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@missy yay for seeing Snowflake! Thank you for starting my day with pictures of ice cream. Mmm. Beaiutifiul sunset and sunrie photos. Before i forget based on my "belief" of where your beach house is located the Sun should be in partial eclipse when it rises on the morning of the 10th. If you are interested text me your zip code and I'll send you info about the eciplse from your location. I totally agree workouts help both mentally and physically! You do spend many hours a week working on both. I totally love watching thunderstorms - but only if my Curbymobile is in the garage. I hope your back is feeling better.
@Austina I hope you got your busy day behind you and you and Colin are having a relaxing evening. You wore me out telling me everything you did this weekend. It does seem to take a long time before they break ground; glad you've got that price locked in though. I bet all the rain is helping your plants and flowers. Hoping mine do better than last year. I heard rain hitting the window yesterday and thought - not again; the flowers are going to get hailed on the day after we plant them? But it ended up just being rain. Isn't it stunning how clean things look after power washing them? I know it's work but worth it.
@mrs-b based on what Marty tells me lifting can help with almost anything. He has made amazing progress with his clients; many of them are elderly with all sort of knee, ankle, back and hip issues. Before I started lifting my knees / legs were so bad I had difficiulty grocery shopping without getting so stiff I needed Advil to shop and then had to set down the rest of the day. My right knee still can't take just standing for too long but now that I have actual leg muscles I can walk so much more. I really noticed it at the family Christmas; this year I managed pulling out all my dishes the day before; carrying them to the ktichen, then the food prep, dishes, multiple dish cycles, taking care of everything and I was only slightly sore not practically immobile as in the past. The next day I was fine; just slightly more sore than normal. I too was quite scared to even try lifting as bad as my knees are but I found it helped me quite a bit. If you give Missy permission she can text me your cell phone number then I can text you Marty's information. If nothing else he can give you suggestions. He does online coaching as well where he gives clients assignments and they video one of each set then he watches them and gives feedback. Your yard does sound like a long, on going process but it will be worth it when it's done. Around here we don't have lots of trees. I think you are in the NE somewhere but don't remember for sure. I remember visitng the inlaws when they lived in Maryland; I said all these trees give you the illusion of seclusion; around here we can see for miles! Ouch to tweaking your back and your teeth aching. A Sonic care really flares up my teeth. Great biypass ring. I had one similar to that - it was a Christmas present. I was pulling off a turtle neck with ribbed cuffed and it pulled off a pearl. We both saw it fly across the bed and fall right in the furnance vent on the floor. You couldnt do that shot if you were standing right over the vent. You heard the pearl rolling through the tubes. Tall Marty went downstairs; pulled the tubes apart, stuck his hand in there and found the pearl. I had the jeweler fix it. Then about a week after getting it back; the other pearl fell off. Then I had them put prongs on both pearls. I get it back and then notied in sunlight they had scratched the black pearl by the prong. I returned it. But I still love bypass style rings. Ooh to an eventual pool and french doors off your bedroom.
@MamaBee that's great it wasn't too expensive to get rid of your rugs, secretary and wing chairs. Darn your DH saves stuff; I feel your pain.
@caniuk-gal Sharknado movies are campy but totally entertaining.
I am utterly bored right now at work. About 1/2 of the things I checked today had issues so I cried, whined, nagged or bitched at the appropriate people to fix them. Since my boss is gone I get to bitch at his other employees too. Fun for me!
Marty was so busy today he never got home to his office from the gym; they are on conference calls all day and the first one started while he was still at the gym. He is going to pick up a new AC unit for the gym and install it. Might be challenging since it's over the front door. The landlord said if Marty bought it he could deduct it off his rent check. Since Marty had to pay so much on taxes for his $2700 profit last year he seems determined to spend any profit he makes this year.
My right knee kept yelling at me off and on all night last night; I'm not too wide away today. I'm wearing my ruby band so at least I have something fun to stare at rather than work.
Take care.
@missy yay for seeing Snowflake! Thank you for starting my day with pictures of ice cream. Mmm. Beaiutifiul sunset and sunrie photos. Before i forget based on my "belief" of where your beach house is located the Sun should be in partial eclipse when it rises on the morning of the 10th. If you are interested text me your zip code and I'll send you info about the eciplse from your location. I totally agree workouts help both mentally and physically! You do spend many hours a week working on both. I totally love watching thunderstorms - but only if my Curbymobile is in the garage. I hope your back is feeling better.
@Austina I hope you got your busy day behind you and you and Colin are having a relaxing evening. You wore me out telling me everything you did this weekend. It does seem to take a long time before they break ground; glad you've got that price locked in though. I bet all the rain is helping your plants and flowers. Hoping mine do better than last year. I heard rain hitting the window yesterday and thought - not again; the flowers are going to get hailed on the day after we plant them? But it ended up just being rain. Isn't it stunning how clean things look after power washing them? I know it's work but worth it.
@mrs-b based on what Marty tells me lifting can help with almost anything. He has made amazing progress with his clients; many of them are elderly with all sort of knee, ankle, back and hip issues. Before I started lifting my knees / legs were so bad I had difficiulty grocery shopping without getting so stiff I needed Advil to shop and then had to set down the rest of the day. My right knee still can't take just standing for too long but now that I have actual leg muscles I can walk so much more. I really noticed it at the family Christmas; this year I managed pulling out all my dishes the day before; carrying them to the ktichen, then the food prep, dishes, multiple dish cycles, taking care of everything and I was only slightly sore not practically immobile as in the past. The next day I was fine; just slightly more sore than normal. I too was quite scared to even try lifting as bad as my knees are but I found it helped me quite a bit. If you give Missy permission she can text me your cell phone number then I can text you Marty's information. If nothing else he can give you suggestions. He does online coaching as well where he gives clients assignments and they video one of each set then he watches them and gives feedback. Your yard does sound like a long, on going process but it will be worth it when it's done. Around here we don't have lots of trees. I think you are in the NE somewhere but don't remember for sure. I remember visitng the inlaws when they lived in Maryland; I said all these trees give you the illusion of seclusion; around here we can see for miles! Ouch to tweaking your back and your teeth aching. A Sonic care really flares up my teeth. Great biypass ring. I had one similar to that - it was a Christmas present. I was pulling off a turtle neck with ribbed cuffed and it pulled off a pearl. We both saw it fly across the bed and fall right in the furnance vent on the floor. You couldnt do that shot if you were standing right over the vent. You heard the pearl rolling through the tubes. Tall Marty went downstairs; pulled the tubes apart, stuck his hand in there and found the pearl. I had the jeweler fix it. Then about a week after getting it back; the other pearl fell off. Then I had them put prongs on both pearls. I get it back and then notied in sunlight they had scratched the black pearl by the prong. I returned it. But I still love bypass style rings. Ooh to an eventual pool and french doors off your bedroom.
@MamaBee that's great it wasn't too expensive to get rid of your rugs, secretary and wing chairs. Darn your DH saves stuff; I feel your pain.
@caniuk-gal Sharknado movies are campy but totally entertaining.
I am utterly bored right now at work. About 1/2 of the things I checked today had issues so I cried, whined, nagged or bitched at the appropriate people to fix them. Since my boss is gone I get to bitch at his other employees too. Fun for me!
Marty was so busy today he never got home to his office from the gym; they are on conference calls all day and the first one started while he was still at the gym. He is going to pick up a new AC unit for the gym and install it. Might be challenging since it's over the front door. The landlord said if Marty bought it he could deduct it off his rent check. Since Marty had to pay so much on taxes for his $2700 profit last year he seems determined to spend any profit he makes this year.
My right knee kept yelling at me off and on all night last night; I'm not too wide away today. I'm wearing my ruby band so at least I have something fun to stare at rather than work.
Take care.