
Now I really did it :((

So many threads to catch up on!
@Bayek I am so sorry about your shoulder; hope you get some relief soon. I LOVE yopur reference to the "boring pain," I have always kept that little koke inside when I see patients. Glad Auti passed his exam with flying colors! I bet he could beat our fine pres on the cognitive exam...

@missy how are the kitties doing? I hope all eyes have cleared up and everyone is eating something. I am so glad you two enjoy cycling so much! You are a role model for those of us who aspire to be mindful during the day. I also appreciate your photography. I know it's been said before, but it must be said again, it's a part of NJ that we don't get to see (or smell) very often. Is Greg feeling better physically? I know it takes a long time to adjust to the loss of a beloved parent, particularly a mother. All my love to you and your family.

@Niffler75 I appreciate the photo of your son--what a cool thing to be doing in the summer!

@Jimmianne Oh my goodness, what a gorgeous little guy you have! I am totally in love with Kine. I can imagine that when the time comes, he will fit very neatly under the airplane seat. Such a cutie--more pictures please!

@Austina I just love your sense of humor! I hope you are staying cool (and looking cool in your new shoes!) I buy men's shoes all the time because I have 4E width feet. I can only ogle everyone's (that means you @missy!) petite feet and lovely shoes. Did I mention that when I was a kid they told my mother that she might as well ditch buying the shoes and just get the boxes for my feet?

I will catch up with everyone else after I help my husband with whatever he is doing outside that needs help. Thank you to everyone for your kind words and well wishes for Ellie! She is now 2 weeks post-op and I am in the middle of taking out her stitches (all that school I paid for might as well save us a little money on vet's bills...) As they predicted, her neurologic status changes daily--some better and some worse, but overall on track toward recovery. She is just so much more the Ellie that we remember from several months ago--no longer do we have the "cow" posture when she stops in the middle of the kitchen and stares dully at the floor. She is starting to dance for food again.

Be back soon! Love to all the NIRDIs.
hola @springerspaniel what's a koke? if you are a physician, asst, nurse, etc etc I'll bet you have tons of things that make you laugh inside - my sister was a special ed teacher once and she heard all kinds of things she used to say that made her want to laugh.. my granddaughter Auti - aka the center of Kate's Universe (kate is me) - is doing well, she is such a 'watcher' or an 'observer'

BUT enough of me and my mundane but musical ;-) life in hotternhell Texas. I am so happy to read that Elle is on the road to recovery and btw I take out stitches out too and I got my MD at Medcine.Net.Edu! :) (I only do it if I feel I've had enough).. Your post made me thrilled and happy, we need happyness! it's contagious girl. sending a kate hugeroo hug to you and your Elle and family xo
Hello lovelies

What good news @springerspaniel, I’m so relieved to hear that Ellie is doing well. I’m sure it was less stressful you taking the stitches out, as well as less expensive. I’ve been known to do my own stitch removal too. When I had my wisdom teeth out, the surgeon was away the following week, by then the stitches were so tight, I couldn’t stand it, so I sterilised some tweezers, and took them out. When I saw the surgeon he asked if they fell out, I told him they must have :lol:

How lovely to have a new baby and a wedding to look forward to @Calliecake. Hopefully with appropriate precautions you’ll be able to see the baby and go to the wedding. The sofas won’t be coming for 13 weeks, so when we have a delivery date, we’ll donate the current furniture to a charity, and when the room’s empty, we’ll repaint. I’m waiting to get cushions and throws until it comes, so I can match the colours.

Did you catch anything today @Niffler75, those crickets are fast little devils. I could hear one the other day when I was sitting outside, but I couldn’t see it. :mrgreen:

I’m sorry you’re in so much pain @Bayek, hopefully the surgery will go ahead and you’ll be like a new woman. I’m sure the hospital will have all of the protocols in place to ensure you’ll be safe and protected, and will reassure you that it’s fine to go ahead. They’ll have adapted to the new ‘normal’, although I realise this is a scary situation for you, try not to over think everything and trust that all will be well.

Yay to getting your hair done @canuk-gal, makes all the difference feeling human again. Yikes to DS coming off his bike, I hope he’s not too shaken up.

What a wonderful tribute to MIL @missy, she certainly was a very accomplished woman, something I don’t think could’ve been easy for her bearing in mind how unusual it was for women to achieve so much in those times. That’s good news that your Mum is feeling better, hopefully she’s on the mend now and you’ll get to see your parents soon. Glad you got in a cycle yesterday despite the heat, and of course you had to have a large ice cream, it’s essential to replace your fluids. :D

We spent quite a while this morning looking for Colin’s wallet, turned the house upside down, I was pretty certain it was in the house or garden. I eventually found it in the study, it’d fallen out of his pocket :lol: That was after he’d gone through the bins and looked everywhere else!

We went out for a walk this afternoon, then filled up the car and picked up a new shaver socket for Colin’s bathroom. The electrician is finally coming on Monday to fix the underfloor heating and replace the socket. Good job it’s been so warm and we haven’t needed it.

We may go for a walk with Tom tomorrow, he accidentally filled up his car yesterday with petrol instead of diesel, so had to get it all cleaned out today. He said Joey is using Dottie’s ramp like a pro, and we’re so pleased that it’s finally getting used. I’m getting my hair cut and coloured tomorrow, and boy do I need it :dance:

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing well and keeping safe :wavey:
@Austina Yay we caught one! The smile on my boys face was fantastic!


@Bayek How are you feeling about the upcoming surgery? Keeping up to date with the house progress.
@springerspaniel So glad to hear Elli is recovering. Slow and steady is the name of the game.

Slow and steady here too. My joints have been screaming and had to temporarily increase my pain meds. I get so frustrated sometimes when I can't do everything I want to do. Chronic pain sucks! ::) Thankfully been feeling much better today.

Will check in tomorrow. x
Hi NIRDI’s! I am sooooo far behind.

@missy that is too bad Dave is retiring but good for him. As always I enjoy all of your pictures and your friend’s great photo of the comet and Big Dipper. I haven’t seen the comet since this weekend; it’s been raining a lot. That is a great cloud picture. Most ice cream places I’ve been in generally have a few flavors that are dairy free and / or sugar free so hopefully any new ice cream place would do the same. Marty still has not retaliated but continues to smile about it. Nice you ordered some resistance bands. My lifting is going well; I faithfully do my lifting. Work has been horrid all week. You’d have thought Gordon Ramsey was here yesterday as much cursing as I was doing at work related things. Live sports is a major portion of our work and of course all of a sudden BAM! It’s been crazy. I hope your mom is feeling better soon and they can come visit. I was glad you answered Bayek and Austina as I too have been wondering how Greg is holding up and you too dealing with your loss. That is a wonderful article on your MIL.

@bling_dream19 nice you took a week off and feel relaxed. Sweet. That cross stitch sounds pretty. My sister recently embroidered some old fashioned dish clothes for me; they all have teddy bears on them. She made Marty a car. Good plan to see your nieces every few weeks.

@Jiimmianne that is so cute your puppy tried to follow you out when you went to your French lesson. He knows who loves him. Kine is a great name for him too. He is a cutie.

@MamaBee yay that Chris tested negative for COVID.

@Austina thank you for the tip on smoothing out the leather. I’ll watch for that in our recliners. We often see those high thunderheads clouds after a storm moves through; they build up over the plains of Nebraska so we get a great view of them. I like watching the weather as well as the stars. Glad you had a nice walk with your friends but darn you got lost. Good deal GPS marked your car. One of the hikes Marty went on they ended up walking about 5 miles more than planned but in the mountains around here your cell phones often don’t work. LOL about ice cream; I always want some after seeing @missy’s pictures too. I usually floss and brush at about 8 pm and it keeps me from snacking. And I still need to get me a pair of Sketchers. Glad you found Colin’s wallet. I wish we had a heated floor in our bathroom but Marty would hate it; he is rarely cold. You won’t need them in Texas.

@Bayek yes pancakes, waffles and syrup are all delicious. Ouch, ouch, ouch to your shoulder dislocating and to you putting it back. Hurry up for your surgery. Good deal Auti passed with flying colors at the doctor; she’ll walk when she is good and ready. One of my cousins had older siblings that waited on him and he could walk “if” he had to but usually scooted around.

@canuk-gal - thank you. I do like taking pictures. Nice that you took a few days off; you deserve it. I can’t believe someone would check eggs that closely. I look to see if any of them are broke but that’s it. I bet your new hairdo feels great. I am sorry your son took a tumble on his bike and got scraped up. Nice you went to take care of him.

@Niiffler75 love the picture of your son looking for crickets. We get them in the garage and basement. I don’t like bugs in the house. Sorry your pain has kicked up; I hope you feel better soon.

@Calliecake glad you don’t get large hail there with all the work you put in your yard. I know our stores didn’t even seem to get in as many plants this year; probably a late season everywhere then demand all at the same time. How exciting to be waiting for a grandnephew and have an upcoming wedding.

@springerspaniel that is great to hear Ellie is becoming more like her old self. I am so happy to hear that. I hope the husband assistance task went okay; sometimes I hate those.

So work has been insane. The last four months of delayed work has arrived all at once and I have 2 less employees than I had the last time we were this busy. Of course nothing is settled or ready so that puts us further behind. Oh well, at least we are busy. I was so frustrated yesterday it was a good thing I was working from home because I was easily agitated.

We had about 3” hail Tuesday night. Here is a picture of some of it after the storm had passed. One of my employees had their skylight get broke out from it. Sounds like a mess with water, hail and splinters of glass. She took yesterday off to clean up and they had to patch the roof while waiting for a replacement. My already damaged flowers didn’t fare well.

We had a very intense thunderstorm about 10 pm last night; I was hearing constant thunder so looked out the window and enjoyed a almost constant show of sheet lightning. Then we had a brief but intense rain shower. We’ve been dry this summer so it’s nice too see the moisture.

Take care.
Hi nirdis!
Wow @marcy that hail is insane!!! I'm glad you are ok. So sorry to hear it's been a horrid day. This means lots of self care for you. I read an article that said 4 hours per week for self care is essential. I'm thinking about this...
@missy thanks for the shoutouts girl! Thinking about you each day. And Greg too. I've not read the article yet but will soon.
Quick shout out. Love and hugs to all!
@Austina Yay we caught one! The smile on my boys face was fantastic!


@Bayek How are you feeling about the upcoming surgery? Keeping up to date with the house progress.
@springerspaniel So glad to hear Elli is recovering. Slow and steady is the name of the game.

Slow and steady here too. My joints have been screaming and had to temporarily increase my pain meds. I get so frustrated sometimes when I can't do everything I want to do. Chronic pain sucks! ::) Thankfully been feeling much better today.

Will check in tomorrow. x

What a handsome creature! Congrats to your son.

Bayek, It hurts to even read what’s happening to you. Oh I wish you pain free-ness as soon as possible! XX

Springerspaniel, thanks. It’s a blast to have a cute guy for company. Because I’ve been off PS for a while I don’t know the details of what’s going on with Elle, but you mentioned neurological, and I don’t know if this is apropos, but wanted to mention that Senilife worked really well for one of my dogs last year.

Kiné hanging out with the toys.

Missy, used to eat escargot as well, but it wasn’t the parasites that put me off, it was learning that snails can recognize individual human beings! When I brought my snail in the house and louped him, he was watching me with his tiny tiny eyes.

I believe our best bet is to stick to ice cream lol, and your photos have me craving some. Sorry David is shutting down!
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GM Lovely ladies! Quick post and I will return later if I can. Happy FriYAY to all.

@springerspaniel so relieved to hear that Ellie is improving and getting back her old personality and may that continue. It's amazing how sweet it all seems when our loved ones are doing OK and I know it has been a challenging time for all of you. Grateful that Ellie is doing well and sending all of you big hugs. We are hanging in there, thanks for asking and the kitties are doing as well as they can be under the challenging circumstances. I so appreciate your kindness and friendship more than I can say. ((((Hugs)))).

@marcy thanks for enjoying my pics and I am glad your weightlifting is going well. Darn that work has been horrendous this week though and I hope that starts looking up soon for you. Thank you for all your kind wishes and good thoughts and for always being here for me. It means the world. Amazing how true friendship makes everything a little easier to bear. I mean if we can learn anything from life during the past crazy year plus it's that friendship makes life sweet and worth living IMO. Haha Marty is waiting to seek his revenge and I know you can handle it and retaliate with something even bigger haha. You guys are the best. Boo to 3" of hail. That is cuckoo in July but there you have the weather of W. LOL. Hope today is a good work day and not crazy and take care of yourself dear Marcy. XOXO.

@MamaBee I woke up thinking of Chris and hope he had a good night and is doing OK. Hugs to you and continued good wishes and healing dust to Chris and your entire family.

@Jimmianne you are the one I credit for informing me about Octopus. I was ignorant about them and once you told me I stopped eating them immediately! So grateful you told me and I don't miss eating them because they are wonderful living beings. I wish I could go back to being vegan but for now I have made peace with eating some fish. Pescetarian is a funny word. LOVE your newest pup pics. Thank you for allowing us to live vicariously through you sweet lady. XOXO.

@Niffler75 oh my goodness, what is your son going to do with him? Glad he was able to catch him and enjoyed the process as well. I am so sorry about your chronic pain :( and I wish there was something I could do. I hope today is a pain free day and that you had a good night's sleep. Sending you well wishes and gentle hugs.

@canuk-gal continued well wishes to your mom. How is your son doing? I hope he is all healed up from his bike mishap. Sending you love across the miles dear Sharon.

@bling_dream19 yasss always you are in my thoughts dear girl. We got rained out during our cycling yesterday so missed ice cream so hopefully today we can get some. Not sure of the weather however and being so hot and humid rain can happen at any time. We had thunderstorms yesterday as we were riding and we were not expecting them. Oh well. It was an adventure. And somehow we enjoyed it despite getting soaked through and through. Hope your week is going well and peacefully too. Hugs.

@Austina yay for finding Colin's wallet in the study. Glad your electrician is coming Monday. I forgot to answer your question the other day. The thread moves so fast. I am being helped by dousing myself with water and so far so good. The bleeding capillaries in my legs are calmed by the water. No physician has ever been able tor recommend something to help the bleeding and somehow Greg and I were able to stumble upon a solution for now at least. I might want to write this up one day if it could help others with my same disease. Anyway thank you for asking. You are thoughtful and I appreciate that. I hope you enjoy a lovely walk with Tom today. And have a good hair coloring session also. I know it will make you feel wonderful and beautiful (you are beautiful inside and out) and enjoy. XOXO.

@Slick1 you were smart to get a walk in early yesterday and hope you are enjoying one this morning as well. And that you are having a wonderful week. Big hugs and love to you and your family.

@junebug17 hope you are enjoying a calm and happy week at the beach. Any weekend plans? Another hot weekend here I believe. Have a good FriYAY.

@AV_ hello, hope you are having a nice week. Thinking of you. (((Hugs))).

@Daisys and Diamonds thinking of you and Gary and Melanie and hoping life is going smoothly for you. XOXO.

@Bayek hugs to you Kate the great. I am keeping good thoughts and hope you are pain free as much as possible. (((((HUGS))))).

Hi to everyone else. Sorry if I missed saying good morning personally but I am keeping good thoughts for all of you. Hope all is going well. Off to PT in a bit but first must take care of a few things. Stay cool and stay well and be safe. XOXO.

Leaving you with sweet (sometimes) Gracie.

Screen Shot 2020-07-24 at 5.24.08 AM.png

Happy FriYAY lovelies. XOXO.
Hello lovelies

:???:@Jimmianne, snails are just slugs with their own caravans :lol: Apparently their slime is very good for your skin, and that’d be the only reason one ever came near me! Nice to see Kine has made friends and enjoys their company.

Look at those big eyes and ears @missy, she’s such a stunner! I hope your PT session went well today and you’re finding it beneficial. That’s great that you managed to find something that’s helping the capillary problem, whatever it takes! Oy to getting soaked yesterday, the hazards of the great outdoors, hopefully the heat helped you dry out quickly. I hope your Mum is continuing to improve and will soon be back to top form. How’s your Dad doing with his eyes?

I really hope Chris has had a good night @MamaBee and is feeling a lot better today.

Your weather is totally bonkers @marcy, that hail is ridiculous at this time of year. Sorry work is so full on at the moment, but TGIF and you’ve got the weekend to decompress. We‘ll be spending all our time trying to keep cool in Tx, it’ll certainly be quite a change, although we’ve been having a long spell of good weather lately, so we’re getting in some practice.

Hope you’re fighting through the pain @Bayek and keeping strong, and that the house is coming on well.

I hope the week is going well @bling_dream19 and you’re looking to a relaxing weekend.

How’re things with you @Slick1 ? I think about you often and wonder how you’re doing. Today’s been a hard day for me thinking about Dottie, it’s her birthday next week, so I think that’s why I’m feeling so sad.

Continued good thoughts for Ellie’s recovery @springerspaniel. My friend with the little Cocker got good news today, her little girl has been given the all clear after months of treatment for cancer.

We didn’t go out for a walk this morning as my foot is bruised and swollen, so I just got on with the laundry, and some cleaning before going and getting my hair done. I’m feeling a lot more human now that my mop is under control.

Sending virtual hugs to you all :wavey:
@missy sweet Gracie is adoroble! And such good posture too :bigsmile: I hope you're enjoying the sea air and peace and relaxation. Lots of love and hugs. I hope you're mom is feeling better and your dad is well also and of coarse all of your fam. I just read the beautiful article about your MIL. She certainly left her mark and she really was accomplished and respected and known for faith and being who she was. Thank you for sharing. Brings tears to my eyes. She lived a full life and changed the world for sure.
I hope you're feeling better @Austina I'm sure your hair looks beautiful too!
@MamaBee thinking about Chris and I know he's getting better and healing.
@marcy I hope you can have a nice relaxing weekend!
@springerspaniel glad your Ellie is better=)2
@junebug17 hope you're staying cool wherever you might be.
@Bayek hi friend and I'm so sorry for the pain.
This was a long work week but it's over :dance: Time to clean up a little, relax and hopefully have a nice dinner. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!@

@missy sweet 'lil furball looking at me thru my 'puter! Just what the doctor ordered.... Oh and my Mom is improving as are my DS scrapes. He might have learned a thing or two about wound care!
@Jimmianne those stuffed animals are larger than your adorable pooch LOL
@marcy well I was doused by rain then pelted by hail on my walk home yesterday. Gotta love the foothills weather....
@junebug17 hope all is well with you and yours
@Austina glad you found the wallet! Unnerving to say the least.....
@bling_dream19 enjoy your weekend!
@Bayek take care of yourself. Pain SUCKS!

Shout out to all NIRDI's. I can never keep up.

I thought this was great


@bling_dream19 yes we frequently have large hail here. I have seen it up to grapefruit size here before; usually if it’s bad it is tennis or baseball sized. My MIL’s car had such bad hail damage it looked like a bunch of kids took ball ping hammers to it. It was completely trashed. Good idea to take time for self care. When I was working full times plus teaching 3 or 4 astronomy classes I started getting really mentally fried. My blood pressure was through the roof. I finally made sure I took at least 5 minutes a day to relax - knit, read, browse a catalog or magazine just to help calm myself down. Sometimes it was at midnight when I was way late going to bed already but it did help. So yes, I think it is worth it. Sounds like you, @canuk-gal and me all had busy work weeks. Woo hoo to us for the weekend being here so we can relax.

@Jimmianne I love Kine hanging out with the toys (or teddies as I call them here). I totally concur our best bet is to stick with ice cream. I had some vanilla gelato with caramel swirl and drizzled some chocolate sauce on it for dessert tonight.

@missy I am glad you and Greg are hanging in there and the kitties are doing as well as can be expected. Keeping all of you in my thoughts. Having friends definitely make a big difference and I believe you are blessed with many friends. That is so awesome spraying water on you keeps the bleeding at bay; whatever works right? Great picture of Gracie.

@Austina yes you will be living in a completely different climate once you move to Texas. When we visit the in-laws in Arizona I hate the heat. I know I’m cold all the time but that seems to much in the other direction for me. Hugs to you think of Dottie with her birthday coming next week. Oh no that your foot is bruised and swollen; I hope it gets better. Did I miss what happened to it? Yay for getting your hair done. I might change my hairstyle - it’s kind of a short bob and I have blonde hair. I had to go look up what they meant about being a Karen - pictures of them are blondes with bobs. LOL.

@canuk-gal yes weather along the foothills can be interesting, challenging and annoying. Sorry you got rained on then pelted with hail walking home. I imagine the temperatures drop when it rains like it does here too. Good old cold rain. The first time I was somewhere it rained and the weather turned hotter and muggy I was like “huh?”

Work was PITA part 5 today. I filled in for one of my employees - she’s the only employee in my second department and I frankly just don’t have a great depth of knowledge how to do her job. The procedures they had are weak and everything strange and unusual came up today. Maybe my boss will give that department to someone else. Wishful thinking there.

I have no idea if Marty has anything he wants to do this weekend. I have to do some work on Sunday afternoon but other than that I have no plans.

Take care.

Storm daily: @marcy massive rain/hail just now. ugh.

not so cheery--Sharon
Darn those storms @canuk-gal Sounds like we are both in that wet cycle.

So far we have just been cloudy today but there is a chance of thunderstorms every day until early next week.
Missy, I promise I will never say anything about fish or vegetables. We have to eat something! What a stunning photo of Gracie. Those ears and eyes!

Good Gracie posture indeed, Blingdream. That’s funny.

Sharon, hard for me to keep up too, I mean...impossible. But I never ever have trouble with you and Marcy. On any given day I can just say “sorry about your weather!” LOL you guys have have most interesting climates.
Which makes for beautiful moody skies, but please, carry your industrial strength umbrellas and wear a hard hat at all times.

Marcy, I saw a photo in the news yesterday of bears blocking every other seat in a cafe for social distancing. Tried to do a screen capture for ya, but no. Point is, I think your bears might have a career future, so then you could stay home from PITA work.

I’m psyched. A Sepkus band I’ve been coveting came up online preloved and I snapped it up. It has cartoony critters on it that look like snails.
Love the Spekus designs. He can put the most ridiculous things on a piece of jewelry and it still looks elegant, so the siller the better for me.

Mamabee, how is Chris this morning?

Happy weekend to all dear NIRDIs.
GM lovelies, it's happy Caturday Saturday. Hope it's a meowvelous day for everyone.

@MamaBee how's Chris doing? How are you and how is David and how is your mom? How is your DH doing? Thinking of all of you and continued healing dust and love being sent your way. And gentle ((((hugs))). Hoping Chris makes steady improvement and you are hanging in there. Please take care of yourself OK? (((Hugs))).

@bling_dream19 glad your long hard work week is finished and now time to concentrate on having FUN. You deserve it girl. Thank you for taking the time to read the article on my MIL. She was ahead of her time in her career and she raised 3 boys while going back to school. In the emotional savvy department she needed a few lessons but she was intellectually acute and she loved her boys. A very accomplished individual for any time let alone the 1950s. Thank you for your kind words. And Gracie thanks you too. My Meowwwwwwwwwlicious friend. And happy Caturday Saturday. (((Hugs))).

@marcy sorry work is continuing to be a bear (or killer bunny should I say haha) and it is challenging filling in for an employee who does something you aren't familiar with but if anyone is up to the task you certainly are. Oh no to having to do some work Sunday but hope the rest of your weekend is fun no matter what you decide to do. For us it is a 90 degree plus weekend here again. Have a good weekend and hugs to you sweet marcy. XOXO.

Oh and here is a deer that reminds us of Oliver. We never found the original Oliver bunny on our cycling route. It just disappeared. But here is the Oliver deer. Haha.

Screen Shot 2020-07-25 at 6.27.00 AM.png

@springerspaniel have a wonderful weekend and hugs to you and Ellie and hope she continues to heal and do well. And I hope you guys have a fun weekend planned. We all need some fun during these challenging times. Sending you lots of love and well wishes and hugs.

@canuk-gal Yay to your mom doing well and progressing nicely and glad your son is healing well too. Thank you for enjoying my Gracie photo. She is a beauty for sure. Though she is very sassy which at times can be challenging. Boo to hail. We have enjoyed massive showers here as well for the past two days. It has curtailed cycling but hoping we can resume today. Such is summer. Torrential downpours, lighting and thunder and then cleaning skies. But oh oppressive heat. The heat indices will be over 100 degrees today. Stay comfy and stay dry and hope you get to enjoy cycling this weekend if you want to. XOXO.

@AV_ hope you have a good weekend on tap. Hugs and good wishes being sent your way.

@Niffler75 what are your weekend plans? Hoping the rest of the week went well for you guys and sending you love and hugs.

@Austina thank you! PT went well. I leg pressed 115 lbs. Woohoo. More than my body weight so that is something though legs are easy compared to arms. I still feel lacking in that area but I am doing my darnedest and it is all I can do. I appreciate your good wishes. I only have 3 PT sessions left so making the most of it. I also was able to pull 50 lbs which is up from what I pulled last week. It is a fun exercise where you are pulling weight and moving forward and sideways. I don't know what it is called but I enjoy that one and will miss it when PT is over. I cannot duplicate it at home. But oh my dh is so sweet because he tried making something like it at home for me but it just wasn't heavy enough/didn't offer enough resistance or length so it didn't work. He spent an hour sewing it and putting it together. I love him for trying. Anyway I digress. How did your walk go yesterday? Did you have fun? How is Colin doing and how are you feeling? How are Adam and Kim? My dad has another eye appointment with the retinal specialist next Wednesday for an injection so hoping we get decent news about his eyes then but I know he is having trouble seeing. My heart hurts for him but he is matter of fact about it. He says to me "Missy, that's what happens when we get old". Sigh. Love my dad and my mom so much and it is hard seeing their health struggles but I know it is a part of life if we are lucky enough to live for a long time. Sending you hugs and love across the many miles dear @Austina. Stay safe and be well and enjoy a good weekend.

@Slick1 glad you had a good walk yesterday. We got a good walk in as well despite getting pretty wet haha. Seems the theme of the week this week. Hoping to cycle today but we shall see. What are your weekend plans? Is J staying? Glad you guys got beautiful haircuts yesterday. I definitely need one but no plans to see Tuey anytime soon. It doesn't matter so much for me as I wear it in a ponytail every single day. Not stylish or smart but at least it keeps my hair off my face. Have a great weekend and enjoy. XOXO.

@Jimmianne woohoo! I am psyched for you. Another Sepkus band and it sounds amazing. Please share with us when it arrives. So happy you got another one you coveted. And no worries about the food and limitations. I do not believe ignorance is bliss so let me know and I will adapt. We all adapt to survive and I don't want to eat living beings. Yesterday I started incorporating beans into my diet again hoping it won't add to the inflammation. I stopped a few years ago and feel it is time to try again. I would so love to stop eating all fish. But we shall see. How goes your gorgeous garden dear Jimmianne?

Speaking of moody skies. We have moody skies here lately. Beautiful but moody and somewhat dangerous at times. Lighting and thunder always make my heart beat faster especially when we are outdoors which we have been each time this week during the inclement weather. While we got wet during our beautiful walk yesterday it was worth it and oh I love hearing the gentle pitter patter of the rain on the trees.



Another gorgeous sunrise. Lightning free. So far.


Hi to everyone else. Hope you all enjoy a happy Caturday Saturday no matter what you do. Have fun!
Hi everyone, no hope of catching up totally so I'll just jump back in...

@MamaBee, thinking of you and Chris and sending him tons of healing dust and good wishes that he recovers soon. Take care of yourself too, I know you're under a lot of stress. XXX

@bling_dream19, I love your dolphin pendant, so lovely. Dolphins are such amazing creatures. It's great you had a week off, must have been so enjoyable. Have a wonderful weekend with your dh, I hope you relax and unwind a little, sounds like you've been working hard again this past week. You are so right about self care, it's really important.

@Niffler75, I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well this week, take care and I hope you're feeling better. Very exciting that ds caught a cricket, I'm glad he's having fun. Love the pic of him with his little backpack, too cute.

@marcy, I'm with you on keeping the car you have, I wouldn't part with mine either. I love pad colored sapphires and I hope you can find one you love. Your double rainbow pic is really pretty. I'm sorry you had such a tough week at work and hopefully you can recharge this weekend. Wow, that pic of the hail is just crazy and I'm sorry your friend had to deal with that damage.

@missy, I'm glad the visit with your friend worked out well. I'm sorry your mother wasn't feeling well and I hope she's doing much better by now. This virus is the first thing our minds go to these days. Your dad has a great attitude and I hope his eyesight improves. It really is hard seeing our parents age. Glad you're making progress in PT and hopefully you can recreate some of the exercises at home. The pics of the osprey nest and the storm are very cool.

@canuk-gal, wow, you are putting in some long days. I'm glad you took a few days off, you deserve it. Ugh to the guy touching all the eggs, some people are just so clueless. Nice you were able to get a haircut, that always feels so good. Sorry about ds's fall, scary when that happens and I hope he heals up quickly. And good to hear your mother is doing well.

@Bayek, so sorry about the pain you're in, take care. It's great Auti did well at her check-up. Try not to worry too much, kids vary so much in hitting these milestones. And don't worry, you will always have a bond with your sweet girl. Try not to stress about the operation, I understand being nervous but the hospital will take every precaution. I will be keeping you in my thoughts. <3 Really glad to hear everyone in your family is doing well.

@springerspaniel , it's great to hear the positive update on Ellie. I hope she gets better with each passing day.

@Calliecake, so nice to have some good news in the midst of everything that's going on. So happy to hear about the upcoming marriage and new baby! I hope you can get together with your family soon to celebrate these happy times. So far so good with my family, and I'm glad everyone is well on your end.

@Jimmianne, Kine is just so adorable, I'm really glad he is adding so much fun to your life. Love the pics of him, what a cutie. It's good you got out for a French lesson and I'm glad you ended up having a good time. How great you found another Sepkus band and I am looking forward to seeing it. This brand looks wonderful on you.

@AV_, thinking of you, I hope everything is ok.

@Austina, love your new furniture! Beautiful color and I love the style. It's great your golf game is improving a little and I'm glad you and Colin are getting out and seeing friends. It was interesting to read your story of the couple being tagged, it's the first time I've heard of that being done. I live in Sketchers, they work well with my bunions LOL, and you've inspired me to treat myself to a new pair too. Sorry about your foot, I hope it's nothing serious and heals up quickly.

I'm still in South Carolina and we will probably stay through August. Things are good with us and my family is doing well. Not up to much this weekend, will spend some time outside, watch golf, and get take-out. I've been inspired by @Austina and my friend who just redecorated, I think I might start shopping for some new outdoor furniture.

Thinking of all the nirdis in pain and going through hard times, I am so sorry and I hope everyone hangs in there and things improve soon for all of you.
@junebug17 for you ❤️
3 Osprey today. One’s a baby I think. Sorry I couldn’t get a better pic.

@missy Wow that iis one heck of a woman, your MIL raised Greg and of course he's awesome so it all works so well, I admire your MIL for many reasons but especially her strength and education Missy... ooooh Gracie is beautiful, just absolutely perfect, like her mom. Oliver the deer, how cute.. Missy Greg is definitely a keeper, that was really sweet and nice of him to try and help you.. P/T going well and only 3 more sessions? I'm wondering how I will do P/T if we are quarantined? We shall see. WOW those sky pictures are unbelievable.. so majestic.. thank you for taking them and sharing, they always make me happy.. I hope all the family is feeling good and life isn't tooo hard for you.. Missy I am hoping after the surgery I will eventually have less pain. love you.. miss you.. my fam is good.

@marcy hi Marcy, you sound soo busy, I always said when I was working, I'd rather be busy than slow.. your pictures are also stunning Mary, really, you and Missy and Jimmi and Mamabee all have tons of talent!

@springerspaniel hello and I so hope you are having a wonderful day with your pup and all is improving every day.

@Niffler75 hope all is well with you, your pix was really adorable.. isn't it wonderful to see life through a child's eye? I found that wondrous when my boys were growing up!

@canuk-gal hey, hope all is going well with you...

@MamaBee I hope all is well or getting weller! for your son Chris.. I had a covid-19 test yesterday in both nostrils and I passed no Covid-19! I hope you are enjoying the weather and life MB, sending a hug to you!

Okay, it's raining here! yahoo! @Austina it's rained 2x here today not long but as you know, when it rains in Austin it drops from the sky! hard. miss you! hi to Colin. xo

I'm going to load a few pix of the house and I have one of Auti! everyone have a great weekend love you all. kate the GReaT


Pool almost all done with rebar. Colors we considering for siding!


view of pool and kitchen thing one of the windows for the MB

1595705450426.png Sheetrock to go up next week

and last Auti Wednesday!

@junebug17 Hi June, so sorry I missed you, my age I guess, thank you for your kind words as always June, so lucky to know you. Happy weekend. xoxoxox

NIRDI shout out!!!! Off to happy hour on a patio!!!! No rain or hail in sight! lol

Hi everyone, having a quiet weekend here. Catching up on everyone's messages.
I swear my son is the 'cricket whisperer'. He came back from his walk today with not one but three crickets! :lol: He released them in our garden.

GM lovely ladies! Happy Sunday. It's another HOT day here on the east coast. Hope everyone is staying comfortable and enjoying a lovely weekend.

@Bayek thinking of you and hoping your shoulder pain is at bay and that your house building is going smoothly and that all the family is well.
Love Auti. She is precious beyond words. What a sweetheart. As for PT for surgery patients (like you will be) PT continues at least here it did during the quarantine. After the first week or two it resumed for all surgery patients so hopefully it will by you as well. You just wear a mask and the therapists wear a mask and it is only one on one with a minimum of patients and therapists in the room at once. There will be a way to get PT once you have the surgery. Don't worry. Thank you for the home pics and of course the Auti pics. LOVE them. And yay for rain finally. Just hope it gives you the water you need and nothing else. Stay safe and big hugs Kate the very great. Love ya girlie.

@MamaBee speaking of family how is your son doing? Thinking of Chris and continued healing dust being sent his way. Hope you had a good drive yesterday and enjoyed a peaceful day despite all that is happening and hope Chris's numbers are moving and staying in the right direction. Hugs.

@Niffler75 haha your son is the cricket whisperer indeed. Glad your weekend is calm and peaceful and hope that continues today. Hugs to you an your sweet family.

@junebug17 yes, thank you. My dad is wise and has always been the voice of reason. He is a good man. I am glad you are enjoying SC and are staying for a while. It is such a lovely place to be. Have fun decorating outdoors. That is an engaging project and I cannot wait to see what you choose. It is so nice when our surroundings are beautiful. Thank you for your continued good wishes. Stay well and enjoy. XO.

@canuk-gal woohoo no hail and no rain. Hope you are enjoying a marvelous weekend. Hugs.

Speaking of hail @marcy how are you doing? How is your weekend going? Hope rain isn't interrupting you too much and that you are having a nice weekend. Hugs.

@Slick1 hope you had a fun day with the family and are staying cool despite the muggy temps. Hugs to you.

@bling_dream19 thank you for sharing some of my day with me and I am glad you had a wonderful Saturday and may that continue today. We saw so much wildlife and I always get excited. LOL how many turtles and osprey and deer and geese will it take for me not to get excited when I see them? Haha there is no number too great what can I say. (sorry @rainwood I cannot help loving the geese...the geese here are more quiet and neater I think LOL...I never hear them talking and yes they do make a bit of a mess when they have their BMs but nothing a hose cannot easily take care of here at least)...Hope today is a fun day too and hugs to you sweet friend.

@springerspaniel hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend and hugs to you and healing vibes continuing to Ellie.

@sarahb hope all is well. Miss you and hope you are having a safe and happy summer. XO.

@Austina hope your weekend is going well. Hugs.

@AV_ hope you are well. Thinking of you and sending lots of positive energy your way. XOXO.

@Sunstorm hello dear friend. Hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend and all is well. XOXO.

@Scandinavian how is your family doing? Hugs. Hope all is well with you and your loved ones furry members included of course.

@Daisys and Diamonds sending you hugs and well wishes. Hope all is going smoothly for you.

Hello to everyone else. Hope all is going well and everyone is staying healthy. We cycled 70 miles yesterday woohoo.

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SO much fun and we lucked out with an east wind. Today is west so hotter but it's all OK. We are out and enjoying and we appreciate every single minute we can be cycling. We also went for the large ice cream again lol.

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And we saw lots of wildlife yesterday. Geese, ducks, Osprey (as I shared in the above post to Junie yesterday) and a beautiful turtle. We hadn't seen any turtles this summer yet and it was quite the thrill. Greg moved him to safety off the busy road.


And we saw a Blue Heron. So regal. Gorgeous. Majestic. LOVE.


Lots to do this AM before cycling. Have a wonderful Sunday lovely ladies and hugs to all of you.
I will leave you with one more photo and I hope you enjoy it. I took it thinking of you lovely ladies and how I wish you were here with usenjkygn this lovely scene. Isn't this calming and just beautiful? I took this photo as we cycled yesterday.

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Hi @Jimmianne how is your sweet pup doing? Hugs to both of you and hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend. XOXO.
I will be back later today..I hope all of you are doing okay...
Chris’ numbers are better this morning..96/97...It’s been exhausting and so scary for me...
@Niffler75 I just had to tell you I still have nightmares after seeing that pic of the cricket. It is so large and scary! I won’t go back to read the other posts because I’m afraid I‘ll see the pic again!:lol:
I came back to edit this because I just saw another cricket that you posted. He’s not the cricket I’m talking about...It‘s the large one in the jar...:sick:
@MamaBee so happy for the wonderful update!!! Continued bucketloads of healing dust to Chris. And hugs to you. ❤️❤️❤️

Cycling adventures continue. Flat tire. Greg just changed that back tire 2 days ago. But we have shade and he’s up for the task. Fingers crossed.



Hope all of you are enjoying a wonderful Sunday. ❤️
Ahhh the culprit. Always good when we find the reason why.




ETA And we’re off.
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