
Now I really did it :((

The three of us posted at the same time.:))) Ok, so perhaps early September? That works too, I will check with my mom, I am afraid that if she is going for checkups in Germany March 9 then she has to go in September, I will ask her in the morning.
Girls, I think beginning of November is actually a good time for a GTG now that I am thinking of it. Better than August. It is really HOT and HUMID and quite uncomfortable here in August. That's why everyone leaves the city then LOL. And lots of jewelry stores will be closed much of August so just another consideration. November is looking better and better and I know that works for Callie and Jimmianne. Let me know your thoughts.
Is the weather still good in September and October? I will ask my mom about those months then. Haha I was thinking that hot is not a problem if we want to be at the beach too.:))) You are probably right about that though, I just love summer but I love travelling not in the summer when everyone is and not only tickets are less expensive then but I hate fall and if I get to travel then I fly through fall all happy. We should see what the other NIRDIs think too. By the morning I will know from my mom.
Hi Orsi, yes, the weather is usually nice here in Autumn. The only weeks I cannot do are the last week Sept through the second week October. Otherwise I am good with any other dates that work for everyone. There are really very few dates that would not work for me.

We could go to the beach house anytime you visit btw. It's nicer there in autumn than in the summer IMO. Less people and less traffic.

Hope your mom is feeling better Orsi!

Callie, good luck tomorrow!

ETA: Look what I found:
November works perfect for me. I will make it work no matter what. Just tell me what dates work for you best for everyone and I am there! I can also make October work.
I would love early November :appl: No sweatiness, less traffic, jewelry sales for the Christmas/Chanukah season!!!

Ohhhh, I'm getting excited!
Missy, thank you so much for the comforting words about my jewelry mistake, I've been feeling ill about it and you've made me feel much better. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and you've helped me make peace with my bad decision and move on. And thanks for being so supportive of me with regard to caring for my mother - I'm just trying to do the best I can, even though sometimes I feel like I'm floundering a bit. And I would love it if you would come with me when I venture in to look at those rings, that would be fantastic! And yes, I agree we should hold off until we have better weather. The city sounds like such a mess right now! It's bad here too, still ice and snow all over the place and we're having some kind of weird ice storm right now. :knockout:

Ovi, hugs my friend, I hate to hear you so upset, I'm hoping you had a good day today.

Calliecake, I will be thinking of you tomorrow - I really feel that everything is going to be fine, try your best not to worry too much. (I know, easy for me to say). And oh, you could never offend me by calling me hon or sweetie. I like it when my friends say it to me, I need all the kindness I can get these days!

Marcy, I hope you followed my advice and took it easy today!
Junebug, Please don't beat yourself up. Your purchases seem so well thought out and you have such good taste. You know I've made mistakes, like Missy said, expensive ones. Although I imagine we all have something we wished we would have taken a pass on. We all also know the sick feeling you have when you know you made a mistake. The last piece I felt this way about my husband was nice enough to tell me to put it in perspective, It's only a piece of jewelry. If you decide to go the custom route David Klass seems to go out of his way to make his customers happy. I'm not sure if you are comfortable with custom. If I'm ever lucky enough to make another large purchase and any of you feel I'm being impulsive, please slap me silly and lock me in a room until I come to my senses.

I'm sorry things are difficult with you mom. Maybe it would be easier to plant the seed with your brother a little bit at a time regarding help for your mom. I can hear in your post how much you are dreading the conversation. Do you think it would help if both you and your sister sat down and spoke with him together?

Thank you for the well wishes tomorrow. I will feel better when this coming week is over. I also have a doctor appointment on Friday I'm not looking forward to as well.

Missy, I hope Com Ed fixed the electric problems and everything is well now. I

Jimmianne, I hope you you were able to see the diamonds and you are able to speak with Grace tomorrow.

Kristie, Your plan sounds wonderful! L

Marcy, I hope you are feeling better and had a wonderful day today.
Marcy and Junebug, I hope you are also able to attend the get together.

Junebug, once I start looking for jewelry I often find other things I decide I’d rather have instead. I think no matter what pretty ring you get you’ll have a beautiful ring. It’s hard to spend that much money on a ring you can’t see, touch and try on. Definitely pay attention to the return policy if you find something you really like. Thanks, I did have another lazy day today and feel better; that spot is sore but definitely better. We have snow and cold through Thursday then it is warming up again. Yippee!!! I hope when you have the talk with your brother goes better than you think it will. I know it is all so difficult to see and deal with. I have more jewelry mistakes than I’d like; I sold quite a few of them really cheaply but I guess some return from them is better than nothing.

Ovi, sorry to hear you are worried about your mom; cancer is such a scary thing to deal with. That’s funny you don’t go to Starbucks now, Marty doesn’t like them much either. His hotel room in Romania had his own Nespresso machine for him; he was happy about that. I am glad to hear your enjoy an electric blanket. We have an electric mattress pad and I use it usually every night.

Jimmianne, how awful to be iced in. Your story on your OEC sounds like me; I change my mind all the time. Do I want, ooh I like that, naw I don’t need it. I think once you find one you really want; you’ll know it. I can always find better things to do than housework too. The cool thing (and sad) is it always waits for you. Those are some serious sized rings. You’d need to carry a weight in your other hand so you don’t lean to one side. I am going to watch your video after I get this posted.

Missy, I almost was going to skip catching up on here tonight since I am really enjoying the book I’m reading; I am glad I didn’t. I’d be way behind tomorrow. I think jewelry look fabulous with black clothes so see your wardrobe is designed to show off all your beautiful jewelry. I seem to have a lot of blue and gray in my clothes. Donor cycles are funny and sad at the same time. I am glad Greg got rid of his. That is funny you mention drinking espresso in Italy; that is Marty’s dream vacation. I’d love to see the picture of you and Greg on the motorcycle. Your new boots are wonderful.

Kristie, you did pay me back with your breakfast. Your toasted bacon sandwich sounds absolutely delicious. I’ve been hungry for a good BLT and now I really want one. I am glad you started your day in such a delightful way. I haven’t done as many custom pieces as you have but they always cost me far more than I planned and more often than not it just turns out different than I’d envisioned.

Callie, jewelry often surprises me how different it looks on than in a picture or even when it’s just in a jewelry case. One of my favorite ring mountings was one I skipped over multiple times and finally since I hadn’t found anything else I really liked I tried it and loved it on my hand. Too funny the dog wakes up from your husband snoring. Marty was awful with his cold but he is better now. I know he’d say the same about me. Guys absolutely love motorcycles. I hate to hear you’re your SIL’s nephew. I hate to hear something so tragic happened to such a young person too. The poker party went well. They polished off a lot of scotch too. I was in bed long before everyone left. Our snow was only flurries too; too bad the weatherman wasn’t lying about the cold and wind. I had Marty pull down some of my grandmother’s china and I decided I don’t want to use it. I honestly don’t know if it’s dishwasher safe either. Maybe I’ll see if any of my nieces or nephews want it then I’d have more room in my cupboard. Today I want to spend money on EC diamond stud earrings. My wish list always exceeds my cash availability. I hate to hear you have a difficult week; good luck tomorrow and with your appointment later in the week.

We had another lazy day. I made blueberry pancakes for breakfast, cooked Marty some bacon. He made some kind of curry for lunch and I heated up leftovers from my lunch on Friday. We had cheese, crackers, fruit and wine for supper.

I’ve been reading most of the day and we’ve watched a few movies. Marty is probably heading to Guatemala Tuesday.

Have a great day tomorrow.
Good morning girls!

Junebug, I am glad you are feeling a bit better about the jewelry mistakes you (we) have made. Sometimes it does aggravate me if I start thinking about it but as Callie wrote it really is in perspective not a biggie in the grand scheme of things. It's just money and someone very wise once said a problem is not really a problem if it can be fixed with money.

I am very excited about joining you whenever you want me to join you in your search. The antique/estate jewelry store that I LOVE in Lambertville is not too far from you and not more than 2 hours from me. Might be something to consider though it could be hit or miss there. You could always call the lovely ladies there and tell them what you are looking for and they could see what they could find and call you when they find something they think you would love. Just a thought and I certainly would love taking a trip to Lambertville and meeting you there.

Of course there's the city. You could meet with David and Kristie's favorite store Israel Rose. I have never been to Israel Rose but they have lovely jewelry online. And then there's Adam of OWD but not sure he has yellow diamonds. Girls, chime in here. Who in the city has a good selection of yellow diamonds besides the obvious DBL.

As for caring for your mom it is overwhelming and I can understand why you feel as if at times you might be at a loss as to what to do. However you are caring for her so well Junebug. Please do not doubt yourself and also please make sure to tell your brother how you are feeling and that you need the extra help. You guys need to take care of yourselves or you won't be able to care for your mom. (((Hugs))) and I hope he gets it and won't resist.

Be careful out there today. Major ice here and I know it must be treacherous by you too.

Callie, first of all GOOD LUCK today. We are all thinking of you and keeping our fingers crossed everything turns out A-OK. (((Hugs))).

The Con Ed people were still working outside when we went to bed at 11PM last night. I sure hope they fixed the problem(s) because man they were noisy and more importantly we *need* electricity especially in these freezing temps!

And I agree. Please slap me silly too if I want to make any more impulsive jewelry purchases. OMG I am Ms. Impulsive with purchases at times. Though I will say I have never regretted a purchase from my favorite antique/estate jewelry store. However there are so many mistakes I have made with jewelry purchases even after PS if you can believe it. Sometimes the heart takes over the brain yanno? Though my most regrettable jewelry decision is a purchase I did NOT make that I so wish I did. It was at the Lambertville store and I fell in love with a diamond heart pendant (not a heart girl but this one was WOW) that was so unusual and unique and like nothing I had ever seen before. Well, I just didn't want to buy a heart pendant and my brain said NO. So we left and that night I had a change of heart (LOL get it change of HEART haha) and I called them first thing the next morning and an estate dealer had already purchased it from them. :cry: I still think about that necklace occasionally. Sigh.

Kristie, how is the polishing of the geodes going? Would love pics whenever you have the energy or time. Hope you and Bob had a good night and that Finn and Maggie are well. Looking forward to whatever dates work for everyone and already getting excited though it is many months away LOL. I did post a link about another antique jewelry show (I know nothing about this one though) in NYC October 16th, 17th and 18th so just throwing that out there though November is good with me too.

Jimmianne, I am on pins and needles here. Very excited and hope it all worked out but remember we are here to help if you are still searching for "the one"...but woohoo very excited for you about recent developments. And nervous too LOL. OMG is it going to be like this every time one of the NIRDIs makes a big purchase LOL. That I get nervous the same way I get nervous when I make a big purchase haha.

Stay safe because I have a feeling it is very icy where you are. Please take care outside today. Oh and is your daughter safely at her destination I hope!

Marcy, Blueberry pancakes. Oh EMM GEE. I love blueberry pancakes. Just another food on the verboten list. I am just living vicariously through you re food these days. Keep those delicious images coming and a pic or 2 wouldn't hurt. :lickout:

How are you and Marty feeling this morning? What book are you reading? I am always on the lookout for good book suggestions though I have half a dozen in my kindle queue that I have not yet started.

EC diamond stud earrings sound BEAUTIFUL and I second your thoughts about getting a pair. I have an omega back pair with emerald cut diamonds that I LOVE and now that you mention it I must find them and start wearing them again. Though I worry about wearing earrings that might get lost with the hood being taken on and off. All that jostling yanno? I have been wearing earrings I think are less likely to get lost that way. Another reason for being excited about spring. I can wear more of my earrings without fear of losing them.

I'm glad the poker party went well. Greg is also a scotch man. What type of scotch does Marty like? He loves Glenmorangie and Johnny Walker Black to name 2 but he enjoys many different brands. I don't drink so none of that appeals to me. He also loves Bourbon in the cold weather. His favorite bourbons are Makers Mark and Bulleit. That's all I can think of right now. It's not even 6AM and here I am thinking of favorite bourbons and Scotches LOL. He also loves beer but we can discuss that another time haha.

I doubt Marty's grandmothers china is dishwasher safe but I could be wrong. I would err on the side of caution and hand wash them. I hear you on if you don't use them to give them to someone who will enjoy them. I didn't want any of my grandmother's fine silverware and other fine china etc as I just knew I wouldn't use them and polishing silverware is not something I would want to do.

Good luck to Marty on his trip to Guatemala. He had a good long stretch at home at least these past couple of months. Hope it goes well and that he is back home quickly. And I am glad you didn't skip reading here last night. I miss so much and I try to check in more than once a day and sometimes that is not enough and feel like I missed some important points. :think:

Ovi, how are you feeling today and how is your mother doing? I am concerned so please let me know. And I hope Sapphie is well too.
ETA: Just received your email and to update everyone here Ovi's mom is feeling better. Woohoo!!! So relieved for you guys Ovi. (((Hugs))) to you both.

Sharon, not sure if you will see this but I am sure my last post to you got lost in the fray of frenetic postings yesterday so I am reposting. How is your nephew doing? I hope he is OK and I am keeping him in my thoughts and prayers.

LLJsmom, any news on if you got accepted to the NY marathon?

Sarah, hope you are well and feeling good.

Ok, so everyone is saying November now but Missy posted a show that is in October, correct? I am actually thinking that it would be best to go at that time or does it not work for the others? This show is actually a trade show too so I am thinking that it would work really well and it would be worth it for me to attend too and if I am correct it says that there is a trade show right before this one too. Should we look into this date? This antique show is supposed to run October 15-18. What do you all think? I will write more soon. Hugs to everyone.
Hi Ovi! So I just double checked and I can do those dates in October but cannot do October 23-25 as that is a continuing education program I must do this year as I missed it last year due to my leg and I need the CE. But it is the weekend after the jewelry show so I am good for October 15-18th. I am also good in November if that works better for everyone who is coming. You guys are doing the traveling so I really want to leave it up to all of you. Callie, Kristie, Jimmianne and hopefully Marcy and Junebug and LLJsmom will join us if the dates work for them. And anyone else who wants to join us!
Yes, October would work better for me because November and December are very busy for me usually. But it depends on everyone else and I will really try my best to go whenever everyone else can go. That weekend would work great for me. I am also interested as this is a show that is open to both the trade and the public. If we decide to do it that weekend then I will check out this show.
OK I was asked for more details about the October dates I am available...
so I will be available to get together with you girls October12th to the 22nd. I cannot do it before October 12th or the 23-25th otherwise the rest of October is good for me. Hope that clarifies things. :wavey:
Missy and Callie,

you set a high standard for posts on this thread. Such kind and comprehensive comments to ALL on a fast moving thread.
I can just imagine us all in person talking and laughing at a mile a minute.
The only thing I will miss about Las Vegas is trying to figure out who everyone is by looking at what they have on their hands lol

About jewelry mistakes - UGH. I thought they were just a part of life! What I try to remember is that they were not mistakes at the time.
I also try to remind myself that if all else about a purchase failed, I did help the economy and the seller :lol:

My daughter & her housemate are safely in GA, then today go on to New Orleans. Her housemate goes back to France next Saturday for a year. He certainly picked the right housemate in my daughter...they have had a wonderful time and traveled all over. He feels like part of the family now. He made me laugh - one time when I thought he was trying to hug me I started to hug him back and he said "no NO! is zee French bye-BYE! and kissed me on both cheeks. It's become our "in" joke now that we know each other better. I love 20-somethings, all so beautiful and energetic.
That would make a good mantra for this [at least here] gray Monday - may you all feel beautiful and energetic!!! :appl:
Haha Jimmianne, yes I can see it now. All of us chatting away a mile a minute. Talk about fast moving. HAH, I remember when one of my closest (and now one of my oldest friendships-30 years and counting) friends first moved to NYC. He said it really took him months to fully understand everything I was saying because I talked so fast LOL. And also walked too fast as he always had trouble keeping up with me and he is 6'4" LOL.

I feel the same way about mistakes re any type of purchase as you do Jimmianne. I look at it as a way of helping the economy and that person too. Just wish I wasn't so helpful that way LOL. :cheeky:

So glad your DD and her housemate/friend arrived safely in GA and are on their way to New Orleans. Love New Orleans. Great place to visit! And I totally agree about young adults being beautiful and energetic. And it is infectious!

Love the European greeting too. We have good friends who always greet with kissing both cheeks and I sure hope it doesn't seem pretentious but we do that now all the time too...with the people we are used to kissing hello that is...not complete strangers LOL. I will warn you I am a huggie/kissy person but will respect your space no worries. I am very intuitive that way. I promise. :halo:
Marcy, I used to feel that way about purchasing anything online, I mean anything and everything or even when not online but sight unseen. That all changed when I started buying diamonds sight unseen, sometimes not even pix. All I had to rely on is trust and descriptions and my own gut feelings. I have to say that to this day it has to yet let me down. Every time I was shocked and surprised, overcome by joy only, this is where trust and your own feelings do play a huge part. You have to know and be able to trust those you work with. After a while my paranoia about everything internet and not buying IRL was overcome by excitement and could not wait for my packages to arrive and it was like the hunt, the waiting game, the selection, the shipping and then seeing them for the first time and the joy lasted and lasted. It was the same way when I had things made for me personally by my goldsmith, at first I was always there and later it could not be done and I was never disappointed but again knowing and trusting someone for months to years at least means a lot. Nothing beats trying on a piece of a jewel and seeing it IRL but I did get to do just that, only a little bit later. The emotional connection to jewelry is very strong, it is one of the most emotional purchases and that is why actual stores have their advantage but once I got to see them, I often felt I could never part with them which is especially true about pieces with special stories. Some of my first diamonds I bought I had seen IRL prior to purchase but they were in no way any better than those I ordered sight unseen, sometimes to the contrary. Interesting how we can change, a few years ago I could have never imagined that I would ever buy things this way.

Like you girls I have always been a very impulsive shopper and I think most people are, I tend to think things over more as to blind but that is normal for me. I do still shop very impulsively though when it comes to dresses, shoes, bags, etc. Perfumes that I studied for a long time I tend to think over for a long time too. Cosmetics, well, I tell you that I had bags of it to give away, talk about impulsive mistakes. And my pre gemology days, I collected designer costume jewelry, which I also have bags of to give away. We all make our mistakes but we are only human.:)))

Hi Jimmianne, Callie I am thinking of you and please let us know how things are. Hugs to everyone and have a great Monday.
Aw, Junebug, come look in my jewelry box and see the mistakes in there! Come stand in my living room, look at my sofa, and know that in 15 years I've had 8 sofas all though buying tragedies, bwahahahaha. The only 'industry' more difficult than the jewelry biz is the FURNITURE biz. :angryfire: If I could have held it down to 2 or 3 sofas over these 15 years I'd have some more bling hahahaha. Come look at Bob, my DH, and see the ghostly figure behind him of Husband #1, generously characterized by me as a mistake :eek:

I'm completely wide open in October. October is really good for me, I like it!

Ovi, that is an AMAZING offer to get us in under your trade badge. I went in under a similar arrangement to Tucson a few years ago and it was an opportunity that comes along NEVER, the ability to buy at wholesale for us jewelry nutz. Once you've seen the wholesale prices...

I hope everyone can make the trip, I'm going to use frequent flyer miles. Missy, what airport do we fly into?
Hi Girls,

oh my gosh, I am so with you on the writing things down. I just caught up on posts and now can't remember what everyone said. See Jimmianne, I told you weren't alone! Thus aging thing is the pits. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who makes jewery mistakes but in truth the reality is I also make mistakes in clothes, shoes and house stuff more often. To me there is just a huge difference in a $100 mistake and $20,000 mistake. I remember when Junebug was designing her gorgeous sapphire ring. I so wished I had her address so I could send her my sapphire mistake ring to help her figure out what she wanted. I figured it would easier when she was reading dimensions if she had my ring in her hand and could compare. I mentioned it to my husband and he said you don't even know this woman. I remember telling him what's the worst thing that could happen, she could steal keep my ring. Really not that big of a deal since its just sitting in a safety deposit box not being enjoyed by anyone. OV is certainly correct that jewelry is such an emotional purchase and Marcy hit the nail on the head when she said you never can be completely sure about a piece until you put it on your finger.

OV, Great news about your mom! I know how relieved you must be feeling. Hugs, hugs! I'm sure you are at work but I hope you are having a great day. I think we are in good company with our impulsive purchases. It must be a woman thing!

Missy, I will make any date everyone agrees upon work. I promise. The husband may or may not be able to come with me depending on what's going on at work, but come hell or high water, I will be there if I have to crawl to New York. I had to laugh out load yesterday when we were both so frantic about trying to make sure Jimmianne got 1st dips on the diamond. Jimmianne may see it and immediately decide this isn't the stone for her but you and I were darn sure she was going to at least get to see it and decide for herself. Thank you so much for sending me all the good thought texts yesterday. I would have been a complete wreck yesterday if not for yourself, OV and Kristie.

Jimmianne, I'm glad your daughter is safe and sound. I need to put a disclaimer on this post right here and now. I am by no way a diamond expert. Truth be told I have even thought a couple bad diamonds looked pretty darn good to my eyes. Im sure I own a few of them. I do trust Grace and know she will not steer you in the wrong direction. I hope your weather is much better today and you are able to get outside and enjoy your day. I know what you mean about you daughter. I have the best time with my nieces and they are in their early twenties. My husband used to joke that I was single handedly trying to turn the economy around a few years back. Heaven knows I did my part to help the economy.

Marcy, It sounds like you had a good time with your friends the other night. I hope you are feeling back to normal. Please, please tell me you are going to our get together. We will work around your schedule.

Junebug, I hope your feeling better about past jewelry mistakes now that you know you are in good company. I feel like I'm doing a walk of shame when I wear a piece I'm not nuts about beause I don't want my husband to feel like the purchase was a complete waste of money.

Kristie, Thank you so much for yesterday. You know how much I apreciate your help and support and can't wait for our talk. I will be home all day tomorrow. More bad weather is on the way here. Fun!

I just found out my husband did something to his computer and now my phone texts are being sent to his computer, not my phone. How the heck can that happen?
Callie, I just wanted to say that I am so sorry you had such a hard day yesterday and I am glad if you think we helped, I wish I could help more and I do miss talking to you a lot when we do not write to each other. I just find you a wonderful person. I am also very happy that Kristie was there for you. I am sorry but tomorrow I am working so I will not likely have the time to write so much. Tomorrow is also salsa night, not sure as I lately do not feel like doing a lot of extra things, I am not sure what direction my life is heading in and I need to find some clarity within myself. I also want to thank you because I know that you have genuinely cared about me too and wrote to me to ask me how I was.

Lol that is so funny about sending Junebug your mistake, you are a very trusting person but I do feel that we can trust each other over here for sure and I would do the same. I missed this entire story, your mistake and Junebug's story of designing her gorgeous ring.

Somehow it is a headache evening again, just all these weather changes. I am still not at ease about my mom at all as her condition is really like a rollercoaster now. How is your brother doing now Callie?

Have a wonderful evening all of you my NIRDI girls.
Happy Monday!

Missy, smart philosophy about it’s only money and I agree if you can fix something with money it’s not really a problem. True confession time: my first rings were mostly from Jewelry Television and Zales. Of course I have long ago sold them during one of my jewelry liquidation sales but they were cheap and fun to play with. I probably wear 1/3 of my rings, 1/5 of my earrings and if I wear earrings or bracelets at all it’s only 1 or 2 of them. Marty would totally think I’m a flake if I start posting pictures of our meals on here. That would be funny. I am reading “By Order of the President” by WEB Griffin. It is an entire series and it’s a spy thriller drama type of story. Your EC earrings sound great; I would love to see a picture if you get bored some day and want to take one. Good point about pulling out earrings pulling hoods off and on. Good question about what kind of Scotch Marty likes. The ones Greg like do sound familiar. I know the bottles I threw out yesterday were Glenfiditch (spelling?). Another brand that is tickling my brain is McCallan (spelling?). I have my grandmothers silver and we use it at Christmas. I ended up with some of my mom’s crystal dishes and some of her Christmas glasses. But I agree with you I don’t want to take anything that I won’t use. If one of my nieces or nephews want the china and will use it; I’d rather they have it.

Jimmianne, your video was great. What cute horses and your daughter looks adorable. Very good point that even if we ended up with jewelry we don’t like or wear; we are helping the economy. I am glad to hear your daughter and her housemate made it to New Orleans okay. He sounds like a nice guy and I bet your daughter will miss him. Too cute about the French hug.

Ovi, I definitely agree with you on buying diamonds and gemstones sight unseen by pictures, info or just gut feelings. It’s easy enough to return them if you don’t like them. I find rings a bit more difficult to pick out from a picture. I am definitely not opposed to buying things online. You are so right about the thrill and excitement of the entire process when purchasing jewelry. There is definitely an emotional attachment to those pretty little sparkly things that amuse and delight us. I sure had to convince Marty why I wanted to buy my diamond online. I was only considering a HPD from Wink Jones or an ACA from Whiteflash. We had a video conference with Wink for a 1.25 G HPD and I think I would have bought it but by then I had to agree with Marty why go up from a 1 carat to 1.25 when you’d barely noticed the difference in size. Wink didn’t have anything at the time in the 1.5 carat range so I went to Whiteflash. Marty is okay now with me buying something that pricey online. Yes, we do all make mistakes but some of them make great stories too.

Kristie, I think we all have a long list of mistakes. Our worst furniture mistake was a L shaped sectional. Marty wanted that thing so bad. We bought the brand England because we had a couch and chair from them and they held up well and were comfortable. I told Marty when he wanted it they break down, they are uncomfortable and I thought it was a mistake but nope, he wanted it. So we bought it with one of my teaching checks. My spot wasn’t too bad I set on the short side of the L and it didn’t have any breaks or sections there but the couch where Marty was had it and it wasn’t a year later that he said he hated the couch, it was uncomfortable and he wished we hadn’t bought it. Do you know we were at the store the next evening picking out a new couch and love seat? We let the furniture store haul the sectional away and I was delighted to see it go.

Callie, how did the test go for your brother today? I am sure they won’t tell him anything until the doctor looks at everything. I was thinking of you today. I hate to hear about your sapphire ring not being what you wanted. I have spent even more money on mistakes trying to “fix” them by remounting them, adding side stones or whatever and all I did was waste more money without fixing the problem. I am feeling pretty good today. That spot is sore but continues to improve. I am not sure on coming to the GTG. It sounds like we are doing a family vacation with the in-laws sometime in the fall. I tried to get more info out of Marty tonight. I guess not everyone is coming to the birthday party for my MIL so now she wants to have everyone meet somewhere next fall. I can’t complain about spending time with his family twice this year because Marty was an absolute saint for years helping me out with my parents so I won’t complain about spending time with his family. The best I can say is don’t plan around me and if I can make it I will. Marty always has frequent flier miles to burn. I don’t know how much vacation time I’ll have left to use for the 2 family things. We can certainly work in a Skype call though.

Marty leaves for Guatemala tomorrow. This is a quick trip he’ll be back Thursday evening. I read the state department safety and security info about Guatemala and regretted it right away. It is rated critical for high violence. Aak!!! The other Ericsson guys have names like Fabio, Juan and Omar. I told Marty his name should be Martino.

Marty cooked petit steaks on the grill and baked potatoes for us. I like easy suppers like that; very few dishes. I got out raw veggies for us to have with it.

Have a great day tomorrow.

Hi Girls,

Marcy, I recognized the scotch Marty likes right away. Glenlevitt and McCallen were two of my old bosses favorites. So I have bought many bottles for Christmas and birthday presents.

I have thought about using the diamonds in my Sapphire ring for just a diamond band but I really dislike the Sapphire so doubt I will ever use that again. Oh well, live and learn. I contacted Wink when my niece was looking for a ring. I actually hope when they are ready that they will contact him. He is such a nice man to talk with and I know she will get the ring of her dreams if she goes thru him.

My mom has asked if I wanted her good China. it seemed kind of pointless because I never cook. Hopefully one of my nieces will want to have it one day. I could tell you a story Marcy that you would never believe. Someday when you are feeling sad I will give you a really good laugh.

I bought a vanity for the guest bathroom last year that I really dislike. I paid for it, realized I made a bad mistake and the sale was final. My husband kept asking when I was having it delivered. I finally broke down and told him I hate it. He told me to have them install it, use it a year and replace it. He said after a year he wont care if I put it out on the curb on trash day. It kills me because the darn thing was expensive. It hasn't grown on me. It's in the upstairs bath and thankfully one ever sees it.

It's scary when companies send employees to dangerous places. When they sent my husband to Trinidad. The company had a driver take him everywhere. The company I worked for had plants in Mexico that the employees had to go to often. They had many problems with kidnappings in the area. The company issued a letter saying if you were kidnapped they would not pay the ransom to have you returned. Nice, they make you go there for your job but if you are kidnapped you are on your own. Does Marty go to dangerous places often? I'm sorry he has to go out of town again. It's so nice when you get to have him home for awhile. I'm sure he misses your cooking very much when he is out of town. Your blueberry pancakes sounded wonderful.

Thank you for asking about my brother. It will probably take at least a week for him to have the biopsy. I haven't heard any news yet.

OV, Thank you for your kind words. You always brighten my day. I sent you an email earlier today

Jimmianne, Did you find out more about the diamond? If so, is it a contender? I'm loving living vicariously thru you and Junebug.
I did not mean to make light of regretted purchases because I know personally how painful it is. When it's a lot of money it takes some mental gymnastics to be philosophical and love yourself for being human.

My little striped Tiffany ring arrived yesterday.. so happy. It's authentic [always a question on eBay] and was only $115. When new it was $150 and everyone on eBay is selling them for around $250. The hallmark is correct and it even has the original tags and pouch. Before I became a diamond nut I was really into Tiffany silver jewelry. Learning about the hallmarks and scrolling through pages of fakes to find treasures was fun. In retrospect it was quite a modest hobby :lol:

Grace is sending me that OEC to look at and it should arrive today. This is almost like adopting a puppy - I woke up this morning thinking of names.
It's fun that you sent me to look at a 2.34 and I looked up the wrong one by mistake and loved it. Serendipity?
...and here is something that has stuck with me...the time I was leaning over an estate case looking longingly at a huge antique OEC when an elderly woman came up & whispered in my ear "Life is short!".
Jimmianne|1425385641|3841166 said:
I did not mean to make light of regretted purchases because I know personally how painful it is. When it's a lot of money it takes some mental gymnastics to be philosophical and love yourself for being human.

My little striped Tiffany ring arrived yesterday.. so happy. It's authentic [always a question on eBay] and was only $115. When new it was $150 and everyone on eBay is selling them for around $250. The hallmark is correct and it even has the original tags and pouch. Before I became a diamond nut I was really into Tiffany silver jewelry. Learning about the hallmarks and scrolling through pages of fakes to find treasures was fun. In retrospect it was quite a modest hobby :lol:

Grace is sending me that OEC to look at and it should arrive today. This is almost like adopting a puppy - I woke up this morning thinking of names.
It's fun that you sent me to look at a 2.34 and I looked up the wrong one by mistake and loved it. Serendipity?
...and here is something that has stuck with me...the time I was leaning over an estate case looking longingly at a huge antique OEC when an elderly woman came up & whispered in my ear "Life is short!".

Hi Jimmianne, Please don't worry about anyone thinking you were making light of the regretted purchases. I make light of my own regretted purchases all the time. Any time I regret a purchase my husband smiles and says " if this is the worse thing that happens, life is good, we will be just fine." He has the most positive attitude of anyone I know. It is such a wonderful quality for a person to have. The woman in store could not have spoken truer words "Life is short!" We need to enjoy everyday and not sweat the small stuff.

So which diamond is Grace sending, the one that was in the newsletter or the one you noticed on her web sight? Isn't Grace so nice. I called her to ask questions about a ring of mine about a year ago and she could not have been more helpful and nice. If I ever purchase a large OEC, I will definately be contacting her and Adam at Old World Diamonds. I have always heard wonderful things about Adam as well. This is so much fun! I can't wait to hear all about it the diamond when it arrives.

If there are any more diamonds in my future I still can't make up my mind if it would be an OEC, Emerald Cut or Antique Cushion. I think an elongated look looks prettiest on my hand but really love those chunky facets of an OEC. As much as I love EC's I just always fear I would miss the sparkle factor too much, especially in a larger size diamond. You have such beautiful jewelry Jimmianne! I know you will make an excellent decision.... And remember all you need is the beautiful diamond. A setting can always be changed and isn't as costly.
Good morning NIRDIs!

Callie, sweetheart, sending all my love and hugs to you. The diamond Jimmianne is getting is the 2.43 LVS stone not in the sneak peek. Really gorgeous. And I'm with you. All those cuts are beautiful Callie. So hard to choose just one...

Kristie, you can fly into any of our major airports. Kennedy, La Guardia or even Newark though that would be my last choice being in NJ though not far at all. Whichever has a direct flight from where you are are to one of these airports would be my recommendation.

Ovi, how is your mom doing today and how are you and Sapphie feeling?

Marcy, Greg likes those scotch brands as well. And he always says after the first drink it doesn't matter which brand it is anyway LOL. He and his friends did a scotch taste test many many years ago to see if they could differentiate between the ultra expensive, the expensive, and the not so expensive brands. Turns out after the first drink they all taste the same haha. So moral of story, first drink the expensive stuff and after that get out the cheap stuff. 8-)

Thank you for that book recommendation. I am glad you are enjoying it.
And I love Wink though I have never bought anything from him (yet). About your previous jewelry purchases/mistakes I bet not one PSer doesn't have some jewelry mistakes in their repertoire. I mean we wouldn't be human without mistakes right? It makes us that much more lovable IMO. Who wants to be a robot anyway. Too much like that creepy movie (the original) Stepford Wives. That was one creepy movie. :errrr:

I so hope you can make the GTG. It would not be the same without you dear Marcy so I am hoping somehow it works out though of course I totally understand if it doesn't. It is a long way to come and also to use up precious vacation and especially if there is a family occasion right in the middle. But know how much we would LOVE for you to come. No pressure but we would LOVE it!

Sending safe travel wishes Marty's way. Haha love your nickname for him- Martino LOL.

Jimmianne, you already know I am probably more (well almost at least) excited than you about this potential diamond for you. It's GORGEOUS in every way and definitely hits my sweet spot. Now let's hope it hits yours as well. Have I said how GORGEOUS it is? :love: Wishing you blingy love at first sight!

So speaking of purchase mistakes I thought about the paint color in the living room at the beach house and decided it was too blue for me so we have rehired our paint guy and he is repainting the living room (huge space unfortunately so significant $) with the same lighter blue we have in the kitchen. Sigh. That's a lot of money we just threw away because of our mistake. Actually Greg's mistake but who's watching LOL. I wanted the lighter blue but he wanted more contrast between the white crown molding and ceiling and wanted a deeper blue. Turns out I was right. Let's hope we like this color in the living room. What's that song again from In Plain Sight? Found it... I am right you are wrong that is why I sing this song. :cheeky:

We are getting what the meteorologists call significant snow in the next 2 days but I haven't been focusing on the weather report which is unlike me. I have things on my mind that I cannot share right now but am very worried and sending lots of love and energy to a dear friend of mine. And of course (((Hugs))) to you all.
Marcy, I'm sure I have said this before but please don't feel bad about any jewelry purchase you made that you think others may not like as well. If you were happy and loved your purchase, that is all that matters. The whole reason for buying jewelry is for us to look down at our hands and get that happy giddy feeling at what we see. I never buy any jewerly purchase based on others will feel and certainly not at the age I am now. Everyone has different tastes and also different things that make them happy. My mom thinks I am absolutely crazy for making my jewelry purchases. A ring I wore and loved for 10 years is not a good quality diamond but I loved it and it made me so happy to wear it. I would never go into debt and have always believed in living within our means and that ring is what we could afford at the time. I glad your rings made you happy?

We can try to work around your schedule if you want to fine to get together. We all would live to meet you in person. I understand about the family committments and vacation time and know how much more difficult it is to get away when your working but if you would like to go we can try to make something work so you can also attend.
Missy, Thank you so much for your kind words. They mean so much to me right now! Anything I ever did to help you these past few months (which was not nearly enough) you have helped me 10 times more the last few days. Thank you so much Sweetie!
Good morning Callie! I heard you got some snow by you yesterday. How are you? I'm with you re the jewelry purchases. Whatever makes you happy as long as you can easily afford it. I mean who's getting hurt then? Win win. You get some gorgeous eye candy to enjoy and the economy gets a boost. All good.

And no way Callie. You helped me so so much over the last 8 months I cannot even begin to express my gratitude and love for you. Please know that and there is nothing you could ask of me that I wouldn't try to do for you.

(((Hugs))) to you!!!
Missy, I just now saw your latest post. Please believe me when I say choosing paint is the hardest thing to do. Paint looks completely different in different lighting conditions and unfortunately every room has many different lighting conditions in the course of a single day. When we changed our room colors the last time we did this and I was so glad we did. We painted a good section of the different walls in a couple different colors that we were considering and liked. Look at the room in sunlight, night time and different times during the day to see which shade of the color you look best at different times. It really really helped me make up my mind. You will have to stay at the beach house a weekend or at least overnight to get the best results. Just so you know, even though we did this, I still don't like the color we chose for the bedroom LOL. At least it worked well for the kitchen, dining room, greatroom and entry colors. I'm very happy with those rooms. FYI.., you may also like different colors best at different times of the day. We chose the color we like best for the time of the day we spent the most time in that rooms. My brother says his company often paints someone's room and they love it during the day and will make them come back and paint another color because they hate the color during the night time hours. He says people have a hard time accepting that fact that different lighting will change a look of the room color completely. Don't be hard on yourself.

I just now saw the post you posted a few moments ago. I'm am soooo grateful to have you as my friend. You mean so much to me.