
Now I really did it :((

Hi Nirdis!

Missy, yay to the cabinets being delivered, things are moving along! Gorgeous pics of the sunrise at the beach :love: I think it would be very cool to keep the original dutch door, maybe paint it? Love those red boots, they are really cute and perfect for walking on snowy and cold days. Hope you enjoyed the Philharmonic, sounds like a great outing. Very cool pic of the water from the balcony, they do look like icebergs!

Thanks for your kind words, they mean so much and hugs right back at you! I know what you mean - this is a time of life where health issues can start occurring so it's a relief when things turn out ok. This was my first colonoscopy - my mother had her stroke at the time I should have gotten one and I kept putting it off in the years following. And yes, I was also nervous about the prep so I get how you feel.

Sounds like you're in for a cold weekend Marcy and hot soup is a great way to warm up. Your beef soup sounds delicious. I'm sorry the issues at work are keeping you up at night, I hope you can push work out of your mind and enjoy the weekend. Sounds like you had a busy Saturday. I hope you don't get too much snow. Too bad you ran out of time to make cookies, maybe next weekend lol.

Oh no Scandi, I am so sorry about the health issues! You have had a rough time of it, please take care of yourself and get plenty of rest. I really hope you're feeling better soon, sending love and hugs.

PB, that is such a shame about DH's wallet being stolen, I'm sorry :(2 Sorry to hear about your plants too. Good news that your cough is a bit better, and I hope it clears up totally very soon. It's really good that you were proactive about your colonoscopy because of the family history. I hope you and dh are having a relaxing and restful weekend.

Austina, your nails look beautiful but I have to admit I am quite distracted by your gorgeous ring! :love:

Jimmianne, nice you were able to venture out even though the roads weren't great, it feels good to be out and about after being couped up. Lol to Camille's dentures :D

Hi Sharon!

Not too much going on this weekend. Dh and I went out to eat tonight, and I'm meeting a friend for lunch tomorrow and that's about it.

Hope all the nirdis are having a good weekend so far!
Good morning girls! Happy Sunday.

Marcy so glad Marty arrived home before the snow and you were a busy bee yesterday so early. Good for you.
That's so cool that you had a teenager (new member?)show to your astronomy meeting who is so into it. Makes it more exciting to teach when you have people enthusiastic about what you are teaching. I know Greg likes a lively class with enthusiastic smart students. How much snow did you get yesterday? Is it done falling? I never heard of that movie The Mountain Between Us and I will check that out thanks for the rec. Thanks for the red boots and beach video and photos compliment. Looking forward to seeing progression of this project.

Junie thank you for the lovely compliments and yes that's a great idea about painting the Dutch door and we plan on doing that definitely. Inside white but I don't know what color to paint it on the outside yet. Of course it doesn't matter that much because we have a storm door in front of the Dutch door so it will cover up much of it anyway. I was thinking of painting the exterior of the door gray (if we keep it but I think we are leaning towards keeping it though if we got a new door we wouldn't need a storm door probably. Your evening sounded very nice going out to eat with your dh and enjoy lunch with your friend today.

Sharon thank you and it is all because of you I purchased them as they weren't on my radar before. I will definitely let you know how they fit and thank you for the tip about the tool to flip the spikes back and forth. I cannot wait to get them and I never had red snow boots before. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

We had a lovely Saturday. And were also able to join in the Women's march for 45 minutes too woohoo. We got to the Philharmonic early just as marchers were in the area so we hopped in and marched a bit and then hopped out and went to the concert. It was perfect. The concert was wonderful and our seats fantastic. I am not usually an orchestra fan but wow this rocked. 4th row orchestra center aisle. I could see their faces and everything. Very cool perspective.

Greg almost messed me up so badly though. As we were waiting for the concert to begin I said to Greg uh oh I didn't bring ear plugs in case it got too loud (I have very sensitive hearing) and Greg said to me don't worry I don't think you will need them. And then when the Chamber music (first act) started and it was so soft Greg turned to me and said do you think you need your earplugs and I lost it. Laughter bubbling out of me that I could not stop. The music was such a soft quiet beginning that if I started laughing for real I would have been mortified. But just like that Seinfeld episode where Jerry put the pez dispenser on the seat in front of Elaine when they were at a show and she started laughing uncontrollably...that was almost me yesterday.

I am not exaggerating. I had to think of death and sadness and pain to get myself contained. Tears were streaming down my cheeks holding back the laughter. It was really too much and I was pinching Greg so hard. OMG it really was a Seinfeld scene. I almost had to remove myself. We were right there up front and when the musicians started playing you could hear a pin drop and there I was crying tears holding back big laughter. All because of my dh. He's lucky I was finally able to get it together. :lol: I will add that in college and graduate school I had to remove myself more than once due to uncontrollable laughter. It's just the way my brain works. Sometimes I find something so funny (where I should not be laughing i.e. classroom situation) I just cannot compose myself and I have to leave. But sorry for the long sidebar I just thought you might find it amusing haha.

Oh and it was cool because my name was included in the program for being a member at the performance that day. I don't remember that happening in the past when we were members so that was interesting. The conductor (Joshua Weilerstein) is young (and handsome) and enthusiastic and powerful and sitting so close I could see everything. The musicians were amazing and it was just a wonderful performance. And it was a full house. Not one empty seat.

@CJ2008 for you...if you want to hear part of the performance click onto what piece you want to hear. The Bolero is especially amazing.

Greg got a good video of their warmup but I cannot video share here. One quick pic I took as they were setting up. There were many more musicians that came on stage but I didn't want to take more photos so I put my phone away before they were all seated.


And a few quick photos of a couple of cute signs and the women's march yesterday.
My two favorite.



and lastly Greg right before we went into the concert. This is what he wore. No coat. Crazy right? I mean it was a beautiful day and it did hit 50s but it wasn't warm enough for no coat. IMO. Men.


Have a good day ladies!
Loved reading this Missy, thinking of you tying to restrain yourself in the quiet. Gosh that man is dapper. You two are my *dream couple inspiration *.

I’ve been making myself giggle this morning having SIRI read me french tongue twisters, here is a short one. )The long ones go on forever and sound even more like nonsense).
« Dans sa tente, ta tante t’attend. » (In her tent, your aunt is waiting)
Stuff like that short circuits my brain in a good way. Here is a good one from a sitcom:
« Bob Loblaws Blog »
I am easily amused.

Happy Sunday, and i hope it is a sun day for everyone !
Hello lovelies

We awoke to snow, big flurries but fortunately it didn’t settle, so we set off early to take Dottie to the sitter. The traffic was awful, and the spray from the cars made it look like fog. She was fine when we left, and Anne just sent a photo of her settled down watching the others.

Glad you enjoyed the philharmonic @missy, we prefer matinee performances too, like to be back home early. :lol: Very rock’n’roll :mrgreen:

Yum to the soup @marcy , glad Marty is home safely, I hope you’ve been enjoying the weekend together.

How great that you’ve got an enthusiastic young recruit to the astronomy club, maybe he’ll tell his friends.

Hope you enjoyed your meals out this weekend @junebug17 yay to not having to cook :appl:

Hi @Jimmianne is it warming up yet?

Well, the house is all clean, the laundry’s all done, we’ve eaten and cleaned up, so nothing more to do except go to bed in a little while, and try to sleep. Off and out early in the morning for the flight, see you when we get to Miami.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend :wavey:
Have a wonderful time! The weather here is much better.
Looking forward to having you on this side of the pond.

Junebug, my beef noodle soup really hit the spot today on this snowy day. Marty even ate some. I tried to keep my work thoughts at bay; it’s going to be a few rough months. I’ll keep Jimmianne’s point that I have excellent stamina for BS in mind. It sounds like you had a nice weekend. Dinner with your DH and lunch with a friend. Less dishes that way.

Missy, I honestly perked up when that teenager came in and started talking to me; we haven’t had many new members in a while. The eclipse drew a few curious people but we never saw them again and they weren’t really in to astronomy just excited for the eclipse. I’m with Greg; teaching is more fun with you have enthusiastic students. I had some great classes over the years. I am sure the progression on your remodel will seem to take forever but it will be so worth it. That movie was kind of a lite version of The Revenant. It was good though. Yay for enjoying the Philharmonic and getting to join in on the woman’s march. That is pretty funny you had a giggling attack during the concert. Sometimes I get to laughing so hard I can’t breathe. It’s always fun though.

Jimmianne, we were messing around with Siri today too. It’s an easy way to entertain ourselves. Are you still LOVING Mildred?

Austina, sounds like you are on your way. Have a wonderful time and safe travels.

We woke to lots of snow. I believe it’s about 5 inches but it is hard to tell because of the drifting. Right now we have no power. Boo. It blinked off earlier but came back right away; Now it’s been off for about 20 minutes. Marty lit the candle we got me for Christmas. I dug out a tap light and flashlight. I guess the roads around town are horrible; they have an accident alert issued.

Yay for hotspots on my phone.

Take care.
Hi just a quick check in again today I read back a couple of pages but I would miss a lot if I try to respond just from memory.

Missy thank you so much for thinking of me and for that link I will check it out. ((hugs)) I did see that white kitty Luna from a few pages back she is so gorgeous. I hope she finds a home soon. :(sad I also know you shared information about inflammation and I have to read it. Your story about the concert is so funny. What an awesome and sweet memory with your DH. He looks so dapper in his picture, but yes, just looking at him makes me cold.

Marcy did you get your cookie cutters yet. And how are you doing. I did see the picture of the suicidal bear. So cute. Hope you and Marty are doing great.

June glad to see the colonoscopy went well. Yay. And what a relief to have it done and overwith. Hope you're doing good all around.

Pierre sorry to hear about your DH's wallet :cry:

Hi Austina hope you and Dottie and your DH are good :))

Scandi glad you're feeling a little bit better not fun :(

hi Jimmianne

That's all the time I have for now will catch up better but I at least wanted to say hi.

Have a few things to share with you guys nothing big but just like little things.
Hi CJ. I did get my cookie cutters. I will try them soon. My bear is trying to escape from the killer rabbit chewing on him. Marty gets bored sometimes. Take care.
Marty?? Behave yourself!

Marcy, you sound excited about the snow...???? I’ll bet it is very beautiful. I hope you get consistant power back.
Getting bad when you start talking to a phone LOL
I saw a TED talk this morning about living longer if you have a lot of social contacts. Do SIRI and NIRDIs count? I certainly hope so.
Mildred is wonderful.
I am careful about wearing diamonds in a non diamond culture, yet with Mildred I have drawn the line with being self conscious and wear her everywhere. As Missy knows I don’t usually really « wear » diamonds....I wore Joy in a passport pouch around my neck to visit her and had to be prodded to actually put the ring on my finger :doh:

Hi CJ. My initials are CJ and so were my husband’s.
It’s hard to keep up. Sometimes I take notes before writing because so much happens I cannot keep it straight. Never boring!
Good morning girls!

Aww thank you very much Jimmianne for that lovely compliment and you are very elegant, glamourous and classic and I hope you will find your equal partner to join you in your love of life and adventures very soon. Of course the NIRDIs count. But I don't think SIRI does lol. Speaking of SIRI did you see how SIRI ruined a potential relationship? SIRI sent a text from a young lady to a young man when the young lady was just playing around with SIRI asking her do you think he will finally text me? Well, SIRI sent that message to the young man "when will you finally text me" (or something like that) and long story short he ended it with her. OMG, beware of technology! Should make a Black Mirror parody of that experience. LOL.
Joy is beautiful whether around your neck or finger. Everyone should have a little (or a big/lot) joy around all the time.

Austina safe travels and safe flight and enjoy your cruise! Thinking of you and hoping you have a wonderful trip.

Marcy yay for getting the cookie cutters. Haha for having that same Snoopy phone minus the rotary dial. I saw it and thought of you. Greg said should we buy it for Marcy and I was tempted but it didn't look like it worked and I am sure you don't want old clutter cluttering things up. But I was tempted. Hope your power came back on very soon yesterday and that it stopped snowing by you. Another thing we have in common. Laughing so hard we have trouble breathing and yes we always can easily amuse ourselves. Thank goodness I got that laughing under control but it was not easy. Yes being enthusiastic about whatever you do is always a plus in my book. Apathy is just so apthatetic yanno? LOL. I kykwim because we are similar that way. If you're bothering to do something i.e. take or teach a class why not put your all into it?

CJ hope you enjoy it. It's just a small clip. I have video of them warming up and though it's not melodious per se I will send it to you when I get back home later if you'd like. (((Hugs))).

Hi Sharon, hope you enjoyed the weekend and that your week is off to a good start.

Yesterday was a lovely day and we were out walking around and visiting the rescues and farmers market. If only winter temps remained in the 40s/50s all winter I would love it.
Off for my mammogram and ultrasound in a little bit. Will check in later if I can. Have a lovely morning ladies!:wavey:
Good luck Missy! Good girl :-) :-)
Good morning ladies! Thank you for the kind words about the stolen wallet. It is slowly being forgotten as we finally received some of the replacement cards and DH ordered a new wallet online. I did decide to bite the bullet and want to switch banks. BB&T (formerly Citibank) was the last one to notify us of the fraud and they weren’t able to do anything about the charges until after the go from pending to posted and they are the slowest to deliver replacement cards. Big contrast from Chase bank, which we have a credit card with so we are moving our funds over.

I am feeling so much better now! Just a few clearings of the throat here and there so thank ya’ll again for thinking of me. I’m also recovering from the cactus damage due to our ice days. I’m pretty sad that some of them snapped. One of our San Pedros are about 4 to 5 feet tall and just broke off. I bought a plantar and will try to regrow it inside. Some of the smaller San Pedros just seem to freeze and it became squish… had to cut them off and don’t think they can be salvaged. I guess that’s just mother’s nature cycle but I was feeling like a bad cactus mom that I couldn’t protect them from the outdoor elements. I’ll have to do more research on how to better cover them since sheets and tshirts weren’t effect. What do you ya’ll do given all the snow/cold? Or I guess ya’ll only have cold hearty plants?

DH is traveling this week and I’m on a roll to be a productive wife, starting off with a car inspection today. My culinary class also starts today. It will be the beginning of long Mondays but should be fun and at least on the first day it’s usually just talk about the syllabus and getting out a bit early. Well hope everyone has a great day!

@missy – Sorry to hear that your handbag was stolen. First off though, how sweet of your grandmother to pass that on to you. The audacity to take a bag in public… Glad you were safe though as well.

Looks like the security camera is working now. Hurray and way to go Greg!

Ahhh those red boots are so fun and Glamour is the right name for it!

Good luck on the mammogram/ultrasound. Hope it goes well!

@canuk-gal – Thanks for the reminder that the negative train is leaving and good vibes coming my way. Those boots look fun and glad they are effective in keeping you safe and warm!

@Austina – Your nails are beautiful! Look at the subtle sparkle, very chic…. However, it doesn’t compare to your beautiful ring of course. : )

Hope you are getting ready for your trip and feeling able to put it all behind you to get some nice rest and relaxation! Sure must be nice to go from the snow to Miami! Very excited for you!!

@Jimmianne – hahaha Camille with the smile app is pretty hilarious. Looks like she just wants to snuggle in bed. I see some other furry black creature on the left. Another pup?

@marcy – Can’t wait for your cookie cutters to get in and to see the finished product. I have some cookie cutters but never made cut out dough before. I think I’m intimidated with having to ice them etc.

Don’t you love the feeling of clean sheets? I really dislike putting sheets on the bed though. Takes me forever but glad when it is done.

@junebug17 – Hope you had a fun time grabbing lunch with your friend. Do you have a go to place you eat it or just pick what you are craving? I have a friend and we always go to the same place every time and I find myself enjoying the simplicity of that but also have another friend who loves trying new restaurants too. : )
PierreB, thanks for the inspiration to make up the bed with fresh sheets instead of muddy dogs.
I imagine the black shape is Isobel. I can’t stand having dogs on the bed, but it keeps them quiet in the early hours of the morning...they sleep longer, so then I can too!

Missy are you still using your Roomba?
I must ask you that about once a year when I get mine out and remember how great it is.
I get to type while it simultaneously vacuums the floor and chases the dogs.

Now to town for massage. I got to yoga, decided it was not fun and left, ending up at Walmart for their big toy sale. But I will keep the massage appointment, as I will have to pay either way, then I can come home, play and check up on the doings here. winter therapy.:appl:
Missy yay so glad you're getting your US and mammogram today :pray:
Just a quick stop by to say we’ve arrived. Colin was in a flap yesterday because he checked us in online and it wouldn’t let us print off the boarding passes. Everything was ok at the airport, flight was good, I watched 4 films, Battle of the Sexes, Megan Leavy, Stranded (drivel) and Home Again (I think).

We were off the plane quickly, through Global Entry and to the carousel really quickly, and for once our cases were amongst the first few.

Arrived at the hotel and got a double upgrade to a lovely big suite, so we’re off to a good start :lol:

Been up for about 19 hrs, so I’m about to crash, catch you tomorrow :wavey:

Jimmianne, Marty rarely behaves himself. But we can hope. The snow is pretty. It is bad when we carry on conversations with our phone. Sometimes I branch out and talk to my iPad and computer. I am glad to hear Mildred is wonderful; she is so gorgeous. I am glad you are wearing her everyday. I would too. Both Marty and I have the same initials too. Cool. Too funny your rumba serves 2 purposes. How was your massage?

Missy, it was fun to see a Snoopy phone again and that’s nice you guys thought of me. I am sure those kind of phones wouldn’t work anymore. Before I had my Snoopy phone I had one of those pink princess phones. Wow how times have changed.
I like those times when you just can’t quit laughing. It’s like a stress cleanser. I like “apathy is apathetic”. That is awesome. I can use that on some of my employees.
Glad you got out yesterday and got to visit the rescues.
I hope your tests went well today.
I’m not completely buying that lady’s story about Siri. Siri repeats what you want to send asking if that is correct and then also asks for confirmation to send it.

Scandi, I hope you are feeling better.

PierreBear, I would say it is time to switch banks. My nephew had his identity stolen and Capitol One was horrible to work with. I think he lost over 10K before it got straightened out. That’s great you are feeling better. In our climate we are just pleasantly surprised if something comes back next year. Evergreens do well and that’s about all. Did you car get a good report card? Ooh to your culinary class starting up again. Cookies you have to roll out take more time but they are just a special treat then. I am getting so hungry for them though I will get them baked. I do love the feel of clean sheets; it’s so refreshing. I bought flannel sheets and then got an extra top sheet so we’ve got 2 top flannel sheets. They are pretty toasty warm. It is kind of a pain to make the bed though. I swear I walk back and forth trying to get the sides even.

Hi CJ!

Austina, that’s great you got through customs quickly, your luggage showed up first and got an upgraded suite. You should pick up a lottery ticket. Marty has that global entry and found it helpful.

I got up before 6 today and Marty drove me to work. The roads on the road around town was drifted and icy. The roads in town were just icy. I might have him take me again tomorrow; I’ll see. He doesn’t care either way. My leftover soup did hit the spot at lunch today. That’s always good on a chilly day.

Our power went out for a second time last night but stayed on after that. Most of this side of town was out. Probably the heavy, wet snow pulled down some power lines.

I dug out my knitting yesterday and am working on a scarf. I plan on wearing it at work.

I had a baked potato for supper and dropped a big old butter piece of potato right on my diamond pendant. Oh no! Marty will be sorry he missed that; I am sure my face was pretty funny when it happened. I soaked it in Dawn dish soap and amazingly it still sparkles.

Take care.
Marcy, thank you for the morning chuckle. Do you eat lying down too? Or was it a case of The Flying Butter? I love Dawn and when I’m not wearing Mildred she lives in the bath. Everyone talks about how to clean stones, but my theory is that a long Dawn soak outshines them all.
Tell about your scarf, please. I am working on one as well.

My massage was great. I’ve known my person for about 20 years. She is a wonderfdul person and we have amazing talks while she straightens out my back. This time we talked about Introversion and she recommended a book, Quiet, which is excellent and has been translated into 30 languages. I got it on my Kindle and already read it last night. I think a lot of PSers are introverts, which is something to celebrate. Explains a lot. Lol The book made me feel quite smart to be an introvert!

My small gift for Mildred arrived yesterday. I do recommend the Etsy seller for good work and interesting rings, and her prices are excellent . »ForeverAndAlways »

Austina, welcome! Have a wonderful time!!
Good morning girls! First of all want to send my thoughts and prayers to anyone affected by the earthquake and Tsunami warning. Hope everyone remains safe.

Austina thank you for checking in and yay for arriving at your first destination safely! How wonderful that you are upgraded to a lovely big suite. Hope you had a good night's sleep (being awake for 19 hours is a long time) and wake refreshed and ready for your adventures. Enjoy!!!

Marcy glad your power came right back on after it went out again and so glad Marty is driving you to work while the roads are icy. He is a good dh! Yes delicious homemade soup sure hits the spot on cold and snowy days. Stay warm. Oops to your pendant mishap and glad it is all sparkly and happy again. Nice job cleaning it up. Thanks for your good wishes and my mammo and ultrasound went well and I am good. Glad you liked the phone haha I knew you would. Yes laughing is cathartic and good medicine for our challenges. LOL about the SIRI story. I never even considered it wasn't true but you make a good point. I am not a SIRI fan however as she never really gets my questions. Oh wait most people don't get my questions either. Haha.8-)


PierreBear hope yesterday's culinary class went well and that your car passed inspection. Sorry you are without your dh for a few days while he is traveling on business but I hope you enjoy all that you are doing and that he is back home with you very soon. What is on the class schedule this term? What type of dishes/meals are you preparing? Speaking of meals I am planning a few restaurant reservations and am trying to branch out though I just want to go back to Jean George, Le Bernardin and all my usual haunts lol. I just like what I like and I am not very adventurous. I am boring but I guess I am OK with that...anyway looking forward to hearing all about what is on the syllabus this semester for you.

Scandi aww thank you. How are you feeling? When is your surgery scheduled? I am hoping it is very soon.

Jimmianne what a lovely gift for Mildred. Glad you had a good massage yesterday. I rarely use the Roomba but I think my cleaning lady does lol. Thanks for the reminder and maybe I will put Roombie to work today.

Hey CJ! Hope all is going smoothly and hugs.

Everything went very well yesterday and thank you all for caring. Lots accomplished at beach kitchen yesterday and another inspection (general building) is due today. Fingers crossed it goes A OK. Cabinets might be put in as soon as next week we will see. Our carpenter is taking lots of photos and as soon as I get them I will share with all of you lovely ladies who are interested. It is raining cats and dogs today and I am staying in and reading a good book after I workout. And washing my hair. Haha big day. Enjoy your day ladies!:wavey:
Hi nirdis!

Missy, I'm glad you enjoyed the concert so much, and that you were able to join in the march for a while. Love the pics! Greg has such a good sense of style, he looks great. Lol to having a laughing fit during the concert! That has happened to me too - and the fact we're not supposed to be laughing makes us want to laugh even more. It's nice that the weather warmed up enough so that you and Greg could get out and about for a while. I hope your appointment went well yesterday.

Jimmianne, lol to being easily amused, I am too! Glad you had a good massage and enjoyed chatting with your massuese. Thanks for the rec, I am going to check out that book, sounds interesting. Love your new band! It looks so pretty paired with Mildred. It's great you are enjoying her so much.

Austina, good to hear your trip went smoothly. How nice to leave the cold and enjoy some warm weather! You are going to have such a fabulous trip. I hope you can check in with us from time to time, because I'm living vicariously through you lol!

Marcy, ugh to having no power! I'm glad it wasn't off for too long. Stay safe on those icy roads. Oh no to your diamond getting dirtly! I hate that lol, thank goodness for Dawn. Hopefully you can get to those cookies soon - I'm getting hungry thinking about them ha!

Hi CJ!

PB, good luck with your first day of class! Very happy to hear you're feeling better. I hope the week goes by quickly for you and that your dh is home before you know it. Good question about the plants in cold weather climates! Yes, I guess they are just hardy types of plants, bushes, and trees that can withstand cold temperatures. I'm sorry you're upset by your plants being harmed by the cold but don't be too hard on yourself, you tried and you had unusually cold weather recently. My friend and I usually just meet at a casual restaurant, nothing fancy and one that is halfway between us, since we live 2 hours away from each other.

Had a nice time at lunch with my friend, we hadn't seen each other in a while so it was nice to catch up. Not much going on this week, I do have some paperwork I've been putting off so I should probably try to get to that lol.

Have a great day everyone!
Missy, we were posting at the same time! Good news about your appoinment and I'm glad to hear things are moving along at the beach house. Sending good thoughts about the inspection. Looking forward to pics, it's fun to see the progress being made.

And oh my gosh that Snoopy phone is adorable! I can see where you and Greg were tempted to get it for Marcy!
Hello lovelies from a very sunny and warm Miami!

So glad to hear the tests went well @missy and everything is ok, all done for another year. How exciting that the cabinets will be in soon, I can’t wait to see them, I like looking at kitchens ‘nearly’ as much as bling :lol:

I’m afraid I’m one of those terrible people who can laugh so much I snort :oops: very ladylike :mrgreen2:

Awww that Snoopy phone is so cute :love:

Mildred’s companion sits so well with her @Jimmianne, great find . Glad you found your massage relaxing, most of the massages I’ve had have been to treat injuries, and usually carried out by someone with hands like steel vises but they did the trick, and sorted out the problem.

Nice that you were able to meet up with your friend @junebug17 2 hrs is quite a distance, so meeting halfway is a great compromise, especially as you’ve found somewhere that’s good to eat.

Don’t worry, I’ll send you a virtual postcard from each port, but the first 2 days are sailing until we reach Colombia. No Emeralds for me, I already have mine, and I expect the prices there will be more than I paid! I might look though ;)2

Glad you got to work safely @marcy, the roads are often worse in the days after snow than when it’s actually snowing. Oops to dropping butter all over your pendant, do you have the saying there, Mucky Pup? Glad it’s all clean up or Marty will be buying you a bib to wear!

Hi @Scandinavian hope you’re not in any pain or discomfort.

Glad you’re feeling better @PierreBear but boo to your cacti turning to mush:( your weather has certainly been atypical just lately, Adam said their propane bill has been sky high this last month.

Hopefully the week will pass quickly for you and your DH will be home. Looking forward to seeing this terms culinary masterpieces :lickout:

We’re checking out at 11 and heading to the port, which isn’t far away. I got a few hours sleep but it’ll take a few days to adjust to the time difference.

I forgot, I also watched Crooked House on the plane, an Agatha Christie adaptation with Glenn Close and that was very good.

Have a great day :wavey:
Hi beautiful ladies! First day of class was comfortable since I need 2 out of 9 students already. Everyone seems to be very caring and gentle already in terms of personality. I think it should be a good class where we are encouraged to help one another. I’m taking intermediate cooking so there are some challenges…. Mystery box is part of a final. Another time you have to take your favorite recipe and “recreate/retransform” it. Another day they will pretend you are working in a breakfast restaurant and just randomly give you 4 orders and you have 15 minutes to put it together. Very different from my other classes but I guess that’s why they call it “intermediate.” Following a recipe is hard enough as it is on me but I know the instructor is very kind and knows I’m just there for fun. I forgot how late the class ends though… 9:30 or 9:45… ughhh I’m usually in bed and winding down by 9:00 so to not even be home at that time will be challenging. However, the other things we are cooking looks like a good time. Will need to have my camera ready to share! Hope ya’ll have a great day!

@Jimmianne – Funny what you say about animals on the bed. It’s a love hate relationship. The purring puts me to sleep and the warmth is nice but I’ve woken up too many times because of my cat walking on top of me or the sound of him grooming himself. Haha.. it’s too late to change the habit though.

Did you get anything fun at Walmart?

Wow is that Mildred’s new setting? I thought it was in a platinum setting but perhaps that was just a temporary one? The set looks lovely!!!! : )

@Austina – Wow 4 films so that must have been a long flight. I’m feeling nauseous just thinking about being on an airplane. Glad ya’ll got there safely and hurray for a big suite to relax and sleep.

@marcy – Yes ma’am and I’m opening up a Chase account today. Thanks for asking about the car. It passed inspection but the other week when I brought it to the mechanic they couldn’t reperform the “pop” noise and didn’t see anything at that time that needed to replace. However, we are hearing the noise more and more frequently. I guess whatever is the issue, isn’t that urgent yet and can wait until we need to get our oil change.

Can’t wait to see the scarf you are knitting. What colors are you planning on using?

Yum on the baked potato! I need to make that more often.

@missy – Hope you enjoy the rainy day, which makes for good reading. What book are you reading at the moment? Great to hear that much is happening at the beach house. Hurray for progress!

@junebug17 – Kudos to ya’ll for keeping a friendship going even though you live 2 hours away from each other. Such kindness! Good luck with the paperwork today and perhaps you need a cupcake reward for getting through it! Yummm… sorry I think I’m just hungry already.
Hello girls!
I'm reading along, but just trying to keep my head over water. As in trying to get through my mail box and papers on my desk and and and. Oh my. Why am I working ??? LOL. No date for the surgery yet, alas. Missy, I'm sure the kitchen will be finished before our house! LOL and hugs to you all!
Morning lovelies

The internet is soooooooo slow, so I’ll probably just be reading and not necessarily responding too much.

Sailing day for us, so lots of activities to take part in.

Have a great day.:wavey:
Good morning girls! Gosh my computer just restarted but I don't think I lost any replies that I already wrote. Hopefully I didn't.

Junie yes it was adorable. So glad you enjoyed lunch the other day with your friend. It's so nice to have friends who enjoy your company and vice versa and life is all about connections. Close and trusted connections make all the difference. Are you enjoying our super mild weather? The rain from yesterday lasted only an hour or so by us and then the sun came out. What weird weather. Might be in the 50s this weekend though the next few days are supposed to be cooler but seasonal I believe. Then colder next week. But we are moving along towards spring woohoo.

Scandi lol I don't think so but we shall see. Still lots to be accomplished at the beach house but yesterday's building inspection went well and our carpenter is busy at work from early to late so I think that's a good sign. Sorry your surgery has not yet been scheduled boo to that. But glad you are in no discomfort. More healing vibes your way. And yes, why are you working? :devil:I love my new schedule. Sleep till I don't want to anymore and while I still get up relatively early I am sleeping longer and better and if I am up in the middle of the night I no longer stress about it. Yay. Time to retire early for you perhaps? Haha don't tell your dh I said that OK. :shhh::whistle::lol:

Austina hi there and hope you are having a wonderful time. Enjoy your sailing! Darn that slow internet but we will be here when you are able to join us and (((hugs))).

PierreBear so glad you are comfortable in class and already know a few people and yay for your car passing inspection woohoo. Get that noise checked out though it is probably nothing major hopefully. How is your week going? Is dh returning soon I hope. Mystery box sounds like fun but my favorite mystery boxes hold big diamonds. Haha I bet you could have guessed that. Speaking of which... Cannot wait to hear the latest update from you.:sun:

Sharon I received a disappointing email yesterday. LeClerc (the company I ordered the glamour boots from) let me know that they are out of stock and are refunding my card. Sad. I had emailed them asking when they were shipping since I hadn't heard from them for a few days and then I received that reply back. I was able to find the Glamour in my size elsewhere but in black and after some thought I am not going to order the black. I have so many snow boots in black and not knowing if they will fit me anyway I just thought not in the cards for me now. However now I have my eye on the Ugg tall Adirondack 3...they are significantly more expensive however and again I don't need more snow boots but I am tempted...I can get them (as of now) in my size in white! I like that idea of snow white and it is easy enough to clean. Haven't decided yet what to do. Still disappointed the red Glamour didn't work out.

I did just order some luxurious slippers. I cannot wait for them to arrive. They look super comfy.

CJ did you ever hear back from the clinic where you had your mammogram? How is Mousey doing? Hope your week is going well.

Jimmianne I have to check your book rec out. Introverts rock I agree. Even us extroverted introverts lol. Anything interesting planned for your day today?

Marcy how are you? How did work go yesterday? How's the snow by you? What snow boots do you wear?

OK I'd like to take an informal vote...if I get these boots do you like the snake white? Pros of these boots over the others- they are taller on my leg. So that is a big plus for me as I like tall boots. Black leopard is pretty but I do have lots of black boots. Do you like the white?



in leopard


I have the Ugg snow boot Adirondack 2 which are shorter on the leg and comfy so I know generally that the ugg snow boots fit me comfortably another plus. These are the Uggs I already have.


OK that's enough from me about boots haha. Sharon next year I will be on top of it and get the Glamour in Red! I am tempted to just get the black Glamour boots though just to get my first pair of Olang and join you and the Olang family.:cool2:

Have a great day girls!:wavey:
Yes to snake white! Super!
Where was the LeClerc where you made the (unsuccessful) order?
I ask because in France that it the big mall where I do most of my *everything* shopping.

No plans. Isn’t that the way a beautiful sunny day is supposed to be?

I am glad your contractor is behaving. That bodes well.
Yes to snake white! Super!
Where was the LeClerc where you made the (unsuccessful) order?
I ask because in France that it the big mall where I do most of my *everything* shopping.

No plans. Isn’t that the way a beautiful sunny day is supposed to be?

I am glad your contractor is behaving. That bodes well.

Yes it was LeClerc and I am disappointed because they didn't even notify me that they could no longer fulfill my order and were refunding me. I had to email them. But it wasn't meant to be because I didn't have them on my radar till it was too late in the season but next year I am on it! Red Glamour next autumn (as long as they are still making that model).

Thanks for the white "snake" boot vote...I might order them today. Just not sure it is worth the $. I just found a big box of all my snow boots in Greg's closet that was left for him to clean a few months ago haha. They are all clean and ready to wear. My Brown leather La Canadienne boots, my tall Timberland brown boots, my short black Timberland boots and my Cole Haan waterproof OTK boots. Just the few I had tucked away that I wasn't yet wearing this season lol.

And yes to beautiful sunny winter days with no specific plans...Enjoy Jimmianne and please give your Puffy boy a big puffy hug and kiss from his Auntie Missy.:kiss:

Jimmianne, thank you for the picture of Mildred and your band; they are gorgeous. I love it. I don’t eat laying down and I agree Dawn really makes gems and diamonds shine. I am definitely an introvert too. Glad you enjoyed your massage.

Missy, I was relieved the tsunami warning expired without incident. Very scary. I love that Snoopy phone. I am very glad to hear your tests went well. Cross those off your list for a while. They are moving along on your kitchen. Feel free to include me in your pictures. I am very anxious to watch the progress. That’s great the inspection went well yesterday and a good deal your carpenter is working long hours. You do make retirement sound very appealing. Darn it that your red boots weren’t available to purchase. I hope your find them elsewhere. I do like the white boots. My boots are Sorel. Big, clunky and very warm. I also have some LL Bean insulated hiking boots I’ll wear sometimes.

Junebug, I am glad you enjoyed catching up with your friend. Ugh to catching up on paperwork. I drove to work today and most of the roads are dry now.

Austina, I am glad one of us is warm. Enjoy! I can honestly say I’ve never heard Mucky pup before but I like it. And I do need a bib. No doubt. I should look for that movie; I used to read a lot of Agatha Christie books. Have a blast on your cruise.

PierreBear, your cooking class does sound challenging. The mystery box reminds me of some of those cooking shows. Glad the other students seem like a good group. I hate that when you hear something with your car and they can’t find it. Good luck with that! My scarf is a variegated blue with some white splashes in it. I really like baked potatoes too. I had an epic fail for supper. I was baking one of those mini meatloafs and a few seasoned potatoes but left them in too long. The potatoes were great - crispy and well done; the mini meatloaf was like eating a shoe. I just ate my fries. I had a cup of fruit after I put my stuff in the oven; I should have quit there.

Scandi, hang in there! Are you feeling any better? I hope they get your surgery scheduled soon.

I had Uber Marty take me to work again yesterday then we went out for supper after he picked me up. It was nice to just chit chat over dinner and some wine. Afterwards we went and wandered around Hobby Lobby.

I drove to work today and my Porsche was glad to get out of the garage. The main roads are all dry just the side streets have snow and ice. Sadly my car is filthy now. Rats.

I hope all of you are having a great week.
Marcy, I love Hobby Lobby! Endless cool stuff, just the ticket for getting out of the house after a snow storm for some visual stimulation.
It’s funny, we all sound so gregarious and extroverted on PS.

My latest Stitch Fix box was incredibly awful...wrinkled short sleeved tops with lint on them and a summer ! maxi dress with the liner hanging out the top. Two of my big requests on my account are long sleeved clothing and no dresses. The love affair is over!
I will have to break down and leave the house to buy clothes! LOL