
Now I really did it :((

A close up of the puppy with my new camera.
GM girls! It's Lime Sulfur Dip Tuesday.

@junebug17 yay for DS coming over and staying overnight. Glad you got to spend a lovely day with him and his band practice buddies. Sounds like a perfect day. Good for you going to the gym and getting a dental cleaning. I am so overdue with my dental checkup and cleaning and my gums are bleeding every day. I hope you had a good check up and that you have a nice day ahead. Oh and if that gluten free bread recipe comes out yummy would you mind sharing it? I miss bread a lot and haven't yet had anything that tastes as good as real bread. Thanks Junie.

Junie, By the way when I started the Rainbow Bridge thread I had you and Austina in mind but weren't sure either of you wanted to share so I didn't call your attention to it in the thread but I just wanted you to know you and Austina were on my mind when I started the thread. I think of Zoe almost every day. I cannot help it. Makes me sad but also happy that she had you in her life. She knew unconditional love and safety and had a wonderful home filled with warmth and caring. All animals should be so lucky. Anyway just wanted you to know you and Zoe are in my thoughts. (((Hugs))).

@marcy Congrats on your new iPhone and on leaving work early yesterday and getting away from NN. She would put Mother Teresa in a bad mood. LOL and oh no. Greg would like to know your thoughts re the battery life of your new iphone after you have had time to get to know it. And of course I want to know what you think about those 3 camera lenses and how much better (or not) it is compared to the older models. Glad you are just dealing with colder weather and no snow. For now. May it stay that way. No snow. As for Klutzy behavior yes we are Queen Klutzes what can I say but at least we have heart. Right? 8)
Stay safe out there Marcy. XO.

@canuk-gal so far the meteorologists are predicting 90 F degree weather for tomorrow but yesterday and today it was/is in the 60s/70s so not hot. I was actually cold yesterday while cycling but lol I know compared to your weather it is positively balmy here. No complaints from me regarding the weather. I love the mild weather and even the hot weather when compared to the freezing cold weather which as I get older I cannot tolerate anymore. So yeah bring on the heat and leave the snow on the ski slopes where it belongs. Stay warm and dry Sharon and hope your week is going well. (((Hugs))).

@Tekate sounds like you are enjoying a wonderful time with your family and I hope the pain is subsiding and you are healing and doing and feeling well. Kate the Great. Sending you bucketloads of healing dust and much love.

@AV_ I like almond flour. As Junie wrote it is more popular here now. Greg baked with it (I think) when he made me alternative gluten free goodies. And of course I am so appreciative of dairy free alternatives too. Almond milk ice cream is yummy. I cannot tell the different between that and dairy ice cream. Hope you had a good day yesterday and looking forward to hearing what (if anything) you baked.

@Austina thinking of you and I know each day is hard. We all have our own path of grief but it isn't linear. So some days will be less awful than others. Sending you comforting thoughts and much love.
And yes that Rainbow in the sky was Dottie letting you know she is at peace. (((Hugs))).

@Slick1 hello and good morning. Hope you are enjoying a good week and anticipating happy events coming up this weekend. Hope you are feeling well and that all is progressing smoothly. Hugs.

@Scandinavian hello my friend. Thinking of you and your mom and sending so many good vibes her way. And hugs to you. Hope you are all doing as well as possible.

@Mamabean good morning. Your photos in the Rainbow Bridge thread had me tearing up. Gordie was such a love. Sending you hugs and love Joanne. Hope you are having a good week and keeping your son in my thoughts. I hope he is doing better and getting healthy. XO.

@bling_dream19 hello there, how is your week going? The weather here cooled down from the weekend but it is going to warm up tomorrow I think. We did enjoy a lovely bike ride again yesterday and hopefully today too despite it being L-S dip day. How is your FI's BIL doing? Keeping good thoughts for him as he heals from surgery and hoping he makes a full recovery.

We had a good day yesterday. Shampooed Bobby and Fred and left Oliver and Tommy alone. Tommy doesn't need any more stress and knock wood we don't see RW on him but it can be deceiving in cats with all their hair. And Oliver seems to be doing OK despite still having black come up on his face. He is a hellion though and wakes me every hour throughout the night. I really need sleep but not going to get any quality sleep soon. I am resigned to just dealing with things as they are right now. And hoping I don't make any mistakes or have any accidents because I am exhausted. Treading carefully as I can atm and just trying to keep our heads above water if you kwim.

And of course along our ride we stopped for ice cream. I had PB&J and Greg had Butter Pecan. Jimmy roasts the pecans himself. Did I tell you they make all the ice cream themselves with organic ingredients. Worth the extra money for sure.
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Look at their selection of vegan ice cream. So yummy.

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We are meeting friends at the ice cream place today. My girlfriend P from grade school. You might remember me talking about her. We had not seen each other for many decades but then she and her dh came to visit us at the Museum of Natural History when we had the black tie gala. Just because we were so busy there was no other time and she and her dh moved to the upper west side so it worked out well.

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Anyway looking forward to seeing them even though it will only be a brief visit with all we have going on. They are making the trip from Manhattan to the shore just to see us and bringing their dog who had an accident in the late Spring and he is thankfully recovering albeit slowly. He almost died. He has been getting PT for many months and he is partially paralyzed but coming along and hopefully one day he will be back to his healthy self. He has come a long way and thankfully is doing great. It was touch and go for a while there. P knows all about the RW and isn't worried but I am so we are going to be super careful today. We probably aren't contagious but I am not taking any chances with her dog. Their dog is a real sweetheart.

Oh and almost forgot. We hit over 6,500 miles on the bike yesterday. Woohoo.

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and cats seem to cross our paths wherever we go. Look at this lovely kitty who wanted to say hello yesterday morning as we were riding.

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And of course we feed them too and always have cat food with us in our bike bag. What can I say. We never leave home without cat supplies for the ferals no matter where we are.

And for all you lovely ladies here are 2 quick photos while cycling of the beautiful sky. @bling_dream19 I thought/hope you might enjoy these photos.

On the way out yesterday.
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And in Sandy Hook yesterday afternoon.
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Have a lovely Tuesday girls and please keep the kitties in your thoughts on L-S dip Tuesday. I am nervous for them as they have been through so much and this is a hard day for everyone especially the cats. :pray:
Sending the lovely NIRDIs much love and big hugs.
@missy Your pictures of the sea are ever more tempting, & the news ever better! I am thoroughly impressed with your load of work - & biking, you do have strength for two lives, by my count.

off to icecream (you caught me!)
Good morning NIRDI

I keep waking up too early & this is getting in the way of my usual night owl schedule; people expect me alive late evenings & I am failing them these days.

@marcy , @canuk-gal Snow! NO! I am not ready & will not be for a month, fingers crossed.

@bling_dream19 There is so much change in your life! I so wish for no more of it on my side; I barely feel I am growing roots after four years living in Granada; new language, new life & even in a place I had loved for a long time all the news drained me ,( - & this is how I've ended up on NIRDI.

on with the day

@AV_ you are so cool! I think it's incredible you are living in Grenada and soaking up the culture, the sun, the food, the coffee. I have soo much change going on but I've realized change is not my favorite thing. I have a very hard time making decisions. Struggling currently with where/when to get married, where to live, whether to rent or sell my house if we do not live here, and then of coarse self care - having fun, joyful movement, cooking, cleaning - you know the basics and then working 45 to 50 hours per week. It means so much to know people care about me. It really does take a while to grow roots. I hope you're getting what you need there. Hugs and on with the day as you say! :geek2:
Hi friends! I hope everyone is having a good Tuesday so far. I get to work from home on Tuesdays and Fridays and I am just thrilled to be home! I love it. Will post a couple beach shots from yesterday morning soon.
@marcy I hope you like your new phone! I hear you on NN. Kill with kindness. Rise above it. I have been dealing with some awful work stuff since this summer so I can relate. Sometimes, I'm sure I'll share the story but I need to stay in good mindset today and get lots done. You are awesome and she's just jealous. That's what my FI says about me and this whole situation. Hope you enjoy your new phone, your finger is healing and hopefully your week is wonderful.
@missy As always, your pics are just awesome and so beautiful! You start my day off with a smile! I hope to be back in a couple of weeks and hope we can get some icecream together and show off some bling too :D. Def want to know about the AP icecream place too - fresh roasted pecans for butter pecan - yum I love that flavor! Sat night we had dinner in AP and enjoyed the nice sea air walking home. Have a great time with your friends! Hoping lime dips go well and those kitties are getting better and better each day. Really cool you feed the ferals along the bike trails too - you have a heart of gold for sure! @Austina Friday night dinner was my favorite - halibut over lobster risotto. Hope you're hanging in there.
@junebug17 thanks for your kinds thoughts and words from you and from all. I think he's going to make it. That's soo cool your husband is in a band and all his HS friends came over and great your son there too. My FI has an incredible group of friends he's had since elementary school and they still get together a few times a year and I think it's really good for him. I hope you have a good week, relaxing and lots of fun :wavey:
Ok love and hugs to all - going to go be productive and enjoy this gorgeous weather!
Hello lovelies

Oh no to Marty completely deading his iPad, that’s one way to get a new one, but not to be recommended! Your photo is really crisp and clear. Oy to NN, she really is a pain, I hope she fixed her mistakes and you didn’t have them all still waiting for you when you got to work today.

Sounds like a fun time @junebug and nice that your DS stayed over too. I hope your dental appt went well and you didn’t need any treatment. Isn’t it amazing what a big hole in your life one little furry can leave? It’s their presence and the funny things they did that get to you.

Good grief @canuk-gal that’s a serious amount of snow :eek2: Keep safe and warm.

Lots of decisions to be made @bling_dream19, sometimes it’s easier to make a pros and cons list to put things in to perspective, but it can be overwhelming when you have lots going on all at once.

Sending good thoughts to you and your Mum @Scandinavian, I hope her treatment is going well and she’s tolerating it without too many problems.

I hope things are going smoothly leading up to the big day @Slick1, you must be so excited.

How’re you @Tekate, I hope that pesky pain has all gone and you’re enjoying spending time with your family.

What flavour ice cream tempted you @AV_? :lickout:

Hoping you’re having a relaxing time @Mamabean, away from all the stresses in your life.

@missy, your niece’s bunny is absolutely adorable, and it’s lovely they’re growing up caring for pets and learning about how precious their lives are. Everything crossed the LD’s went well today and didn’t traumatise the kitties too much. It has GOT to be doing some good and I desperately hope that this awful RWGate will soon be a thing of the past. Oh no to your friend’s dog having an accident, thank goodness he’s well on the way to a full recovery, they must’ve been frantic when he was hurt. So good that you’re able to meet up, it’s been tough practically being hermits these last few months.

Your ice cream sounds very tempting, although the weather here continues to be very wet, I believe tomorrow is going to be the start of the cold weather. We shouldn’t complain, it is October. You have done so well cycling this summer, is this the most mileage you’ve covered in a year?

Richard has finished all the work, and we’ve been cleaning up. We’re very pleased that such small changes have made a big difference, and will hopefully make the house easier to sell when the time comes.

I went to collect Dottie’s ashes today, we haven’t made any decisions about what we’ll do with them. For the moment, we’ll just keep her home until we decide. She loved the beach, she loved walking around VW and paddling in the lake, so maybe one of those places.

I don’t think I mentioned that we’ve changed our plans for December, Adam asked us to stay for Christmas as we didn’t need to be here, so that’s what we’re going to do.

@missy, you have always been so kind and understanding about Zoe, and I know you think about her and it means so much to me! <3 I think of your sweet Francesca too and I still sometimes can't even believe we lost them so suddenly and so close together. Thinking of them together at the Rainbow Bridge brings me comfort. I know you are missing your Frankie so much too. I hope it brings you comfort to remember she had a happy and beautiful life with you. XXX I will definitely post in the thread you started.

I hope the kitties did ok with their baths today. I know you are longing for the day you and Greg don't have to do this anymore, and I really hope that day is soon.

TBH, the first bread I made with the almond flour wasn't that great! I'm going to try a different one and would be glad to send it to you, the only thing is it contains egg and I don't think you eat them.

It's really nice you're getting together with your grade school friend, even a short visit will be fun and break up your day a little. I am so sorry about their dog being in an accident, how awful :cry2: So glad to hear he is recovering and doing better.

@marcy, I am so sorry NN is making so many mistakes lately, I totally understand how frustrating that is for you. I'm glad you're enjoying your new phone...the camera works great, your pics are so clear and crisp. Hopefully it's helping you forget about NN!

@bling_dream19, how great you get to work from home 2 days a week! Reading about your Friday night dinner made me hungry LOL. Love your gorgeous pics of the Jersey shore! You definitely have a lot going on in your life right now and I hope you're not feeling too stressed - you will figure it all out. You are entering a very exciting time in your life and there are lots of great things to look forward to!

@Austina, I was so excited to read you'll be spending Christmas with Adam! You had a rough day today and I'm so sorry, continuing to think of you and sending lots of hugs and love.

Nothing much new with me...had a good dental check-up and my new contacts are working out well. Other than that, just doing some chores around the house.

Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow!

@junebug17 please don't give up on the almond flower and baking. My sister has Celiac's disease and has great results/recipe's using almond flower. (not sure if all flour is "created" the same...). Of course, there was trial and error. FWIW I made a traditional Christmas Cake with almond flour (OH NO, oh yes :) and the product was superb.

Hello NIRDI's! Had a good day at work:)) Nite!

GM lovely ladies.

@junebug17 thank you for your kind comments and warm thoughts. It makes challenges easier knowing there are good people rooting for us and the cats send purrs and love to you. I think of Zoe and Francesca frolicking in Rainbow Bridge together and it does make me feel better. I so hope there is some version of a Rainbow Bridge we can all go to and reunite with our beloved babies and all our loved ones who are gone from this earth.

You're right, I don't eat eggs but maybe Greg has a substitute for eggs that is AIP friendly. I will ask him. Thanks for thinking of me and if you do find a yummy recipe please share it with me and we can figure out anything we need to substitute if there are ingredients I cannot ingest.

Glad your dental checkup went well and your new contacts are working out. I have not worn contact lenses since May. I've been wearing my glasses everywhere and it's freeing to me in a way. And I feel intelligent wearing them too.:cheeky: Have a lovely day Junie. (((Hugs))).

@canuk-gal I have a few friends with Celiac disease and now that I know I am gluten sensitive and cannot eat that I see what a pain in the b it can be but with the surge in popularity of gluten free it does make it easier. Your Christmas cake with almond flour sounds delicious.:lickout: Greg made Christmas butter cookies this past Christmas that were gluten free and AIP approved and it was yummy. I don't remember the flour he used but will ask him. They were amazing. Glad you enjoyed a good day at work yesterday and may today go well too. And hope your weather is improving. Today is our 90 degree F plus day and I am already sweating.:lol: XOXO

@bling_dream19 oh those are gorgeous photos! LOVE them! So crisp and clear and bright and beautiful. Wonderful job capturing the beach scene. Really gorgeous. Thank you for sharing! And yay for getting to work from home twice a week. That is sweet. How is your FI's BIL doing? Glad your FI has a great group of friends and I agree. Good friends are important in one's life. Good (and real) connections are critical to one's well being and contentment and happiness. Hope you have a wonderful day dear @bling_dream19.

@Slick1 the countdown begins. Sending you warm vibes for a warm wonderful day Saturday. Weather be good please. Hope your day today isn't too hectic with your visitors coming and hoping the short work week goes well. Hugs.

@Scandinavian how are you and how is your mom doing? Keeping good thoughts for you both and sending you love and hugs.

@AV_ did you enjoy ice cream yesterday? What flavor? How goes your week? Hope all is well and that life is sweet for you.

@marcy hope work went well yesterday and that your new iPhone is fun and working well for you.

@Austina I know how hard that is picking up Dottie's ashes. We still haven't done anything with Francesca's ashes because we haven't had time nor energy. When the time is right you will know what to do with them. I cannot believe I am writing Francesca's ashes nor writing Dottie's ashes. This whole thing is surreal still. That you and I and @junebug17 lost our darling girls so close to each other. I am still so sad and I know your pain is fresh and acute and I am keeping you in my thoughts every single day. Zoe and Dottie and Frankie are all together now and taking care of each other and playing with each other and they are at peace. Sending you continued hugs and love.

We did break our cycling record. But that is only because the weather cooperated and we were here for months on end without going back to NYC so we got to ride most days. As I wrote before we rode less miles each day (because we have less time now each day due to RW gate) but we rode more days so it adds up. The one bright spot in this entire summer was riding. But of course I would give it all back to have Francesca back with us. I know you get it. And I am sorry you do.:(2

Glad Richard is finished and you are pleased with all the work that is complete. I agree it will help sell your house when the time comes. Nicely done Austina.
Speaking of work I didn't mention it but we have breaker issues in the house that was discovered the other day. So the electrical team is coming tomorrow AM and redoing all the breakers and that is costing a small fortune. What doesn't cost a small fortune. Oy. And we just redid stuff when we moved in but what can you do. I think the work then was less than stellar and that teaches us a valuable lesson. No more electrical work from Julio. We need the electricians to do that stuff. Though we did have an electrician put in a whole new panel when we moved in so it was more that electrician's fault than Julio's fault but nonetheless we need to get this done.

We had a great day yesterday despite L-S dip day because we met with my friend and her dh and their dog who is doing so amazingly well woohoo! He is walking on his own albeit with a limp and each day getting stronger.

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He is very vocal. Love this sweet baby who beat the odds. And only because his mommy and daddy stopped at nothing. They spent 20k to get him to this point. Money means nothing when our furry children are not well. He is such a good boy!

His mommy feeding him an ice cream cone bought just for him. He got his own cone.:halo:

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His daddy giving him a drink from this cool portable water dispenser.

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My friend had an ice cream cone and her dh had a ice cream shake. Forgot to get a pic of his shake but he had left over and gave Greg the extra in a small cup. My friend cannot have dairy either so Greg lucked out.:lol:

P had strawberry which is yummy. That was the flavor I had my first day at this ice cream place.

I had a new flavor that was so good.Sweet Potatoe and I mixed it with PB&J and it was amazing. Greg enjoyed butter pecan again.


And of course as we were leaving (and late at that because the time just flew by) P insisted on a photo that she is good with me sharing. So here you go.


It was another beautiful day.

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Our cats did OK (as well as they could do) with their L-S dips yesterday but still very stressed out as it is a stressful and traumatic experience being dipped. I don't know what to do. They are all losing weight but if we stop the Itrafungol they could relapse or not get rid of the RW they still have. We just don't know the best thing to do for them. Right now I am leaning towards continuing all the treatment and if they stop eating entirely or lose lots more weight I will re-evaluate. What a roller coaster this journey has been and I just want our babies to beat this and be OK. I am so concerned about Tommy. He is losing so much weight despite my efforts in getting him to eat and it is worrisome. Please let RW gate be over soon so I can bring Tommy to Debbie and get him well. And please let Bobby and Oliver and Fred make it through this too. All of them losing weight. OK that is the kitty update.

Have a wonderful day lovely ladies and sending you big hugs.
Some kitty pics from yesterday after L-S dips and one of Oliver this AM

Bobby after eating and trying to clean the L-S dip off oy hope he wasn't successful at getting it off him. Need it to stay on him to work.
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Tommy just hanging out in the last remnants of the sun for the day. Not eating much at all :(

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And Fred hanging out on the couch with Greg for a while before we all moved to the love seat.

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And Oliver this AM. The rascal woke me all night. Now of course he is sleeping peacefully. See how yellow he looks?
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And haha look at this. The veterinarian office is decorating for Halloween. Scary. Ooooh.

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Have a not scary Wednesday girls!

@missy Nigella Lawson's Pear and Hazlenut gluten free cake is a winner! You guys should try it! You too JuneB!

Hello lovelies

Thank you for your good thoughts and kind words @junebug17. It would be nice to think of Zoe, Frankie and Dottie all sitting together keeping each other company wouldn’t it? She was very good around cats, so I know there’d be no problems.

I actually feel comforted having Dottie home @missy, it was upsetting going to collect her, but I do feel better now that she’s back. Oy to having electrical issues, it never rains but it pours doesn’t it? I’m sorry the kitties are really stressed by the lime dips, have they eaten anything today? I can’t believe that it’s not doing some good, this has got to be the worst case of RW ever.

Well, just when you think nothing else can go wrong, we got an email from Ritz Carlton, telling us they were cancelling our cruise in March because the ship won’t be ready! This is the cruise we were doing with our friends as their belated honeymoon, and Colin’s 70th. We feel awful because it was us who suggested it, and now it’s all gone pear shaped. Colin has found some blog comments which suggest RC knew this 2 months ago, and have waited until now to tell their customers. As you can imagine, we are upset and angry, this was something we were looking forward to so much, especially after last week. Colin finally managed to speak to someone today, and told them we’re cancelling (yes, they actually thought we’d want to rebook!) and we want our money back a.s.a.p. We have discussed with Rob and Sue, and we’ve decided to use our flights anyway, and go to the Sandals resorts in St Lucia and Barbados instead. We feel this is the safer option, because RC are saying they’ll pay out of pocket expenses incurred, but think we can claim on our holiday insurance for the loss of first class return flights to the Caribbean. They obviously don’t know what the insurance is for. They are going to have seriously peed off customers, and as far as we’re concerned, they’ve blown their chance of us every booking with them again. Colin has spent a lot of today trying to reorganise everything. It won’t be the holiday we were expecting, but we all feel we’ll enjoy it nonetheless.

Hoping all the lovely NIRDIs are having a good day :wavey:
Hi. I took today off and finally got to go take some pictures. Some of these I did the ultra wide, regular and telephoto. I am pleased so far. 909AD3CA-3681-4D08-89CD-82DA4FCE4C83.jpeg 0FD8BF24-6388-43D4-BD9D-2D336DD087F7.jpeg 685CF871-CE83-4B74-B5AB-110AEA3ACC41.jpeg 242AA849-03AD-4362-BD64-7D56205462F6.jpeg D668A4C0-FC07-42AA-B55C-E79BBFA7EE3E.jpeg

Missy, NN would test the patience of Mother Teresa. I sure enjoyed the today since I didn’t go to work. I will let you know how my phone does on battery life. The X was great; the only time it was low at the end of the day was if we were in Denver and used it a lot for navigation. I am very pleased with my camera; as you can tell I posted a lot of samples today. Sorry you are not getting much sleep. I know you kind of get used to it but it also takes a toll on you. Hoping things improve soon on RW gate and you can start to sleep in peace. All of that ice cream looks fabulous. Nice to catch up with your grade school friend. I hate to hear about their dog’s accident but glad he is recovering. That is cute he had his own ice cream cone. Beautiful pictures from your ride and woo hoo to hitting over 6500 miles.

AV, did you get ice cream? We just had a dish.

Bling Dream, it is rough making decisions and you have a lot of important / potentially life changing ones to work through. Good luck!!! I do like my new phone a lot. I had fun chasing around town this afternoon taking pictures. I am sorry you have issues with people at work too; I tell myself frequently life is too short to let yourself be that miserable and bitter all the time. Good luck with your situation. How nice to work from home 2 days a week; I’d love that! Gorgeous beach shots. Thanks for liking my faux fur babies.

Austina, yes Marty is an iPad stomper. Ha Ha. He got his new one today and has it all set up and going tonight. I didn’t have to deal with NN today but know she’ll be her normal ray of sunshine tomorrow. Glad to hear Richard is done and everything turned out well. Big hugs to you for picking up Dottie’s ashes; glad you have her home. I think all of those places sound lovely when you are ready. That will be nice to spend Christmas with Adam and Kim. That is pretty poor of RC cancelling your cruise and took so long to get customers know. I think your alternate plans sound lovely though. I hope you get a refund. What a hassle for Colin to spend so much time on the phone and making arrangements.

Junebug, good luck trying different recipes with almond flour. I don’t think I have tried that. I thought rice flour tasted the best but everything was so dense with that. I did block NN out of mind today and loved it. Nice your dental checkup went okay and you are doing well with your new contacts.

Sharon, I hope you are doing well. We are having a deep freeze tonight.

I got up early to try and catch a lovely sunrise but it was cloudy, rainy and foggy so I went back to bed. When I got up about 7:30 I started a pot of beef noodle soup, then took my shower. We had breakfast when Marty got home from the gym. I brewed up some cc cookies to go with our lunch and for game night tomorrow with friends. A friend of mine came over for lunch and cards. Marty’s iPad showed up about 1 pm so he started backing it up and then headed to the gym. I headed out to take a few photos. I lifted when I got home, then Marty wanted me to come to the gym and take some pictures for him and now I am just goofing off. I totally enjoyed not working today.

Take care,
@Austina, I’m so glad you will be spending the holidays in Austin with Adam and Kim. Today had to be a very hard day for you and Colin. I’m so sorry. So much of what you have written tugs at my heart. People always say “we give our furbabies wonderful lives”. It really is nothing compared to what they bring to our lives. I would leave the nose art for a while. It would mean much more to me than a clean wIndow. I’m sure there will be more than a few customers ticked off at RC.

@junebug17 , Do you enjoy baking? I’m glad to hear you had a good weekend with DH and DS. I know what you mean about seeing their childhood friends grown up. It was fun seeing my nieces childhood friends at her shower. I was amazed they remember the things we did when they were younger.

@Tekate, I hope you are having a wonderful time and the pain has greatly diminished in your jaw? I can’t wait to hear about the wedding. How was Chris? Are you in Austin with Autie now?

@missy, Is there any way you and Greg can take Tommy to see Debbie? I’m glad you had a fun day meeting up with friends. It’s good to see you enjoying your day in spite of all that has been going on.

@marcy, I’m glad you enjoyed your day off. The new phone takes beautiful pictures. I can’t look at this phone and not think of an old electric razor. That ring is gorgeous! I’m glad things are going well with Marty’s gym.

@av, I love hearing about all the foods you make. Are you having a good week.

@canuk-gal , Oh no to having snow this early. I’m not quite ready for winter yet.

@bling_dream19, The older I get the worse I get with making decisions. Do you know where you want to live after the wedding? The beach pictures you posted are beautiful.

We had a fun time meeting up with some friends for lunch today. The weather was crummy all day so it was nice to do something fun. There are some heavy family things going on so the break doing something fun was much appreciated. It hurts to know others are in pain and know all you can do is be there for them. My niece and I met up later in the day to look at kid clothes.
Good morning!

Oh, the sea pictures! @missy @bling_dream19 Believe it or not, I have not paid my due visit to the sea this year, having Granada & my mountain walks right here is distracting.

@Austina You might wish to play some lottery, to show your good luck which way to return - or so they say around here [everyone else is buying their EOY bets already & I look foreign sitting it out & cannot bring myself to, but do give advice, as you see] I hope you can book something nice with your friends, even if for just a couple of evenings of some outrageous fun or other.

I am counting a few questions re icecream flavour [Thx for asking such happy things!] - frankly, I only go for whipped cream (nata) with a side of expresso. It is a ritual by now & I getserved without asking... (like the village drunk!) Everything else is a second best at a great distance, and since I tend to have a zillion small servings, the second bests hardly get their shot...

@canuk-gal The flourless cake will be tested! I make a few kinds - the poppy seed/reisin classic, walnut and almond versions & chocolate, of course... and poached pears are heaven, so YES for any such combination! I end to trust this kind of recipes using ground nuts & marzipan, rather than anything @junebug17

I've snapped back into work mode. Fingers crossed!
Good morning girls!

@marcy ooh love those photos with your new iPhone. So clear and crisp and bright. Glad you are enjoying the new phone. What are your thoughts re use? Easy to use or complicated? Yay for taking off work yesterday and not having to deal with NN. Thank you for your enthusiasm on us reaching 6500 miles. We are happy about that. But sadly, summer is definitely over. It is freezing and stormy here today. No riding for us :(2 but I cannot be too greedy. It was a great cycling season. Yesterday was 93 degrees F! @canuk-gal 93 degrees F here yesterday. It was hot. Sounds like you had a marvelous day yesterday. Lifting, enjoying your friends company, baking CC cookies, taking photos with your new iPhone, and just being away from NN. Sorry the sunrise was a no show yesterday. Like our sunrise today. Raining and storming. Have a lovely day Marcy.

@bling_dream19 how is your week going? Hope you are enjoying a lovely time and looking forward to more beach days. Your Asbury park beach photos are gorgeous. I will share the name of the ice cream place with you offline if that is OK. It is so yummy. Have a lovely Thursday. It was a busy beach day here yesterday. I wonder if anyone works anymore by the amount of people around hanging out at the beach. It was busier than a summer weekend lol.

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@marcy here is a pantascopic photo. With the 6s plus. Not as sweet as your new iPhone which imo takes much crisper photos. Or it could be my lack of skill.
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@Mamabean can you find the bike in the above photo?:sun:
Hope you are having a lovely week dear Joanne.

@Slick1 hope your company is behaving and that you are enjoying the rest of the week leading up to the most exciting event. Thinking of you and hoping for good weather that day. And hope you are feeling well and having a good week.

@Scandinavian sending you healing hugs and good thoughts and lots of love. You and your mom are on my mind sweetheart.

@AV_ you can remediate that whenever the mood strikes. Mountains are gorgeous too. And combined with the seascape, well, there is no reason to ever go anywhere else. So much beauty all around you.

I am counting a few questions re icecream flavour [Thx for asking such happy things!] - frankly, I only go for whipped cream (nata) with a side of expresso. It is a ritual by now & I getserved without asking... (like the village drunk!) Everything else is a second best at a great distance, and since I tend to have a zillion small servings, the second bests hardly get their shot...

Hahaha I hear you. And the Sweet Potato flavor tastes amazing with Whipped Cream or at least I am told. I do not partake in Whipped Cream as I prefer my ice cream straight up. Like the village drunk.:lol: And yes to being served without asking. They always ask just to make sure because yes sometimes I am more adventurous than other times. It's nice to be a regular and to be in a friendly familiar place. Speaking of ice cream here is our selection from yesterday. I had a peach and PB&J combo and Greg got all peach straight up. Jimmy's peach ice cream is AMAZING. I was tempted to get all peach as it is a refreshing flavor on that hot summer day yesterday but I couldn't not get my fave PB&J so I did the combo. Greg got the peach idea from me copy dog. LOL

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@canuk-gal thank you very much for that link and recommendation. I will be trying that dessert.:lickout: Your recommendation is all I need. It hit 93 degrees F here yesterday. I managed a photo but it came out blurry. It was 92 degrees when I got that photo as we were cycling by around 12:11PM or so. It went higher after that and I am told it went to 93 but I feel it went higher than that even. Suffice to say it was warm. In stark contrast to today which is cold. Crazy schizo weather.

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It was so warm Greg had to put the canopy back up for me. We had taken it down for the past two weeks due to higher winds but yesterday was a must have canopy protection day.

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@Calliecake glad you are enjoying the week despite your not so great weather. I think we are getting your weather now unfortunately. I am glad you spent some time shopping with your grandniece and sorry about your ongoing family issues. Life is sure challenging and this summer was probably the most challenging summer of our lives losing our sweet darling girl Francesca and then dealing with the aftermath and our remaining cats suffering with RW. Hope your family stuff sorts itself out and life becomes sweeter again for all of us.

@Austina yay for spending holidays with Adam and Kim. That is wonderful. I am mad for you the cruise was cancelled and that they knew about it 2 months beforehand. Inexcusable. Though I have no doubt you will still enjoy a wonderful vacation with your friends albeit not the one you originally planned. They (whoever they are) say that adaptation is key to happiness and you got this down. I know how you feel having Dottie's ashes. We still have Frankie's ashes and it is comforting having them and waiting til the time is right to take care of them however you see best. Yes to leaving Dottie's nose art for now. I know how bad it hurts dear Austina. My heart hurts for you. I feel your pain through your words and there is nothing I can say but that you gave Dottie the best possible life for all those years and try taking comfort in that fact. Sending you gentle hugs and love.

We had a lovely day yesterday and I already shared photos of it above. Cycling with my dh, ice cream and the sea. Today is in stark contrast as it is storming out. So will work out at home and we are expecting the electrician to come and hopefully fix all the breaker issues we have. And then I am hoping to run some much neglected errands. Neglected because of all the cycling we have been enjoying in the amazing weather. So we need to get on those errands today. I feel winter is on its way and I do not think we are getting summer temps again this year. Sad about that but cannot complain. It was great cycling weather for many months.

Leaving you with one last photo from the hot summer day yesterday.

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Enjoy a good Thursday lovely ladies. Sending hugs and love to each and everyone of you.
Oh almost forgot. I am worried because now we think one of our ferals (Snowflake) is pregnant. Our fault because we didn't have the energy or time these past few months to TNR the newer ferals and now she will be paying the price for our laziness. :cry2:

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OK this is not a photo of Snowflake. But of who I think is the dad of the unborn babies. Yup this is Samson. He is a handsome devil and we didn't get to neuter him this summer because of all that was going on sadly.

So I have to contact Ann and see if she will help us if Snowflake is pregnant and gives birth. It is past the time Ann helps with TNR and rehoming as it is already October but hoping if necessary she will help us.

The good news is all our ferals seem well fed and healthy but we really do not need more cats around here if you kwim. I just hope if Snowflake is pregnant we can get the babies and find good homes for them instead of leaving them to fend for themselves in the wild. And also must catch Samson and Snowflake and TNR them.
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Hello lovelies

Wow @marcy, the photos are certainly crystal clear and sharp, I’ll have to ask Adam if he’s taken any photos with his yet. Thanks for the kind words, I’m glad she’s home, morbid as that might sound, I just feel better having her back. Sweet having the day off from NN and the other stresses of work. See, it’s very easy to get used to not working :P2

Thanks @AV_ I think Colin has made all the rearrangements so that we now have an alternative trip to look forward to. We’ll still have fun with our friends come what may.

You’re right @Calliecake, we feel the lucky ones for her coming in to our life. Because of her we’ve made a lot of new friends, been on holidays we wouldn’t normally have gone on, don’t things we wouldn’t have otherwise done. Who’d have thought that sweet, sad, frightened girl would’ve opened up our lives so much? I’m so sorry you’re going through difficult times, and glad you had fun with your niece. Isn’t it amazing to think we were ever that small when you look at kids clothes.

Wow that was ridiculously warm yesterday @missy, it’s definitely cold here today with not great weather forecast for the next few days. Sounds like you’ll be experiencing the same, and will need to wrap up. Don’t beat yourself up about the ferals, you’re feeding them and keeping them well nourished. With everything you’ve been dealing with, you haven’t had a spare moment to take any more care of them. I know you’re sharing my pain, even though you never met Dottie, I know she’d have loved being petted by you. Their instinct for good people is strong, my Dad always said you can’t trust someone who doesn’t like animals :lol:

Colin has sorted all the arrangements for our trip, although he had a hiccup when he booked the flights from St Lucia to Barbados. When he got the confirmation, is wasn’t a direct flight, so he had to ring and change it, so it’s all sorted out.

We went to see Judy this afternoon, starring Renee Zellweger. She was so good in the part, and of course, it’s a very sad story of her life, but I can thoroughly recommend it.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing well. :wavey:
Hi everyone, does anyone mind if I just give an update and read back tomorrow? I hope not and believe me I think everyday about you guys and am sorry that I'm in the car most of the days and it has been hectic and whirlwind. . . (to say the least).

We had a great and wonderful time at the wedding, our niece looked so lovely and her husband (who is a police officer) looked like a police officer! (not in his uniform but quiet :) ) it was a truly spectacular wedding with over 170 people, LOUD and fun.

Autie was there and of course was the hit of the show!

The house went into multiple listing last Friday night and there was an open house Sunday and Sunday nite we had one offer and Monday morning another came in, the Monday couple was 5K over the lady on Sunday nite and we took that offer, the lady declined to up her offer, we also have someone in Boston who wants to buy it if this deal falls through.. who knew?

Monday we are meeting with the architect and builder to get that show on the road.. house inspection on 10/9 we are to close 11/15..

I don't think I can stay and watch Autumn as I need to get home and back the house up etc etc we shall see how this all turns out.. Mike is fine if I have to go they were contemplating getting Autie into daycare anyway so it's not so much of a trauma for her, the older they get the harder it is..

John is good, Salley is having a ball sleeping in the back of the car. We are in Austin at our friends' home but they are in Canada till Monday.

My jaw is meh meh meh, I have an appt with an oral surgeon here but not till 10/14 earliest I could get in, it has been so danged busy...

Sending love to all of you guys and I WILL logon tomorrow, tonite I'm gonna sleep in a nice bed!


Autumn being held by Mike's cousin's wife and Mike fussing with her band at the wedding AND Autumn saying enough!!!

@AV_ ... So much beauty all around you.

True enough.... & of course there is never enough & I look for all sorts of other things. A favourite gallery opens on Saturday, and if this does not get me to town, nothing will.

I don't think I can stay and watch Autumn as I need to get home and back the house up etc etc we shall see how this all turns out

Building house & raising toddlers! You need to be twenty..

Today does not want to start. Coffee #2.
GM girls! It's Friday or as some people say Friyay LOL. @marcy I think you know what I mean...weekend is coming and a break from NN and others at work who are less than positive woohoo.

@junebug17 how is your week progressing? Any weekend plans? Hope all is well and you are feeling good. XOXO.

@AV_ ooh I love galleries. What kind of art do they exhibit? Hope you get to enjoy it tomorrow. Hugs.

@Tekate awww LOVE LOVE LOVE the photo, thank you for sharing and so glad all is going well though I do wish your jaw was healed and that was no longer an issue. Great news about the house woohoo! Hope you are enjoying sweet dreams in your comfy bed. Dear Kate the Great I am continuing bucketloads of healing dust being sent your way. Hope the oral surgeon has good news for you and that October 14th isn't too hard for you to wait til seeing him but if necessary please call and ask for a sooner appt. Sending you so many hugs and much love and more healing dust.
Speaking of dust...

@Slick1 sending you lots of dust too for a great day tomorrow. May it be the joyous and beautiful celebration you all envision and sending you much love and good wishes. XOXO.

@Austina thank you for your kind words. And I agree completely with your dad. I never trust anyone who doesn't love animals (at least as soon as they get to know animals as some have not been raised with or know them- take Greg for instance) and I never trust anyone who the animals don't love. They have an instinct for sure. Sorry your weather has been less than good. Yesterday wasn't too bad here but we couldn't ride as it was raining but I got lots done and bought 4 new pairs of glasses lol. I love spending money. Good for the economy. And yay for Colin sorting it all out for your upcoming trip. Good man. Now you have me wanting to see Judy. I loved her and her voice was hauntingly beautiful. I am planning to see the movie thanks to your rec. The question is do we brave the theaters (haven't been in a movie theater for many years) or do I wait til it comes out on cable. Hmmm. Sending you hugs and good thoughts.

@bling_dream19 what are your weekend plans? (((Hugs)))

@Scandinavian hope all is going smoothly by you. Continued healing dust and hugs.

@Mamabean good morning dear. Hope you are doing well. Sending you hugs.

@canuk-gal how did your week go? Hope you have a lovely weekend in store.

@marcy it's Friyay...any weekend plans? How's the new iPhone? I saw it in person yesterday at the optical where I was purchasing all my new glasses as the salesperson had it and he loves it. He said it comes in lots of that true or am I getting mixed up as the other associate had the pro? (I think it was the pro) and that comes in lots of colors too so maybe I am getting confused. Not surprising based on little sleep.

We had a good day yesterday. Electrical taken care of and I caught up with some friends via phone as I have not had time to chat before yesterday due to all the cycling and cleaning and care of the cats. And then we went to get glasses for me and I ended up ordering 3 pairs of regular glasses and one pair of sunglasses. It won't get here for another week or 2 but excited and hope I chose wisely. Then we went to Trader Joe's and I stocked up on kitty treats. I am having trouble getting them to eat so anything I can do to entice them to eat is important. That's all. Hoping we can ride today despite heavy winds. We are braving the elements so hopefully we can and will enjoy a good ride despite high winds.

Little (well not so little anymore!) Oliver just hopped back on the bed and wants me to send purrs and love from him to all of you.


Have a lovely day girls. (((Hugs))).
Good morning from New Jersey! David had his six month checkup with his psychiatrist..meds only...We make it a mom and son date. We stay in a hotel overnight because the trip down takes over two hours and the visit only lasts fifteen minutes. We go out to a restaurant in a little complex that the hotel is in. The hotel was adequate before...It’s just for one night but it’s gone downhill...My main concern is that it is clean and doesn’t have bed bugs which is a big fear of mine. It doesn’t have that like a lot of hotels now. I liked this hotel because it has lots of room with a little kitchen and a pull out couch for David. He snores so just that separation is great. :lol:
I’ve been popping in and out on PS joining in and reading posts here to keep up...but haven’t had lots of time and remembering everything I read with all the stuff going on at this end is hard lately. We were in Maryland last weekend...Monday was my mom’s annual CT scan to monitor her abdominal aneurysm. I had to get blood work before the scan to make sure her BUN and creatine levels were in the normal range for her to receive the contrast dye. It had to be done at the hospital..Just getting her there is a feat because she refuses a wheelchair, to gf use a walker or a cane..She’s not very she grabs on me for dear life. I had to drive an hour to get David early before this because I wouldn’t be home for his bus home from work. Anyway...I get her in there and we’re waiting. They come out and say her blood tests came in and they are not in range..They can’t do the test. My mom goes crazy and starts yelling she is not taking these tests anymore...she had to drink water for nothing...she’ll just let the aneurysm burst..She said she was so inconvenienced...:roll: There was a lady there waiting with her husband to be seen who told my mom to behave herself. The lady said it with humor or I would have had to defend my mom...but because she said it with humor everyone in the room laughed except for my mom. I had to explain what it took ME to get her here. She’s so self-centered...always has been...It’s not the age...but it did get worse.
I know this is long...haha..Yesterday I pack Bailey off to go to the boarding hotel for him...I’m still in my local area starting out. I’m on a main road..everyone is going 40 or so...This person comes shooting out of a subdivision and would have t-boned us had I not swerved my car into the incoming traffic lane and half on the shoulder to avoid him hitting me. The stars were aligned because if there had been a car coming in the opposite direction we would all be dead. As it was..if I didn’t swerve to avoid him hitting me..David would have received the most impact and likely would have been dead. I was pretty shaken but David was smiling at me in the rear view mirror excited about the trip to I had to pull myself together.
It was raining when we got on the highway and the dopey gps got us in the turnpike in the trucks, buses and car lane...I should have gone the cars only but thought there may be a reason it specifically said to stay right in the truck, buses and car lane. I was the only car for a long time in the middle of huge tractor the rain..It was a nightmare ride. Fortunately I think it’s not a rainy day today so will have a nicer ride home. I got to pick up Bailey and head home.
Thank you or letting me get that all out! :roll2: I’m going to hit the reply button before I lose it AGAIN..I’ll be back!
@Slick1 I’m so excited for you and your big day tomorrow! Bring lots of tissues and extra makeup! It looks like you will have a beautiful day. You are going to look so beautiful in that dress.
@missy I did find the bike after I knew to scroll over...haha...You and marcy take the best pics! I hope you get to have a long ride today and the rest of the weekend...with lots of ice cream. I’m happy you got to spend at least some phone time with your friends. I’m guessing you ordered prescription glasses? I need to get on that because I wear both driving glasses and reading glasses. I really need to get bifocals but glasses look terrible on me is I’ve been delaying the inevitable. I’m not a good candidate for contacts. I hope you like your glasses. Costco actually has some nice ones. My mom got hers there...
Oh no to Snowflake being pregnant...It’s not your fault...You can’t be everywhere and with all you’re going through especially...
@Calliecake I’m so sorry to hear about your aunt’s passing...I hope you enjoyed your family birthday party last weekend.
Thank you for asking about Chris..I’m going to see Chris tomorrow for the first time since his last relapse. I can’t tell you how bad the last call was from him. I hesitate putting all his stuff on here which is why I don’t mention it. I’m well aware it’s just not all of us...Anyway, he’s in a treatment center which he will be in until the 11th..Then he will go into a housing area on the same campus. He has a MBA but doesn’t have a job, can’t pay his rent or income at all...We’ve been helping him his whole life paying for treatment centers, rent, etc. we were told to let him flounder..don’t pay his bills...I worry he will be homeless...They still tell us to not rescue him. It’s incredibly frustrating and causes so much stress...
David’s up so will finish when I get home later today..
@Mamabean You are the eye of the storm '( How many lives can you handle at once !?

@missy This us not NYC, for better or worse... I expect some photography and drawings on the walls of a former moorish gate tower & some poetry & crowd watching - always a good show.
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I have basically given up hope of ever being able to properly catch up with you all on here, but I just wanted to send my condolences to Austina and Junebug. I'm so sorry to hear about both your losses and feel your pain. We had to say goodbye to our gorgeous boy in April. He was almost 13 and had a fantastic quality of life until about 2 days before. It was the first time I've had to do that, and this might sound strange, but while I knew it would be devastating, I had no idea how devastating it would be. We all still miss him terribly. Forgive me for boring you with a few photos.

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Oh @jaaron I’m so very sorry, what a handsome boy he was. You did well to get him to nearly 13, what a testament to your loving care. Grieving for a beloved pet is very real, something that a lot of people don’t understand. Was he a flat coated retriever, they’re getting pretty rare these days?