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- Aug 8, 2019
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@missy I'm so sorry to hear this news about Greg! I am sending all kinds of dust and hugs your way!
@missy HEALING VIBES ACROSS THE MILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly, I wish those stones would GET LOST on their own!
(((HUGS))) oh Missy, you two make such a sweet couple. I'm sorry Greg is sick. Hoping for a quick resolution.
I’m sorry to hear that Greg needs surgery for the kidney stone, @missy. That stinks.Sending good luck dust that you can get all your medical appointments and the surgery completed next week. Better yet, that there’s a Thanksgiving miracle and the stone works its way out on its own. That happened once to my DH before a scheduled lithotripsy procedure. Big (((HUG))).
P.S. You two are so cute! Greg reminds me of a certain actor...I can’t remember his name though. Maybe it’ll come to me. My memory isn’t great.
@missy Big hugs...I hope they schedule him fast. This has been the year from hell. XOXO
@missy I'm so sorry to hear this news about Greg! I am sending all kinds of dust and hugs your way!
Good luck to Greg @missy ! Silver lining, surgery should at least be a solution where the stone goes away quickly and permanently.
Thinking about you @missy and Greg, he is going to be fine, sending you big hugs and lots of love. The picture of you both is adorable. Am sending prayers and love all goes well tomorrow and Greg gets fast treatment to fast recovery. Hang in there one moment at a time xo.
I cannot believe it’s been since June that I’ve not been able to post here. I have missed you all so much! Hearing about everyone’s families, jewelry, memories, photos, etc. brought a lot of joy to my day...until I just couldn’t anymore because my brain was failing me.
It took most of the year dealing with clinicians who didn’t know what they were doing to get a diagnosis (I was having multiple TIAs a day and being told it was just migraines )...and I diagnosed myself. What did I pay them for again? Here’s the lowdown I posted on my private FB page:
Sometimes life sucks and you die, sometimes it sucks and you roll with it. I decided to roll with it.
(Surgical Video link at the bottom if you’re interested).
I was admitted to the hospital on October 29 after discovering I had a blood clot that went from the top of my aortic arch through two branches of my left carotid artery. My phenomenal neurosurgeon and his team (HUGE thanks to Dr. Michael Lawton and his crew at Barrow Neurological Institute) harvested the radial artery in my left arm from my hand to my elbow and used it as a graft to do a carotid bypass that went from my subclavian artery to the top of my ICA behind my ear. Unfortunately, a medicinal approach to breaking up the thrombus was not possible as my scans showed I had full occlusion near the top of my aortic arch and multiple dissections in my left CCA and ICA, all spontaneous, as well as decreased perfusion to the left side of my brain which was causing almost daily TIAs.
I’m glad to be at home and alive. While my surgical team was exceptional, the surgery itself was pretty friggin hard. I will include a link to post-surgery photos of the aftermath so here’s your trigger warning. I’m also the one in 1 million person who has the most random horrific reactions to pretty basic freaking medication’s. On day two in the hospital I had a full body MCAS reaction to stool softeners of all things and surgery was delayed. After surgery, I asked them not to give me opioids as it made me severely nauseous and they gave them to me anyway with a heavy dose of Zofran. Needless to say projectile vomiting four times in the ICU immediately after neck surgery was no picnic.
I’m getting used to this new normal, or at least trying to. It’s pretty darn hard. And I am just vain enough to really be disgruntled with this nasty scar I have on my neck. It kind of looks like Zorro bought me at market and branded me.
Oh, and the placement of an arterial blood gas monitor in the artery of my left foot may have caused a small arterial dissection, which apparently I am prone to as all of this likely stems from a collagen disorder I’ve almost certainly passed to all of my children and can significantly reduce life expectancy.
I hope everyone has been well and all are having a beautiful day.❤ Every day is a gift!!
Surgery case study video
A pic of me just pre-surgery and Scar pics![]()
Thank you @SallyBrown and I think Ellen Barkin is gorgeous!
The surgical coordinator called this morning and he is scheduled for December 4th. Just have to wait for the hospital to call us back now with pre surgical testing and Covid testing too. I called them immediately after she called us with the surgery date as per her instructions but she did tell us they are overwhelmed with patients and might not call us back til Monday which is cutting it close but hopefully it will all work out.
My toe is a bit achey but we just got back from cycling and I am soaking it now. Thanks for all your good wishes and right back at ya.
We saw so many deer today. I took videos and will download later.
Just look at this handsome Buck.
And yummmmm looking forward to the wine. My podiatrist told us to wait til Greg's kidney stones are gone but I don't know if I have that kind of self control.
Cheers! Have a lovely evening and thank you again. XO.
Happy Thanksgiving eve to all who celebrate.
I cannot believe it’s been since June that I’ve not been able to post here. I have missed you all so much! Hearing about everyone’s families, jewelry, memories, photos, etc. brought a lot of joy to my day...until I just couldn’t anymore because my brain was failing me.
It took most of the year dealing with clinicians who didn’t know what they were doing to get a diagnosis (I was having multiple TIAs a day and being told it was just migraines )...and I diagnosed myself. What did I pay them for again? Here’s the lowdown I posted on my private FB page:
Sometimes life sucks and you die, sometimes it sucks and you roll with it. I decided to roll with it.
(Surgical Video link at the bottom if you’re interested).
I was admitted to the hospital on October 29 after discovering I had a blood clot that went from the top of my aortic arch through two branches of my left carotid artery. My phenomenal neurosurgeon and his team (HUGE thanks to Dr. Michael Lawton and his crew at Barrow Neurological Institute) harvested the radial artery in my left arm from my hand to my elbow and used it as a graft to do a carotid bypass that went from my subclavian artery to the top of my ICA behind my ear. Unfortunately, a medicinal approach to breaking up the thrombus was not possible as my scans showed I had full occlusion near the top of my aortic arch and multiple dissections in my left CCA and ICA, all spontaneous, as well as decreased perfusion to the left side of my brain which was causing almost daily TIAs.
I’m glad to be at home and alive. While my surgical team was exceptional, the surgery itself was pretty friggin hard. I will include a link to post-surgery photos of the aftermath so here’s your trigger warning. I’m also the one in 1 million person who has the most random horrific reactions to pretty basic freaking medication’s. On day two in the hospital I had a full body MCAS reaction to stool softeners of all things and surgery was delayed. After surgery, I asked them not to give me opioids as it made me severely nauseous and they gave them to me anyway with a heavy dose of Zofran. Needless to say projectile vomiting four times in the ICU immediately after neck surgery was no picnic.
I’m getting used to this new normal, or at least trying to. It’s pretty darn hard. And I am just vain enough to really be disgruntled with this nasty scar I have on my neck. It kind of looks like Zorro bought me at market and branded me.
Oh, and the placement of an arterial blood gas monitor in the artery of my left foot may have caused a small arterial dissection, which apparently I am prone to as all of this likely stems from a collagen disorder I’ve almost certainly passed to all of my children and can significantly reduce life expectancy.
I hope everyone has been well and all are having a beautiful day.❤ Every day is a gift!!
Surgery case study video
A pic of me just pre-surgery and Scar pics![]()
A buck and a bottle of wine! Talk about productive day! Seriously though, how wonderful with a family wine! Wish I had a vineyard.... LOL
just thought id pop in to wish all our American friends a happy and above all else safe thanksgiving
get well soon Greg, and Missy's toe
@Keeliamira i hope your well and trully on the mend and yes every day is indeed a gift
best wishes to all, hope you are all well and safe and your loved ones also
Happy Thanksgiving all who celebrate and Happy Thursday to everyone else. Big hugs from the Jersey Shore.
Aww dear @Daisys and Diamonds how are you sweet friend? Thank you for your warm and well wishes and right back at ya. Each day is a gift. No truer words can be spoken. Each single day. We never know what is around the corner and for someone like me, who loves consistency and routine and hates change it can be challenging but I take each moment one moment at a time. I am learning. And soaking my toe as I write this to you. This is but a mild nuisance nothing serious. But what @Keeliamira is dealing with far more serious indeed. And of course my DH's health issues. Concern me but we are doing what is necessary to take care of him. And hopefully the medical professionals will come through for us.
I never take anything for granted anymore. And on this Thanksgiving day I am super grateful for all my loved ones and dear friends and the friends I have met and made through PS. So many wonderful women here including you. Thank you for all your warm support and genuine friendship. Big hugs. Stay safe and be well dear Daisy.
@bling_dream19 happy Thanksgiving dear friend. Big hugs. Hope you have a wonderful day filled with love and cheer.
@Slick1 Happy Thanksgiving. Hoping you are spending it with your sweet and wonderful family. Big hugs.
@Austina hope all is going well. How is your knee doing? XOXO.
@MamaBee hope whatever you do today is filled with love and cheer. XOXO.
@Scandinavian just wanted to say hey again. Glad you are posting and hope that continues. Hugs.
@Bayek hope you have a day filled with loved ones and good humor and you are feeling well and looking forward to your new home. Hugs to you Kate the Great and please send my best to your sweet niece Katie and all your family.
@SallyBrown happy Thanksgiving Sally! Hope your day is a bright one filled with love and good food and company. Even if it is just the company of one. As we are doing today. Nobody but Greg and me and the kitties during this pandemic Thanksgiving. XOXO.
@marcy happy Thanksgiving. Hope you have a wonderful day and looking forward to hearing all about it. XOXO.
@MMtwo happy Thanksgiving dear lady. Hope you have a fun day whatever you do. Hugs.
@OdetteOdile good morning and happy Thanksgiving. Hope all is going well and sending you lots of hugs across the miles. XOXO.
@junebug17 happy Thanksgiving. Hope you are spending it with your family and all is well. Hugs.
@canuk-gal hope your week has been going smoothly and that you enjoy a lovely Thursday. Hugs to you sweet Sharon. And all my best to your family too. Sister and mother and DH and son. And anyone I left out. Keeping you in my thoughts. XOXO.
@Keeliamira hope you are having a wonderful day and the road to full recovery goes smoothly. And hope you stick around here with us. You have been missed. XOXO.
Hi to everyone else. I am sorry if I left you out it's early here and just wanted to say good morning and have a lovely day. I am so thankful for your genuine friendship and love and sending good wishes to each and everyone of you and big hugs.
Leaving you with a baby Doe we saw yesterday. Super sweet.
Have a sweet day filled with love.
@Scandinavian Thank you so much, dear! I hope you’ve been well!Much dust and healing vibes your way!
just thought id pop in to wish all our American friends a happy and above all else safe thanksgiving
get well soon Greg, and Missy's toe
@Keeliamira i hope your well and trully on the mend and yes every day is indeed a gift
best wishes to all, hope you are all well and safe and your loved ones also
Oh my goodness dear @Keeliamira you have been in my thoughts. I have been missing you too. What a journey. I am so thankful you were able to find the help you needed and took matters into your own hands. And very relieved your surgeon was on top of things despite the long circuitous route you had to take to get a proper diagnosis. Sending you bucketoloads of healing dust and much love. This will be a very happy Thanksgiving for you and your family as you have much to be very thankful for. XOXO.
And may I just add you give hospital patient a whole new meaning looking so beautiful and glamorous as a surgical patient. And don't stress too much about the scar. One it will heal and look better and better and two it shows you have led/lead an interesting life. ((((HUGS)))).
Warning graphic pic. Just left podiatrist office.
I’m still numb. Let’s hope this takes care of this once and for all. Fingers crossed!
Our podiatrist is so great. He saw my name on the schedule and brought in his homemade wine for us. I love his wine so much. ❤