As long as you don’t take them of outside...I agree with @Jimmianne it is an endless loop. We don't do most of that. In fact we don't even take our clothes off after being outside...
So cute! Miss that blingy one of yours thoughHere are our "rings" of the day yesterday. I cannot believe how much I love silicone rings.
Yuhuu! Good for you! Don’t need that much income anyways without mortgages!One other piece of good news is we paid off our beach house mortgage last month
Bad girl you... bad bad girl... lol I’ve already been looking, I’m hopeless re temptations. What was that quote again? I can resist anything but temptationNot to tempt or enable, of couse.
Lucky! Grass feed local beef is scarce here. It is mostly from Scotland for us too LOL. I have dibs on meat from a local farmer comes fall, so could be worse I guess.just grateful we have plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and now a plentiful supply of meat.
Snow here today also! Go figure!This is a backwards year [snow cap today & summer on March 8]:
As long as you don’t take them of outside...
So cute! Miss that blingy one of yours though
Yuhuu! Good for you! Don’t need that much income anyways without mortgages!
Snow here today also! Go figure!
And colder! Even I was ready for spring now lol.Following!
What you don't like my new bling?
And I wish. With property taxes for the beach house and our monthly maintenance for our Brooklyn apartment well let's just say paying off the mortgages was not sufficient. But I can always sell Bubbalah and that would help for a few months at least...(JK I hope).
How pretty you have snow by you today. I think @marcy does too. I love when the snow freshly coats the ground and trees. Making the world seem a bit brighter and softer.
Now I am completely paranoid about not hosing down my groceries. Oh well too late. I did sani wipes the booze bottles and counters tho LOL
@Jimmianne when I worked during the SARS outbreak, I took my uniform/shoes off in the garage before entering the house then showered. I have always been handwasher to do my best to break the chain of infection.
Once again my adult son asked me not to go to work. Maybe I'll get sick from groceries so that decision will be made for me!
Incredibly beautiful!Hola! how's everyone? Rainy in Austin area today, matter of fact we are supposed to have rain on and off for the next 6 days! yay! (Austin always needs rain).
So we went to the lot yesterday and I a going to post a few pix as it was not rainy yesterday
@missy Chris said it was a nice day in Brooklyn! was glad to hear that. sending you love and love the pictures, my family are all fine.. How's your mom and dad? your sister? and girls? sending hugs to all of them and good health too!.
nothing new to report, except that we haven't heard back from the soil analysis people so John is getting the builder involved. Things become tricky now.. how do we know our builder won't go bellyup? this is all crazywell I am taking one day at a time in this situation.
here's to a nice Thursday for all!
Oh! You are ahead of me : )
Hosing down your groceries… LOL I had this image of the fire department coming to help. That would really make the groceries clean, and it would be entertaining as well.
You are really getting strong! Such good progress!Hi NIRDI’s!
@AV_ oh no for nonsensical weather today. Ours is very cold, very windy, icy and snowy. Very pretty pictures of different seasons.
@Calliecake I hope you are doing well.
@Jimmianne tell Roscoe that teddy bear is named Arrows - I got him from Whiteflash with my ACA ering. I asked them when I ordered my ring if they had teddy bears and they sent that to me. Arrows likes Chardonnay and Malbec the most. You look cozy, comfortable and bundled up. I like the idea of wine tasting as a new hobby. Of course you only get sips.
@missy that is awesome Greg’s colleague’s adoption came through. That is pretty exciting. We didn’t get much snow; it’s just bitter cold, windy and icy. We are warming up again this weekend. I am so glad the heating pad has helped your back. Yes, I am with you hoping it’s only a pulled muscle. My arm / shoulder was better today but I lifted so it’s irritated right now. That is a relief Greg got a letter his company isn’t considering furloughing anyone; I worry about so many people losing their jobs. That’s good Oliver isn’t biting much anymore and wonderful it’s worked out having Gracie to play with. Oh no door men are not coming to work at your building. Your blue bands look fabulous. Sweet and congratulations for paying off the beach house. Yes, Gracie is the boss now. Gorgeous, vibrant flowers. Aren’t the pictures from your new phone amazing.
@StephaniieLynn I think these are challenging times on many fronts. Sending you mega dust.
@Austina that’s good to hear stores are getting a little more back to normal. Ours are still pretty low on inventory. The ground is white but we didn’t get much snow. Glad you are having a sunny day. Glad you have been able to self isolate for 14 days. I would love under floor heating.
@Scandinavian it is important to feed wildlife. That is awesome about the elk coming to call. My parents had a cabin in the mountains and we’d often see elk or deer right outside the window. It was pretty cool.
@canuk-gal since Marty isn’t paying attention to bringing in things, wiping things down and just putting everything on the kitchen countertops I am just washing my hands more often. I remain optimistic I’m not going to get it. Oh no to running out of beauty supplies. I need more lotion.
@Tekate your land is so pretty. II can see your gorgeous house there in the near future.
I had another crazy day of work. At least we are keeping busy. I had to get after my employees (they are hourly) not to get more than 40 hours a week; I am sure they’ll be scrutinizing time cards.
Marty went in to his gym to lift this afternoon; I lifted here. I made a batch of homemade soup for supper.
I lifted 98 pounds today. I’m closing in on 100. Sweet.
Take care.
Hola! how's everyone? Rainy in Austin area today, matter of fact we are supposed to have rain on and off for the next 6 days! yay! (Austin always needs rain).
So we went to the lot yesterday and I a going to post a few pix as it was not rainy yesterday
Chris said it was a nice day in Brooklyn! was glad to hear that. sending you love and love the pictures, my family are all fine.. How's your mom and dad? your sister? and girls? sending hugs to all of them and good health too!.
nothing new to report, except that we haven't heard back from the soil analysis people so John is getting the builder involved. Things become tricky now.. how do we know our builder won't go bellyup? this is all crazywell I am taking one day at a time in this situation.
here's to a nice Thursday for all!
You don’t know how happy and relieved I am to hear that you’re feeling better @missy. I had hoped that whatever was wrong, wasn’t the dreaded CV. We have been in isolation now for 15 days, out last contact with people was 2 weeks ago yesterday when we went to the driving range, thinking we could stay well away from everyone, and the golf coach came to talk to usI should have told him to keep away from me, but I don’t like being rude. After that we had a quick stop at the supermarket, not that there was anything left on the shelves to buy, so we’re very relieved that we’re both feeling fine, and fingers crossed, we’re passed any possible contamination period.
That is such wonderful news about the adoption, and just shows us that even during all this madness, the miracle of life goes on, and someone’s long held dreams become a reality.
I think its a good idea to clear your mortgage, no matter how small, it’s one less thing to worry about during these uncertain times, and hopefully the letter from Greg’s office will remain in place and when this is over, he’ll be able to return to work. I know that’s not your overriding priority at the moment, staying well and getting through this is all that matters.
I’m sorry there are people whose opinions are so forceful they can’t see or understand anyone else’s point of view. I haven‘t seen the posts because I don’t usually comment on anything other than bling posts these days, but that is one of the unfortunate side effects of being an anonymous person at the end of a keyboard and screen. I know you to be a person of deep conviction and compassion, so if someone disagrees with you, well, frankly, their opinion is their opinion, and not relevant to what you believe.
I’ve just told Colin that you’re feeling better and he says hi and what great news.
I seem to be running out of all my "beauty" products at once. 3 lipsticks and now rationing my L'Occtaine crème. How did this happen? But since I am not going anywhere, it shouldn't matter right?
Don't know who you subscribe/listen for music. But I've been listening to CKUA for decades. Listener supported radio. Cool and very diverse vibe. Ya just never know what up next. LOVE it.
Just realized I have just flour to make banana raspberry waffles for breakfast. It's the small things.
@missy that is awesome Greg’s colleague’s adoption came through. That is pretty exciting. We didn’t get much snow; it’s just bitter cold, windy and icy. We are warming up again this weekend. I am so glad the heating pad has helped your back. Yes, I am with you hoping it’s only a pulled muscle. My arm / shoulder was better today but I lifted so it’s irritated right now. That is a relief Greg got a letter his company isn’t considering furloughing anyone; I worry about so many people losing their jobs. That’s good Oliver isn’t biting much anymore and wonderful it’s worked out having Gracie to play with. Oh no door men are not coming to work at your building. Your blue bands look fabulous. Sweet and congratulations for paying off the beach house. Yes, Gracie is the boss now. Gorgeous, vibrant flowers. Aren’t the pictures from your new phone amazing.
@AV_ love getting to know "more" of you. How's the weather by you today? Snow on the ground?
I just couldn’t like this post because it’s extremely sad and scary @missy. The governor of Maryland thinks we will have the same infection rate as New York in two weeks. I wake up every morning and hope a miracle happens and that virus starts dying on it’s own.
My bright spot today is I get to visit with my hubby tomorrow for the first time in three weeks. He will keep his distance. I’m making him meatloaf which I’ll put into portion sizes and freeze them for him to take back to Pa tomorrow when he leaves. I’m also making two pizzas. My mom and I will have a small piece and David two...The rest will go home with my husband. I’m getting the table and chairs cleaned for his visit. I’ll have a chair away from the table for him. ☹
Edited to say I thought you posted in our thread so I cut and pasted it here which is why your chart is here too..
There is so little to know. Then again, people tell me 'publish already' - I dread it, and there will certainly be a pseudonim (you've seen it already ,)
News from NYC sound eerie these days ,( none good.
Re. snow, no, none down here, but it rained at night & there was snow on the mountain in the morning lower than ever; there is hope for a few warm days, but, who knows (forcasts keep changing from snow to 20ºC, so how are these 'forecasts')
XOX (square - round - square!)
Hi everyone,
Ok so anyone else feel a bit like they are in the groundhog day movie? As people have said before I feel the days are blurring together a but and I am losing track of time.
We are getting out the house daily but it does feel very quiet walking around. It is nice to see a few rainbows and other decorations have popped up in neighbours windows after we put one up last week.
Still waiting on my chrysoberyl ring arriving. It is at my area depot but due to so many drivers being off work they are having to transfer it to another hub in order to get delivered. Goodness knows when I am going to get it!
@missy I am glad you and your family are ok. Oreo sends whisker kisses to Gracie!
To everyone @Tekate @Austina @Mamabean @canuk-gal @Scandinavian @Daisys and Diamonds @Jimmianne @marcy @AV_ a big shout out. Stay safe and well!
The weather is warming up this weekend so we are planning some gardening. I have some seeds in my stash from last year to sew that should give us a lovely display of poppies and wild flowers!
I am also planning a new hobby using silver clay and would like to use some of the seed pods from my garden to make little silver pendants!
Take care everyone, x
Hi everyone,
Ok so anyone else feel a bit like they are in the groundhog day movie? As people have said before I feel the days are blurring together a but and I am losing track of time.
We are getting out the house daily but it does feel very quiet walking around. It is nice to see a few rainbows and other decorations have popped up in neighbours windows after we put one up last week.
Still waiting on my chrysoberyl ring arriving. It is at my area depot but due to so many drivers being off work they are having to transfer it to another hub in order to get delivered. Goodness knows when I am going to get it!
@missy I am glad you and your family are ok. Oreo sends whisker kisses to Gracie!
To everyone @Tekate @Austina @Mamabean @canuk-gal @Scandinavian @Daisys and Diamonds @Jimmianne @marcy @AV_ a big shout out. Stay safe and well!
The weather is warming up this weekend so we are planning some gardening. I have some seeds in my stash from last year to sew that should give us a lovely display of poppies and wild flowers!
I am also planning a new hobby using silver clay and would like to use some of the seed pods from my garden to make little silver pendants!
Take care everyone, x
Saw a coyote today while out for our walk. He eyeballed us and went on his merry way. Cutie (from a distance!) lol
For @missy and you other cat ladies.
David Levy wrote that “Comets are like cats. They have tails and they do whatever they want.”
David Levy is a famous astronomer who has discovered several comets.
Saw a coyote today while out for our walk. He eyeballed us and went on his merry way. Cutie (from a distance!) lol