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- Feb 27, 2007
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Missy, most of our snow comes down either at an angle or sideways. When one of my good friends move to Pennsylvania she called me the first time it was snowing there and said this is so cool; I’ve never seen snow come straight down before. I hope you do have nice weather for the weekend. I’m with you on heated seats and AC. My car has vented seats too but my favorite is a heated steering wheel. I love that. I hope Marty enjoys his competition. He got there okay. How is your tooth feeling?
PierreBear, too funny - your lows will be our highs this weekend. I hope you do get to use your outdoor fireplace. Have fun with your friends this weekend. You are so right it’s challenging to find couples that we both get along with. Most of Marty’s friend’s wives are very fragile or snooty. By fragile I mean sensitive and sickly and snooty speaks for itself. I generally end up talking more to the guys than them. Marty used to make guacamole quite a bit - it must not be in his approved food group anymore. I know avocados did go up in price. Of course, what hasn’t, right? Your friend’s Mercedes is a great looking car. Marty’s competition is by weight class and they do 3 sets of 3 things - power lifting, bench presses and squats. You list your target weight on each when you sign in. You have to reach that amount at least one of the three attempts. If you don’t meet it then you are disqualified. All of the starting strength competitions across the country compile results and you can place locally or overall. His shoulder is still awful. His coach thinks he has a labrum tear. It will probably require surgery. He is resisting going to the doctor. I can’t give him grief about it since I’d have to be near dead before I’ll go to a doctor. I know there are J Crew stores in Colorado but we don’t have one around here.
Austina, your fox looks better fed than the scrawny ones we have. We had a family of them at work and the babies were always so cute. I think the minced steak sounds good. I am glad it’s available there. Tesla’s are sharp looking cars but no they don’t have a lot of room inside. Our back seat is pretty small but the pickup is an extended cab with 4 doors so we use that if someone is riding with us. Enjoy a quiet weekend.
Scandi, how is your house coming along? Your caramel pudding looks delicious.
Jimmianne, fabulous bling pictures. Joy is gorgeous. Thanks for the permission to turn up the heat. I did that when I got home tonight. Marty’s not here to complain it’s too hot in here (like that’s a thing, right?) I kind of agree that men can sure carry on long conversations. I’ve sat at the golf course with the guys before and maybe uttered 10 words in 2 hours. I hope you had fun on your blind date.
It was slightly less cold here today and I tried my fleece jacket again. I’m trying to resist winter coats until at least November. I’m almost there. Marty said Chicago was colder than here with bitter cold wind. I’m guessing it is because it is more humid than here. The rnb he rented is a lady’s apartment. He said he feels like he is living in someone else’s room because there are family pictures setting around and a jewelry box on the dresser.
My Snoopy stuff showed up today. I washed the flannel sheet blanket and put it on our bed. I’ll be smiling and toasty warm tonight. The towels are actually very nice. The rest of it I put up for Christmas. I didn’t even open the night light and try it out.
I think I’ll be very lazy this weekend. Do laundry, pick up a few groceries and work on the astronomy newsletter. I might have them run a diagnostics on my laptop because the battery is going down quickly. Phooey.
Take care.
Missy, most of our snow comes down either at an angle or sideways. When one of my good friends move to Pennsylvania she called me the first time it was snowing there and said this is so cool; I’ve never seen snow come straight down before. I hope you do have nice weather for the weekend. I’m with you on heated seats and AC. My car has vented seats too but my favorite is a heated steering wheel. I love that. I hope Marty enjoys his competition. He got there okay. How is your tooth feeling?
PierreBear, too funny - your lows will be our highs this weekend. I hope you do get to use your outdoor fireplace. Have fun with your friends this weekend. You are so right it’s challenging to find couples that we both get along with. Most of Marty’s friend’s wives are very fragile or snooty. By fragile I mean sensitive and sickly and snooty speaks for itself. I generally end up talking more to the guys than them. Marty used to make guacamole quite a bit - it must not be in his approved food group anymore. I know avocados did go up in price. Of course, what hasn’t, right? Your friend’s Mercedes is a great looking car. Marty’s competition is by weight class and they do 3 sets of 3 things - power lifting, bench presses and squats. You list your target weight on each when you sign in. You have to reach that amount at least one of the three attempts. If you don’t meet it then you are disqualified. All of the starting strength competitions across the country compile results and you can place locally or overall. His shoulder is still awful. His coach thinks he has a labrum tear. It will probably require surgery. He is resisting going to the doctor. I can’t give him grief about it since I’d have to be near dead before I’ll go to a doctor. I know there are J Crew stores in Colorado but we don’t have one around here.
Austina, your fox looks better fed than the scrawny ones we have. We had a family of them at work and the babies were always so cute. I think the minced steak sounds good. I am glad it’s available there. Tesla’s are sharp looking cars but no they don’t have a lot of room inside. Our back seat is pretty small but the pickup is an extended cab with 4 doors so we use that if someone is riding with us. Enjoy a quiet weekend.
Scandi, how is your house coming along? Your caramel pudding looks delicious.
Jimmianne, fabulous bling pictures. Joy is gorgeous. Thanks for the permission to turn up the heat. I did that when I got home tonight. Marty’s not here to complain it’s too hot in here (like that’s a thing, right?) I kind of agree that men can sure carry on long conversations. I’ve sat at the golf course with the guys before and maybe uttered 10 words in 2 hours. I hope you had fun on your blind date.
It was slightly less cold here today and I tried my fleece jacket again. I’m trying to resist winter coats until at least November. I’m almost there. Marty said Chicago was colder than here with bitter cold wind. I’m guessing it is because it is more humid than here. The rnb he rented is a lady’s apartment. He said he feels like he is living in someone else’s room because there are family pictures setting around and a jewelry box on the dresser.
My Snoopy stuff showed up today. I washed the flannel sheet blanket and put it on our bed. I’ll be smiling and toasty warm tonight. The towels are actually very nice. The rest of it I put up for Christmas. I didn’t even open the night light and try it out.
I think I’ll be very lazy this weekend. Do laundry, pick up a few groceries and work on the astronomy newsletter. I might have them run a diagnostics on my laptop because the battery is going down quickly. Phooey.
Take care.