get the phone situation under control. What a pain technology can be. Hoping the family is well and all is going smoothly.

Kristie, hoping that Finn is doing well and that any procedures are minimal ones. (((Hugs))).

Callie, hope you enjoyed a wonderful birthday sweetheart and that your dh pampered you. (((Hugs))).

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! :wavey:
Thank you for the birthday wishes and kind words. They meant so much to me.

Missy, Thank you so much for the beautiful poem. Your friendship means the world to me! We just ended up having a relaxing evening at home after a nice dinner out.

Rainwood, WOW! Those garden pictures are just beautiful. You are so wrong about the skinny ankles. They just make your feet look like big boats! Trust me I know firsthand and wish I didnt.

Scandi, I have a very similar dress and I love wearing it on a hot summer evening. So pretty!

Junebug, Grrat news that you didn't gave much damage from the storm. Hopefully your headache is better and you are enjoying your vacation. No one deserves to get away more than you do. Sometimes a change of the day to day scenery is needed. The beach is the perfect place to be. Enjoy the time with your husband.

Jimmianne, Are you counting the days until your trip? Will your daughter be there when you are?

Marcy, I'm glad you were able to enjoy your new car before the weather gets bad. You can tell you are having fun with it. It sure gives you something fun to look forward to on those days things don't go so smoothly with your employees. By the time you make it home, you are in a good mood again.

LLJsmom, Are you abke to use your phone yet?
Hi, everyone, I thought I'd check in before the 'Big Blow' which is supposed to hit between 6 pm and midnight. I'm trying to get things done like laundry and a shower beforehand in case we lose power. Time to do a little more online shopping too. I did get another crank flashlight today. Some of my other emergency preparedness stuff (solar phone charger) will come next week.

Missy, I'm glad the skin problem is getting better. I do think itchy palms are an allergic reaction. I get them sometimes too. And sometimes my face will start to itch (or my throat). I don't get the swelling of anaphylactic shock though which is a good thing. Glad the garden photos brought back good memories. I was pleased how well they turned out because I just used my iPhone. I brought my nice P & S camera but hadn't charged any of the batteries before I left and all 3 were dead!

Jimmianne, your village in France looks magical! I'm sorry I can't come visit you this year, but I'd love to next year. I was thinking of going to Rome in the fall and a little stopover in Paris and the south of France beforehand could be just the ticket. And it would give me a reason to brush up on my marginal French. And I forgot to say how cute Issy is. Love the photo of her. Does she get to come to France with you? The French love their dogs, and you'd probably meet everyone if you had that little cutie with you when walking in town.

Scandi, I'm sure you're glamorous regardless of your ankles or the lack of indoor plumbing when you're on a training trip. I hope your sweet puppy gives it her best during this training session. And love the dress. Very stylish!

Junie, glad you didn't have more hurricane damage. Our winds are expected to be less severe than that but it's been awhile since we've had a big storm so my guess is lots of trees will come down. I'm glad I got all mine in the city looked at earlier so the deadwood is gone. Now if I could just get the big Douglas fir to blow over into the street. The city won't let me take it down so I'm hoping Mother Nature will do it for me. Here's my chance.

And I hope you're feeling better. It's hard to go back to life as it was because your mom has had such a central role for so many years, but you've earned the right to think of yourself now, and to focus on you and your DH. And your kids when they're in town.

Marcy, sorry you're missing Marty. It will make you even happier when he returns though. And you don't have to share the Porsche! Crockpot lasagna sounds delicious. Wish I could eat pasta. The gluten-free stuff tends not to hold together all that well, plus I really need to go lower carb. Same with bread. The GF stuff isn't usually worth the calories, but sometimes a sandwich is just easier. I'd like my 25-year old body back please. I could eat anything then and still was super slim. Those days are loooooooong gone.

Have a great weekend. I hope I'll be able to report back on Sunday, but who knows.
Hey, Callie, we were posting at the same time. I still want my formerly skinny ankles back though. But we all have things about our bodies we'd like to change. I certainly do and when I look in the mirror these days the list keeps getting longer and longer!
rainwood|1476566125|4087506 said:
Hey, Callie, we were posting at the same time. I still want my formerly skinny ankles back though. But we all have things about our bodies we'd like to change. I certainly do and when I look in the mirror these days the list keeps getting longer and longer!

Oh Rainwood, You certainly aren't alone!!! My list is looking more like a novel these days!

Jimmianne, I am glad you had a great day. That is awesome you were asked to teach art classes at the senior center in December. I totally laughed at “I used to have standards”. I saw a sign one time that said “We’ve Upped Our Standards, So Up Yours.” I thought that was pretty funny. What a pretty view to scrub floors by. I bet you are excited.

Scandi, yes sadly colder weather is coming. Rats. But the trees are gorgeous. Crockpot lasagna is like regular lasagna but you don’t cook your noodles first (we did brown the hamburger) then cook it for about 4-6 hours. With crockpot liners it was easy clean up. Work always has some silly problem that I can’t control but I just get called in to work on it or explain it. It’s all about perspective - no one is going to die because we had a problem at work. Pretty new dress.

Hi Sharon. I hope you are doing well.

Junebug, Marty makes us a small batch of lasagna so we don’t get sick of it. I know we can freeze it but it’s more of a treat when we don’t have it often. He bought those little foil loaf pans and used 4 noodles (they are too long so you have to cut some of it off). You don’t hear of many people who don’t like lasagna. Does your DH and DS like pasta in general? Glad to hear your place had minimal damage from the hurricane. I hope your sinus headache is a distant memory by now.

Missy, I am glad you procrastinated until you found Greg. Good idea! I hope that anti itch cream helps you. It’s a must for me. Glad your hives went away but I am sorry to hear your POD continues to give you fits. Grr. Yes, maintaining a positive attitude is sometimes all we can do but it helps. Catatitude. Ha Ha. That’s good. Ace says hi to HRH. He went for several rides with me today. He must be loving the Porsche - he has a smile plastered on his face. The Broncos lost and deserved to lose. Our fantasy football team is called Losers Have to Post Selfies - I am going to post my selfie and say - the Broncos should post them too. Ha! Did you get in any riding this weekend?

Callie, I am glad you had a nice birthday. Yes my Porsche Therapy continues to brighten my day. Are your flowers still blooming? They had a lot of mums outside of the grocery store and I was tempted to pick one up but I know we’ll be getting some of the white stuff here soon.

Rainwood, I hope you didn’t have to rough it for long. No power? Nooooooo! Marty has been running to the grocery store almost every night - I think it’s more to take the Porsche for a spin than he really needs something that bad. Rats that the gluten free pasta isn’t very good. Marty said the carbs in what he made us the other night wasn’t bad at all. It would be very nice to eat anything we want. I keep hoping to wake up rich and thin; so far no luck.

I ran down to the Audi / Porsche dealer today to pick up our garage remote that must have been hidden deep in the recess of my A6. I thought I looked everywhere but I sure missed it. I told my SA I was going to beg for a complimentary car wash while I was there. They must not offer them because my SA pulled it in the car wash and washed it for me himself. He is a pretty funny and interesting dude. He likes to mess with me. He said he can’t wait until we trade it in because maybe he can afford to buy it then. I guess our SUV is the colors he’d want and has everything he’d order. He wanted to take it for a spin and get some rubber off the tires and when he pulled the car up for me he keeps revving up the engine all smiles. I had my Audi bear with me and it really cracked him up. He said he was too big to hang from the rear view mirror.

I ate lunch at my favorite place down there then drove home. I went grocery shopping this afternoon. Holy cow I must have been bored or hungry. I filled up the car and now i am working on laundry. Last night I picked up the house (Marty’s shoes, socks, books, magazines) and cleaned out the frig (his salad stuff is probably going to spoil while he’s gone).

I think I’ll rent the latest Ice Age tonight and have popcorn for supper.

It sounds like Marty is enjoying his strength training seminar. They had homework last night. I guess he is doing something wrong on squats but he sounds excited. I asked him if they served Power Bars and Protein Shakes for lunch. Weird he didn’t answer that question.

Have a great evening and Sunday.
Good afternoon girls. Hope everyone is enjoying this Sunday.

Rainwood, I am thinking of you and hoping the storm is not bad and that your power is not affected. And add me to that ever growing list of what we wish could be changed re our appearances. Number one on my list would be facial skin that did not hurt me almost all the time but believe me there is a lot more I would add to that list if I had such a list. I think the iPhone takes pretty good photos and I think all your photos are beautiful.

I am glad you are going to get your emergency kit ready in the near future and I hope you have enough for right now. Please let us know you are OK when you can!

Callie, you know I am glad you enjoyed the poem. It comes from my heart. Hope you are having a fun Sunday.

Marcy, glad Marty is enjoying his strength training classes. Did you watch Ice Age last night? Was it good? We saw the Netflix movie "The One Below". It was pretty entertaining. IDK it seems harder and harder to find great movies. Did I mention we watched "Gentlemen's Agreement" last week? Now that was a great movie. I wish we had more of those to watch. Most of the really good movies are older ones. Or is that me just being "You kids get off my lawn" old? :lol:
Hope you are having a good weekend and hoping that Marty is home soon. Remember we are here for you. (((HUGS))).

Leaving you with some weekend action cycling photos. We had a lovely cycling day yesterday and today and sadly it is over and now back to reality starting tomorrow.

Have a great rest of your Sunday girls. :wavey:


Just a quick note to let you know the "Big Blow" was a big nothing. We had about 5 or 10 minutes of gusty winds and that was it. Lots of rain, but we're used to that. The storm apparently headed further north so I'll have to find out from my sister tonight if they got through it okay. So everything here is fine. There's a lot of small tree debris, but that is typical this time of year.

Today's task is to start the clean up of what is a very untidy home office. Where's the shovel?

Missy, lovely photos. Glad you had a nice vacation at the beach, but I've always though autumn in the city is a lovely time to be there (did it once on my very first trip there many years ago).

Marcy, hope you get through the laundry and have a lovely dinner and a movie tonight - girls' choice!!
Hi NIRDIs! :wavey:

Missy, I did rent the latest Ice Age and I just quit watching it. I was either distracted or it just wasn’t that good. I ended up watching U-571; I’ve watched it many times but I like that movie. I agree old movies are great. I watched an old John Wayne movie Saturday. It was great. I am with you on hey you kids get off my lawn. Our last house had a little patch of trees with lots of large rocks around it and we kept finding kids in there - Marty went and got cactus to add to our rock garden. Problem solved! And thank you and the other NIRDIs for keeping me company this week. The bears and rabbits don’t talk much. I did take Ace with my on all of my trips this weekend. It looks like a beautiful day for a ride. Nice. I am off to put on a layer of my Benaydrl cream now. I have some itchy spots starting to flare up on my forehead. What did I get in to now? :wall:

Rainwood, it’s good to hear from you. I am glad the storm wasn’t as bad as expected. Good luck with your office. I do enjoy running the remote when Marty is gone. I can always remind him it’s my set top box. Ha! My popcorn was delicious.

I had a nice day. I slept in then got around and headed out to my sister’s. She lives on a farm about 35 miles from us. She is a fabulous cook so I happily accepted her offer to come in time for lunch. She made pot roast with all the associated veggies, homemade gravy, homemade rolls, chocolate dipped strawberries and homemade chocolate cupcakes. I gave her meal my highest rating - it didn’t suck. We visited for several hours and then I headed home about 4:30. My sister is using my mom’s china as her everyday dishes. It was nice to see she is enjoying them. She also put out one of my mom’s butter dishes.

The state highway to their house is 2 lane (I know how quant) but my little SUV had no problem passing those annoying amateur slow cars. :lol:

My was way less elegant than my lunch - grilled cheese.

Marty’s strength seminar went really well. He needs to tweak some of his methods, eat more, gain some weight back to gain strength. I told him he was way too skinny. He really enjoyed the weekend. Good birthday present for him.

I am suffering from DWT - dreading work tomorrow. Porsche Therapy should help me get through the day. :bigsmile:

Have a great Monday!
Marty needs to re-gain some weight????

I hate him!!!! :twisted: :angryfire: :doh:
Hello girls :wavey:

Just wanted to say hello and good morning! Not really morning here anymore, so need to get some work done.. I had problems with my computer this morning, it didn't want to turn on.. Probably because I didn't work this weekend so it is throwing a tantrum to get more attention... LOL

Dog training Saturday was good - but oh-so-cold!!

Hope you are all doing OK. Will try to get back to you later this evening :halo:
Good morning girls!

Rainwood, what a huge relief! Glad the storm missed you and all is quiet and calm. Yes, Autumn in NY is the prettiest time of year. Crisp air, autumn colors everywhere and a lovely carpet of leaves on the ground. Hope your home office clean up went well yesterday. Any news on the attic conversion?

Marcy, so glad you had a lovely visit with your sister and that she is an excellent cook just like you and that your lunch didn't suck. LOL. I love grilled cheese and it is a great dinner. I never saw the movie Ice Age but will definitely skip it now based on your re-review. We started watching a show on Netflix that we never caught before when it was on Network TV. Pretty cool. Steampunk'd. I'm not sure if it was on network tv or just straight to Netflix now that I am writing about it but we both enjoyed watching a few of the episodes last night. It's sort of like Project Runway with machines and metal with very creative people. Good for Marty for getting into shape and LOL on him having to gain some weight back. That's a task we would all enjoy right? Hand over the peanut butter and shakes please.... :lickout:

And yeah I have DWT except my T is a W. So really I have DWW. :bigsmile:

Hi Scandi, glad your training with F went well and sorry it is so cold. Can you believe it will hit the 80s F here this week. Figures. The week we are back in NYC. Well as Princess Francesca says Haruuumph! Stay warm and dry and good luck with the continued training and tell your computer to behave! We need you here. :kiss:

Have a good Monday girls! :wavey:
azstonie|1476672905|4087778 said:
Marty needs to re-gain some weight????

I hate him!!!! :twisted: :angryfire: :doh:

I know Kristie. It doesn't seem fair and he is eating a ton of food.

Scandi, darn your computer for throwing a tantrum and going on strike. Boo to cold weather for dog training. Those chilly temps are heading my way too.

Missy, the first two Ice Age movies were good. I couldn’t get in to this one though. I am glad you found a movie and series you enjoyed watching. Wouldn’t that be a task to gain weight back? Sadly it’s not that hard. Rats that you have DWW. I understand it though. Those pesky bills and shopping binges take money though. It does figure the weather is gorgeous and you are back in the city. It was bright and sunny here today but we had tropical storm winds - just no associated rain. It did snow on the pass near here though. That 4 letter word snow is getting ever closer to me.

Work wasn’t nearly as bad as last week but I did keep pretty busy. I am debating the wisdom of hiring a 19 year old man who seems a bit too timid to deal with my negative employees. I almost feel like I would be throwing him to the wolves. I told my boss I’d let him know tomorrow.

I made a small batches of tacos for supper with enough leftovers for 2 lunches.

Marty made it to Atlanta okay. Hopefully he has a good week at the home office.

Have a great Tuesday.
Missy, I hope your trip into the city went smoothly today - yep, back to reality for me too, boo. I'm glad you were able to get some cycling in this weekend, the pics are beautiful. I agree with you that the best movies seem to be older ones - I sound like such an old fart but I just feel more time and effort was put into making movies back in the day, it seems like the studios churn them out so quickly these days and the quality just isn't there. Dh and I did watch a fairly good movie over the weekend - The Gift with Jason Bateman and Joel Edgerton. It's a psychological thriller and the plot got a little unbelievable towards the end but it was well done and entertaining and I thought the acting was good.

Jimmianne, I forgot to say it's great you were asked to teach art lessons at the Senior center, you will be such a big help to them, you are such a talented artist. It is so kind of you to contribute your time and talent. And I'm sorry, for some reason I thought Issy was a boy lol! She is a real beauty. Yes, this election is one for the books, isn't it? There has never been one like it before, and I don't think we'll ever see one quite like it again…at least I hope we don't lol. A bad soap opera is a good description. The pic you posted is really beautiful, what a quaint and picturesque place, I can see why you love it so much!

Callie, thank you sweetie, I had a wonderful time just doing nothing with dh in SC lol. It did feel good to just have a change of scenery. Thankfully my headache only lasted a day and the Tylenol I took helped a lot. Such a random ailment! I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday and the way you celebrated is exactly how I like to spend mine - a nice dinner and then just relaxing at home.

Rainwood, I'm so happy the storm turned out to be nothing - I'm always so relieved when dire weather predictions turn out to be wrong lol! Yes, I think I'm going through an adjustment period and after years of focusing on my mother I do feel at loose ends a little. I have considered getting a part-time job but I have all this estate stuff to deal with that I think I should have some flexibility in my schedule for now. And I certainly have enough to do around this house to keep me busy. I might join a gym or take a class or something just to have an outlet.

Marcy, I'm glad Marty enjoyed his seminar and it sounds like he got something out of it. I guess having to put on weight isn't such a bad thing lol! Your lunch at your sister's sounds so good. It's nice she's using and enjoying your mom's china. It was sweet of your SA to wash your car, he sounds like a lot of fun. Hmm, yeah, a young guy might be in over his head a little with your team - although sometimes young people are pretty good at letting things roll off their backs.

Scandi, glad to hear the training went well in spite of the cold weather. And I forgot to thank you for sharing how you and your family handle clearing out a house - it's so great that everyone in your family pitches in - unfortunately we don't have much extended family in the area and it seems to be falling on my brother and me.

CJ, thinking of that sweet kitty and hoping he's doing ok. <3

Sending good thoughts to all the nirdis! Take care everyone!
Guys, just wanted to jump in here and say hi, it's been a busy couple of days and my mind has been on the kitty.

I'll catch up better over the next couple of days.

I hope you're all doing great.

ETA And callie I can't tell you how many times I said I need to wish her a happy birthday! and then forgot. So sorry I missed saying it on the day. I hope you had a wonderful birthday. :wavey:

Junebug, the movie you watched sounds good. I’ll have to watch it. I think taking a class or joining a gym would be a great outlet for you. Working on the estate will keep you busy; I was kind of glad I had something to keep me distracted. Pamper yourself; you deserve it. I was thinking the same thing about hiring such a young guy; he may just ignore the drama and power struggles in the room. I think if they weren’t in a closed room together all day it would help but sadly our work needs to be in a secure room.

CJ, how is the kitty doing?

I was rather distracted today. I called the title lady at the Porsche dealer and she knew who I was the minute she got on the phone. Apparently my Audi had yet to be paid off; the check was never sent. I am to say the least pretty upset. Supposedly she has taken care of the payoff and is sending a check overnight to them. I think I am fine credit wise; the payment was due on the 14th but there is a 10 day period before it’s considered late. If something ever shows up on my credit report the dealer will hear some very colorful metaphors.

Work was busy, lots of meetings and I guess I am going to corporate on Monday with my boss and his boss. Can I drink mimosa for breakfast that day?

I sure missed my cook for supper. I made myself a plate of raw veggies at least they came out okay. My burger and oven fries had the blackened look. I was hungry so I ate it.

Have a great Wednesday.
Good morning girls!

Junie, we have not seen "The Gift" and thank you for the recommendation. We will check that movie out. Always looking for good movie recs. You are going through a major adjustment period right now and I agree finding something to do *just* for you is important. Something you can enjoy that you would look forward to doing.

Marcy, that is unbelievable and hopefully the Porsche dealer did overnight that check yesterday and all is well. Unprofessional and lazy and terrible business practices. Did you ever get to speak to someone in charge yesterday about this whole mess? Not to go into a rant here but it seems that nobody does their job right anymore. Nobody really cares about doing a job they can be proud of or even half competently. I feel you. Hoping it is completely resolved by the time you wake up this morning and no I don't think it is going to affect your credit score. You are still within that 10 day grace period. But it is still aggravating and was an unnecessary complication that should never have happened. Your veggies for dinner sounded good but I'm sorry the burger and fries were too blackened for your taste. Your chef is coming home soon so woohoo for that!

Hi CJ, how is your sweet kitty doing? I hope he is continuing to heal and recover and do well! (((HUGS))).

Have a great Wednesday girls. Not sure how it got here so fast and I was not super excited to get up so early again today. Back to the coal mines. Enjoy the day and (((hugs))). :wavey:
Hello girls :wavey:

I'm sorry for not posting, I just have not had any energy. Nothing wrong, just trying to build a house (or rather make other people build our house), working (at least a little bit..) and raising 2 little ones (who are not actually little any more, lol). Yesterday was parents conference in Kindergarten/preschool. Not sure what to call it, but the year prior to "real" school. Oh so boring. They all hate me and I hate them :shock: No, not really, just feels a bit like it sometimes. They had all noticed our building project (kind of hard to miss, the lighting things that the construction firm use to be able to work long ours into the evening make us look like a Las Vegas Christmas church.. You can actually see the house from about 5 miles away... Yippi! Such fun!! (Have you heard of the law of Jante? You should never believe that you can do anything or be anybody - one of the things that really annoys me about Scandinavia, even though my friends are never like that, they are really supportive. But you can not expect the same from "the village".) So a lot of comments were made that may have been positive, but I think they were not. And these things really drain me of energy - pretending to be positive and cheerful for 2 hours when I'm really - *REALLY* - not. Sorry for wining (!!) I-land issues..

Marcy - please tell Marty that I have never ever needed to gain weight, and that I hate him. LOL. But I guess he has worked hard for it, and that he is really good at working out, it sounds like he is :-) :appl: I think you should hire the 19 year old. Throw him to the wolfs and see if he floats :-) You are soooo good! How are you able to make taco and not eat EVERYTHING ??? I might not look like it, but I eat a lot of food, especially for dinner! And please please send your sister to visit me :-)

Jimmianne, :appl: for teaching art! You are so lucky to be doing that! I could not even draw a treasure map for 9 year olds without having to write what the things were on the map... :lol: :lol: :lol: And they are very very lucky to have you! Re election - kind of hoping that you all move here to me :halo: :lol: :halo:

June, re clearing out a house - another idea - we also set one on fire (together with the fire department) once.... :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: (a bit of dark humour... )

Marcy, I'm not sure mimosa is suitable for breakfast.. I have never heard that before... A bloody mary on the other hand... *that* I have heard a lot of people recommending... :D

Missy, how are the coal mines today?? Hot or nicely warm? LOL. I love Princess Francesca. I can always count on her to see things my way... :lol: A true princess :-) And a very beautiful one!

I have a new obsession. I want a new bikini. Black? Red? Wrap design? Skimpy? Brand? (Have looked at fex Lisa Marie Fernandez, but not really found THE one yet) Please give me your inputs. We are going away for a long weekend in December without the children, so I have started exercising and shopping :lol:


Missy, you are so right that many people just don’t care anymore about customer service or doing a good job. Sadly my account still has a balance and says past due. Marty said “well duh” when I told him I miss my chef because obviously he was a better cook than me. I bought my supper tonight. Ha! Sorry you have to go back to the coal mine tomorrow, my dad always called it the salt mines. I know the 3 days I’ve worked this week already seemed to last way longer than 3 days. Hug all of your kitties before you head out the door.

Scandi, sorry you heard so many comments about your house. What do they know? That would be my luck too that you can see something like that for miles. I know wouldn’t that be odd to have to gain weight. That’s never been my problem. We decided not to hire the 19 year; his prescreen test had some flags about following rules and respecting authority. I only got out 2 taco shells so that kept me from eating another one. Plus I did want to split things up for 2 lunches. Mimosa are a breakfast drink over here - champagne and orange juice. They are quite tasty. I vote for a red bikini. I have no suggestions on style or brand.

I must say I am majorly freaking out that I am going to get a late payment on my credit report. I think if the payment goes through by the 24th I am fine.

I had chicken nuggets for supper - but I did buy the small pack. I should mix up some alka seltzer now. I was in line and the couple in front of me started talking about my car. He knew it was a Porsche but she didn’t (that would be us). Then a couple of high school boys came in behind me and they were talking about it. Too funny.

Have a great evening.
Messy, sorry that it happened to you.
Good morning girls :wavey:

Missy, how was work yesterday? Hopefully better than mine. Nothing wrong, just a bit uninspired, lol. Some work tasks are more routine than others, and I hate them, lol. So I always try to do the boring tasks first, or they will never get done... Like now, I'm going to pay some bills before lunch.. But I guess I failed miserably, as I chose to check in with you girls first :halo:

How are all your kitties? And have you heard from Theo yet? Any pictures of him in his new home?

Marcy, too funny that the people were talking about your new car :love: It is a beauty, so can't really blame them :love: Good thing you did test 19 year old, I think following rules are key to being successful in any job. Unfortunately. I'm not too fond of rules myself.. :lol: But I do have a bit of that little miss goody two-shoes kind of attitude towards work most of the time, or the "good girl syndrome" as we call it here - but I'm working on it!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: I even consider suggar in my next cup of coffee! :Up_to_something: :lol: :lol: :lol: You can see how bad I am, right??

Jimmyanney, are you looking forward to your trip to France? I'm always looking forward to holidays like crazy, and when they approach, I think it is like a bit task to drag my a** to the airport :lol:

June, how is the pampering going? I really do think you deserve to keep up the good work in that respect :-) How about a nice facial this week? Maybe the NIRDIs could find a "papering task" for you each week to force you to get used to it :lol: I like your activities plan. Just the right amount of "work". You can always add more later, no point in starting too much at once. Better to see what you would like to do with your days first :-)

CJ, how is that little one doing? Thinking of him, the picture was heartbreaking! Stupid vet or not, you are doing a wonderful thing!

Rainwood, any plans for the weekend?

Gypsy, how are you?

Callie and Kristie, how are things going?

Many hugs, I hope for a good day for us all! Ciao!
Good morning girls!

Marcy, don't worry, I am sure they will receive the payment before it comes to that. The dealer sent the check overnight right? It takes time to clear so that is why it isn't showing up yet. As long as you have proof they overnighted the check you should be OK. And in any case you should contact someone in charge to let them know what happened because this is inexcusable. I am sorry it is causing you stress and aggravation. :((

Hope you enjoyed watching the Charlie Brown special last night. I only caught the last few minutes. So precocious. I forgot how enjoyable it was to watch.

Funny your dad used to say salt mines. I am sure I got the saying all wrong. I tend to do that. Take familiar expressions, idioms etc and change them into something else. Not on purpose though. :lol:

Wow your Macan is the talk of the town. Did I miss the name of your new baby yet? Are all the bears getting equal riding time? HRH Francesca and you know who were chatting up a storm last night. Those 2 can really talk. :cheeky:

Scandi, I am sorry that small petty gossip is causing you distress. :knockout: That is one of the advantages of a big city. People don't spend as much time gossiping about their neighbors cause there are so many neighbors and more stuff happening so their time and energy is spent on other things. Usually. Because yes gossip still exists. I loathe that kind of petty jealous mean small talk and I hope you can just ignore and rise above and take satisfaction in the fact you will have a lovely new home soon and that these small minded people are stuck inter small minded lives. I never heard of the law of Jante and I completely disagree with that mentality/statement. We are taught the opposite here and of course it can lead to huge disappointment but I prefer thinking we can achieve anything we set our minds to and are willing to work hard for...

That bikini will look smashing on you and I LOVE that red color. And one in royal blue perhaps too? I prefer more of a retro bathing suit however if you are asking about our preferences. I love retro fashion.

Theo is doing well last I heard. I don't want to bug his new parents so I await updates from them as they see fit. They are in charge of Theo and are his family now. Of course I think about him every day. J is not doing well and I don't know about Zeke or Yoshi because I feel it would be insensitive of me to ask her sister about them with J dealing with what she is going through. :blackeye:

Work was OK yesterday and I finally got my little computer desk so my computer is at a better level for my comfort. The temps were a little warm. IDK it is a struggle dealing with my face issues and I woke up with a rash under my right eye this morning so I am praying it is not part of the POD getting worse because POD can also be around the eyes. Ugh. So sometimes it is hard to keep a positive attitude believe me I get that Scandi. But I am doing my best because what is my alternative right? I know I have to toughen up and woman up and just deal with it. Easier said than done though.

Big hugs to all you girls and I hope today good things happen for all of us and that today is a happy day for the NIRDIs. :wavey:
Good Morning, dear NIRDIs!

Just checking in and catching up on the latest here.
Pulled a back muscle driving the tractor and have had back spasms all week. Stuck home on the couch, but still cheerful : )
The kids are taking are of me.
This "tractor & back thing" happened last time before going to France, which is how I ended up having to leave clothes, shoes and my nice but heavy purse on the street in Paris to spare my back during the remainder of the trip.
Very excited about the upcoming trip and mentally bouncing off walls. I can't wait to be there and poke around that old house.

June, I saw a movie called The Gift yesterday about a psychic. Is that the same one you recommended? I love movie recommendations, especially now when it's three movies a day. I watched "1408" yesterday and really liked it but it was scary.

CJ, how is your kitty baby?

Scandi, that is a beautiful suit. Oh to be bikini-worthy. Enjoy!

Marcy, Remember that song "Let's give them something to talk about"? That's what you did with that gorgeous car...spreading happiness.

Hi Missy. Happy Friday! I think Theo must be doing well. Cats are so adaptable and a loving family helps. Are you currently working on kitchen ideas?
Hi everyone,

Thank you for asking about the kitty. Your good thoughts are so helpful and mean so much. :)

We called the regular vet (who's back from vacation) and she put my mind at ease last night that a little congestion was OK, to just watch for lack of eating/drinking, discharge, etc. She told me to get some saline nasal drops and to run the hot water/shower to give him some steam and help clear up any congestion.

We gave him some drops and I sat with him in the steam for an hour...

But even with that, he's still congested, didn't finish all his food, and he's just subtly more lethargic all around. Plus - and this is what scares me most - his respiratory rate is back up to the 80s and looks more violent/labored. There's no discharge, no sneezing, but I just don't like where this is headed.

So I decided I'm going to take him to another vet today. Waiting until they open so I can make the appointment. It's a vet that my pet sitter said some of her clients use and like.

At the very least I'll get a second opinion/second set of eyes on him...and I'll go from there.

Thanks again everyone.
CJ, I'm glad you're getting another opinion. I don't like those symptoms of labored breathing and increased HR either. :(sad
I'm praying the kitty is ok and recovers and sending all the good thoughts and healing vibes I can to your sweet kitty and you.
Hugs to you both.
Good luck!!! PS ***DUST***!!!!!

Jimmianne, sorry about your back issues and sending healing vibes your way too.
We are back to work and life in the city right now so kitchen plan is tabled (haha see what I did here) for a short while. I need a break. Not a literal one though please. ;))
CJ, I'm thinking about you and kitty and sending BIG BIG healing dust to kitty. I'm glad you're trying another vet. Hugs and love to you.
Scandi, love the red bikini. The brand I know of that "the beautiful people" wear is Eres. Expensive but pretty. I buy my swimwear from Land's End website but that is because I'm swimming as opposed to sunning :lol:

Regarding "talk," :lol: :lol: :lol: they'll talk about you until somebody else comes to the forefront and then they will talk about THEM. Human nature. What I dislike about "talk" is when someone brings it up to me (just like they did to you at the school)---that feels aggressive to me because they are looking to see what my reaction is. It's like they are giving you a poke in the eye. I feel like they are trying to provoke me into APOLOGIZING or explaining or defending or excusing. HECK WITH THAT. What you do is no one's business unless you're directly harming them. Other than that, PHBBBBTGHT!!! You have clearly achieved some success in your life and if they can't say "You go, girl!" then that says something ugly about them, not you.
Jimmianne, stay off the tractor!!!! Not worth it :bigsmile:

Loved the pic of Issy, look at the little lift to her front leg she has! Issy is gorgeous. Such a sweetheart.

Glad to hear things are going well and you will be off to France soon :dance: :clap:
Rainy, the meditation book :shifty: I'm in the Introduction :eh: Its a good read thus far!!!

I've failed to set aside reading time during the daytime. The author says he has weekend meditation workshops at his place near Tucson. I live about 90 minutes from Tucson so I'm going to look into attending one. Care to join???? If I find some dates I'll post here in NIRDI. Maybe a sunny dry desert weekend would be a nice thing during your PacNorthwest winter?