
Now I really did it :((

I know! Me too!! Alway nice when some-bling exceeds expectations.
Speaking of beauty....When does your diamond arrive?
Psyched about that even more. :dance:

One more photo while I’m here. This is almost the end of my Sepkus fever frenzy, but I would like to find one more thin band before coming back to earth.

Which one @Jimmianne? :lol: I have a diamond heart coming...and the asschmerald..The heart is supposed to be shipped this Friday but I haven’t received any updates....The asschmerald is being shipped on Monday overnight FedEx..I was afraid I wouldn’t be home because I’m leaving on Friday and not coming back until Sunday. I’m going to order my Whiteflash diamond on Monday...The size will stay the same but the specs will be different on the upgrade later ...Then I have to set everything! I will be all done for this year at that point! I will enjoy everyone’s bling!
I just love the glow of the milky aquamarine! I never saw one before...It’s mesmerizing...
I know! Me too!! Alway nice when some-bling exceeds expectations.
Speaking of beauty....When does your diamond arrive?
Psyched about that even more. :dance:

One more photo while I’m here. This is almost the end of my Sepkus fever frenzy, but I would like to find one more thin band before coming back to earth.

The colour is really and truly amazing!!
Hello all but do ladies
Im on the big watch up again
so i hope you are all well
ive sent the last few days befriending the little stray cat from behind the garden shed
I can pat her and she purrs now and rubs aganist me
i did the trick of letting her see me pick up and cuddle Borris and Tibby

...Now back to all your happenings
I've really fallen behind so I'll just jump back in...

@missy, it's a shame the food store closed. I hate to see that. And It sounds like it was so convenient for you. Ollie and Tommy look so cute sitting together. I know surgery and recovery is very stressful but it will be good to finally get it behind you. DS and DD are doing great; they both seem relatively happy lol.. My brother's sleep isn't great right now but could be worse. Yes, will be nice to be in warm temps for a few days.

@Jimmianne, your dd's kitties are so cute. Too funny that Puff yells at her robot. How wonderful it will be for you to see better. Your new milky aquamarine ring is amazing. It's a work of art. Gorgeous color too. I am really loving your yg collection.

@Daisys and Diamonds, your new little friend sounds so sweet. Very kind of you to spend time with her.

@Calliecake, yes, it will be nice to be someplace warm for a few days. I hope you are doing ok with your winter weather.

@Austina, dh plans on working for a few more years so it will be a while before I have any doggie news to share lol. Great idea to join a gym; gets one out of the house and a good way to get exercise during bad weather. I hope you and Colin like it. As for bling...I have been thinking of antique dangles lol. We'll see. Your pink sapphire ring is gorgeous, and you already know how much I love your heart pendant.

@Tekate, I know that empty feeling when one of our kids leaves. I'm a little spoiled right now because ds lives close by and drops in...and we let his bands practice here so I get to see him lol. And as for jewelry...I do have a big birthday coming up, I might need some bling to soften the blow haha. Poor John, I hope he's over his allergies soon. My family is doing good. dh is busy with work but hanging in there. Kids are fine. Thinking of you and the loss of your sister, sad time for you.

@marcy, I'm glad to hear your friend's son is moving back into town; hopefully he'll be a help to her. Sounds like the funeral went as well as these things can go. Congrats on doing so well with your lifting; you have really made a lot of progress. It was so nice of your office to set up a collection for your employee. Your pink sapphire ring is so, that color! Can't wait to see your new heart diamond.

@AV_, great news about your draft, must be a very rewarding feeling. I love hearing about the customs in Granada and what your life is like there.

@Mamabean, oh no to your zircon ring being lost. I really hope it shows up soon. And I hope you get your drops soon too. I *think* Cecile and Yvonne are mother and daughter but don't quote me on that. I'm so excited for you for all the goodies you have coming. I can't wait to see everything.

@bling_dream19, glad you are enjoying married life. It can be a bit of an adjustment but you will get into your new routine in no time. I think your new sapphire would look beautiful in a halo. I'm thinking of you and your family at this difficult time.

@Scandinavian, thinking of your mother - I'm so sorry she's not doing well.

Just the usual here...some appointments, errands, and trying to get some things done around the house. Looking forward to getting away. The weather in FL is supposed to be in the low 80's so I'm going to have to drag out a few summer clothes if I can find them...and hopefully I fit into them ha.

Take care everyone
I've had a .50ct ES SI 1 G color and it was beautiful, it sat next to my .70 ACA SI 1 G color and I couldn't tell the difference, I've considered going for an ES and go higher than EVER but then my husband looks at me like I have 14 heads twirling.. love your new stone, enjoy!

@marcy Your sapphire ring is sooooooooooo pretty! I love the color! Is she a right hand ring..or will you wear it on your right hand?
@Austina Yes..I noticed a while back that people were talking about pics you posted..and I couldn’t find them...I even went to IG to see if you posted them there.
I’ll be back later..but wanted to ask opinions from you girls..
I’m going to get a Whiteflash diamond to eventually trade up. I won’t go larger than around 2.75 as the top..I will probably upgrade it next year. Should I go for the same size that I posted before in the moissanite setting that I can probably use with a little better specs in the 2.5? It looks very close in size to Libby...Should I shoot for the closest I can get to my dream size which is 2.75 but the clarity and color won’t be my ideal? I’m thinking if I do the close to 2.75..I can get use to the size and get better specs next year. I may even change my mind on the clarity because it’s super ideal. The color I would change because I’m color sensitive. So...2.5 better specs now with an upgrade next year put into my old setting that has moissanite in it now...or close to 2.75 with lower clarity and color specs but I will upgrade next year? I will get a cheaper setting through Whiteflash so it can be set right away..I’ll sell that setting next year..Opinions please?
Edited to say they just came up with an Expert Selection in a bit over 3 carats for the same price as the ACA ugh..No Joanne..stick with the smaller ACA...I won’t upgrade to that size in the better no..shaking head...
@Scandinavian Scandi, chemo is no for the faint of heart, my brother went thru chemo for lung cancer for about 16 months until his oncologist said no more... it really is hard. Sending love your and your mom's way Scandi.
@missy yes the thread is going like wildfire (apologies ot any Cali or Aussie friends, as we all know it's just a saying).

Thank you Missy, I'm here for you! My experience with hip replacement(s) is Greg will be in heaven in 7 weeks after as the months go by he will be stronger and feel so much better.. everyone always says "I shouldn't have waited so long".. I have to read more to see what the endocrinologist said bbib. :) okay, so things went okay at the endocrinologist, what a bitch about your insurance company not paying (perhaps) for your thyroid meds, we shall see what my new insurance company (humana) pays for here, I feel your pain. Your pictures are beautiful of the kittens.. sending love to you, Greg and the kids. xoxoxo

@junebug17 Hi June, it's wonderful to read DD and DS are happy and you see them often, we stay out of Mike's life here, he works every day from 7:00 to 3:00 to beat some of the Austin traffic, but he always calls Friday, except today he called to tell me Autie is sick.. his MIL is coming into town tonight so she can take a look at the baby, she and I are both on the same page when it comes to Autie and old school (1980s medicine!).. So you are going to FL? FL is a great vacation spot, there probably isn't a place I've not been to there.. my favorite? Miami! food, lights, beach. Sorry to read your brother isn't sleeping well ... Have a wonderful time in FL. xoxo

@marcy cannot wait to see your bling! I so admire your lifting Marcy, so cool, and thank you very very much for your kind words about my sister and my mom... I really hate January, but February is when my aunt an dad died.. this survivor business sucks. :) xoxoxo (so sorry for the death mayhem around you and people you care about, it hurts I know). xoxoxo

@Daisys and Diamonds Hello! the kitty sounds wonderful.. I love cats. xoxoxo

@Jimmianne wow Jimmie those rings are spectacular... love them... I don't know anyone who can find the most beautiful and unique jewelry.. when's surgery? xoxo

@Calliecake yup! I will spend more time with Autumn, there is nothing more fun than being with her. hope your weather is good, we are due for a big thunder storm tomorrow! we always need rain in Texas. xoxoxo

@Austina due for a storm tomorrow, while thunderstorms can be big here we always need rain! We went to the architect today went well, so far it's only BIG drawings and I can't get copies yet.. but when we get closer I'll send you a pix... xoxoxoxo

@Slick1 Hi! sending care your way .. xoxoxo

So all's well here. I still feel unsettled but getting along, I wish John hadn't wanted to build a house.. his Cedar Fever is settling down because he's working on a protocol of drugs and showering 2x a day to get the pollen off him.. Our insurance company pays for allergy shots he just said! Autie is sick :( son's are good, we were looking at buying a Tesla (expensive) but John was reading in the Edmunds website that the Nissan Leaf is almost as good, it's cheaper and the rebate is still available in Texas for buying an all electric car, so we probably will get the Leaf (now I plan t upgrade the features that John doesn't want to, but hey it's my job to help him see the light!

Sending all the NIRDI's love.
Thank you everyone for your kind words. Going to be a tough few days.
I'm thinking of @Scandinavian and sending you love and comfort.
So...when you're at work and can't concentrate because you're having fun playing with your bling in your pink travel wolf case 20200109_124323.jpg
I tried to be simple and wear one set of jewelry. But I can't. I have on pearl studs with diamond jackets. I still need to do my wedding jewels post. I can't wait to wear my diamond cluster earrings with diamond cluster necklace tomorrow and Saturday will be diamond cross with pearl studs with diamond jackets.
Love and hugs to all!
I know! Me too!! Alway nice when some-bling exceeds expectations.
Speaking of beauty....When does your diamond arrive?
Psyched about that even more. :dance:

One more photo while I’m here. This is almost the end of my Sepkus fever frenzy, but I would like to find one more thin band before coming back to earth.

I am a big Sepkus fan, so love your milky aqua and band! I know his work is not everyone's cup of tea, so am happy to see another person that likes his work. I just got a Paraiba ring but have not yet picked it up. Do you prefer the thin diamond bands or are you looking at one without?
I've had a .50ct ES SI 1 G color and it was beautiful, it sat next to my .70 ACA SI 1 G color and I couldn't tell the difference, I've considered going for an ES and go higher than EVER but then my husband looks at me like I have 14 heads twirling.. love your new stone, enjoy!

Thank you Kate! To be truthful..I think a diamond can be absolutely beautiful..full of sparkle and not be an ACA..Libby is not a super ideal and although she is a vs1 G color..she’s a little deep..She still faces up in the range that she’s supposed to but she’s not perfect...but I’m fine with that. One of the reasons I’m going with an ACA is because they are beautiful...I don’t have to worry if the angles are off...The worry about is it a good stone is gone..and the upgrade is fantastic...Do I think I could find a diamond that would be just as beautiful to ME? Yes...but I drank the cool-aid and now I have to see what the fuss is about. I can’t wait to see the difference between the ACA and Libby. I’m sure there will be a difference...and I actually hope that there is..I wouldn’t be able to see a difference between the ES or ACA either. People say it’s just tiny differences why it doesn’t make the cut..BTW I love your EVER...
Phooey, I lost my post that took an hour.


I am loving all the new bling and upcoming bling.

Hugs and happiness to all of you.
@Mamabean Re. 'differences' - it is not common to see the same thing with two prices at once either.

starting the day
@missy yes the thread is going like wildfire (apologies ot any Cali or Aussie friends, as we all know it's just a saying).

Thank you Missy, I'm here for you! My experience with hip replacement(s) is Greg will be in heaven in 7 weeks after as the months go by he will be stronger and feel so much better.. everyone always says "I shouldn't have waited so long".. I have to read more to see what the endocrinologist said bbib. :) okay, so things went okay at the endocrinologist, what a bitch about your insurance company not paying (perhaps) for your thyroid meds, we shall see what my new insurance company (humana) pays for here, I feel your pain. Your pictures are beautiful of the kittens.. sending love to you, Greg and the kids. xoxoxo

@junebug17 Hi June, it's wonderful to read DD and DS are happy and you see them often, we stay out of Mike's life here, he works every day from 7:00 to 3:00 to beat some of the Austin traffic, but he always calls Friday, except today he called to tell me Autie is sick.. his MIL is coming into town tonight so she can take a look at the baby, she and I are both on the same page when it comes to Autie and old school (1980s medicine!).. So you are going to FL? FL is a great vacation spot, there probably isn't a place I've not been to there.. my favorite? Miami! food, lights, beach. Sorry to read your brother isn't sleeping well ... Have a wonderful time in FL. xoxo

@marcy cannot wait to see your bling! I so admire your lifting Marcy, so cool, and thank you very very much for your kind words about my sister and my mom... I really hate January, but February is when my aunt an dad died.. this survivor business sucks. :) xoxoxo (so sorry for the death mayhem around you and people you care about, it hurts I know). xoxoxo

@Daisys and Diamonds Hello! the kitty sounds wonderful.. I love cats. xoxoxo

@Jimmianne wow Jimmie those rings are spectacular... love them... I don't know anyone who can find the most beautiful and unique jewelry.. when's surgery? xoxo

@Calliecake yup! I will spend more time with Autumn, there is nothing more fun than being with her. hope your weather is good, we are due for a big thunder storm tomorrow! we always need rain in Texas. xoxoxo

@Austina due for a storm tomorrow, while thunderstorms can be big here we always need rain! We went to the architect today went well, so far it's only BIG drawings and I can't get copies yet.. but when we get closer I'll send you a pix... xoxoxoxo

@Slick1 Hi! sending care your way .. xoxoxo

So all's well here. I still feel unsettled but getting along, I wish John hadn't wanted to build a house.. his Cedar Fever is settling down because he's working on a protocol of drugs and showering 2x a day to get the pollen off him.. Our insurance company pays for allergy shots he just said! Autie is sick :( son's are good, we were looking at buying a Tesla (expensive) but John was reading in the Edmunds website that the Nissan Leaf is almost as good, it's cheaper and the rebate is still available in Texas for buying an all electric car, so we probably will get the Leaf (now I plan t upgrade the features that John doesn't want to, but hey it's my job to help him see the light!

Sending all the NIRDI's love.
Can’t tell you anything about the Leaf, but love electric cars in general. We had a Tesla for 5(?) years and loved it. But trained it for a Volvo, lol got to love the Volvo 4 wheel drive when you live where we do. And we needed the extra room for the dog cages when we bought dog number two
Phooey, I lost my post that took an hour.


I am loving all the new bling and upcoming bling.

Hugs and happiness to all of you.

Come on Marcy! Don’t you want to write the whole thing out again??!
Sorry - it really sucks when that happens, so discouraging...and for us too. I love reading your posts.
I am a big Sepkus fan, so love your milky aqua and band! I know his work is not everyone's cup of tea, so am happy to see another person that likes his work. I just got a Paraiba ring but have not yet picked it up. Do you prefer the thin diamond bands or are you looking at one without?

Springerspaniel, YAY! Another Sepkus fan. The first ring I even saw was a couple of years ago, a diamond solitaire listed for sale online as an antique ring. I thought it was incredilbe...all that « stuff » to look at. I’m a visual artist and his carving style resembles my painting style...fill in the field with tons of random but related shapes...and I also collect bas-relief victorian tiles. So I was very attracted, but then when I actually saw one I was blown away because they are so delicate and sparkly in real life.
I am looking for a thin Sepkus band with or without diamonds.
You have a new ring coming? What pattern? hope you will share photos. Maybe I will start a thread. No, I guess he is not everyone’s style...a search on Pricescope didn’t turn up anything.
Do you have other Sepkus jewelry?

Mamabean, you are going wild with all your treasures coming in. Love it.

Bling_dream, you have a wonderful « simple » collection in your photo :kiss2:

Good Morning, NIRDIs. Thank you for not minding a bit of a thread-jack. It’s so fun that we all have different styles and have such a love and enthusiasm for Things That Bling.
Phooey, I lost my post that took an hour.


I am loving all the new bling and upcoming bling.

Hugs and happiness to all of you.

Phooey indeed! Did you try hitting back? Or going into history and seeing if you could find that page where the post was before you lost it? I have had luck with both those methods...maybe it's not too late?
Anyway hugs and happiness to you dear Marcy...and TGIF!
@missy, how are the kitties? Oliver made friends with the others?

Well it's getting a little bit better haha. Baby steps...the food obsession thing however is a big pain in the proverbial butt but what are ya gonna do yanno? Says this Brooklyn girl. :lol:

Hugs to you and all the best to your mom...chemo is almost over right? And praying relief will be hers soon.
Thank you everyone for your kind words. Going to be a tough few days.
I'm thinking of @Scandinavian and sending you love and comfort.
So...when you're at work and can't concentrate because you're having fun playing with your bling in your pink travel wolf case 20200109_124323.jpg
I tried to be simple and wear one set of jewelry. But I can't. I have on pearl studs with diamond jackets. I still need to do my wedding jewels post. I can't wait to wear my diamond cluster earrings with diamond cluster necklace tomorrow and Saturday will be diamond cross with pearl studs with diamond jackets.
Love and hugs to all!

Those earrings are da BOMB. LOVE. Love all the bling. Classic and gorgeous and just swoon worthy! Hugs to you @bling_dream19..It's FriYAY! Any weekend plans?
And yes please looking forward to seeing your wedding jewels post.
Just the usual here...some appointments, errands, and trying to get some things done around the house. Looking forward to getting away. The weather in FL is supposed to be in the low 80's so I'm going to have to drag out a few summer clothes if I can find them...and hopefully I fit into them ha.

That is sweet. 80s. I hope you find the clothes and that they fit well and that you have the best time in florida. Hugs Junie.
So all's well here. I still feel unsettled but getting along, I wish John hadn't wanted to build a house.. his Cedar Fever is settling down because he's working on a protocol of drugs and showering 2x a day to get the pollen off him.. Our insurance company pays for allergy shots he just said! Autie is sick :( son's are good, we were looking at buying a Tesla (expensive) but John was reading in the Edmunds website that the Nissan Leaf is almost as good, it's cheaper and the rebate is still available in Texas for buying an all electric car, so we probably will get the Leaf (now I plan t upgrade the features that John doesn't want to, but hey it's my job to help him see the light!

Dear Kate the Great big hugs to you girlie. I am sorry you feel unsettled still but imagine that in time when things finally all fall into place elation will take the place of stress and uncertainty. I am sorry and know right now it is very stressful. I am sorry John's cedar feel is still present but glad he is getting some relief from the meds and frequent showering. Oh no dear Autie isn't feeling well...sending her bucketloads of healing dust and lots of warm love. I say go for the less expensive but reliable car. That's my vote. Not that you asked. Hugs sweet girl and feel well and sending you lots of house building dust. XOXO.
Which one @Jimmianne? :lol: I have a diamond heart coming...and the asschmerald..The heart is supposed to be shipped this Friday but I haven’t received any updates....The asschmerald is being shipped on Monday overnight FedEx..I was afraid I wouldn’t be home because I’m leaving on Friday and not coming back until Sunday. I’m going to order my Whiteflash diamond on Monday...The size will stay the same but the specs will be different on the upgrade later ...Then I have to set everything! I will be all done for this year at that point! I will enjoy everyone’s bling!
I just love the glow of the milky aquamarine! I never saw one before...It’s mesmerizing...

Oooh I cannot wait. Please keep us posted. SO freaking excited for you. :appl:
I know! Me too!! Alway nice when some-bling exceeds expectations.
Speaking of beauty....When does your diamond arrive?
Psyched about that even more. :dance:

One more photo while I’m here. This is almost the end of my Sepkus fever frenzy, but I would like to find one more thin band before coming back to earth.

Ohhhh emmmmm geeeeee I just fainted. SWOON!!!!!
That color. Oh my goodness...DIBS! if you ever decide to sell that is...:sun:

We both had eye tests this morning, optic nerves and macular all good, she said the prescription I have now due to the laser surgery is perfect, but I’ve ordered a pair of night driving glasses, as I sometimes find headlights really dazzling.

It’s been dull and rainy this afternoon, but we weren’t doing anything anyway, so nice to stay in and keep warm.

I am glad you got a good bill of health eye wise and that the laser surgery proved successful still. I think it is a great idea you ordered glasses for driving at night. It is harder to see at night for all of us and every little bit cunts. Sorry the weather has been less than nice but glad you are staying cozy and warm. Have a lovely Friday and hope the weekend is nice too. Hugs.
You are reading my mind! I was just sitting here thinking of all the ducks I have to get in a row first...eye surgery... visa renewal in back here...recover...then See Missy! By that time Greg will be in fine shape and it will be great!

Hello all but do ladies
Im on the big watch up again
so i hope you are all well
ive sent the last few days befriending the little stray cat from behind the garden shed
I can pat her and she purrs now and rubs aganist me
i did the trick of letting her see me pick up and cuddle Borris and Tibby

...Now back to all your happenings

Hello dear @Daisys and Diamonds !!! So nice to see you here Nicky and so wonderful of you socializing a kitty that needs love and a home. Are you taking her in? Is she going to be yours? What is her name? Hugs t you and your furry crew.
I am a big Sepkus fan, so love your milky aqua and band! I know his work is not everyone's cup of tea, so am happy to see another person that likes his work. I just got a Paraiba ring but have not yet picked it up. Do you prefer the thin diamond bands or are you looking at one without?

Hi @springerspaniel! Oooh please share pics of your Paraiba ring once you pick it up. I love Paraiba. How are you? Hope the New Year is going well. XO.
@AV_ so glad it is going well and that life continues to be happy and sweet. Sending you lots of love. Hope your day is going well.

@Slick1 woohoo it is the weekend! Hope you are having an easy Friday. Any updates? What are your thoughts re your new ring now that you have been enjoying it all week?

Sorry I did separate posts today. MY computer is acting wonky and I didn't want to risk losing anything. I will post separately below about my day and hope I didn't leave anyone out. Hugs to you all.
Yesterday I saw Tuey and it was great seeing him. He is a good man and a dear friend and it had been too long. It was also a cry fest for both of us as both Tuey and I lost furry loved ones this year. He lost his dog of 17 years who was a constant companion and who used to sit in my lap when I got my hair cut. Love you Cuko and miss you and you are at Rainbow Bridge with Francesca and Zoe and Dottie and @Jimmianne 's daughter's bunny.

So we decided (I decided haha) not to cover my gray but instead he gave me highlights and lowlights and just trying to blend it all in so less of a stark contrast if you will. And he cut about 4 inches. My hair is not good but making it work as it is and that is the best I can do. I would have let Tuey cut more but he didn't ask and I guess I was a bit hesitant to cut it all off or I wouldn't have been shy to ask. Maybe next time. And I hope don't leave a whole year in between getting my next cut. LOL.

He moved salons and this one has a hair dryer woohoo so I got to sit under it for my hair to dry "naturally" vs blowing it.

Tuey was intersted in my new phone. He has a Samsung and is thinking about getting the new iPhone. He was playing around with my camera which I still haven't learned to use properly.

The new phone has a pretty high resolution as evidenced by this pic. He was also taken with my sunglasses so we did a pic with that too. Haha are Tuey and I adults or are we kids playing at being grownups. I think it is the latter. :lol:

My hair is super thin but here it is shorter by 4".


Have a fantastic Friday lovely ladies!
Good Morning, NIRDIs. Thank you for not minding a bit of a thread-jack. It’s so fun that we all have different styles and have such a love and enthusiasm for Things That Bling.

LOL dear @Jimmianne this entire thread is a thread jack if you will. It is a random comments of our lives thread. Anything and everything goes. You are a love and a dear and please share all things bling and all things non bling too. Always here for you. (((Hugs))).

Speaking of non bling here is our little Oliver trying to steal Greg's snack...hahaha
I bought Greg a few sweet treats that afternoon on my way back from Tuey's because of the upcoming surgery. And Oliver was quite upset we wouldn't let him have it. :lol:

Screen Shot 2020-01-10 at 6.02.16 AM.png

Screen Shot 2020-01-10 at 6.00.01 AM.png

He will eat any food product. Any food at all. Human, cat, dog you name it. Food is his main goal in life. Sheesh and LOL. He is determined.