
Now I really did it :((

@Scandinavian ! WHOA! What briliant news! Nothing comes close!

I am lost for words... smiling (OK, laughing, with delight!).

Fingers crossed for what follows!
... as for myself, I've dug myself up in work; just as the first serious rain of autumn came up tonight, as if to keep yours truly in. The dowunpour is making nice musing as I am writing - it is so quiet this early in the morning! (06:35)

It is good to hear of weddings! - I can't remember the last I've been to - odd that there have been so few.

@Tekate I'd let the house burn to get my bones covered with flesh properly.

off to mind the stew
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ill be over in a few =)2

one thing i love is the sound of rain on the roof when your warm and cozy in bed
but its a trade off between that and insulation and we were soooooo cold this winter without

and little Borris does not like the sound of rain on the roof
Good morning lovely ladies. It's big and small dog Sunday.

And a big hello and hug to our Kate the Great @Tekate. What a month you have had sweet girlie. Glad the jaw infection is gone but oh no to the continuing saga and that your jaw is exposed. I hope the OS can help and resolve this ASAP. As for the mold saga oy and when it rains it pours and hoping this situation is remediated as soon as possible. You are one strong courageous lady Kate the Great. We are all rooting for you to be completely recovered and well and for the house situations to be where you need it to be.

Autie is a sweetie pie and the best little girl ever. So glad she is in your lives and brings you so much joy and love. That is everything. Makes everything seem possible and manageable.

I miss you too and Greg and I love you too Dear Kate the Great @Tekate and sending so many healing hugs and love your way. Please take good care of yourself. (((HUGS))).

@missy (my first non-Bruce Jersey / i mean Brooklyn girl)
i enjoy a walk in bad weather - its like the worse it is the better that shower is when i get home
my favourite thing in the whole world to listen to in the rain - and i want freezing cold and stinging rain and wind that tries to blow me over is a famouse radio broadcast
i can't find it on u tube
ill have to get back to you
hope the kitties are doing ok today

haha non-Bruce lol. I like him well enough just not a huge fan like you and most New Jerseyans. Is that a word? Hmmm. Anyway I love walking in the rain and listening to the soft pitter patter of the rain on the roof. One of my favorite memories is when Greg and I were dating and we stayed at the Lands End Inn in Provincetown. So romantic. We were on the top floor with a skylight in the bedroom and it was storming and we woke up in the AM to the sound of rain on the skylight and it was just so yummy and cozy. That was an amazing place to stay. It was like being in Narnia. So kitchy and cozy and magical.

Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend.

@missy--we bought a gorgeous Cannondale bike....not for me but for our son. Some excellent human stole his other bike so we bought a replacement. And the color! platinum gold of course! My DH was trying to convince me to get something new but I like my Giant.

Ooh my very first bike as an adult (Greg helped me choose it) was a Giant. Loved that bike. And sweet that your son got a Cannondale. That was our first tandem. A white and red Cannondale. May he have many fun and safe adventures on his new Cannondale. And BOO to that terrible human who stole his bike. Grrr.
Sending you love and hugs across the miles dear Sharon.

... as for myself, I've dug myself up in work; just as the first serious rain of autumn came up tonight, as if to keep yours truly in. The dowunpour is making nice musing as I am writing - it is so quiet this early in the morning! (06:35)
@AV_ oh I love the rain and writing and reading. Somehow so comforting and cozy.Quiet on an early Sunday morning is all good. Peace and quiet. The stillness of an early morning weekend. Sweet. How did Sunday get here already? Hugs.

@bling_dream19 how did the family visit go? I hope you had a wonderful time and that your weekend is filled with fun and love and all that good stuff. It's raining here today so no riding sadly but we will figure out something fun to do I am sure. Hugs.

@Scandinavian so thrilled for the wonderful news. Please keep us posted and please let your mom know we are all rooting for her and sending bucketloads of healing dust her way. XO

@Slick1 sending you so much love. Hope the school situation calms down so you can take a much needed breath and hope you had a happy reunion with the newly married couple. Yay for happy life events and yay for being antibiotic free and long may that continue! And sending you lots of good wishes for any upcoming dental work. XO.

@marcy hope you are having a great weekend. And feeling good.

@Austina hope your family visit is going well and that you are enjoying the "kids". Haha they will always be your babies. Please tell Adam and Kim Greg and I say hello.Hope Colin is continuing to heal well and feel well.

@Calliecake glad you are enjoying the weekend and weddings are always the best. As long as the couple getting married are in love. Who doesn't love love and who doesn't need a little bit more love in their lives?

We had a great day yesterday and ran into our dear friends B and K who live in our old beach neighborhood, So warm and loving and well it was great seeing them as we had to miss their party Labor Day weekend. We might try making plans with them soon since she was so adamant about seeing us again and how much they miss us. We miss them too. I think many of you here get it and I know our in person friends get it but I also realize some don't understand and that is OK. Not everyone has the capacity to get what we are going through and that is no slight to them. Just the truth. But most of you NIRDIs I think understand and that is why I feel comfortable sharing. It helps to share with people who do get it.

Sharing some photos of our day yesterday. No cycling today and well not sure if we will be cycling again this year. Rain is coming today and then a very busy week ahead. Orthopedic eval for Greg at HSS tomorrow. And then the cats are getting cultured Wednesday. Lots of anxiety on my part and just remembering to take deep breaths and deal with it one day at a time.

Yesterday there was an Asbury art festival so we got to enjoy our ice cream and music.

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and of course the prerequisite pantascopic photo

in Manasquan
can you find the bike (@Mamabean) :)

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and in Long Branch
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and it was a glorious day.

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We might be ending the year (it went so fast) with this total. I would love the opportunity to get to 7,500 miles I don't see it happening with our current situation weather and cat and knee wise. But not too shabby a total. Shattered our previous record by a few thousand.

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Have a lovely Sunday ladies. Sending hugs and love to you all.
@Daisys and Diamonds here's my favorite Bruce Springsteen song. This is for you. Hope you enjoy.

@missy, I can see where it would be tough for you to decide where to have the best of both worlds! Love your pics of the water and the beach, gorgeous colors. :love: Nice that you ran into old friends and I hope you can get together with them soon. Sending healing vibes to the kitties and good thoughts to Greg on his evaluation tomorrow.

@Scandinavian, great news! Sending good wishes to you and your mother and hoping things continue going well. Such a stressful time for everyone. <3

@Tekate, what a whirlwind for you! Stressful stuff going on with the house but it sounds like it's being handled well. Congrats on selling the house! Moving is very stressful; so many things to handle at the same time. Please take care. So sorry your jaw is still an issue :(( I hope you can get it checked out soon. Sending good thoughts and lots of support...hang in there. XXX

@Daisys and Diamonds, beautiful wisteria! I'm a Jersey girl and a Bruce Springsteen fan...I was in college when he became popular so lots of memories tied to his songs for me. I've only seen him in concert once, a few years ago here in South Carolina, and he was SO good. I'm glad I got to hear ands see Clarence Clemons play the sax solo in Jungleland...really beautiful and moving.

@bling_dream19, I hope you had a great visit with your family.

@Calliecake, I hope you had a lovely time at the wedding and are enjoying your weekend.

@canuk-gal, your son's new bike sounds the color! And I get why you would want to keep your bike...if it ain't broke don't fix it LOL.

@Jimmianne, I hope you're feeling ok. <3

@AV_, the sound of rain can be very comforting and long as it doesn't rain for too long LOL. Your village square sounds like a great way to see people without going to a lot of trouble.

Things are good here, although it rained yesterday and very overcast today. Dh has to leave for a few days for a business trip but I have my sister for company so that's nice. Here's a pic dh took recently of a sunrise here.
@junebug17 What a beautiful morning, VERY early! I love the thin fog lifting at sunrise too, it flows down the mountain, like most weather changes, so I can always see them comming (but, of course I still get cought in the rain, like today.) There will only be any rain between now and February, and even that not even once a week and mostly at night; the rest is all clear, so no complaint.

There is a new (long!) review of my draft, so next week will likely be too short too. Counting down to EOY already! [SHUDDER]

AV, so far Marty’s gym is doing okay. He seems quite happy coaching. Stew sounds great for your rainy weather.

Missy, that would be a hard choice choosing between living in the city or at the beach house. As long as you can keep them both though you won’t have to make that decision. Crossing my fingers and toes all the kitties come out clean on their tests next week. Would you have to get them tested again in 30 days after that? Great kitty shirts; very cute. Speaking of cute; Oliver is sure a cutie. Gorgeous beach and sky pictures. Woo hoo to 7500 miles. What an accomplishment; you are closing in on the diameter of the Earth. Sweet. I hope Greg’s orthopedic evaluation goes okay and tell him not to mention my name. Ha Ha. Nice that you ran in to some old friends; and I imagine people don’t understand what you and Greg go through every day with RW gate.

Junebug, I am concerned about NN. I know she’ll play the system and probably be skating on the edge the entire time. I see her trying to improve on things I talked to her about already but then some other things she usually misses came up. Sorry it has been cool there for you. We have really high winds and snow flurries here - part of the state is having blizzard conditions though. Sounds fun catching up with your sister and BIL. Gorgeous sunrise picture. If you DH is heading here he’ll be seeing that white stuff.

Daisy and Diamonds, gorgeous wisteria. Yes, sadly winter is arriving here. I can’t say I didn’t see it coming though. Ha Ha. I totally laughed at your wish to be walking in wind and freezing rain; you can get there her almost any day. Our temps drop about 40 degrees when it rains and wind is our norm.

Bling Dream, I hope you had a great time visiting your family.

Callie, I don’t mind lifting at Marty’s gym but find it more convenient to lift at home. I have my own little spot in the basement. I’ll go to the gym upon request. I hope the wedding was nice. I totally get the adjustment when someone is home more than you are used to; Marty’s traveling really fluctuates and I find it hard to adjust. First I get used to him being gone a lot then all of a sudden he is here all the time. Now the gym is changing that a bit though. I have no idea what to expect anymore which is challenging as well.

Scandi. that is great news your mom qualifies for surgery. Wishing her good luck with that.

Kate, thank you - red both of us like red cars. The F150 has been the best selling pickup for years. My finger looks great but a scar is forming for sure; I notice it sometimes - it’s just sensitive when I hit it just right. Yes, NN is like a bad marriage but I have to document and go through HR to try and fix it. It’s going to be interesting. Oh no to being without power for 3 days. We are having horrible winds today here. I keep waiting for the power to go out; it’s shaking the house. Oh not about the mold problem and thank goodness the radon company is taking care of a lot of it for you. Glad it was only considered a mild case of mold. Good luck packing; that is such a chore. I keep telling Marty the next time we move I want to be so rich we can just pay someone to do everything - I guess I’ll be here until I keel over because that’s not going to happen. Ha Ha. I hate to hear about your gum; ouch and I am so sorry. Hope they get you fixed up right away.

Sharon, your son’s new bike sounds awesome. That’s awful someone stole his other bike. Red vehicles are cool, Marty has had 2 red trucks now and I’ve had 2 red cars. I like the blue I have right now too. Enjoy some wine for me.

Where did the weekend go? Friday night we had our astronomy meeting. The Halloween program went well and we went out for a late supper with friends after the meeting.

Saturday morning I made homemade biscuits for us and since I haven’t made them for such a long time; I doubled the recipe only to have way to many biscuits. I just froze some of them without baking them. Marty is pretty rundown with a nasty cold so he’s been lounging around on the couch most of the weekend. I did lots of laundry but compared to Missy it was a drop in the bucket. I worked on some stuff for the November newsletter and November program plus had to dial in to work a few times.

We watched MIB International Edition last night. It was pretty good.

I think I’ll have PB on Club crackers for supper. I have no desire to go out in the cold and wind to buy anything.

Take care.
GM girls!

@junebug17 beautiful sunrise. Enjoy your sister's visit and safe travels to your DH. Hope your weather is clearing and beautiful now. XO

@marcy ideally we need 2 negative (or 3 negative) cultures. This is quite the haul. I don't have much hope Fred will test negative. He is not looking good and consequently the others are at great risk. Yum to homemade biscuits. What a treat.I am sorry about Marty's cold. And LOL yes our laundry load is quite formidable. I keep hoping hard the machines do not break down or we will be in a pickle. I don't mind laundry but I do need the machines to work. It's doing the sheets and putting them on the bed daily that is a pain but that is greg; s job. I don't have the strength to put the sheets on the bed. I do take them off and launder them daily so at least I do help with the bed. LOL. Glad your astronomy meeting went well with the Halloween program. Nice. And PB is always yummy on anything. Glad Marty's gym is doing well. Have a good Monday. XO

@AV_ good luck on your review and I hope your short week goes well. Yes to stew on a rainy cold day. Hugs.

@Daisys and Diamonds that is a great song. I hope the rest of your weekend was nice and that your week is off to a good start. Hugs.

@Scandinavian continued healing dust your mom's way and hugs to all of you.

@Mamabean how was the rest of your weekend? Hope all is going smoothly. XO.

@canuk-gal good morning. Did your son get to ride his new bike yet? Any riding this weekend for you? Our weather is lovely here today but sadly I am on my own so no riding. I cannot remember the last time I rode a single bike (vs a tandem) and not sure I even remember how. LOL I hear it's like riding a bicycle however. ;-)
Hope your week is off to a lovely start. XO

@Tekate sending lots of hugs and love your way and hope you are feeling good girlie. Kate the very Great. ((((HUGS)))). No jaw pain wishes and may it all heal without more intervention. Hugs.

@Slick1 our friends we ran into the wife is an administrator at a school and she was telling me the hardest month for her is March. No holidays or vacation lol. So she saves her sick days and uses them in March. Anyway hope you had a great weekend and that you have a good Monday. XOXO.

@Austina hope you had a good weekend and are having a great visit with Adam and Kim and that Colin is back to feeling 100%. XO.

@bling_dream19 how was the rest of your weekend? Hope you enjoyed and had a wonderful time. Have a good Monday and sending lots of hugs your way.

We had a good day yesterday despite the inclement weather. Cleaned the house (what else is new) and then I worked out and we went shopping at a new mall. I didn't buy anything but oh was tempted. And I found it online so thinking about it. Greg said it is totally impractical as I am always cold and it is a short faux fur BCBGmaxazria blue jacket. Very short and no collar. Like I would only be comfortable wearing it in 70 degree weather probably LOL. But it was oh so smart on me. Greg said so. What should I do? I really need warm jackets not "cool" (haha) jackets. But it's so smart.

Today is crazy already. Greg is taking the 7:30AM ferry into the city to his HSS appt and he is already cleaning. I am having coffee. We gave the cats meds and fed them but it is all a whirlwind today. On my own for the day again and I do not care for that. I wish we could be cycling. Rest of week weather is not good. Rain predicted much of the week and high winds and low temps so that's it for cycling most likely. It was a good cycling season though. I already miss the ice cream haha.

Have a good morning lovely ladies. Will check in later probably.

Leaving you with a pic of the jacket I am thinking about...

OK girls, I did it and ordered the sapphire faux fur jacket. LOL I am so weak. When am I going to wear this jacket? In 70 degree weather haha. But at least I will look smart while looking like a crazy woman wearing a jacket in warmish weather. :lol:

Hi everyone can't believe its Monday! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. We spend the night with my parents and it helped to get their opinion on wedding options. My sister and my twin nieces also came over so anytime seeing my sweethearts makes me very happy! Oh and on the way home, stopped and had a delicious seafood lunch of scallops, twice baked potato and greens. @missy I know you love scallops too :)
I mailed my pink band back Saturday morning but the lighting was great so I took a pic. 20191019_113119.jpg

Missy I love your sapphire cool smart jacket! You will always be in style no matter what the weather.
Time has been flying. Need to get ready for work. Will read and respond more soon. Have a wonderful Monday everyone!
Hi everyone can't believe its Monday! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. We spend the night with my parents and it helped to get their opinion on wedding options. My sister and my twin nieces also came over so anytime seeing my sweethearts makes me very happy! Oh and on the way home, stopped and had a delicious seafood lunch of scallops, twice baked potato and greens. @missy I know you love scallops too :)
I mailed my pink band back Saturday morning but the lighting was great so I took a pic. 20191019_113119.jpg

Missy I love your sapphire cool smart jacket! You will always be in style no matter what the weather.
Time has been flying. Need to get ready for work. Will read and respond more soon. Have a wonderful Monday everyone!

So glad you had a wonderful time with your family including your sweet twin nieces. Always so warm and wonderful seeing loved ones. Those scallops look so yummy (you are making me so hungry for scallops and baked potatoes now haha) and your pink band will be even yummier when it is returned to you in tip top pinkalicious shape. Thank you for your lovely compliment re my upcoming delivery. I cannot wait. I just hope the temps don't get too cold before I get to wear it lol. I upgraded shipping to 2 day shipping so I can get it by Wednesday.
Hello lovelies

Happy Monday!

I’ll try and remember everything I’ve read.

@Scandinavian that is such good news that your Mum will be able to have more surgery (although I’m sure she’s not looking forward to that part!) but it bodes well for a successful outcome. I hope you’re taking care of yourself too whilst you’re all dealing with this. I’m sure you must miss Mr S, the munchkins and the doggies while you’re spending this precious time with your Mum, so I hope they’re all doing well without you. I’m glad to hear you have such good friends who are able to help out.

Wow, that’s a lovely wisteria @Daisys and Diamonds, they can be difficult to grow, so you must have green fingers to have such a good specimen.

@Mamabean I hope hissing Sid (the snake) has packed his bag and gone, that must‘ve been one of those :-o moments finding him there. Several years ago, one of our neighbours came knocking at the door because she’d found a snake in her house. I asked her what it was like, because we don’t really get snakes here, and she said it was black and yellow. She said she’d called the police, and they wouldn’t come, so I told her I‘d have a look. I went in to her house, and up to the room where the ‘snake’ was. I walked in and picked up the ‘snake’ and asked her if that was it. It turned out it was a piece of yellow and black sticky packing tape (they’d just moved in):lol: so I put it in the bin. I’m glad to hear your son is doing OK, and I hope he continues to get well and recover well.

Hello @Tekate, I’m glad to hear the infection is under control, but ugh to the exposed gum. Hopefully the OS can give you some idea what can be done to help and to stop the infection ever coming back. Phooey to the mould problem, but at least you’ve got that under control, and will soon be ready for your relocation to Tx. It’s a good idea to be there whilst your new house is being built so you’re on hand to make all the important decisions along the way. We’re going to be in Austin for a good part of December, so hopefully we can get together at some point.

@canuk-gal I didn’t know how I’d cope when Colin retired, as we hadn’t spent much time together due to his work commitments all the time we’d been married. One thing I would say, is that I made it clear from that start, that I wouldn’t be doing everything in house that I’d done before. Colin has his jobs, and although he may not do them to my standards, if I want him to do them, then I just accept that‘s the way it’s done now.

Seems to be wedding season @Calliecake , did you have a good time? What did you decide to wear? I didn’t end up needing my jacket after all, my wrap was fine and it wasn’t too cold, although it did rain off and on during the day.

Glad you’ve had a good weekend with your family @bling_dream19, are you getting a replacement pink sapphire band, sorry I can’t remember what you said about it? One thing that I thought was a really good idea at our friends‘ daughter’s wedding was that after the ceremony and before the meal, they brought round canapés while the photos were being taken and they were setting up the tables. It helped tide people over as the wedding was at 2pm. After the meal, we adjourned to a lovely cosy sitting room where tea and coffee were served whilst they cleared the tables away for the dancing.

I hope you’ve managed to catch up on some sleep @AV_ and had a good weekend. I think I can imagine your village square, and would think its a good place to sit and people watch over a drink.

Sorry Marty has a man cold @marcy, I hope he’s not feeling too bad. I’m glad the gym is ticking over and hopefully it’ll continue to grow and do well. Let’s hope NN doesn’t cause anymore problems. Yum to baking lots of biscuits and having extra to freeze. Glad the astrology meeting went well and woohoo to getting a head start on your November programme, you’re so organised.

Glad you’re enjoying your time in SC @junebug17 spending it with family and having your sister to stay while DH is away. That sunrise is pretty spectacular. We keep promising ourselves we’ll visit Charleston one of these days, I hear it’s really pretty.

LOVE the jacket @missy, I think it’s a good length to be really versatile, and of course, I love the colour! I hope Greg’s appt goes really well and he can have the surgery soon so that he can recuperate during the winter all ready for the cycling season next year. You’ve certainly put in the miles this year, that’s an amazing total. Everything crossed for the kitties getting good test results, I can’t believe with all the work you’ve been doing to get the RW under control that it’s not paying off.

The wedding went off without a hitch, and they managed to get the photographs done in between the rain showers, it was a small wedding, only about 40 guests, so quite intimate.

Adam and Kim are in Dubrovnik at the conference, they get back on Wednesday, and Kim leaves on Thursday, but Adam’s staying for a few more days. Colin’s feeling a lot better now, still bruised but feeling a lot more normal.

It’s another wet miserable day here, so we went to Costco to get some exercise, and bought a few things, nothing exciting, just household stuff.

I hope I haven’t missed anyone. Have a good day lovely NIRDIs :wavey:

@missy--my son did a brief ride when we brought the bike home--it was pretty chilly. Later this week is supposed to be mid teen temps so he'll prolly go then. We rode today and it was brisk!! I needed your new furry coat!

@junebug17 lol to the comment if "it ain't broke"....well my left hand gear came apart today! LOL I'll take it to the bike shop for a tune up. It should be an easy fix.

Shout out the all the NIRDIs. :wavey:

@missy--my son did a brief ride when we brought the bike home--it was pretty chilly. Later this week is supposed to be mid teen temps so he'll prolly go then. We rode today and it was brisk!! I needed your new furry coat!

Sharon! I just this minute bought a new jacket for cycling..maybe something that could work for you?


Sweet that your son got in a brief ride despite the chilly temps. I don't think we will get to cycle this week unfortunately but hoping we still have some days left til 2020. Greg just scheduled knee replacement surgery in mid January so who knows when we will get to cycle long distances again after the surgery.
Sharon! I just this minute bought a new jacket for cycling..maybe something that could work for you?


Sweet that your son got in a brief ride despite the chilly temps. I don't think we will get to cycle this week unfortunately but hoping we still have some days left til 2020. Greg just scheduled knee replacement surgery in mid January so who knows when we will get to cycle long distances again after the surgery.

Yes that jacket looks great! I have a pearl izumi layer that is great and I often wear it with my Patagonia down vest / gortex shell.

Your DH is very young for a knee replacement! Sorry he needs one, but he'll be good for another 100,000 kms! :bigsmile:
Hi, well went to the shoulder doc today and she gave me an ultrasound guided shot of steroids into my shoulder joint, (I had one last year b4 going on the river cruise) ouch, ouch OUCH.. can't pack anything for 2 days she said to me, and I'm drowsey right now. Having my records transferred back to Texas (my hip surgeon there hahaha I have doctors everywhere!).. I've not been able to sleep well, between picking Autie up, carrying luggage, packing and just plain old osteoarthrits and the torn rotator cuff it's a big pain party especially lyng on either side which happened over time, used to be I could sleep on my left side but not so anymore, it's a boring, deep never ending pain, anyway, last year my sports doc here said it's time to think about shoulder replacement, nope not yet, plus I have the continual what the heck jaw infection going on no surgeon would touch me. I think my jaw now has osteonnecrosis, otherwise known as dead bone, probably my whole jaw is dead, it's been 3 years of constant infection, @Slick1 did 9% 9you ever experience bone death in your jaw? the bone is cutting my tongue, hey I'm a laugh a minute here today! so that's my update. We are selling stuff and the future owners (the maybe guys) are coming over this weekend to get the whole lowdown on how to work stuff here, next Friday their bank will appraise our house for their loan (no worries banks 99.9% of the time agree because they LOVE to loan money, but if it comes in lower we shall see).. Chris is good spent a long time chatting with him yesterday.

@missy The jacket would look beautiful on you, really.. you are long and lean :) xoxoxo it's going to be gorgeous on you... black slacks! wear it out for's Greg's knee.. thank you thank you for all your kind, loving and peaceful words Missy, Missy the most Marvelous... and the Gorgeous and Great Greg.. lucky us and me! how's Fred... you are the best furbaby mom ever. xoxoxo

@Austina we will be in Austin by the end of November so we shall try and meet up.. that would be lovely. Hopefully I can speak with some teeth in my mouth. So funny about your neighbor, we once had a coral snake in our pool, the snake is lethal and there is no antidote in Texas for it, but coral snakes are more afraid of humans and at a last resort it will bite but there isn't too much to fear except of course death ;-) John got the snake out and it slithered away and next day our neighbor found it in his garage and he killed it, while intellectually I understood why he killed it, emotionally I hated him for doing it, it is a harmless snake, unless you get bit.. anyway the guy wasn't my cup of tea anyway. So much for snakes.. how's the kiddoes? hope you are well and happy! relieved that Colin is feeling better and that you will have some mom time with Adam.. always special when I can be along with Mike or Chris, rare but nice. xoxoxo

@marcy NN hmm when I had an employee like this we would put her/him on the IBM 'miracle mile' that was improvement plans, dates to meet, and consequences, it was hell and people then could go to the CEO of IBM and complain in those days.. very hard to get fired there in the 80s but today, they just lay you off.. IBM is not a great company anymore, but nor is a lot of the giants of the 80s and 70s.. such is life. We need a pix of you in that beautiful truck... hope you are not too cold, we are jumping around 31F one night 57 tonite, go figure it's weird.. sending love and a hug to you Marcy... :)

@Calliecake hello Callie !!! how are you and how are things? I'm hanging in there and trying to get on more but there is packing and planning and going to get boxes and John and I are like a UNIT.. we do everything together so when one of us moves onto nirvana! the other will probably die a week later.. I think this happens to a lot of older people and we are (john and I) feel older lately.. sending you love Callie total xoxoxo

@Scandinavian Scandi, you are my hero, taking care of oneself makes taking care of others easier, I know when I am not sleeping well and doing too much that I am not top form and I make decisions that are hasty etc.. good for you and good for your Mom that you are clear and peaceful..xoxoxo girl.

@AV_ I'm seeing the oral surgeon Wed morning at 7:50 a.m. my time here Eastern Standard.. he'll probaby take out the protruding bone and see if everything is dead or there's active infection.. xoxo

@junebug17 Hi Junie? are you in SC, I think you are.. this morning here in Maine we had one of those fog lifting mornings and with the trees almost all changed it was surreal, I hope all is well with you June, sending love to you! xoxo

@Jimmianne How are you doing? how's things? are you going to live in France permanently? such a conundrum (big word for me).. miss you and your cool finds on ebay and you and your adventures and just you Jimmi, hope you are feeing okay.. get me anytime on Insta. xoxoxoxo

@bling_dream19 Gosh! you made me want to have scallops! I love them, first time I went out to a fancy seafood restaurant when I was 15 I ordered scallops au gratin, thought I died and went to heaven.. I love reading your posts girlie, I love how you are excited happy and insightful and smart, such a fun time in your life.. keep those posts coming, I look forward to seeing your dress when you get married.. today you can wear anything! if I were getting married today and I was 22 again (first time I got married 2nd time I was 34).. I'd wear this:


I would have loved to have worn something like the above but I think I would put shoulder on it, just classier, but love this look. sending happy and loving vibes to you! xoxoxo

I'm tired from the steroid shot so I will sign off for now and try to get back on later, we are going out for a light dinner..

thank you all for your support @Mamabean not forgotten you just forgot what I was going to say to you but remember this! you are the best mamabean and mama around and I enjoy your posts and love hearing about your family.. you are a matriarch! sending love to you.. xoxoxo

Glad to read this Missy, he will feel so much better right after surgery and 6 weeks down he will be so happy you won't believe it.. he's got you too! lucky Greg.. give him a hug for me. Tell him I had both my hips done and I never looked back and life was 100% better.. sending you both love. xo

Sharon! I just this minute bought a new jacket for cycling..maybe something that could work for you?


Sweet that your son got in a brief ride despite the chilly temps. I don't think we will get to cycle this week unfortunately but hoping we still have some days left til 2020. Greg just scheduled knee replacement surgery in mid January so who knows when we will get to cycle long distances again after the surgery.

Missy, that is quite a haul on how many cultures you need but I get it since it takes a while to show up. I hope they all pass the tests and big hugs to the kitties especially to Fred. You and Greg are in my thoughts all the time just imagining what you are going through. I bet your washers and dryers are being put through their paces all right. I am with you on making beds is a pain; I swear that totally wears me out getting that bottom fitted sheet put on and I usually get it on the wrong side first. I need striped sheets. Ha Ha. Great looking jacket; I am the same as you - I always cold. Lightweight sweaters are what I wear in 70 degree weather. I hope your day went fast since Greg had to go in to town. Hoping is appointment went well and nice he has his surgery scheduled for January.

Bling Dream, it sounds like you had a nice weekend. How old are your twin nieces? Great shots of your rings.

Austina, that is kind of funny that your neighbor thought packing tape was a snake. The garter snake I found in our living room I thought was Marty’s belt; I went to pick it up and it lifted it’s head. Very good point about accepting however Colin does a job; I cringe when Marty does dishes since I am so OCD but I do appreciate it when he does the dishes. That was a good idea to bring around treats at the wedding while you were waiting for the bride and groom to be done with photos. NN has been doing pretty good. Glad to hear Colin is doing better. Enjoy Adam and Kim’s short visit.

Sharon, you will need a nice, warm furry coat later this week. That white stuff was spitting yesterday but didn’t stick. More of it is expected on Wednesday.

Kate, I am so sorry to hear about your shoulder, jawbone and other problems; that sucks and I can easily imagine how you can’t get comfortable to sleep. Big hugs to you! I hope the shot helps in a day or two. Good luck with all the upcoming house stuff. I think it is still tough to fire someone. Wyoming is a right to work state which is supposed to make it easy to hire and fire; but no. I was encouraged that our HR told us if she gets through this and slips back to her old habits pretty much at any time they can fire her right then. She is being pleasant and has definitely made less errors. Your nights sound about as cold as ours. We are having really bad winds right now. It felt like 13 when I left for work this morning. That is a gorgeous dress. I’ll have to get a picture of me in the pickup. I need to learn to drive it. Marty will say he has to be drunk before he can stand to watch me. Ha Ha.

Not much going on today. Marty said he felt 55% tonight so I said hey you are at least not half dead. He had a coughing attack about 1 am this morning so got up and then finally went back to bed in one of our guest bedrooms. Poor guy. He ignores my suggestions of going to the doctor but I don’t have a moral high ground to stand on there - I told people at work today my death certificate will say “she couldn’t walk it off”. Our cleaning lady came today and Marty did his dishes before I got home to that was nice to have a clean house and kitchen when I came home. I picked up a burger and a Frosty for myself for supper.

Take care.
Good morning ladies!

Hi, well went to the shoulder doc today and she gave me an ultrasound guided shot of steroids into my shoulder joint, (I had one last year b4 going on the river cruise) ouch, ouch OUCH.. can't pack anything for 2 days she said to me, and I'm drowsey right now. Having my records transferred back to Texas (my hip surgeon there hahaha I have doctors everywhere!).. I've not been able to sleep well, between picking Autie up, carrying luggage, packing and just plain old osteoarthrits and the torn rotator cuff it's a big pain party especially lyng on either side which happened over time, used to be I could sleep on my left side but not so anymore, it's a boring, deep never ending pain, anyway, last year my sports doc here said it's time to think about shoulder replacement, nope not yet, plus I have the continual what the heck jaw infection going on no surgeon would touch me. I think my jaw now has osteonnecrosis, otherwise known as dead bone, probably my whole jaw is dead, it's been 3 years of constant infection, @Slick1 did 9% 9you ever experience bone death in your jaw? the bone is cutting my tongue, hey I'm a laugh a minute here today! so that's my update. We are selling stuff and the future owners (the maybe guys) are coming over this weekend to get the whole lowdown on how to work stuff here, next Friday their bank will appraise our house for their loan (no worries banks 99.9% of the time agree because they LOVE to loan money, but if it comes in lower we shall see).. Chris is good spent a long time chatting with him yesterday.

oh my goodness dear kate! I am so sorry. What a journey you have been on for so long. I wish I could bring you relief from the deep never ending pain. It's not a fun place to be. I hear you on not doing the shoulder til your jaw is better. I sure hope you do not have osteonecrosis and I am sending buckets of healing dust your way. SO freaking upset for you. Being in pain like that is just exhausting.

I am glad you had a nice chat with Chris the other day. And good luck with the bank.

I love that dress photo you shared. You would rock that dress at any age Kate the Great!

I gave Greg a hug from you and told him about your hip replacement surgeries. He isn't concerned and that's why I have to be extra concerned...I always tell him if he was more cautious I could be less cautious lol.

Sending you so much love and big hugs and lots and lots of healing vibes and dust and good thoughts. (((HUGS))).

Yes that jacket looks great! I have a pearl izumi layer that is great and I often wear it with my Patagonia down vest / gortex shell.

Your DH is very young for a knee replacement! Sorry he needs one, but he'll be good for another 100,000 kms! :bigsmile:

Thanks Sharon. I wear 5 layers when it 's in the 60s F here lol. SO you can imagine when it's in the 50s I cannot get warm. Hoping this jacket helps. It's not attractive but I only care if it keeps me warm enough.

My dh used to be a skier and so that added to his knee issues. In fact he had a few knee operations in the 1980s on both knees. He was one of the first to get that kind of surgery then. And his surgeon then was a female which was much more unusual back in the 80s and even now there aren't that many female orthopedic surgeons. Anyway it's a hassle but hopefully it will go smoothly. If we weren't dealing with the cats it wouldn't be much of a hassle but with what is happening now I just don't want to think about January.

@marcy lol on what your death certificate would say and glad Marty is 55% better. How considerate he went to the guest bedroom so as not to disturb you. He is a sweetie even when sick. And for him to take care of the dishes so you wouldn't have to when you got sweet. I wish I could put the fitted sheet on our bed but I cannot. Not strong enough. But at least I can strip the bed and do the laundry so there's that. Thanks for all your good wishes. Greg went into work after the HSS appointment so had a productive day. Yup he needs the surgery. Not great timing but what else is new. Hope work goes well for you today.

@Austina so glad Colin is improving and that Adam is staying a few more days. Hope your weather turns around and you get some sun. And glad you enjoyed the wedding. Speaking of weddings...

@bling_dream19 any wedding updates? How is your week going?

@Slick1 sending you hugs and lots of good wishes.

@Scandinavian keeping good thoughts for all of you.

@AV_ good morning, hope all is going smoothly. XO.

Yesterday went fast. Dreading tomorrow because of the cultures and going to the vet with all 4 cats. Fred just doesn't look well at all. After all this what a shame if we cannot save him. :(

Today we are not sure what we are doing yet because it is drizzle predicted all morning and heavy rains later. And cloudy all day. Greg thinks we can chance riding as it is only drizzle during the morning and early afternoon but I am not so sure. Overcast all day and cold so is it worth riding?

OK have a good day lovely ladies. ((((HUGS))))

Have to clean the house soon. Sigh. This song keeps playing over and over in my head.

I need this T Shirt. LOL if I start buying all the T shirts I wanted I would have too many T shirts. Especially because I rarely wear any T shirts out of the house!

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and one day I would like to make the above saying a reality at least for a little respite. Pretty please?
@missy Oh God, you have said something I have never ever been able to put into words: I worry more because 'Greg' worries less, if that doesn't fit me and the men in my life I don't know what does. THANK YOU, I'm going to steal it! Shoulder meh today, we are selling stuff on Craig's List (and always there are the no shower's) have to figure out medical insurance - never had a problem because we were always corporate - till now. :) The bone popped out of my gum last night, feels better now but now there's a hole open to my jawbone, as John said "Whoa Kate this is a Cluster---k" :)

You take care of our marvelous Missy please.. and again, that jacket rocks Missy, I can see you meeting me for coffee when I hit Brooklyn more once I move because I miss everything about the NE and Chris :) and Kate etc etc. so I can see you rocking that jacket in the early spring! thank you from the bottom of my old and beleagured and happy heart for your friendship.. xoxoxo
Hi everyone, I am reading every single word here. Tekate, omg, you are such an incredible trooper! And an inspiration too, as your attitude remains wonderful. I don’t known how you do it, but I am grateful for your cheeryness in the face of adversity.

Heading for a new acupuncturist/life coach/generally good & caring person to reve up the good vibes this afternoon, and starting an art class next week to see if I can get the ‘ol art brain working again.
It seems to have taken the summer off and is now lazy.

Meanwhile, those jackets look spiffy. Thank you to our resident stylist for posting ideas for looking great AND staying warm at the same time.
Tekate, omg, you are such an incredible trooper! And an inspiration too, as your attitude remains wonderful. I don’t known how you do it, but I am grateful for your cheeryness in the face of adversity.

Yes I agree with this 1,000% to infinity. Our @Tekate Kate is indeed Great. She is one of the most amazing people I have ever had the honor and privilege to call my friend. And you too sweet @Jimmianne. XOXO

Good luck today Jimmianne!
Heading for a new acupuncturist/life coach/generally good & caring person to reve up the good vibes this afternoon, and starting an art class next week to see if I can get the ‘ol art brain working again.
It seems to have taken the summer off and is now lazy.
@missy Oh God, you have said something I have never ever been able to put into words: I worry more because 'Greg' worries less, if that doesn't fit me and the men in my life I don't know what does. THANK YOU, I'm going to steal it! Shoulder meh today, we are selling stuff on Craig's List (and always there are the no shower's) have to figure out medical insurance - never had a problem because we were always corporate - till now. :) The bone popped out of my gum last night, feels better now but now there's a hole open to my jawbone, as John said "Whoa Kate this is a Cluster---k" :)

You take care of our marvelous Missy please.. and again, that jacket rocks Missy, I can see you meeting me for coffee when I hit Brooklyn more once I move because I miss everything about the NE and Chris :) and Kate etc etc. so I can see you rocking that jacket in the early spring! thank you from the bottom of my old and beleagured and happy heart for your friendship.. xoxoxo

Kate, please take care of yourself and I am glad you are feeling better but oh no to the bone and hoping you find real help and relief very soon. Please let there be a good doctor who can make this right for you.

Yassss please use that. It's the truth. I always say to Greg if he worried more I could worry less. Truth!
Thanks for all the love and right back at ya and I cannot wait for the day to see you again sweet great Kate. XOXO

BlingDream, I think you are doing great making decisions for your wedding. Sounds like you’ll be picked a wedding date soon. Wedding planning is a lot of fun! Thank you, I keep telling people if I can lift; anyone can do it. Nice that they are going to remake the pink eternity band for you. I really like it with your ring. How fun to get a white winter wrap; I can picture you wearing that dripping in diamonds like a movie star.

Hi Daisys and Diamonds. How are you doing? I do get what you mean about too much togetherness at home. We used to have a small camping trailer and we could sure get on each other’s nerves over a long weekend in that. We heard a news story that a couple sold everything, quit their jobs and moved to the dessert to live off the land and live in a trailer that size. I looked at Marty and said; if we did that one of us would be dead and the other one would be in jail - and I’m not sure which one of us would be in jail.

Missy, I think I’ll take my pendant in and get another diamond put in it and ask them to check all the prongs. I guess if I lose another diamond I will have them take the pendant off the bracelet. Good plan to have the great surgeons there take care of my knees; at least I know Greg will be in good hands. I don’t remember what I said earlier but I wouldn’t have grilled cheese and PB together; but grilled PB sandwiches are quite tasty too. I often have PB on toasted english muffins. Your picture does show the perfection of the jersey shore. So peaceful looking. I am sorry the vet’s office is frustrating you. I totally get it. RW go away!!! NOW!! Darn that Greg had to go in to work today; I hope you did okay with you and the kitties.

Scandi, nice that you treated yourself to dinner, wine and a spa. Thinking of you and your mom and glad her surgery went okay, sorry you have to wait to see what’s next. I am glad you have good friends helping you out.

Austina, I did get pretty upset when I noticed the missing diamond. They are small, yellowish and not very well cut but that’s not why I like it. My knee is a bit better; this time it didn’t get as bad as it has in the past so that is a good thing. I am glad to hear Colin is feeling better. Nice that you got to spend the day with Adam and Kim. Have fun at the wedding; you’ll look beautiful in that lovely dress.

Rainwood, I hope you are doing well.

AV, the days seem to have just suddenly got shorter. I notice it more in the evening.

Sharon, oh no to gunk backing up. I hope that gets taken care of right away. Good luck adjusting to your DH being home more now. I remember when my dad retired my mom started doing volunteer work. He was driving her crazy. Beautiful picture!

Jimmianne, sweet that you found someone to clean out your basement. How exciting your friends are having a baby soon. How fun to work harvest and get some grapes. I can totally see the I Love Lucy grape stomping episode now.

Mamabean, nice to hear Chris was doing well when you visited. OMG to finding that snake in your house. We had them in our last house and trust me I screamed like a little girl many times.

Marty talked me in to lifting at his gym after work last night. He had another client there so when he was done lifting Marty and I went out for supper. I hate eating so late because then I’m really hungry and eat more than I should. Oh well, I wasn’t hungry until after lunch today.
I did have my first talk with NN about working on her errors; it actually went well. She is printing out checklists and procedures so maybe she’ll approach this as a growth opportunity. Time will tell.
Off to practice my talk for our astronomy meeting - it’s a light one on Halloween and Astronomy plus a few “spooky” sky objects.

Take care.

Yes dripping in diamonds is the goal! Just need a 10-12 ct diamond tennis bracelet or a bling bracelet and I'm set. I have a 1 carat diamond bolo bracelet that will do and let's be honest, I'm not hurting for bling lol. I'm grateful for what I have - just always have my eye on something. I know you all understand that. I'm sorry to hear your knee is hurting Marcy. It sounds like surgery might be happening. Glad to hear work situation is better and you came up with approach with NN to handle her errors. So cool you know about astronomy. I love looking up at the sky but don't know much about it. Hope you're having a great week.
@Austina I hope you are doing okay...That must have been sad that the cat came up to the glass to visit...The way you described her coming up to the glass looking for Dottie made me tear up. I wonder if she will. I wonder if she will come back again.
Your dress is lovely for the wedding. That’s great that Colin is feeling well enough to go to the wedding...I’ve made that mistake..feeling a bit better and overdoing...I hope he feels better after his rest.
How nice that Adam wants to stay a little longer. Was he able to change his flight?
@Callicake Thank you for thinking about me. Chris seems to be doing well. I visited him today. He asked me to bring him Goldfish crackers and low sugar granola bars. He’s very conscious of his diet and was very surprised he asked for them. He is underweight so he could use some weight...
I just had to stop this post because I had to go turn off David’s movie...Out of the corner of my eye I saw a snake! On my carpet in the rec room basement! Omg! My husband is at least an hour away at least..and I’m not sure what kind it is or how to get him!
@Mamabean If you're looking for a low sugar high cal granola bar - check out Autumn's Gold at Costco. They are 210 cals and 11 carbs - fits the bill. Hope that snake got out of there!!! Glad to hear he is doing well. Stabilizing blood sugar really helps with alcohol cravings. Not trying to intrude but had to share. I eat them most mornings with a coffee and they are delicious.
@Mamabean If you're looking for a low sugar high cal granola bar - check out Autumn's Gold at Costco. They are 210 cals and 11 carbs - fits the bill. Hope that snake got out of there!!! Glad to hear he is doing well. Stabilizing blood sugar really helps with alcohol cravings. Not trying to intrude but had to share. I eat them most mornings with a coffee and they are delicious.
Thank you @bling_dream19 I’ll check them out! Thank you for the good wishes for Chris..
Good morning lovely ladies. It's big and small dog Sunday.

And a big hello and hug to our Kate the Great @Tekate. What a month you have had sweet girlie. Glad the jaw infection is gone but oh no to the continuing saga and that your jaw is exposed. I hope the OS can help and resolve this ASAP. As for the mold saga oy and when it rains it pours and hoping this situation is remediated as soon as possible. You are one strong courageous lady Kate the Great. We are all rooting for you to be completely recovered and well and for the house situations to be where you need it to be.

Autie is a sweetie pie and the best little girl ever. So glad she is in your lives and brings you so much joy and love. That is everything. Makes everything seem possible and manageable.

I miss you too and Greg and I love you too Dear Kate the Great @Tekate and sending so many healing hugs and love your way. Please take good care of yourself. (((HUGS))).

haha non-Bruce lol. I like him well enough just not a huge fan like you and most New Jerseyans. Is that a word? Hmmm. Anyway I love walking in the rain and listening to the soft pitter patter of the rain on the roof. One of my favorite memories is when Greg and I were dating and we stayed at the Lands End Inn in Provincetown. So romantic. We were on the top floor with a skylight in the bedroom and it was storming and we woke up in the AM to the sound of rain on the skylight and it was just so yummy and cozy. That was an amazing place to stay. It was like being in Narnia. So kitchy and cozy and magical.

Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend.

Ooh my very first bike as an adult (Greg helped me choose it) was a Giant. Loved that bike. And sweet that your son got a Cannondale. That was our first tandem. A white and red Cannondale. May he have many fun and safe adventures on his new Cannondale. And BOO to that terrible human who stole his bike. Grrr.
Sending you love and hugs across the miles dear Sharon.

@AV_ oh I love the rain and writing and reading. Somehow so comforting and cozy.Quiet on an early Sunday morning is all good. Peace and quiet. The stillness of an early morning weekend. Sweet. How did Sunday get here already? Hugs.

@bling_dream19 how did the family visit go? I hope you had a wonderful time and that your weekend is filled with fun and love and all that good stuff. It's raining here today so no riding sadly but we will figure out something fun to do I am sure. Hugs.

@Scandinavian so thrilled for the wonderful news. Please keep us posted and please let your mom know we are all rooting for her and sending bucketloads of healing dust her way. XO

@Slick1 sending you so much love. Hope the school situation calms down so you can take a much needed breath and hope you had a happy reunion with the newly married couple. Yay for happy life events and yay for being antibiotic free and long may that continue! And sending you lots of good wishes for any upcoming dental work. XO.

@marcy hope you are having a great weekend. And feeling good.

@Austina hope your family visit is going well and that you are enjoying the "kids". Haha they will always be your babies. Please tell Adam and Kim Greg and I say hello.Hope Colin is continuing to heal well and feel well.

@Calliecake glad you are enjoying the weekend and weddings are always the best. As long as the couple getting married are in love. Who doesn't love love and who doesn't need a little bit more love in their lives?

We had a great day yesterday and ran into our dear friends B and K who live in our old beach neighborhood, So warm and loving and well it was great seeing them as we had to miss their party Labor Day weekend. We might try making plans with them soon since she was so adamant about seeing us again and how much they miss us. We miss them too. I think many of you here get it and I know our in person friends get it but I also realize some don't understand and that is OK. Not everyone has the capacity to get what we are going through and that is no slight to them. Just the truth. But most of you NIRDIs I think understand and that is why I feel comfortable sharing. It helps to share with people who do get it.

Sharing some photos of our day yesterday. No cycling today and well not sure if we will be cycling again this year. Rain is coming today and then a very busy week ahead. Orthopedic eval for Greg at HSS tomorrow. And then the cats are getting cultured Wednesday. Lots of anxiety on my part and just remembering to take deep breaths and deal with it one day at a time.

Yesterday there was an Asbury art festival so we got to enjoy our ice cream and music.

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and of course the prerequisite pantascopic photo

in Manasquan
can you find the bike (@Mamabean) :)

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and in Long Branch
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and it was a glorious day.

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We might be ending the year (it went so fast) with this total. I would love the opportunity to get to 7,500 miles I don't see it happening with our current situation weather and cat and knee wise. But not too shabby a total. Shattered our previous record by a few thousand.

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Have a lovely Sunday ladies. Sending hugs and love to you all.
@missy Family went great! QT with my parents, sister and my sweethearts. Sat night talked with my parents about the wedding options we are considering and how many people to invite. They were very understanding and very supportive. They love the idea of a large wedding and invite as many people as we'd like and being that it's a Wednesday wedding, most likely we will get quite a few rsvp's as no. So, the total guests might not be as many as we invite because of the day of the week. Now FI and I are deciding if it's this December 2019 or June 2020. Lots to figure out. My FI doesn't want me to be stressed and thinks I will be more stressed if it's this Dec. But, part of me feels like we can do a fairly simple December wedding. If we do in June, I will pressure to make the wedding even more grand because it will be more time. And perhaps, that will be helpful. I'd really just like he and I to get married and then go out to dinner and off for a honeymoon. My parents said they would support that but they'd really like to be there for the wedding. And I do want the support of our families. So, we are all over the place. Sorry I'm not more precise but grateful I can share where I am with you all.
Your pics are gorgeous as always Missy, the beach looks beautiful and the art pics look very cool! Glad you and Greg had fun cycling and enjoyed the weekend! Thinking about you and what you are going through daily. Hugs to you always.