
Now I really did it :((


@missy what kind of eyewear to use when you cycle? And Greg? My DS needs something new. Suggestions? (I can't wear anything as I have post herpetic neuralgia on the left side of my I have no suggestions for him...)


@missy what kind of eyewear to use when you cycle? And Greg? My DS needs something new. Suggestions? (I can't wear anything as I have post herpetic neuralgia on the left side of my I have no suggestions for him...)


My dh wears Pyramex Safety Accurist Safety glasses.

He says they are super comfortable (for his head). The optics are excellent. Field of vision is wide. They are great on windy days because they hug the face and have cushioning on the inside.

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I just wear my RX sunglasses because I am very near sighted and cannot see anything without my RX.
Good morning girls! Happy terrific Thursday and happy June!

@Austina, Blanche is just beautiful. May you use your new Lexus in good health and may it provide reliable and safe service. As you know we love ours which is very similar in appearance and so reliable

@marcy hope your birthday week is going well

@canuk-gal cycle on and enjoy

@bling_dream19 hope you're having a great week

@Slickk hope all is going smoothly...some hot weather is coming our way for the next two days but I think it will probably be cooler by you and by us at the shore

@mrs-b hope your week is going well and everyone is doing well

Hi everyone else. We cycled yesterday and it was terrific. Today more of the same. Hope y'all have a great day

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We have to get the one in Maryland ready for sale. We have to keep it until we can move in so we can transfer some of the furniture. We will keep the house in Pa as long as my mom is with us. We can bring her here for visits once a month after we move to Va.

Hi @MamaBee Where is “here”? What state?
Happy Thursday lovelies

Yay to lovely cycling weather, ice cream and furry friends @missy. It’s also lovely here, perfect pool weather.

Hope you’re continuing to heal @mrs-b, and Tim and the woofers are all doing well.

Don’t work too hard @marcy, relax and enjoy your beautiful new bling.

I’m sure you’re mad busy @MamaBee, this moving lark is not for the faint hearted. Hope it’s all going well and you’re not getting too stressed.

Have you made any decisions about work @canuk-gal?

Yesterday the pool temp reached 92 degs - it was soooo warm, today it was ‘only’ 90 :lol: We had the maintenance visit to check all the plumbing today, everything A OK (as it should be)

Relaxed in the pool this afternoon, and then enjoyed the warm weather with a good book.

I can’t believe we’re already in to June, we’ve officially owned our house for a whole year now, it’s gone to quickly.

How is it Friday again tomorrow?

Good morning girls! Happy FriYAY!

@Austina haha your pool temp is similar to my parents pool temp. I can only take those temps for about 15 minutes lol. I am glad you are enjoying the pool and the beautiful weather. I am loving the gorgeous weather here but sadly I think rain is coming tomorrow plus a huge cool down. From 70s/80s to 50s. Brrrrrrrrrr But one last cycling day before that happens. And we had 14 days or something like that of beautiful weather in a row. Cannot complain

@Slickk woohoo, tomorrow's the weekend. Hope your friYAY goes well and you have a great weekend

@bling_dream19 happy FriYAY

Hi everyone else. Cycling was wonderful yesterday and Jimmy got a new car and celebrated by giving us ice cream on the house. Always a nice surprise. Today more cycling but then I think cooler wetter weather prevails for the weekend. I hope you all enjoy a beautiful friYAY. Filled with sweetness and yay

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I wanted to fill you in on what's going on in our household at the moment. Tim went and saw the pulmonologist on Wednesday and apparently the lumps / growths in his lungs *have* grown and the dr was rather taken aback by how many there were, and the fact that Tim has no symptoms. He needs to have a lung biopsy and a PET scan, and he also needs to get some scans on his heart as there have been some odd changes there as well, which suggest granuloma in his heart. Then we'll reconvene and go from there.

There are lots of indicators on how this is progressing - and most of these seem bad. I am completely freaked out and trying to stay calm while, in actuality, internally unravelling.

On Sunday we're starting 20/4 intermittent fasting and I'm cutting all carbs from Tim's diet. We're also working VERY hard to increase his sleep. He continues with Humira, which really *should* have resolved his sarcoidosis, if that is indeed what it is. The fact that it hasn't apparently suggests that the sarcoid. has morphed into something more sinister. This is as per the pulmonologist.

Tomorrow evening we're going out to Boston's most expensive restaurant, will eat anything we want, and get hammered. We've earned it. I think I mentioned the problem with our living room bay window? It was meant to be $2k max to completely strip it back and repaint it. Instead, out of sheer laziness, the 'painters' (and I use that term loosely) just tried to throw on SO much paint that it hid the peeling paint (didn't work). They used filler that was incompatible with gloss paint and now, as a result, the only way they can both (door and window) be fixed is to be replaced. But that window is no longer made - so - we have to go custom.

So, instead of it costing me $2k, we're now talking about TWENTY THOUSAND.

So - yeah. Tomorrow will be our attempt at drowning our sorrows. I swear, I'm going to sell and rent.

I hope all the rest of you are doing better than me. @missy, I have to admit I'm THRILLED that the weather will be cold for our dinner - I want to wear my new Jenni Kayne sweater! But I hope it all clears and is back to perfect form for you and Greg to cycle on Monday.

Love to you all. <3
Good morning lovely ladies and happy Caturday Saturday

Dear @mrs-b I am so sorry for this latest update and hope whatever Tim has it ends up being very treatable and manageable and may he live a long and happy life with you. The doctors get it wrong sometimes as we all know and I am keeping you and Tim in my thoughts and prayers. Enjoy tonight. You both deserve to have a fantastic time. Good food, good drink and the best company. XOXO

@Slickk have a wonderful weekend. Weather doesn't look as bad as I initially thought. Cool and windy but looks like no real rain. I think we need the rain but in any case enjoy your weekend activities

@bling_dream19 happy Caturday Saturday

@canuk-gal hope whatever decision you made/make about work you are happy and at peace with and that you enjoy a lovely weekend free of stress and filled with fun

@MamaBee hope life isn't too hectic for you at the moment. Keep reminding yourself it is happy stress

@Austina I hope it is pool weather by you this weekend and you and Colin enjoy and are loving your new car

@rainwood I will overnight Oliver to you. No signature necessary :lol:

Hi everyone else. The week has flown by in a whirlwind. We went cycling again yesterday, and enjoyed ice cream and human friends and furry babies again. I love when the days are like this and I am one who enjoys predictability. I know life isn't predictable but when it is and when it is peaceful I am at my happiest. Today we haven't decided yet if we want to go cycling. It can be a cycling day albeit windy and chilly but I do have lots of things I have been postponing that I wouldn't mind taking care of...especially since we have been riding daily for almost two weeks in a row. But we shall see how the morning develops. Have a great weekend whatever you do. Enjoy, be safe and have fun. XOXO

At the beginning of the ride we saw two of our wonderful neighbor friends and chatted for half an hour while playing with their pups. You know M and J and they are hysterical together. Screen Shot 2023-06-03 at 5.29.25 AM.png

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With J's mommy...she is such a wonderful person. We adore her and J too. And M is a hoot. He jumps on everyone but he is so lightweight (he is all hair) his weight feels like a feather

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And then our sweet treat near the middle of the ride... I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream :lickout:

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Lastly, Cleopatra. I am in love with her. She is not a feral cat and she is not a stray. But her owners (no clue who they are as she doesn't live in our neighborhood) let her roam free. Which concerns me but I cannot do anything about it. Yesterday on our way home we stopped when we saw her (about 5 miles from home) and I got off the bike. Usually she walks away but she came out from under the car where she was resting and walked over to me and let me rub her belly! LOL I was swooning. She is so beautiful too. And very sassy. Anyway here she. In all her sassy delight

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On that note, enjoy a wonderful Caturday Saturday all
Hello lovelies

I’m so sorry to hear the news @mrs-b, you must be worried sick. I hope that after the scans and biopsies, they’ll be a way forward from this that’ll ease your minds. Enjoy your night out tonight, eat, drink, be merry, for tomorrow is another day, and you deserve the distraction. Jeez Louise, is there anyway to make the incompetent painters be accountable for their costly mistake? It’s outrageous they’ve caused this much damage.

Yes, it’s been the perfect cycling weather for you, and the perfect pool weather for us @missy. How fun to spend time with the furries on your rides, and of course their owners. Yum to ice cream, we try and limit our intake to a small scoop every other day, but then we’re not riding miles and miles to burn it off. I hope the weather continues to be good so you can enjoy the weekend.

We had to do our shopping yesterday because of the other appts this week, I made sure I parked Blanche well away from any other cars :lol:

Wishing all the lovely NIRDIs a great weekend, relax and enjoy.

Hello lovelies

I’m so sorry to hear the news @mrs-b, you must be worried sick. I hope that after the scans and biopsies, they’ll be a way forward from this that’ll ease your minds. Enjoy your night out tonight, eat, drink, be merry, for tomorrow is another day, and you deserve the distraction. Jeez Louise, is there anyway to make the incompetent painters be accountable for their costly mistake? It’s outrageous they’ve caused this much damage.

Yes, it’s been the perfect cycling weather for you, and the perfect pool weather for us @missy. How fun to spend time with the furries on your rides, and of course their owners. Yum to ice cream, we try and limit our intake to a small scoop every other day, but then we’re not riding miles and miles to burn it off. I hope the weather continues to be good so you can enjoy the weekend.

We had to do our shopping yesterday because of the other appts this week, I made sure I parked Blanche well away from any other cars :lol:

Wishing all the lovely NIRDIs a great weekend, relax and enjoy.


Thanks, @Austina - yes, it's the most unbelievably stressful time. We went out to our diner the other day and when my food came (nothing heavy - just a plain salad), I just sat and looked at it and in the end said - "Nope. Can't eat." It's the sort of stress that turns your stomach into a hard knot of "Nope.", when it comes to food. Also, the nodules in Tim's lungs are all 'ground glass' in appearance, which is the presentation that correlates most strongly with cancer. This whole thing just sucks.

But - "Blanche"?? I must have missed that! It's PERFECT! I love it! I hope she's giving you all the enjoyment that your Kia...didn't.

Contractor in charge of the painters coming in less than an hour. *Not* looking forward to this particular conversation!

ETA. So this is my new sweater that I'll be wearing to dinner. It's a waaaaaay more casual look than I would normally wear, but I'll be dressing it up with heels and jewelry and wide leg trousers, etc, and given that it will be 50 degrees or below when we go, I figured something cuddly would be nice. And - honestly? I just want to be comfortable. The dress code at Menton is SO FAR down the list as the least of my worries at this point, I just DGAF.

Pretty, tho, right? You don't often see this color in knits.

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NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@mrs-b I hope you really enjoy your much deserved dinner out. I hope there is some good medical news in your DH future. What stressful times for you both.

@Austina nice to lounge around the pool! I hope you can make some headway on the topic that cannot be mentioned!

@missy that black cat is VERY cute!!!!!!! My DS sent me a pic of some cute furball cooling off under a car; but that makes me nervous. We cycled today--to a new restaurant for lunch. Italian and very yummy. The white tree fluff was really awful--looked like snow and a white out in places...... Some fella said he liked my bike!!!

@marcy I hope you still continue to enjoy your earrings.

I have not made any decisions about work....but talked to my colleague about my feelings of packing it in...and she encouraged me to take a step back and not make any rash decisions bc I am stressed. It was very busy and chaotic this week , no wonder all I could think about was leaving for good. My DH tells me to stay home, but that is not his decision to make. Anyway.

Visited a favorite neighbourhood shop to find two pair of shorts--70% off! Start the car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Mrs. b, I am so sorry. Re window, either whole thing gets stripped down to bare wood then sealed over with an oiled based sealer or primer which the painters can and should do, or it gets replaced. Re hubby, saying prayers for good news. Re your well being, you are so strong And kind, so good karma must be coming your way. Love the new top, it sounds so soft and I love the style. I did the 20/4 fast and after a while it was routine. I ate between 6pm and 10 pm. Trying to get on it again but my gir are home from college and too many things going on…Hope the drinks and dinner were wonderful! Love a splurge night!
Good morning lovely ladies! Happy Sunday!

@canuk-gal that is good advice. No rash decisions and no rush. Take your time. I hope you are enjoying a terrific weekend. And of course he liked your beautiful bike. He has good taste. It makes me nervous too when we see kitties under the cars. Hopefully Cleopatra is very street smart and she won't get into trouble but yes I worry

@Austina yes if we didn't ride 50 miles each outing I wouldn't be having ice cream at each cycling outing. I love it of course but it would be much less a good idea if we weren't cycling many miles after enjoying it. The good news is we love cycling as much (maybe more lol) ice cream. Yes keep Blanche safe :)

@mrs-b I hope you and Tim had a most perfect dinner out last night. That is a very pretty sweater and I know you looked lovely wearing it...Am keeping you and Tim (and Ballin) in my thoughts

@bling_dream19 hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend

@Slickk hope all is going well and the family is doing well. Thinking of you and I know you are very much looking forward to summer

@marcy hope you had a terrific birthday week

Hi everyone else. We did go cycling yesterday despite the high winds. I mean 25-30 mph wind gusts and sustained 20 mph winds. We had a workout lol. And I did run some errands afterwards as the last two weeks of gorgeous weather has prevented me from running necessary errands lol. Unfortunately the coming week looks rainy almost daily so we will be paying for all the good weather. However, today, we get to go cycling again woohoo. Cool temps and bit less windy than yesterday so yay. I hope you all enjoy a super Sunday. Be well.

Not my photo but breathtaking isn't it? This is our favorite beach...complete with NYC skyline

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@canuk-gal, @missy, @Austina and @lambskin -

Thank you so much for your kind thoughts re Tim. We had a lovely time last night and are, of course, paying for it today! Worth every bit of discomfort!

Eleanor came home last night, which is lovely. We've been watching movies today, which is a bunch of fun.

And here's a photo of my boy last night, enjoying one of the most delicious shiraz I've ever tasted. And I'm Australian, and we know our shiraz!


By Saturday I worked about 40 hours for June already. This podcast stuff is time consuming! Thank you all for the kind words about my earrings. I am still wearing them every day.

@missy sorry your stomach bothers you so much. I know you have mentioned you have trouble gaining or maintaining weight - I have the opposite problem. I’m with you, a good party or reception involves a lot of good food. I’d rather have too much food than not enough. I am so glad Greg’s appointment went well and yes, it is gorgeous where you are; I so enjoy your pictures. Glad to hear your weather has been so nice. Cleopatra knows a cat lover when she sees one. I saw a video this weekend of a dog drying to get by a cat at the top of the stairs. The cat one. No surprise there.

@Austina every time I see a Kia, I think of you. I totally get stopping somewhere to get some food after only getting snacks for a meal. I’d rather just have cake, nuts and mints then instead of having a reception at a meal time and only get nibbles. I know it’s pricey for a full blown meal for people, so I get it. Your car looks fabulous - we are twins. Wow, it doesn’t seem possible you’ve been in your house for a year. That’s awesome! 90 degree water sounds toasty warm to me, but of course, I am always cold.

@canuk-gal have the fires been wrangled in? We’ve had a lot of rain and hope your area has as well. I’ve even run the furnace for several days since it’s so chilly. I was going to ask where you were on deciding to retire. I toyed with it off and on for years and finally I just knew it was the right time. Don’t know if that helps, but I finally had enough stress and decided nope, I don’t have to deal with this so I’m retiring. Good luck with your decision, whenever you decide to make it.

@mrs-b I hate to hear about Tim’s news from the doctor. Hoping they get some answers and a treatment plan. Keeping both of you in my thoughts. Those custom windows are costly. We had a weird shape window at our old house and getting vertical blinds made for them were more pricey than the drapes for the rest of the house. You totally deserve to go out for a lovely dinner including alcohol, glad you had a lovely time. Nice that Eleanor is there. That sweater looks comfy and cozy. I just ordered some new sweaters since I’m finding my summer clothes are too big.

Marty was camping this weekend. So, I was bored out of my mind yesterday after I quit working. I watched most of the eight episodes of 1923, went out to eat at Olive Garden and ate too much. I did start the day at Lowe's picking up flowers for our flower pots. It was raining when I got home, so put them on the floor of the garage and decided to plant them today. This morning, I ate breakfast then went out and started planting flowers. I was almost done when Marty pulled up in the trailer.

This afternoon we got the trailer cleaned out and returned it to our RV park at our friend's house. Then we ate at Outback, there wasn't a hostess in sight when we went in and I didn't think it mattered if you just sit in the bar. Apparently not, since the bar tender ignored us and finally about 15 minutes later the hostess asked if we'd been helped yet. Good thing we weren't in a hurry.

Marty spent hours on the phone tonight with his mom. She bought a new iPad and all of her email is hosed up. She has no idea what she did or how to set things up. Funny thing, she is always losing files. I told my SIL - I at least know HOW I deleted all my files.

Take care.
Good morning girls! Happy (how did it get here so fast) marvelous Monday!

@mrs-b I love that photo and I am so glad you had a terrific time. And yay for Eleanor visiting. That is wonderful. Sending you big hugs and lots of love and as always keeping you and your dear Tim and Ballin in my thoughts

@marcy thank you for your kind comments. My stomach is OK. I feel fine. For the most part. And I am not having any trouble keeping my weight up haha. I am laughing just because gaining and maintaining is not a problem for me and I do not fit the EPI mold. I am, as usual, a medical mystery. Sorry the Outback experience was less than prompt but glad you enjoyed a good meal out and were not in a hurry. It was very nice of Marty to help his mom. I am clueless with technology and I understand her frustration with it. I feel like I have a natural aura that repels technology. I mean everything I touch (computers, phones, iPads) go haywire lol. Glad your weekend went well and involved the Olive Garden and Outback. Two restaurants I have never visited but have heard lots about

@Austina Lexus has a new all electric car...I had no clue til I inadvertently saw a commercial last night. Wow. It looks very pretty. Too bad we will eventually be in an electricity shortage...I would think twice personally about getting an all electric car. Hybrid maybe...but anyway hopefully neither of us will need a new car anytime soon. Your new Lexus is beautiful and hopefully will last a long time

@bling_dream19 happy Monday..hope your week is a good one

@Slickk the weeks are moving fast and soon it will be summer...have a lovely week

@rainwood wow I don't think I told you new challenges are happening. Since the Covid emergency is now over no MD/NP/healthcare professional can do telehealth in a state they are not licensed. And of course both Greg and I have had specialists from all over the country during the pandemic who were very helpful. This is a travesty IMO and I am quite upset and angry too about this. One of our best doctors we can no longer see despite the fact we were paying cash to see him anyway since he doesn't accept our insurance. Sorry for venting but I am pissed

Hi everyone else. Hope you enjoyed a wonderful weekend. We had such a really good day yesterday. Got to cycle and the weather was GORGEOUS. And we just happened to be in the right spot at the right time for the Asbury Park Pride parade. It was fantastic and we were eating ice cream with front row seats to the parade. All unintentional and so much fun

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We finished our ice cream and headed out but the parade was still going strong. I am good for 15 minutes of watching a parade and then I am done lol.

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Have a marvelous Monday girls. XOXO
Hello lovelies

I’m so glad you enjoyed your night out @mrs-b and had the added bonus of seeing Eleanor too. I know it’s easier said than done, but please try and NOT think the worst, until you know for sure. Admittedly, I know nothing about the condition, just hoping that there could be other explanations. As always, you’re both in my thoughts, and positive thoughts are winging your way.

Always a good day when you get what you want for 70% off @canuk-gal :mrgreen: Now the lawyer’s involved, I feel less stressed about the situation, let them sort it out. They’re very motivated because it’s a no win, no fee deal. I’m sure you’ll make the right decision about work, when you know, you know.

Wow, we’re barely in to June and you’ve worked so much already @marcy. Glad you’re enjoying your new earrings, I think they’re the perfect size for everyday wear, I bet they’re sparkle bombs. I definitely think the roses we bought at Lowes are better than the ones we got from Home Depot, so hopefully your plants will do really well.

Glad you were able to may hay while the sun shined @missy, but boo to rain heading your way. We seem to have had a lot more this year than last year, but it’s worked out well with the new grass and plants, so we’re not complaining. Looks like quite a turn out at the parade, and what a bonus to be able to sit and enjoy the fun whilst eating ice cream.

So, despite saying we’d finished planting for this year, we bought some more Vitex on Friday. I put one in last year, and it’s done so well, surviving the heat, drought and then the ice that we decided to get some more for the back along the side fence. We went out on Saturday, not for anything in particular, just to get out of the house and walk about. Sunday morning we planted the Vitex, then had a reallllllly lazy day. Did absolutely nothing but lounge about and eat.

Popped out this morning for plant food and a couple more Vitex, stopped and tried a new Indian restaurant that just opened up here, and spent the afternoon in the pool. Food was pretty good, and we’d definitely go again. They have a limited menu ATM to test the waters, but what we had was good.

Colin’s tractor mower may or may not be coming tomorrow, so we’ll just have to wait and see, but you can bet your boots, if it does, he’ll be out there playing with it :lol:

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are having a good start to the week

@canuk-gal, @missy, @Austina and @lambskin -

Thank you so much for your kind thoughts re Tim. We had a lovely time last night and are, of course, paying for it today! Worth every bit of discomfort!

Eleanor came home last night, which is lovely. We've been watching movies today, which is a bunch of fun.

And here's a photo of my boy last night, enjoying one of the most delicious shiraz I've ever tasted. And I'm Australian, and we know our shiraz!


Please tell us of the Shiraz...and what you ate! I think I like these food narratives more than jewellery!
@Austina I had to google vitex. Sounds like an Rx!

@missy glad you got to go for another ride. I picked up a new flavor of ice cream today. I think it's called moose tracks. It has vanilla ice cream, peanut butter cups and chocolate chunks. I blame you for my ice cream habit. :lol: You're a medical miracle, not mystery. All these things show up and you are like the energizer bunny, you ust keep on going. Good for you. I told my boss today that I'm determined and stubborn which is probably a good combination.

@Austina that's good you've got lawyers handing the raw deal you got from Kia. Just enjoy your lovely new car and let them sort it out. My dad's attorney said often places like that will just settle to get it out of the way. I hope so. It's been unreal what they put you guys through. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend and are continuing to perfect your landscaping. Sweet. Marty would have enjoyed the Indian food restaurant. It's one of his favorites. I'm sure Colin will have fun with his new mower. Those diamonds are quite sparkly. I'm considering cutting my hair shorter just so I can see them. Probably not, but I think about it.

@canuk-gal Shiraz sounds good. I've been on a Pino noir kick lately. My favorite is La Crema.

I could have used some wine earlier today. I had a bit of a meltdown this afternoon. The boss (as I think I mentioned before) is obsessed with these videos and using some online platform to make them. It generates AI videos based on your script. Even thought I've got 80% of this video ready to go in Powerpoint, she insisted I got try the program. I get stressed easily when I don't feel like I know what I'm doing. I'm trying to get other work done and she's texting me like crazy, do this, do that . . . I could feel my BP spiking and I'm thinking stress is exactly why I quit my last job. Then, she gets in there and starts changing out things on the file I'm working on. All of a sudden half my stuff is gone. We both log off and I go back in and it's fine. So she asks me if I'm having fun or cussing her out. I immediately responded both. She apologized. After I played with the app I can see why she thinks it's great. It does look professional but will loose that personal touch. She is going to "edit" what I did in the morning, then I'm going to learn how to do voice overs and record the audio, then figure out how to add the ending and hopefully export it for YouTube. I again worked 9 hours today and barely got anything done.

It was chilly hear today so I didn't go pick off flowers, but will try to do that tomorrow. My mom who had a green thumb, always dead-headed all her plants when she first planted them.

Off to paint my nails and watch some TV.
Take care.
Here's my favorite picture that Marty took this weekend. This antelope looked like it has a Mohawk.

Good morning lovely ladies. Happy Tuesday

@marcy you had me at moose tracks. I love that flavor and before I had to go dairy and gluten free I would enjoy moose tracks very much. LOL guilty and sorry. What a gorgeous photo of an antelope. Nice work Marty. Haha medical miracle. OK I will think of it as that now as I like that better than medical mystery...thank you. Haha. As for determined and stubborn you go girl. That is a winning combo I agree

@Austina Greg is finished planting i believe. I love that he loves gardening and I love all the beauty around us. Sounds like perfect way to spend the days. Eating out and relaxing in the pool. Sweet. Hope Colin's tractor arrives today

@Slickk hope your week is going well

@bling_dream19 hope to hear a good update soon

@mrs-b thinking of you

Hi everyone else. We had a good day yesterday. Cycling, ice cream, and furry and human friends. All very sweet and as usual the day flew by. I hope we are cycling today despite rain threat and later I have my regular zoom call with my girlfriends. Wishing you all a terrific Tuesday. XOXO

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This quote resonates with me so sharing it here as I know it applies to the NIRDIs

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And the famous quote "When going through hell keep going"
Good morning lovely ladies! Happy wonderful Wednesday!
We enjoyed a wonderful cycling day yesterday and then I had a super zoom call with my girlfriends. Today more cycling.

@Slickk hope your week is going well and happy hump day

@bling_dream19 thinking of you and hoping for a happy update soon

@canuk-gal thinking of you and all the wildfires in Canada. The smoke is here and wow I can only imagine how bad it is by you :( Praying for everyone's safety and that it is under control soon

Hey everyone else. Have a wonderful Wednesday. XOXO

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Hello lovelies

:lol: Love the photo of the antelope with his mohawk, what a great shot, really looks like he’s got a spring in his step. Sorry you had a challenging day work wise, your boss sounds rather intense! I’m sure your plants will be ok, I don’t deadhead mine every day, just when I get around to it.

Yikes @canuk-gal, I hope you’re not directed affected by the fires, and of course, hope all your countrymen & women will be safe. :lol: I think Vitex sounds like a skin condition.

Glad you enjoyed a great day yesterday @missy, and hope it was more of the same today. Wow to the colour of the sky in your photo, it really is spectacular.

Sending positive thoughts your way @mrs-b. How’s your back now?

Colin’s tractor arrived yesterday, minus something it needed, but they came first thing and finished setting it up, then he was off and out on it:mrgreen: . It certainly made short work of the grass and is going to save him a lot of time and hard work.

We’ve been enjoying the pool, it’s unbelievable that unheated, the water is 90 degs.

This week is whizzing by! :wavey:

NIRDI shout out!!!!

@missy the smoke your way is from the wildfires in Quebec. Very awful!!! I live across the country and our fire situation has improved. Fingers crossed it stays in control.....

Very hot today--I worked a half day. Hopefully tomorrow isn't run off my feet busy.


@missy I enjoyed the moose tracks. We’ve been eating bunny tracks lately too. Marty likes texture in his ice cream. I still like plain vanilla. Definitely stick with being a medical miracle. I must be too, I told an old friend last night I’m healthier than I ought to be and probably the most healthy I’ve ever been. Glad you had a lovely day cycling. Is the smoke bad where you are? Pictures from the NYC area are unreal.

@Austina my flowers are looking good except one flower pot and it always looks bad. I don’t know why. Half of the plants are dying already. Maybe we should replace all the soil in it. That’s why I like the antelope picture, it looks like he’s ready to take off. He might know where the moose is hiding too. Ha Ha. Today I guess I was the video expert, everyone was asking me questions how to use it. It has some limitations but works pretty well. Wow, that’s service getting the mower fixed right away. Sounds like Colin will enjoy it; especially making mowing the lawn so much easier.

@canuk-gal glad the smoke isn’t bad by you. I updated an article today on what makes the sun and moon red and found quite a few pictures of the smoke in the northeast; it’s unreal. Hoping all the fires get under control soon.

I worked through lunch so I could sneak off to the park this afternoon. I got a new lens for Christmas that hasn’t gone any farther than my deck. Yay. I am quite happy with the results. The local botanic gardens was rather disappointing though, there wasn’t hardly a flower planted yet and the inside was closed already. It used to be run by two local guys who really cared about it and it showed. Now it’s city run and sadly it shows.

I deadlifted 100 pounds - 15 times today! Yippee!!!! Rows and presses aren’t coming along as fast, but they are still progressing.

Take care.

My favorite picture from today.
Good morning girls! Happy terrific Thursday!

@canuk-gal I am glad the fires are dissipating where you are. The smoke here from the Canadian wildfires is incredible. I mean the air is thick and reached the worst air quality we have ever experienced. Stay safe and hope you enjoy a lovely and not too hectic day at work

@marcy yummmmmm moose tracks. I have not heard of bunny tracks but am sure it is delish too. Yup we are both medical miracles haha. The smoke here is bad. We foolishly went cycling yesterday because in the morning it was not bad at all. And you know I have to get out and cycle if we can but with my compromised lungs probably not the best action I ever took. Wow, beautiful photo with your new lens. Looks like a painting...sweet.

@Slickk I hope the air is better by you. It is very thick and eery here. It felt like an apocalyptic world yesterday as we were cycling home. It was an orange glow everywhere and the sun was bright orange. It just was eery, weird and the best way I can describe it is apocalyptic. Reminded me of the movies where everyone is running and the fog gets them and well you know. LOL and OMG

@bling_dream19 hope your week is going well and tomorrow is already friYAY. Going super fast.

@mrs-b thinking of you sweet friend and hoping you get a good update about Tim soon

@rainwood TY for all the info from your hard earned experience. I will let you know when they arrive. And will be prepared for the next time. Thanks to you :kiss2:

Hi everyone else. Hope you are all enjoying a lovely week. Leaving you with a few photos from yesterday. Be safe and be well and enjoy.

None of these photos had any alterations or editing. This is the color it was yesterday and probably today too

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I am concerned about all the animals outside. Will they be OK with this horrible air quality and we are on day 3 right now and it is expected to be bad at least til (and maybe past) the weekend. The feral cats, the deer, the foxes, the birds, etc I am so worried. Their little bodies probably can't handle this awful air pollution :( Praying they all stay safe
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Decided we are NOT cycling today. Greg is disappointed. But I reviewed the air quality issues and it’s too risky. I’m alpha one trypsin deficient so I’m especially vulnerable and I was very foolish to go cycling yesterday. I know my dear friend @rainwood will be proud I’m being sensible. And I want to thank her for all her help regarding this issue

Please everyone affected be smart and stay safe. XOXO ♥️