
Now I really did it :((

Hello lovelies

Ouch @marcy, it sounds as though it’s not a great deal easier without the cast. I suppose like all these things, it’s going to take time to feel normal again, but in the meantime, be careful and try not to over do it.

We did a big shop last week, and went out on Monday to top up the fresh things @canuk-gal, so we should be fine until the car’s ready. We don’t have to go anywhere, and honestly, it was going to be more faff getting the hire car (which was only for 10 days), than doing without it. The latest update is the car should be ready on the 7th. Sorry work is a pain, I hope you’re enjoying the weekend stress free.

Sending healing vibes your way @mrs-b and keeping you in my thoughts that every day you’re feeling a little better.

I hope you managed to get out and enjoy your ride today @missy, and that it stayed dry and still.

Sending love and hugs to all the lovely NIRDI, hope you’re having a calm and relaxing weekend.


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!

QUESTION: Should I sell my Rolex? I know I said I never would but I don't wear it. Opinions? I wish DF were here to advise me.

Stinking cold here!! Yikes! Saw a person taking their dog for a walk, except the person was carrying the dog! Too cold for little paws. While I appreciated the snow shovelling service--I didn't appreciate it waking me up at 0630. :rolleyes:

@marcy I hear ya on the weather...and another thing LOL Hope your wrist gets stronger everyday.

@missy cycling in Jan! Who knew??? Keep up the good work!!!

@mrs-b thinking of you and yours. Be well!!

I'm in my flannel jammies and have been since 1 pm.

Good morning girls! Happy super Sunday!

@marcy thanks. We are still in the previous cycling season as our season runs from April to March and we hit 9K yesterday finally woohoo. Oh I am sorry your wrist hurts and bucketloads of healing vibes to you and gentle hugs

@canuk-gal we rode 45 miles yesterday. It was windy or else we would have tried more haha. But it felt glorious to ride. No don't sell your Rolex if you think you might regret it...why are you considering selling? Ugh to the freezing cold weather. Hope it is warmer for you today. We are going to get very cold (below freezing) weather this coming week. Hard to believe because it was 50s yesterday and same today. These extreme temp changes are flaring my chilblains. I need to move to Southern France...Nice (France) by the sea would be nice lol. Hope work goes smoothly this week and you enjoy a lovely Sunday..XOXO

@Austina glad you got so much shopping done so you can wait for your car to be ready fingers crossed on the 7th big hugs

@mrs-b continued healing vibes and pain free wishes and gentle are on my mind...XOXO

@bling_dream19 hope you are having a wonderful weekend and all is well (((Hugs)))

@springerspaniel we have been having lovely weather tho this week that is about to change. Enjoying it while it lasts...hope you are having a fun weekend and staying comfy cozy XOXO

@Slickk hope you got to/get to enjoy the mild weather we are having yesterday and today. Sending you big hugs...February is almost here

Hi everyone else...hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend. We cycled yesterday and hopefully today too. Making the most of the mild weather about to leave. Have a great Sunday girls. Enjoy and be well. XOXO

Hitting 9K yesterday woohooScreen Shot 2023-01-29 at 8.06.52 AM.png

It was a glorious day..ocean on the right...our old hood on the left

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Love you girls. Be well.
GM girls. I’m feeling blue today. I think this is mainly due to worry about our sweet mrs b. And everything is just feeling overwhelming lately. Just wanted to post and say good morning. I know everything will work out ultimately. Just challenging with worry almost all the time. One day at a time. And when that’s hard one hour at a time.

We cycled yesterday again. It was cloudy so felt much cooler. Today we are going cycling for the last day in a while because below freezing temps will be here soon. Cycling helps me get out of my head if you kwim

Enjoy a wonderful day girls. May it be worry free. XOXO
And as always bucketloads of healing vibes to our sweet mrs-b and all who need it. ((((Hugs))))
Hello lovelies

I’m so sorry @mrs-b that this is all proving to be such a nightmare. Any surgery is an assault on the body, which then reacts to the trauma. I really hope that you’re getting enough meds to get you through this while your body is healing, without causing the awful delirium. Stay strong, you will get through this.

I’m not surprised you’re feeling blue @missy, I don’t think the weather helps either. This time of year is always a low point with anxiety about what we’re facing surfacing. Hang in there.

If you don’t think you’ll miss your watch, and you want the funds for something you will wear and enjoy, then do it @canuk-gal. Second hand Rolexes have been selling really well lately, sometimes even more than new if it’s a desirable model.

I hope you had a good weekend @marcy and that your wrist is healing up well.

We moved the garden furniture to an area the landscapers won’t be working on yesterday, and didn’t do much else. Our poor neighbour L has got Covid, and it now sounds like her DS and DH could have it also. I feel bad because we can’t offer to do much for them as we don’t have the car. She‘s not feeling too bad, so hopefully will get over it quickly.

It’s literally freezing here today, but the landscapers turned up and have started scraping the drip field, it’s a huge area and they have to be careful because of all the pipes. Not sure if they’ll be able to do much this week because we have a severe weather warning in place.

Sending love and hugs to you all. :wavey:

@Austina thanks, I am getting used to the splint but am still being careful. Nice to get the car fixed finally. Good idea to get lots of shopping done first. I hope your neighbors recover soon. I hate to hear you have cold weather too. I know you’ve liked my many posts on FB to our conditions here.

@canuk-gal good question about your Rolex, I guess I’d ask myself how much I’d regret it or miss it later. Knowing me, I’d already have something in mind to buy with the money, so then I’d decide which I want more. We are stinking cold and snowy here too. I feel like a hermit. Ugh to the snow shoveling service. We have a greenway on two sides of our house and I’ve heard them out there shoveling before 4 a.m. before. Thank you, my wrist does seem a bit stronger every day. Stay warm!

@missy nice you are getting to cycle and hike. Sweet to hitting 9K! Soon you’ll have more than I’ve got on my car. Sorry you are feeling blue today, I hope big hugs from us, Greg and the kitties will help.

@mrs-b sending you mega healing dust and hope things improve soon.

I worked over 8 hours today, but most of it was fun stuff.

I continue to do my mii exercises that take me maybe 5 minutes and do them 4 times a day. Bending my wrist up is currently not a perceptible movement. Twisting my wrist is most painful of all but shows improvement. Bending the wrist down is okay but not a great deal. Then flexing and bending my fingers isn’t bad because I was doing that all along.

The grossest thing is all the dead skin from the cast. I swear, it’s nasty and not coming off too quickly. I hate to lather up in lotion because then the splint will get all nasty. If this freaking ice world would melt, I might go buy another splint to sleep in that I could get lotion all over.

I tried to put on posts - no way in heck is that achievable yet. I keep thinking of trying to get a ring on - and more importantly off - my right hand but worry it would pull on my wrist too much. See, if I hadn’t got all my rings sized they’d nr loose and I wouldn’t have broke my wrist.

Take care.
Good morning girls! It's terrific Tuesday. The temps have dropped unfortunately but it is winter oh well. It's raining now but supposed to clear up soon and we will go hiking. We had a great day cycling yesterday and it was a good 3 day cycling run. Last night I had my Zoom call and it was nice. These are lovely warm women and if everyone was like the NIRDIs and my Zoom group this world would be a better place.

@mrs-b continued bucketloads of healing vibes and lots of love and gentle hugs

@marcy good for you doing your exercises despite them being challenging...I am so sorry and yeah the what if game never is a good one IMO. I did that plenty believe me when I broke my leg. They are just accidents with no way to go back in time. I wish. Continued healing vibes to you and hoping soon you will be able to wear your rings. Big hugs to you

@bling_dream19 hope you are having a good week

@Slickk hope all is going smoothly

@canuk-gal we might get flurries today. Might. We broke a record of no snow.. it's been 50 years since no measurable snow has been in Central Park by this date. But as I keep reminding Greg we have 2/3 of winter left lol. I am quite sure we will be getting snow this winter but hope I am wrong haha. Stay warm and safe and cozy

@springerspaniel hope work is going well and all is good

@Austina ugh sorry about your could always borrow their car if they and you were willing but also everything now can easily be delivered so that would be the simplest solution...glad the landscapers showed and hope they can accomplish all that is on the list. It is hitting freezing and below here now. Cannot wait for Spring :) Stay warm and cozy and comfy

Hi everyone else. Hope all is well. We had a good cycling day yesterday and that makes 3 cycling days in a row which is a record I think for us for January. That record ends today and it is cold and wet. Hoping to go hiking. Have a terrific Tuesday well and enjoy

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I got home yesterday and an 8" mattress, rather than a 4" mattress, makes all the difference. I can't type long because this is exhausting, but I'm very happy to be here. And thank you for all the warm wishes. Love to you all. oxo
I got home yesterday and an 8" mattress, rather than a 4" mattress, makes all the difference. I can't type long because this is exhausting, but I'm very happy to be here. And thank you for all the warm wishes. Love to you all. oxo

YAHOO!!! I am so happy you are back home.
Hello lovelies

It’s freeeeezing here! No work in the garden or anywhere else, despite finding a pile of stones for the pony wall dumped on the front garden this morning!

Great news @mrs-b you always feel better in your own bed and your own home. Sending healing vibes that you make good steady, pain free progress.

I’m sure the weather is far worse where you are @marcy, but we’re certainly getting an unexpected taste of it here! We actually had a heavy frost, strange when the temperatures were lower, we had none. Can you try and slough off the dead skin with a washcloth? Hopefully with your physio, you’ll soon get back full mobility and be able to wear your rings again.

It’s warmer in England than it is here @missy, and I expect with the wind coming off the ocean, it’s even colder where you are. I hope you’re keeping warming and safe.

Big shout out to all the lovely NIRDIs, keep safe and warm. :wavey:
GM girls! Just back from Quest and hop they did the lab work right. My endocrinologist messed up my lab tests and didn’t order 9 of them. Sigh. So I went to quest today to do them. And imagine my surprise when we left the house and it was SNOWING! @canuk-gal our record is over lol. It’s freezing and snowy. Not sticking much because the ground is still warmish from our 50 degree temps past two weeks.

@mrs-b big hugs and continuing healing vibes sweet friend.

Hi everyone else. Sorry for the quick post but I’m already behind schedule lol. Have a wonderful day.
Sending love and hugs to all of you ♥️♥️♥️


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@mrs-b I hope you start to feel better STAT! Super healing vibes across the miles!!!!!

@missy even (the most unlikely places like) Vancouver has snow!!! LOL to breaking a 50 year record. We had flurries on and off all day. Clear now but chilly -13C. Hope the lab work was done correctly.

@marcy I hope your steak cutting is once again within your grasp. No pun intended.

@Austina frost??? I am having my Rolex evaluated.

I did squat today. I'll forgive myself for being lazy as I'm sure it will be busy at work tomorrow, and I have appt's Friday and Sat.


@Austina I heard you had freezing temps. My boss is in Austin and lost power early today. I didn't send it your way, I swear. I am using both a washcloth and towel on my skin and it's getting better. The bruises and muscles are talking to me now that the cast is off. Stay safe and warm.

@missy sorry you had to have more tests. I hope they turn out well for you. Your pictures are lovely as usual. I didn't send you our snow either. We've still got plenty of it to share though.

@mrs-b I hope you are resting well at home and feeling better each day. Keeping you in my thoughts.

@Canuck-gal loved the "in your grasp", I figure things are can't do right now are just the breaks. Ha Ha. Must keep a sense of humor about things. I am glad you had a relaxing day. You deserve it.

I am not doing much different. Just hanging in there.

Take care.
Hello lovelies

Jeez, what’s with this weather? It was like a winter wonderland here today.

I saw that parts of Austin were without power today @marcy, thankfully, we have light, heat and water. It’s slippery and very nasty out, and all the plants are covered in ice. It just goes to show you how nasty your fall must’ve been if your’e still covered in bruises and sore.

I hope all the tests results come back A OK @missy, and oy to snow. Thank goodness you got there and back safely.

I hope each day is bringing you relief and improvement @mrs-b.

I’m with you on doing a big fat nothing @canuk-gal, not that we’ve got anything specific to do or anywhere to be. Sounds like you may have made a decision about your watch, and even if you change your mind, it’s good to know what it’s worth.

The only thing we did today was our first weekly pool water check. Let‘s hope we’ve got the chlorine and muriatic acid levels right :clap: It was actually relatively simple, just had to dip a testing strip in the water, then compare the results to the back of the tub.

Edging stones are supposed to be delivered tomorrow, not that it looks like they’re going to be installed anytime soon.

Stay safe and very warm lovely NIRDIs :wavey:
Had a PT home assessment with the most patronizing nincompoop on the face of the planet. Seemed to have a deep belief I was 5 years old. Put my head in my hands and cried when he'd gone - just so sick of being treated as tho my body doesn't belong to me. And the pain and exhaustion is unrelenting. The delirium has left truly horrible effects that will take months to go. Its so discouraging. Sorry this isn't more cheery but my life isn't real cheery right now. Hopefully 4 months from now I'll be in a different pace. Hoping everyone else is motoring along better than me. Love to you all.
I'm so sorry to hear you had a nincompoop.
The Lord has this, prayers outgoing.
Ask - demand a different therapist. No trust, no improvement.
Had a PT home assessment with the most patronizing nincompoop on the face of the planet. Seemed to have a deep belief I was 5 years old. Put my head in my hands and cried when he'd gone - just so sick of being treated as tho my body doesn't belong to me. And the pain and exhaustion is unrelenting. The delirium has left truly horrible effects that will take months to go. Its so discouraging. Sorry this isn't more cheery but my life isn't real cheery right now. Hopefully 4 months from now I'll be in a different pace. Hoping everyone else is motoring along better than me. Love to you all.

@mrs-b This makes me so mad. Hopefully you can get someone else next time. I wouldn’t let him back into my house. Nincompoop is too nice a word for someone who made you cry.
You WILL get better H..I know it doesn’t feel like it right now..Being cheery is overrated..Sometimes you just want to scream at the moon. You certainly earned it..I just know you will be okay. It will take time but it will happen. Big hugs..XO
Hello lovelies

I’m sorry that the nightmare continues @mrs-b and I’m sure it must be difficult focusing on how things will be in a few months. As @missy often says, one minute, one hour, one day at a time is the only way to tackle this mountain you’re facing. Take heart that we‘re all here, willing you on and wishing you pain free days and better times ahead. As for the nincompoop, I’m speechless, but not entirely surprised, having experienced it myself. If you don’t feel strong enough to say something, perhaps next time, Tim can be there to tell him to pull his horns in and start treating you as one adult to another.

Winter continue to have a vise like grip on us with no let up.

I was wrong @marcy, we did actually have some power cuts yesterday, but our powerwall kicked in so we didn’t actually notice it.

I hope you’re all having a good day and keeping safe and warm. :wavey:

@Austina here you thought you were done with winter in Texas. That’s great your power wall kicked in. My boss still doesn’t have power. Good idea for you to stay in from the storm. My muscles are mostly complaining from lack of movement but those bruises are impressive. Go big or go home.

@mrs-b big hugs to you. I am so sorry you are going through this. What a jerk - the way the PT guy treated you. Can you complain and get someone else? If you have a good doctor, he’d probably raise hell with the company who sent them. Yes, I’m hoping months from now this will only be a bad memory for you.

@MamaBee I’m with you - I can think of assorted colorful metaphors for that nincompoop.

Not much new with me. I am starting to put my hand and wrist in a heating pad before I do my mini exercises. It kind of helps. I think I bent my wrist up about 1.5 degrees today. Ha Ha.

I worked most of the day. I’ve been wearing some 8mm gold ball studs earrings everyday (without the backs of course) so my earring holes don’t close up. They must stay in okay because I apparently slept with them in, showered with them and they didn’t come out. I won’t try that with any diamond studs.

Take care.
Ladies, I'm so sorry, but I need a break and some space to give my head a rest. I posted this on the Mrs B are you OK? thread, and wanted to put it here too.

I love you all and will think of you often.


I've been home now for two days and it's been a pretty rough ride. My body is so wounded and I am pretty deeply into what I expect to be PTSD. The surgery was much worse than either I or my surgeon anticipated, and I suffered heavy delirium for 3 days. In an attempt to bring me back to myself and minimize the damage the delirium was doing to my brain, my doctors cut my pain meds, at which point I screamed in pain for another 3 days. I had certain experiences there I felt violated both my body and my privacy and I've been left with an ongoing anxiety disorder that I expect to continue for some months.

To that end, I've decided to have a break from PS for a few months, and come back healthier and stronger when I feel up to it. I'm simply too exhausted to have anything to offer this wonderful community, but I wish each and every one of you joy and blessings and all things sparkly.

With much love always,

Ladies, I'm so sorry, but I need a break and some space to give my head a rest. I posted this on the Mrs B are you OK? thread, and wanted to put it here too.

I love you all and will think of you often.


I've been home now for two days and it's been a pretty rough ride. My body is so wounded and I am pretty deeply into what I expect to be PTSD. The surgery was much worse than either I or my surgeon anticipated, and I suffered heavy delirium for 3 days. In an attempt to bring me back to myself and minimize the damage the delirium was doing to my brain, my doctors cut my pain meds, at which point I screamed in pain for another 3 days. I had certain experiences there I felt violated both my body and my privacy and I've been left with an ongoing anxiety disorder that I expect to continue for some months.

To that end, I've decided to have a break from PS for a few months, and come back healthier and stronger when I feel up to it. I'm simply too exhausted to have anything to offer this wonderful community, but I wish each and every one of you joy and blessings and all things sparkly.

With much love always,


@mrs-b I’m so sorry…I will miss you being here terribly..but I understand. ❤️
Ladies, I'm so sorry, but I need a break and some space to give my head a rest. I posted this on the Mrs B are you OK? thread, and wanted to put it here too.

I love you all and will think of you often.


I've been home now for two days and it's been a pretty rough ride. My body is so wounded and I am pretty deeply into what I expect to be PTSD. The surgery was much worse than either I or my surgeon anticipated, and I suffered heavy delirium for 3 days. In an attempt to bring me back to myself and minimize the damage the delirium was doing to my brain, my doctors cut my pain meds, at which point I screamed in pain for another 3 days. I had certain experiences there I felt violated both my body and my privacy and I've been left with an ongoing anxiety disorder that I expect to continue for some months.

To that end, I've decided to have a break from PS for a few months, and come back healthier and stronger when I feel up to it. I'm simply too exhausted to have anything to offer this wonderful community, but I wish each and every one of you joy and blessings and all things sparkly.

With much love always,


I’m so sorry @mrs-b I hate to hear you are going through this. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and sending mega dust your way.

((((((HUGS)))))) to @mrs-b praying with time things will improve and a break from online is a good idea. We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Sorry I missed being on PS yesterday..that view is from our bedroom window and also living room, study and exercise room. One day you will see it in person. In the meantime big bucketloads of healing vibes. I am so sorry this is such a rough time for you. ((((HUGS))))

Hi girls. Happy FriYAY! Super windy here...I am off for two ultrasounds this morning so I apologize for no time to make in an depth post. But you are all in my thoughts and I hope you are having a good week. I had my gastro appointment yesterday and then we went hiking (past few days were good hiking days) and saw so many deer all over. And seals too. I'll share a few quick pics and then I am off. Have a wonderful day and big hugs!

It was a very strenuous hike yesterday but so worth it to get to this deserted beach
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Magnificent Buck
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@MamaBee where is the doe? :)
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Have a marvelous friYAY dear girls. @springerspaniel @marcy @Austina @bling_dream19 @Slickk @canuk-gal @rainwood @MamaBee and everyone else. ((((((HUGS)))))))

Good lord!!! :kiss2: :kiss2:


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@mrs-b please get better soon! Take all the time you need.

Stunning weather day! Goes from -17 to +10 in 12 hours. LOL.

Work was decent. Had an emotionally exhausting day--speaking to a counsellor over my grief that lingers.....

@missy those pictures are adorable! Have not seen much deer in the past 12 months---but I see their tracks. Bobcat spotted on the doorbell camera. Cutie! My colleague has moose in her neighborhood.

Have a great and safe weekend NIRDI's!

GM girls and happy Caturday Saturday!!! And happy belated Groundhog's Day. It's one of our favorite holidays but I wish they would leave the poor Groundhog alone! I mean they are adorable precious rodents and not meteorologists. Though I have to agree given the meteorologists track record the groundhog does as good if not better a job. But please why can't our politicians just leave them alone!

First, I am sharing photos from our backyard taken just a little while ago... thank you to my Greg for going outside and taking them in this arctic temperature and wind

Ice on our beach and ice in the uncommon event

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My dh is now treating his frostbite (LOL JK)
He took a video too and when I remember how to download/upload and share I will

@mrs-b bucketloads of healing vibes continuing your way. We took these for you in the hopes it brightens the moment XOXO

@canuk-gal you and @marcy sent your weather our way...please take it back haha pretty please
Wow to moose in the neighborhood...I am jealous. I would love to see moose!

Worried about the feral cats but Greg did all he could and added more straw for them inside the shelters we have. We think they may be using them now. Praying they remain safe in these dangerously cold temps. School was canceled yesterday around here due to the dangerous cold temps. Poor kitties :(

@marcy how's Wyoming weather treating you? How is your wrist doing? More healing vibes being sent your way and hugs. Stay warm, cozy and safe and mucho healing wishes

@Slickk yay it's the weekend...stay warm, stay cozy and enjoy XOXO

@bling_dream19 how's your weather at the moment? Too cold for me here. Brrrr. Hope all is going and hugs t you

@Austina well our cold weather is officially here. Hope yours is not freezing. Tomorrow it might warm up to the 40s so I am hoping that happens. Big hugs and lots of love

@springerspaniel any weekend plans? I hope you are staying warm and comfortable. I cannot believe we are in February! XOXO

Hi everyone else. Hope y'all staying warm and enjoying a lovely weekend.
Sending warm love and big hugs to each and everyone of my dear friends here

@missy your winter wonderland is far more beautiful than ours. I can see a single path of pavement down our street through. Mayne for the first time since December. Wyoming weather can be summed up in three words, snow, cold and wind. It’s sunny today but very windy. At least it’s above freezing. My wrist is improving but a bit more sore from activity. Thanks for asking.

@canuk-gal did you order those gorgeous earrings? Sorry you had an emotionally exhausting day, I hope the visit with the counselor gives you some piece. Big hugs to you!

Not much new with me today. We went out for breakfast, such excitement since I’ve bee housebound other than the doctor. I did get my hair cut yesterday but Marty dropped me over since parking lots are so icy.

I just rounded up all of our tax documents so hope Marty can just drop them off for us this week.

I feel like I’ve turned another corner on maneuverability though. I still can’t hold a bar of soap in my left hand, but I can pull up or pull on clothes. Woo hoo! I put on real pants and a sweater today. I’ve been wearing stretchy lounge pants or sweatpants. I even zipped my down coat yesterday - twice. My fleece jacket this morning remained uncooperative though.

I get another x-ray Wednesday. Hope it is continuing to look good.

Take care.

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@missy looks beautiful but chilly! It was +7C today and bright sunshine. Slush fest. The moose ARE cute!!!! Keep warm!!!!!!!

@marcy glad you are getting more ROM.

@Austina still icy in your neck of the woods?

Made meatballs and sauce. I had a bag of ripe organic tomatoes and threw in some kale pesto. Tasty!

Got two evaluations regarding my watch. Thinking.....
