
Now I really did it :((

Missy, Sorry for the long and rambling post above. Flaming coffee coming right up!
Oh Callie, thank you for your support. Your thoughts are always welcome.

I am about to cry right now. I just called the physiatrist at Rusk rehab at NYU-Dr. Wayne Stokes and he told the office manager after I explained to her what my situation is (Pilon fracture, surgery at HSS, plates and screws in left leg) that he doesn't see post surgical patients that have plates and screws in their leg. ;( I am at a loss as to what to do next. I cannot even find a physiatrist as he was it for ankle/foot rehab. He told the office manager that I was probably getting the maximum care I could given my situation. :cry:

My big toe hurts and I am scared it is something serious as I googled big toe tendonitis/turf toe etc and it seems counter to what Victor told me to stretch etc. I will email Andrew next week but now I am not feeling hopeful and in fact feel very stressed and discouraged and overwhelmed.

Sorry for the cryfest. I sometimes wonder if I will ever get back to myself and my life. I am off to Costco with Greg now and hope you have a good afternoon. (((Hugs))) for being here for me.
Oh Sweetheart, Go ahead and have good cry. You certainly deserve one. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with all this. Lots and lots of hugs! I really want Kristie to chime in as she is so knowledgeable when it comes to this. Does this even make sense to you? What does Greg say? I'm having a hard getting past the fact that they won't do anything because of the plates and screws. This just doesn't pass the reasonable test for me, especially with everything Kristie has stated in the past. I know you don't really want to do research on the Internet but let me know if you would like me to. If Kristie could point me in the right direction, I'd be happy to help you.

I hope getting out with Greg helps this afternoon.

You will get your old life back Missy. This just isn't the greatest day today. HUGS
Thank you Callie. I wish I believed I would be OK. It's not just today. The toe has been hurting for quite a while now but I have been pushing it to the back of my mind because I am dealing with so much else yanno? I was just hoping it was tender due to starting more walking/weight bearing but now I know it isn't something simple. Each step is very painful due to my big toe and while the ankle doesn't feel great the big toe is impeding my walking even more.

I am icing as Victor suggested with a dixie cup filled with ice water and moving it under my toe and we will see if that does anything. The problem is I am not confident of his diagnosis and if it is correct his treatment suggestions don't mesh so I am going to see what Andrew says and if he needs me to go in to see him and the surgeon.

Our day was cut short because I am in too much pain to walk so we went to Costco and then a short walk in the neighborhood and back home to ice. My days are so tedious and painful and I am in a funk. Trying to break out of it and see ahead to the future as I know that is my only good option. Thanks for listening and for being so patient with me.

The icing on the cake of course was when that physiatrist didn't want to see me. Rejection before even having met him. Definitely interested to see what Kristie has to say but at this point I am not filled with hope.
Kristie here.

Well, providers sometimes draw parameters where they've had problems in the past. For this doc, he doesn't want to work with plates. He doesn't want to send you back into a surgery if his work with you compromises the work of the surgeon. He doesn't want to be sued or deemed responsible. Maybe his insurance coverage precludes patients with plates. Sheesh.l

There should be a physician who can evaluate your postoperative status, determine reasonable expectations of recovery, and design the rehab program to get you there(Victor carries out the rehab program).

So far, you have a surgeon and a therapist, with the middle level missing. Gives us an appreciation for Victor, who works on you, you know?

(Professional athletes have this level of injury and they have a physiatrist working on their rehab....)

re physiatrist, you are more than an ankle/lower leg. You should be advised on how you shouldp be exercising for general health and wellness. Should you have e-stim for the atrophying calf muscle? What is the conservative ROM to work towards for the ankle? Foot wear/orthotics? If you could get an appointment with a physiatrist these are good questions and don't involve working on that plate set-up.

The toe has to be worked up by a doctor, possibly with imaging.

I'm so sorry you are having this level of unnecessary stress. It will get worked out, it will.

I'm going to look some people up, I'll be back...
Hi Missy,

I just wanted to drop by and ask how you were and saw the bad news, always something, please know we care and definitely think of you! How if your toe feeling now? Hope you can find out soon what is going on and also that you will be able to find a physiatrist soon, believe me it will get better, sometimes things do seriously get worse before they get better. So, trust me, it will get better. Just know we are here for you and will be thinking of you even when I cannot be online. Try to spoil your senses, not sure whether you can take aromabaths if that is not possible try a flaming coffee or something you could truly enjoy and of course do get your kitty fix! Please keep us posted, ok? I am hitting it after a long day in Vienna but will be back tomorrow and hope to be able to cheer you up. Hugs sent your way!
Hi Missy:

I went to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons site looking for their official word on rehab ankles and pilon fracture (interesting re pilon fracture).

I looked under rehab same site, found the above link.

Talked to some of my budsters.

After that, I believe the physiatrist at Rusk is following treatment standards in terms of telling you that with the guidance of your PT you are doing what can be done. The imperative at all times is not to risk the surgical repair. It seems the unsaid thing here is that you and Victor working together should go very slowly with ROM and your expectations should be minimal---be happy if/when you incrementally meaning slowly can increase ROM. Pain and swelling is always your guide, there are no SHOULDS to working the ankle or "by this time I should be" kind of thinking.

Okay, steady on.

Now, the other side to this is that no one is telling you what you cannot have longterm or say 3 years from now.

After working at the hospital for 9 years here is what I know about patients:
A. Some patients will keep reinjuring themselves. They rush things, have little impulse control or delayed gratification skills. They let others tell them what level of pain they should accept and what schedule of recovery they should follow, this leads to reinjury.
B. Some patients will not be able to handle rehab and will spend their rest of their lives as a couch potato. Acceptable in the elderly who were already deconditioned, particularly if they have no motivation to improve their functional status.
C. Some patients will dig their heels in, get a physical therapist they feel comfortable with, and will SLOWLY AND WITH GREAT PATIENCE proceed to work on improving their status in the face of no predictions or prognosis from the medical community. They will work on it as long as it takes. Period the end.

Our goal is that you be the last scenario, C.

I know you know how to hang in there, you've told us about your GI issues and hard work in that area. Being a type A individual is not an asset to your gut and it won't be an asset to your ankle; you've had practice already setting aside perfectionism when it comes to your physical status, right? Just move that mental outlook over to your musculoskeletal situation.


Now. You are smart, you are educated and you are not living in poverty. Greg is on your side in every single way. Its time to think of treatments that don't risk those plates. You are going to be your own best advocate and planner for your recovery. You've already been doing this, finding Victor, working slowly and carefully with him, checking back in with the surgeon. Okay, so you won't have a physiatrist on board, you are still going to recover and do very well indeed.

Acupuncture. We have several at Mayo Clinic and they use electrical stim with it. Now that you aren't working with a physiatrist, let's find you an acupuncturist. Pain and swelling are what you want this to lessen and resolve to the lowest possible level. Anxiety also.

Chiropractor/DO. Let's get some alternative medicine happening for your general health, someone who can treat things like your toe, etc. We want a practitioner who is going to look at YOU and design for just you. We don't need a cookbook or boiler plate practitioner working on you.

I'm going to look up some other things, see what else is out there that won't risk the plates/screws.

I found this when I was looking for help rehabbing my broken knee, specifically discomfort and swelling.

I was planning on trying the local treatment for my knee but I have been getting good pain relief and swelling relief from the Wobenzym N.

There are therapies out there that bear consideration, you can always ask your surgeon if they would be contraindicated for your case.
Kristie, you are a doll and I certainly don't expect you to find the healthcare professionals for me. Thank you for all your help all along my journey. I am going to take what you wrote to heart and do more research and see what I can find. And I agree. Slow and steady is key. I do not want to re-injure myself.

This has been quite a challenging year with the last 4 months being the most mentally and physically challenging months I have ever experienced. I have come far and I know I will make it through but there are times I have trouble seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Today was one of those times. It is all so overwhelming as I know you know having lived through and conquered something similar.

Victor doesn't think e-stim would be helpful for me but I am going to explore all avenues. Right now I am going to continue working hard (but smart-not overdoing) at PT and slowly trying to increase my ankle ROM. If my toe continues to be a problem after my continued icing and stretching I will be calling Andrew and seeing what he wants me to do. I am ready to go back to be evaluated by Dr. Wellman at HSS if necessary for that toe because there is no toe too small. Haha, weak attempt at some humor forgive me.

Thanks again Kristie. I am hanging in there with some momentary lapses. (((Hugs))). I am off to check out your links!

Ovi, thank you. I appreciate your support and good energy.
Laser, great for swelling. Several NIH writeups on the benefits of laser, this is just one:

This guy below believes that ice for ankle rehab is not good.

I know these two reference "sprain" but you too are rebuilding ligaments and soft tissues just like sprains.

There is information out there that may or may not help your situation, you can always go over it with Victor or your surgeon to see if it would risk the plates/screws.

Basically you want to have foremost in your mind is what types of movements would risk the plates/screws.

We are going to keep looking and learning!
Missy when you need to take a day or 3 to scream and feel sorry for yourself and buy shoes and jewelry YOU DO IT!!!!

Its the long run now (Eagles), TIME is on your side, yes it is (Stones reference).
azstonie|1414191407|3772269 said:
Laser, great for swelling. Several NIH writeups on the benefits of laser, this is just one:

This guy below believes that ice for ankle rehab is not good.

I know these two reference "sprain" but you too are rebuilding ligaments and soft tissues just like sprains.

There is information out there that may or may not help your situation, you can always go over it with Victor or your surgeon to see if it would risk the plates/screws.

Basically you want to have foremost in your mind is what types of movements would risk the plates/screws.

We are going to keep looking and learning!

I have been icing multiple times a day. Now I am not sure what I should do. I think it is helpful with swelling and pain but now I am confused. Icing was something I thought was non controversial as long as one didn't apply ice for more than 20 minutes or so. Here is a link I found early on and have been following for my icing regime.

Thanks for that info re ultrasound. Today Victor applied it to my big toe. That sounds funny. Anyway I didn't notice any difference but it was the first time he did any ultrasound and then it wasn't for what I had been thinking he was going to do ultrasound for so I guess I will see how that goes.

As for movements I cannot do...Dr Wellman told me no pivoting, running, jumping or twisting. Those would jeopardize the plates. Other than that he seemed to say I am good to go. In fact at my visit with him October 2nd his exact words to me was to get back to my life. Greg and I disagreed about exactly what he meant by that. I thought he meant to literally get back to everything and Greg thought he meant it as an aspiration. However after these past few weeks I now realize Greg's interpretation was more correct. It's just that Dr Wellman said to get rid of my walker and cane and it sounded like right now. Well I am still using the cane because I have to. I know my limitations and no matter what the surgeon says I am not going to do something I don't feel capable of doing.

azstonie said:
Missy when you need to take a day or 3 to scream and feel sorry for yourself and buy shoes and jewelry YOU DO IT!!!!

Its the long run now (Eagles), TIME is on your side, yes it is (Stones reference).

Love your musical references Kristie. And yes I will. THANK YOU. So much. :wavey:
And crying can be therapeutic. Wonder why these surgeons overlook that very important therapy? :cheeky:
Hi Missy, Don't feel bad about talking about your feelings. We are all here for you so please don't apologize. Hopefully speaking with Andrew will help ease your mind some and he will be able to get you an appointment with the surgeon.

As always, Kristie made so many interesting comments, especially regarding althletes having similar injuries. She is off investigating more and hopefully will be able to point you in the direction that will be helpful to your healing. Everything she has said made so much sense. Andrew may also be able to help find you the physician needed to evaluate a plan and design a rehab program to address the issues. Honey, please don't give up hope. As Kristie stated, you are just missing a piece right now. It will get figured out.
Start making a list of questions from Kristie's posts, for when you speak to Andrew on Monday. This sounds like a great place to start. I would also ask her if there are other questions you should be asking. Andrew needs to be working to help you.

I also LOVE Kristies advices out buying shoes and jewelry!

Thank you so much Kristie!
Thank you Callie. What I got from Kristie's very helpful posts and research she so generously did for me is that for rehab/PT I am doing what I can be doing and that physiatry is not for someone with my injury and plates and screws. Physiatrists work with equipment that might endanger the integrity of the plates and screws so right now it's slow and steady with Victor at PT and at home with my PT exercises. Additionally there are other treatments I can explore but physiatry is out for me.

I will still contact Andrew next week if my toe is still bothering me just to ask him what he thinks I should do. If he wants me to see Dr Wellman I will. Victor didn't seem overly concerned with it and seems to think with stretching and icing it will improve but I don't feel confident in his diagnosis so that is why I want to contact Andrew.

Important info I came away with reading Kristie's posts are the reinforcement of the slow and steady mantra when doing PT and not trying to rush it or overdo because that puts me at further risk. And also that there are no timelines. That I need to just take it at my own pace and improve at my own pace. Victor keeps telling me that unfortunately with this injury progress in rehab is very very slow. That's the way it goes.

Kristie helped remind me of this and though I know it I always appreciate the reminder because after 4 months I am going stir crazy despite being able to get out a bit I am still home more than I am not and this level of activity is so not me. I am very thankful I am back to the elliptical though and other activities I couldn't do just a month ago and sure compared to a few months ago I am leaps and bounds improved so I just need to take all that into account and remind myself I am doing great compared to that dark time.
Hi Missy, The slow and steady mantra is exactly what you have been doing. Give yourself a lot credit for handling this the best possible way. It has sounded all along that this was extremely important otherwise it was possible to do further damage. I think you really hit the mark when you said it's been 4 months of your activity level being no where near what you had been used to in the past. Missy, that alone would be enough to get anyone in a down mood. You really are handling everything extremely well. Hopefully your toe will start feeling better tomorrow and you will be able to get out of the house for a while. I'll check in on you tomorrow.
Re icing, Missy, I still ice on days I have discomfort or swelling and it feels like heaven. Probably why that cryogenic therapy appealed to m e, that and being menopausal when I had the injury :naughty:

Keep icing as you see fit.

How do you feel about slowly returning to work? Is that what the surgeon meant?

I haven't posted for awhile because of what's been happening in my life, but I just wanted you to know you are making phenomenal progress. You are up and about much faster than I would have imagined given the extent of your injury, and I think your biggest risk is doing too much too fast, not too little too slowly. And I wouldn't worry that you aren't getting adequate care. I didn't have a physiatrist, and had a grand total of 18 PT sessions because that's all insurance would pay for, and I'm up and about with good ROM. And I slacked off on my exercises for months because of other things that were going on. YOU'LL BE FINE, but you'll be even better if you get out of your head, stop analyzing and overthinking, and worrying about what you can't do yet. It takes a long time to come back from a bad injury, and that's something you're going to have to be okay with. So take a deep breath and relax, then give your husband a big hug. And pop a couple of those holy basil capsules when you get upset. Seriously. They do just enough to get you back on the right track.
Calliecake|1414196935|3772313 said:
Hi Missy, The slow and steady mantra is exactly what you have been doing. Give yourself a lot credit for handling this the best possible way. It has sounded all along that this was extremely important otherwise it was possible to do further damage. I think you really hit the mark when you said it's been 4 months of your activity level being no where near what you had been used to in the past. Missy, that alone would be enough to get anyone in a down mood. You really are handling everything extremely well. Hopefully your toe will start feeling better tomorrow and you will be able to get out of the house for a while. I'll check in on you tomorrow.

Thanks Callie. I am not sure I am handling it very well but I am learning as I go and thanks to all of you guys it's been a much more manageable journey to be sure.

azstonie said:
Re icing, Missy, I still ice on days I have discomfort or swelling and it feels like heaven. Probably why that cryogenic therapy appealed to m e, that and being menopausal when I had the injury :naughty:

Keep icing as you see fit.

How do you feel about slowly returning to work? Is that what the surgeon meant?

Thanks Kristie. My surgeon doesn't want me to return to work before January because I work with an aggressive patient population. And if I don't feel I am ready in January I will wait. And if I don't have a job to go back to so be it. I am at peace with whatever happens at work (well as much at peace as I can be) because no matter what my health and safety comes first. I have dedicated my work life to helping the developmentally disabled community and it has been such a rewarding career. Now I need to heal and recover however long that may take and I know my guys have someone taking care of them at work so about that I am at peace.

As you wrote, and I am internalizing, there is no timeline, there is no formula. Everyone is different and everyone's recovery is unique to them. Thanks for that because I tend to be (or at least in the past had been) an overachiever and I cannot be that way anymore and definitely not regarding this injury and my recovery process.
rainwood|1414223622|3772395 said:

I haven't posted for awhile because of what's been happening in my life, but I just wanted you to know you are making phenomenal progress. You are up and about much faster than I would have imagined given the extent of your injury, and I think your biggest risk is doing too much too fast, not too little too slowly. And I wouldn't worry that you aren't getting adequate care. I didn't have a physiatrist, and had a grand total of 18 PT sessions because that's all insurance would pay for, and I'm up and about with good ROM. And I slacked off on my exercises for months because of other things that were going on. YOU'LL BE FINE, but you'll be even better if you get out of your head, stop analyzing and overthinking, and worrying about what you can't do yet. It takes a long time to come back from a bad injury, and that's something you're going to have to be okay with. So take a deep breath and relax, then give your husband a big hug. And pop a couple of those holy basil capsules when you get upset. Seriously. They do just enough to get you back on the right track.

Rainwood, I am so grateful for your support and help and I hope whatever is going on in your life that it all works out well. I want you to know if there is ever anything at all I can do for you to please not hesitate to ask. You can get my email from Ella. From the bottom of my heart I mean that.

I didn't realize you only had 18 PT sessions. Wow, that really does inspire me and give me hope. Thank you. And it makes me feel OK if I take a couple of lazier days because sometimes I just need a break and I haven't allowed myself that even though Victor said it was OK to take a day off now and then. When I am in more pain I do ease up quite a bit though so there's that.

And thanks for the holy basil reminder. I bought a bottle the same day you advised me about it and then promptly forgot about them OMG. I am sure they are in the pile of pills I haven't looked at in months. I might be trying one (or 2) tonight. You are right in that I need to get out of my head. Way out because I am my own worst enemy sometimes.

Rainwood, I am sending you good thoughts and dust for a successful and happy resolution for whatever is happening in your life. And lots of Missy (((hugs))).
How was PT today Missy? Is your toe better now? Any more fun shopping for you?

I was a very bad girl yesterday and did end up shopping quite a bit. I will tell you more later if you are interested but I was hit with the mother of all stomach viruses, well, not quite but you get the message. Tomorrow hopefully I can be here more to support.

Rainwood hope you are ok, I mean your life too now. Life can truly suck sometimes, I was hospitalized when the worst things happened in my life otherwise too, it can be so cruel. So, I hope it is not only that you are well physically but your life is going great too.

Missy, finding peace is the best thing one can hope to achieve, once you have achieved that, your life will always be on track because having peace within yourself is the most important thing. I have forever struggled with this but think that I am also finally coming to peace with everything in my life. I am so glad you are not worrying about the job situation, after all YOU matter, everything else is secondary. A job is just a job and sometimes things happen for a reason.

Hope our Callie girl is doing great too. Hugs to all of you and talk more tomorrow, I hope.
Good morning Ovi, I am so sorry you are sick and I hope you are feeling better today!

I am very interested to hear about your shopping trip and the goodies you purchased. Even better if you want to share pictures. :appl:

Yesterday (Saturday) we had a lovely day. I was able to walk a couple of miles (over 3 hours mind you so just a casual slow stroll) and the weather was perfect! I also got to wear for the first time my most recent SW boot purchase. Brown suede boots. They are so pretty. I bought these a full size larger than my shoe size and my dh put inserts into them and not sure if that helped but my toe pain was much less yesterday.

I did not do the toe stretching exercises Victor recommended to me to do because I am unsure of the proper diagnosis and don't want to make it worse. If it is indeed a tendonitis stretching could exacerbate it. I am just taking that one day at a time and I will see how the toe feels today. It's not quite right but hoping the pain keeps decreasing so I can really concentrate on ankle ROM and walking properly.

Anyway I hope your stomach virus is all gone and that you are feeling well and looking forward to hearing about your shopping expedition. :appl:
missy|1414320923|3772829 said:
Yesterday (Saturday) we had a lovely day. I was able to walk a couple of miles (over 3 hours mind you so just a casual slow stroll) and the weather was perfect! I also got to wear for the first time my most recent SW boot purchase. Brown suede boots. They are so pretty. I bought these a full size larger than my shoe size and my dh put inserts into them and not sure if that helped but my toe pain was much less yesterday.

Just checking in with you missy, i am very encouraged to hear you had a nice day yesterday, and that you enjoyed a little fresh air and even a stroll!! Focus on the good stuff as it gives you strength to deal with the challenges. :)
LaraOnline|1414321762|3772837 said:
missy|1414320923|3772829 said:
Yesterday (Saturday) we had a lovely day. I was able to walk a couple of miles (over 3 hours mind you so just a casual slow stroll) and the weather was perfect! I also got to wear for the first time my most recent SW boot purchase. Brown suede boots. They are so pretty. I bought these a full size larger than my shoe size and my dh put inserts into them and not sure if that helped but my toe pain was much less yesterday.

Just checking in with you missy, i am very encouraged to hear you had a nice day yesterday, and that you enjoyed a little fresh air and even a stroll!! Focus on the good stuff as it gives you strength to deal with the challenges. :)

Thank you so much Lara. I so appreciate your well wishes and good thoughts. :wavey:
Hi Missy,

I am really happy that you had a good time yesterday with less pain walking, hey those new boots must make walking just a bit easier, not?:))) You must be a suede lover too, not? I have gotten into wedges so I have been buying mostly high wedges in the lasy year or so, fun wedges, Burberry wedge sandals, espadrilles, black suede wedges, etc. Ok, so I headed out to work on Friday. I felt great and was in a good mood. After my meeting I felt the urge to go to that favorite store of mine where I tried on the dress I reserved. Not good, I looked like I had batwings, the whole dress was baggy and recently people told me to stick to my more fitted normal style. So, no on that but I had my favorite girl who was really nice and we searched for dresses and finally settled on a gorgeous teal dress sort of Greek style that I love but fitted with cleavage front and back. I was very happy. She was very nice and told me to look online and when I find something call her and have her help me. I told her that I will do that as I was much happier with her service.

Then, I did not really want to buy anything else but my colleague has wanted me to go shoe shopping with her. I knew I was in trouble. I already felt in the morning that perhaps I should not go dress shopping, so we went to a store called Musette that she had discovered, I did not know this brand but really liked their stuff. I tried on a pair of black high wedge ankle boots and they were so cool. Of course this brand, the first I have discovered to date, makes boots for very thin calves so even their high boots fit me perfect. Long story short I bought the ankle boots because we got a discount too but naturally I have another pair on my list, they are high wedge boots and they will call me when they come in. Bad me.

Yesterday truly sucked, I felt like vomiting all days but had khm nonstop diarrhea and a bit of temperature towards the evening. Worst part was that I have been educating my husband who works with a lot of tourists about ebola and I got so scared in the evening. I knew I must have been totally paranoid but I was sick as a dog. Fortunately, I am all good today, just a bit of weakness and headache but nothing else. Must have been either a transient virus or food poisoning.

Actually, I am having a great day. Today the sun is shining here for the first time in days. It is still cold but a happy day and I am on cloud nine about my fancy colored diamond I wrote somewhere in a thread that I always felt was much better than on the report and the regrading results are in today and I was totally right all along. I feel like dancing all over the house. So, good day for me.

Most importantly how are you today Missy and are you planning something fun? It must be tiring to go out and about but nice at the same time. Maybe you have some shopping or dining out in the cards.:)))
Good morning ladies. :wavey: I hope everyone had a great weekend. Isn't it amazing how fast weekends go?

Ovi, I am so glad you are feeling better and that you bought new boots. Love new boots as you know and if you care to share pictures I would love seeing them on you! Your description of the batwing dress reminds me of 2 dresses I purchased this month that Greg feels needs to be altered a bit as they have pockets that layer and stick out (on purpose) and I like the look but Greg feels they need to be tapered a bit. It does look a bit like batwings haha. It's the look and the dresses are by Kensie who makes free form type dresses if you kwim. Maybe an acquired taste lol.

We had another lovely day Sunday but my toe/foot was hurting quite a bit by the middle of the day. And my ankle hurt most of the night. I don't think I overdid as we were walking slowly but I guess my body is telling me differently. Anyway we got to see some rescues and even hold a sweet orange kitty and we did some window shopping and just walking around as it was another lovely day though a bit windier than Saturday. And I wore for the first time my thigh high Lowland SW boots. I am pleased with them and the way they look and as soon as my leg and foot get more normal I know it will be super comfie. For now nothing is very comfortable that way however. Patience.

Off to PT soon. Have a good morning and chat with you guys later. :wavey:
I am glad you had a lovely Sunday Missy! Ah, I sooo love orange kitties, my Niello is an orange tabby and white kitty, he is a little devil.:))) You really do want another kitty, don't you? I do have a fifth one coming possibly too. I tell you that the dangerous thing is that there is not much difference between having four or five cats, one extra cat really is no problem at these numbers.:))) Only thing that can be tough is integrating a new youngster in with your existing crew, that part can be difficult but at the same time it is also fun.

Not kitties but I got my dogs the beginning of the year when I was working from home. It was different though and I am really glad I did not end up fostering the whole litter. Having puppies inside the house is equal to having 20 cats or more. I would have hung myself with a whole litter. If you get another pet get another kitty for now and not a puppy.

Ok, I promise that I will try to get pix of my new boots and perhaps the dresses I got recently too.

Hope your toe is better today,I was hoping that the pain was going away, let us know later and wish you a great, healing PT session.
Hi Missy, it sounds like you had a great weekend. I really think you are putting a lot of pressure on yourself. If you were able to walk a couple miles on Saturday, I would say you are doing extremely well. Hang in there Sweetie, your getting there and you will have your old life back. It's just going to take a little time. I'm also glad that you are not planning to return to work until next year. I just don't see how having the added stress that your job brings helping you. Please let's concentrate on getting you leg and ankle healed first. You are so much more important than any job!

I'm sorry I haven't been around as much. I have no idea what is going on with my computer but I've had to rewrite every post at least three time before I can get it to go thru. The iPad freezes up and nothing happens, If I type one or two sentences, I have no problem.
My mom has been in the hospital since last Thursday. She fractured a vertebra in her back. So I've been going back and forth from the hospital.

We had beautiful weather in Chicago this week. Around 70, sunny, no wind. Just perfect. Reminds me of San Diego weather

OVincze, Your news dress sounds beautiful. I'm glad this latest sales girl was helpful and nice. Makes a huge difference when you walk out the door of the store feeling happy. I'm also glad your feeling better.

Missy, How are people in New York dealing with the Ebola situation. I was happy to hear they were putting people who were at a higher risk for catching the disease in quarantine. If we have seen anything the past few weeks it is that self quarantine has not been followed the way it should be. I just don't understand it. I swear I have always been an old soul and always error or the side of caution. I just can't imagine doing anything that would jeopardize the others.

I will check on you later today. I hope you have a wonderful day!
OVincze|1414402724|3773222 said:
I am glad you had a lovely Sunday Missy! Ah, I sooo love orange kitties, my Niello is an orange tabby and white kitty, he is a little devil.:))) You really do want another kitty, don't you? I do have a fifth one coming possibly too. I tell you that the dangerous thing is that there is not much difference between having four or five cats, one extra cat really is no problem at these numbers.:))) Only thing that can be tough is integrating a new youngster in with your existing crew, that part can be difficult but at the same time it is also fun.

Not kitties but I got my dogs the beginning of the year when I was working from home. It was different though and I am really glad I did not end up fostering the whole litter. Having puppies inside the house is equal to having 20 cats or more. I would have hung myself with a whole litter. If you get another pet get another kitty for now and not a puppy.

Ok, I promise that I will try to get pix of my new boots and perhaps the dresses I got recently too.

Hope your toe is better today,I was hoping that the pain was going away, let us know later and wish you a great, healing PT session.

Haha, you know me already Ovi because yes I do want another kitty. But really I cannot at this time. It's a lot of kitties and once we start going back and forth again to our beach house we take our whole crew and it's hard enough getting all 4 rounded up and back again and the long car trip with them crying/meowing/whining OMG. So for those reasons not sure a fifth is the best idea for us. BUT I so want to save a life and adopt another (and another and another) rescue. Thank goodness for Greg or I would become a crazy cat lady I think LOL. :bigsmile:

Your Niello sounds wonderful! Have you posted pics of him anywhere on PS? In the pet thread perhaps? Please post pics of him if you have them and posting them in this thread would be great too. I would love to see him. So you also have 4 kitties or puppies? I'm not sure from your post. I agree puppies/dogs are much more difficult to care for them kitties/cats. One day though I so want a couple of dogs too.

PT was good and I did some new exercises. Victor feels I have a mild tendonitis of the big toe and wants me to gently stretch the toe a few times a day and then ice. So I will do that and we will see if it gets better. I do not like this added complication and hope it will be easy to fix this.
Calliecake|1414417926|3773291 said:
Hi Missy, it sounds like you had a great weekend. I really think you are putting a lot of pressure on yourself. If you were able to walk a couple miles on Saturday, I would say you are doing extremely well. Hang in there Sweetie, your getting there and you will have your old life back. It's just going to take a little time. I'm also glad that you are not planning to return to work until next year. I just don't see how having the added stress that your job brings helping you. Please let's concentrate on getting you leg and ankle healed first. You are so much more important than any job!

I'm sorry I haven't been around as much. I have no idea what is going on with my computer but I've had to rewrite every post at least three time before I can get it to go thru. The iPad freezes up and nothing happens, If I type one or two sentences, I have no problem.
My mom has been in the hospital since last Thursday. She fractured a vertebra in her back. So I've been going back and forth from the hospital.

We had beautiful weather in Chicago this week. Around 70, sunny, no wind. Just perfect. Reminds me of San Diego weather

OVincze, Your news dress sounds beautiful. I'm glad this latest sales girl was helpful and nice. Makes a huge difference when you walk out the door of the store feeling happy. I'm also glad your feeling better.

Missy, How are people in New York dealing with the Ebola situation. I was happy to hear they were putting people who were at a higher risk for catching the disease in quarantine. If we have seen anything the past few weeks it is that self quarantine has not been followed the way it should be. I just don't understand it. I swear I have always been an old soul and always error or the side of caution. I just can't imagine doing anything that would jeopardize the others.

I will check on you later today. I hope you have a wonderful day!

Oh no Callie! I am so sorry about your dear mother! How did she fracture her vertebra? What is her prognosis for recovery and how long will she be in the hospital? I am sending tons and tons of PS dust and good thoughts and well wishes her way for a full and quick recovery!

It's funny you mention you are an old soul because so am I. From our first meeting Greg said it was immediately clear to him I was an old soul and he said that he loves that about me. As I am sure your dh does too. I should have realized we were kindred spirits. :halo:
I always err on the side of caution too but look how far that got me this time haha. I mean it was ironic this accident happened to me because I am very risk adverse but you would never know it with my new bionic leg sigh.

As for Ebola I am not worried about it here because hopefully the health care professionals and other important people dealing with it learned from the foolish mistakes they made in Texas. But of course where there are humans there is human error so no guarantees obviously. As of now it is not super easy to catch Ebola so we have that going for us at least.

I'm glad you had gorgeous weather this weekend. Sounds even better than our weather as Sunday was a bit brisk and windy but still nice. I love San Diego and their weather and that is my dream retirement place but that will never happen as cost of living is no bargain there and the whole state of California is not so great on the water crisis and all so no plans to relocate there unfortunately. Though I would LOVE to because of the weather and the ocean. GORGEOUS.

Sending you hugs and all the best for your mom's recovery Callie. Please keep us posted.
Missy, Please don't get too tempted with the kitties. I think it's pretty safe to say we both have a weakness in this department. I almost came home with a puppy two weeks ago. If my dog would have been okay with another dog, I know I would have brought the little one I fell in love with home. They do cheer you up though, don't they?

OVincze, Puppies really are a lot of work. They need a lot more attention then kitties. I can't imagine taking on a whole liter.