
Now I really did it :((


NIRDI shout out!!!

Work was busy this week--and I am glad the conference I was scheduled for today was cancelled. I don't sleep well, so I'm always tired. And I didn't go to acqua-size either. Tired and lazy! Nothing planned for this weekend. Got some bad news--our property taxes went up 65%. Yes, that is not a mistake--you read it right. I have an appt with an assessor but I don't think it will help. Huge chunk of change. Totally bummed. Our weather is decent except for the chilly winds. Brrrr.

@missy hope your folks are doing well. I see your weather and I think crunchy! Bright and chilly. Yanno I have not worn my boots but once with winter. The spikes need to be replaced as they are worn down. And I have so many pairs of boots that I rotate. But we don't hike in the winter like you do, so I really don't need those heavy duty boots routinely. Thinking of you guys and the fur balls.

@marcy hope things are good your way, health, job, and weather wise.

@Jemi yes, sounds like quite a work out!!!! Hope you have help.

@Austina isn't it fun spending other peoples money? I'm sure she'll be pleased with the result. Hope you didn't have any frozen pipes.

@Slickk enjoy your weekend!!!!

@MamaBee hope things are well with ya'll. Same with you @mrs-b


Hello lovelies

OMG @canuk-gal, our property taxes are huge, but a 65% increase, that’s insane, not to mention grossly unfair. What about people who’ve lived in their houses forever and are on a fixed incomes? Our house is very well insulated with spray foam, so we didn't have any issues with burst pipes, thankfully.

Great shot of the wolf moon @Jemi. Yuk to having to schlep water to the horses.

Hoping Sacha is holed up keeping warm and safe somewhere @missy, and you’ll see him again soon. It certainly is amazing what you can find on Amazon, where would we be without them? My friend’s cat sleeps on her head, I don’t know how she gets a wink of sleep :lol:

DejaWiz found me a great pair of diamonds for L next door, I’ve sent the details to C, so I hope he’s happy with them and gets them in his basket pronto. Their anniversary is on the 13th, so hopefully it’ll all work out.

We went for a walk this afternoon, it was cool, but lovely and sunny out.

No plans for the w/e - as usual :lol:

Good morning lovely ladies and happy Caturday Saturday

@canuk-gal yes same here. My red Glamour boots need new spikes. They wear out pretty fast when using them for rough terrain I guess. Yes our weather is crunchy and that description. Thanks so much for your well wishes for our furry and human family members. Hugs to you and I hope your family is doing well. Boo to a 65% raise in property taxes. I thought a 29.3% raise in our maintenance in our NYC coop was bad. Gosh what is happening in this world. It's almost impossible to live comfortably and well. Just wow. Yay for the meeting being cancelled. After a full workweek you deserve a break. Hugs and love being sent your way. XOXO

@Jemi thank you sweet lady. I appreciate your words of wisdom. I probably will always feel guilty over all our beloved cats who are now gone. I know death is inevitable but it is never easy. I wish one time one of our cats when ready to die would go peacefully. But that never happens and we always make the tough decision. Which I know is the final act of love we can give them. The selfless thing to do. But I often question was it time (with Francesca unfortunately it was past time but again we couldn't have known and the doctors themselves were telling us to hold on and wait on euthanizing). It's a terrible feeling not knowing for sure. Playing g-d. I think it's an easier decision to euthanize a human because we can speak and share our wishes. But I digress. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me and sending your love and gentle hugs. I hope you have a terrific weekend and thank you for sharing such a beautiful photo of the wolf moon. XOXO

@Austina you are a good friend. How sweet and I bet she will be thrilled with the earrings. Nicely done. LOL yes Jasper does wake me up but I go back to sleep. He is a little rascal but not so little...growing very fast. Thank you for your continued well wishes. XOXO

@marcy hope all is well XOXO

@Slickk happy weekend...our snow is not melting yet wow XOXO

@MamaBee @springerspaniel @finerthings @mrs-b and everyone else...have a wonderful weekend XOXO

We went hiking yesterday and there was way more snow than I anticipated. Luckily most of it was not icy and we got in a good hike without me falling lol. Today is colder again but not sure how cold and if we can go hiking we will. Did not see any of the ferals this morning :( Praying for them all and especially Sasha who had a hurt front leg last week...I am very worried about him poor baby.

Enjoy a wonderful weekend all. Be well.

We hiked and ended up at the ocean again. I love living here. It's just so peaceful and beautiful and not populated with tons and tons of people. I mean Costco can get crowded but nothing like NYC Costco and it is all manageable. But when we are hiking there are hardly any people around. Though we did make friends with some dogs yesterday. Standard poodles. So well behaved. Amazingly well behaved.

Where we ended up at the end of our hike. So tranquil and lovely

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We were on snow most of the hike
It was more of a workout but it felt good
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Good morning lovely ladles and happy big and small dog Sunday!

@Jemi hope your snow is melting and will be all gone soon. We still have so much snow here and what will happen is it will start melting as the temps are above freezing now but in a day or two when temps drop again it will refreeze and turn to ice. Been there, done that, and it's tripping territory for me. Wore my spikes Olangs yesterday as we hiked and all was well but it was still crunchy (thanks @canuk-gal purrrrrfect description) snow...soon it will be slippery ice. Stay warm and enjoy XOXO

@canuk-gal yesterday as I was deciding what to wear hiking I realized I had a pair of Olang boots (black in color) with the tags still on them lol. So new and sharp spikes are waiting for me when all this snow becomes ice very soon. Hope you are staying warm and cozy comfy XOXO

@Slickk it's warming up today to mid to high 30s woohoo. Not sure if there will be any sun though. Saw Pepsi and Dr Pepper this AM but no Fresca, no Sasha. The other kitties come mid morning so hopefully everyone is OK but have not seen Sasha for days so that is not looking good :( Hope you have a super Sunday and enjoy XOXO

@springerspaniel hope your pups are doing well and enjoying this winter weather...we were on the trail right near our house yesterday and I took this photo for you of our tree. Hanging in there, waiting out winter, and looking pretty

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You can see the sea is still partly frozen

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@marcy hope you and Marty are enjoying a lovely weekend

@Autina hope you are enjoying a fun weekend with Colin and your weather is remaining mild

@MamaBee hope you are feeling well and life is going smoothly

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well
Yesterday despite the cold weather we got to go hiking and it was good
It feels good to get outside and breathe our fresh sea air
Today we are definitely hiking because the temps are going to be nice (for end of January that is)
and I wish everyone a lovely Sunday. XOXO

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!

Bright sunny day! Decent temps--and supposed to be + double digits this week! Yipee! I'll take it!!!! Snow is almost all melted....looking brown here....our crunchy quotient is decreasing LOL. I plan to go the gym + pool tomorrow.

@missy isn't it fun to shop in your own closet?? Happy you found some new Olangs! I find the cement really dulls the spikes. I shopped my closet this week then I found my Joie silk blouse I'd forgotten about. I wore it to work and instantly got 5 compliments!! Stay safe and warm and don't fall!

@Austina your weather back to normal? I'm sure your friend will be thrilled with her earrings. Aren't PS'er a helpful bunch? @DejaWiz yay!

@marcy hope Marty is on the mend and that you aren't working too hard

GM girls and happy (how did you get here so fast) Monday!

@canuk-gal yes 100% yes. I love shopping in my own closet especially because I haven't changed sizes in decades so everything fits. Though everything is not in style still haha. I have gotten rid of things from the 80s and 90s (mostly) but have to work on cleaning out more stuff. I have way too much stuff I don't wear or use including work suits, shoes and my mid calf boots. I only wear OTK for the most part now. Hahaha crunchy quotient decreasing... love it. And yay for rising temps. We had temps in the 40s (F) yesterday but there was no sun so it felt cooler to me. Today is another hiking day yay..low 40s but windy but I'll take it. Hope your sun stays out and you enjoy a lovely day and enjoy the pool and the gym. I am procrastinating right now because I have to get up and start working out

@Slickk good morning. I hope you enjoyed a fun weekend and got to spend time with family especially the grand baby. Wishing you a good week ahead

@springerspaniel hope you had a lovely weekend and are looking forward to a sweet week

@Austina good morning, hope your Monday is marvelous

@marcy how's the weather by you? I know winter is not over for any of us and especially where you are but hoping the rest of the season isn't too harsh...fingers crossed

So Bobby is loving turkey and that is what we are giving him along with Churus which he enjoys very much. The problem with Churus is it is not nutritious enough nor does it have enough calories. Not sure about turkey but at least (knock wood) he is eating. One day at a time. One hour at a time. My sweet baby who is hated by all the other cats for no reason. I guess animals aren't perfect (purrrfect) after all. It's been an awakening. My sister said there's always a beta cat in the group and that is Bobby :( It wasn't so bad when Tommy was alive because he hung out with Bobby and they were close. It's hard now. Very hard. And makes me very sad. I miss Tommy so much. He used to slowly climb the stairs behind me when it was time to go to bed. Everytime I stopped on the stairs he stopped. It was so funny and so sweet. And then we would get to the bedroom and he would start playing with his stuffed toy making all these crazy noises. Then after he had his fill of that he would jump up on the bed and climb on my stomach (I sleep on my back) and start purring. He weighed nothing and was as light as a feather but that purring. Pure heaven hearing him purr. I miss everything about him. My heart aches so. I have been procrastinating on getting photos made and framed like we did when the other cats died. For some reason I am having trouble getting started to go through all the photos and pick the best ones to frame and display. IDK why I am not ready but I just am not :(

We enjoyed a good hike again yesterday and ended up at the beach. It was a hazy day with weak sun...mostly clouds and windy and cool despite the actual temps being in the low 40s F but no complaints. It's heaven not being in the single digits right now. That is no fun at all. And the feral cats prefer this weather too. We all do

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As you can see our snow on the beach is melting but we still have plenty of snow everywhere else. Cmon snow...Melt melt melt

Going hiking today girls. Enjoy a marvelous Monday no matter what you do. Be well. XOXO
Hello lovelies

I’m glad Bobby’s eating @missy, I think anything is better than not taking in any nutrition. I love the photo of the gorgeous foxy, they’re such beautiful creatures. Yay to finding a pair of unworn boots, result! It’s still a bit cool here, but that’s set to change at the weekend.

How lovely finding a silk blouse and getting compliments on it @canuk-gal. I really need to sort through my wardrobe because I’m sure there are thing that won’t fit me anymore.

We had a quiet weekend, got an Indian takeaway :drool: I did some cleaning today, meeting at the bank tomorrow.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are safe and well

Good morning girls and happy terrific Tuesday

@Austina I enjoy Indian food being a vegan I find it offers many choices. Sounds like you have a nice weather weekend in store. The weather here is changing from day to day. It's a bit schizo but just hoping we have no more extreme cold though I think that winter is not done with us just yet. We are only about a third through winter too. Why does winter last so long lol

@canuk-gal hope you got to go to the gym and pool yesterday. I often wish we had an indoor pool because I would love to swim and do water exercises too. But I am so not a gym person so unless we get our own indoor pool it is unlikely I will get to enjoy water activities. So I will enjoy them vicariously through you. Are you working this week? How is your DS house search going?

@Slickk happy Tuesday...hope work goes smoothly and all is well by you

@MamaBee good morning, hope all good with you and the family

@Jemi has your snow melted yet? Ours is hanging on and doesn't want to leave lol

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well.

Yesterday's hike was a bit challenging due to the amount of snow (and ice lurking underneath the snow) there. More snow than where we hiked the days before. We like switching up the locations where we hike and for some reason there was much more snow where we hiked yesterday. Luckily was wearing my Olang boots so I had a good grip but some areas were more icy than I liked. Not sure of the weather today but this AM Fresca, Pepsi, Dr Pepper and Shasta were all 4 waiting for us to feed them. Always good to see them knowing (at least for now) they are OK. No Sasha though :( He isn't usually there that early but we have not seen him for days and he is the one who was injured before the cold snap that lasted a full week. So it's not looking good :(

Have a terrific Tuesday lovely ladies. Be well. Enjoy. XOXO

Where we hiked yesterday. I love this place. So many trails.

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And a quick retrospective in black and white and color. Looks so different..which do you prefer?

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Hello lovelies

Colin got the day wrong, it’s the bank tomorrow :lol:

Don’t give up hope for Sacha @missy, hopefully he’s safe somewhere. You never know, someone else might be feeding him, Glad to hear the other kitties are all safe and well and queuing up for their food. We’re supposed to be on the 70’s by the weekend!

Very foggy here today, just dull and miserable. Nothing registering on the thrillometer at all !

Good morning girls and happy wonderful Wednesday! And happy Lunar New Year!

@Austina OK Bank today lol. Thanks for your encouraging words. I hope and pray but it's not looking good. Poor Sasha. Maybe just maybe he is OK :pray: Fresca greeted me this AM at 430 lol. I love these little babies so much. Fresca is a baby even though she is an old lady haha because they are always little babies. If I find the meme I am thinking of that explains this I will share. Wow to 70s this weekend !! OMG!!! Hope your day goes very well XOXO

@Slickk hope all is going well and your week is enjoyable..happy hump day XOXO

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well. We went hiking yesterday despite monster winds (30 plus mph) and for much of the hike we were protected by the trees but man it was windy. Today not sure what we are doing because Greg has a CC mid day so we will have to get out early or skip the hike. We shall see. Enjoy a wonderful Wednesday lovely ladies XOXO

Just for fun...9 years ago today in Prospect Park

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Time really flies. Make the most of every moment girls. Enjoy. Be well. (((Hugs)))

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Hello lovelies

We cancelled the bank because it was wet and foggy out this morning. I wish this weather would hurry up and go away!

@missy, I’m surprised you weren’t blown away! This is a blah time of year isn’t it? I’m keeping everything crossed that Sacha is alive and well.

We went to trivia and won again :lol: The team who usually wins were very gracious - NOT! Talk about sore losers.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing well

Good morning lovely ladies! Happy terrific Thursday!

@Austina hahaha I know right? Today is even windier. I hate the sound of the wind when it's like this. The temps here actually reached the 50s F but with the brisk wind it felt colder though the sun was out which made it tolerable as we hiked and we were protected by the forest so that minimized the brunt of it. YAY for winning Trivia. You and Colin rock! You can tell a lot about someone with how they react when things don't go their way (ie losing a game for example). IMO their true colors come out. Sorry that couple behaved less than gracious when you won. I wonder what is wrong with people who behave like this. What happened to them to make them like this? Yeah it's just a game but I am betting they behave like sore losers throughout life when things do not go their way. I've know people like that and no thank you. Sorry to go on but I am not loving people in general lately. Present company completely excluded of course. Love the NIRDIs. Some of the nicest humans around XOXO

@Slickk weekend is almost here...hope your week is going well and you are staying warm...I heard the s word in the forecast again and just no thank you lol. The wind here is fierce. 40 plus mile wind gusts. Yuck. Stay warm and cozy

@canuk-gal @marcy @springerspaniel @Jemi @MamaBee @mrs-b and everyone else. Hope all is well.

We hiked yesterday and just left earlier to home in time for Greg's CC which didn't last as long as anticipated but then later on in the evening they asked to do a follow up call. He is always on call so to speak but it's very convenient being able to work from home and at this stage the only way he (and I wouldn't want him in the office) would be willing to so let's hope this continues. It pays to have special skills that few have..if I were to do it all over again I likely would change fields given how my profession has changed over the years. But as usual I digress. Too late for a do over and anyway I wouldn't have met Greg if I didn't go into my profession so it all worked out for the best. Funny how that (usually) happens.

Enjoy a terrific Thursday lovely ladies. Be well. Enjoy. XOXO

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NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!

It is about to turn VERY cold after wonderful weather, like 11C yesterday. Good work day yesterday and I've picked up a couple of extra days over the new few weeks as we are short. It's OK, I can handle it. LOL. Nothing exciting today--did errands and got take out. I will go to aqua-size and the gym tomorrow, bright and early, then get my haircut.

@Austina wow aren't folks nice! And I thought game night was for fun! I did see once advertized at a pub nearby and thought of you!

@missy Keep safe on those trails. Not one but TWO colleagues slipped and # their humerus'! Crazy! I think the feral kitties are hunkering down and doing what they do best--survive. Hope the furry mobsters are behaving and that Bobby is OK. And no, nothing further on a house for our DS ...but we keep on looking and remain +ve.

@Slickk enjoy your weekend!

@marcy anything new and exciting your way?

Good morning lovely ladies. Happy FriYAY. I feel sad with all that is and has happened. Those poor people who died in that crash Wednesday. So many youngsters. With their whole lives ahead of them. I keep thinking about them and how their lives were cut tragically short. These were talented and motivated young people. Who worked hard their whole lives. Reminiscent of the crash of 1961 which I wasn't around for but I have read about. May they all RIP

@canuk-gal thank you as always for your kind wishes for our babies and for us. We are probably bringing Bobby to my sister's clinic tomorrow despite hating to take him on the long trip. I don't trust any other veterinarians so I feel this is the best thing we can do despite the long drive. I am feeling anxious about him. He is eating but he is losing hair and that is not a good sign. His tail. His ear. His leg. His feet. And yes thank you for the reminder...I am being super aware and careful because I already fell twice this winter. I am such a klutz. I have to be in the moment every second we are hiking especially now because it is very icy. I fall when there is no ice so I am working hard at not dayreaming while we are hiking. I appreciate the concern and reminder. I am very lucky I haven't broken anything yet this season given my two falls outside while hiking. I was sore for a long while both times. Anyway. I hope you are having a good week and yay for picking up some extra work and helping your colleagues and I hope it all goes super smoothly. Wishing you a very happy weekend XOXO

@Slickk happy FriYAY girlfriend...have a great day and a wonderful weekend

@marcy @Austina @springerspaniel @MamaBee @Jemi and everyone...hope your week is going well and everyone is looking forward to a wonderful first weekend of February (((Hugs)))

@bling_dream19 I know you are not here. But I feel like writing to you today. We miss you so much. I think of you often. Holding you in my heart. Today, Tomorrow. Always. Sweet friend. You were one of a kind. Too good for this world. I wish things went down differently. I wish we could have convinced you to have the surgery. I wish a lot of things that cannot be undone. You will always be in my heart dear Shelley

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well. It's mild out today but rainy today and I think tomorrow but I am not sure about tomorrow. We are likely bringing Bobby to my sister tomorrow but not 100% sure. Weighing the risk benefit ratio. Today we are running errands and such. Happy last day of January. I cannot believe tomorrow is February first. Wow. And yay. Because Spring is just around the proverbial corner woohoo.

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Hello lovelies

Ugh @canuk-gal, just as our weather if finally warming up. Keep safe and don’t work too hard. Your poor colleagues, hope they heal quickly. Yeah, it’s a joke, they’ve got so used to wining that they just can’t stand the thought they’re not invincible :lol-2: We were even accused of having a ringer - all for a plastic banana trophy!

It’s just awful @missy, those poor people. Of course, there are the expected posts about it being you know who’s fault :rolleyes: I did read that it’s a particularly dangerous airport due to the restricted air space because of its proximity to the White House. I saw an article from Sully (the pilot who landed on the Hudson) saying their technology hasn’t been updated for a long time. You just can’t begin to imagine what their families are going through. I hope your appt with your sister goes well, but I know you’re probably expecting the worst.

Beautiful bright sunny day here, and the temps are on the rise. We’re in for a fun day tomorrow, doggy sitting our new ‘grandson’ :lol:

Be safe and well lovely NIRDIs. :wavey:
Good morning girls! Happy Caturday Saturday!
Heading to my sister's clinic soon with Bobby.
Nervous because Bobby hates car trips especially long ones.

@Austina yes, Everything has turned political and rules are selectively applied here. I remember I couldn't talk about Israel's right to exist but so many here can criticize the USA's policies and politicians and political parties yet I have to remain silent on our right to exist and atrocities committed by the
Palestinians and all those who support terrorists
. If it wasn't for you lovely ladies here I would be gone. I have most everyone's contact info but for a few so I really don't want to lose touch.
But the double standard on PS is staggering. It's not a democracy I know but why can't they be fair and apply rules equally. Oh wait they are behaving exactly like real life extreme leftists d'oh

Enjoy a bright and beautiful day today Austina..not sure of our weather but I think rain. When we went out to feed the feral kitties it was wet and dark and still is. Have fun doggy sitting your new grandson! I would love that!

Good morning @Slickk @canuk-gal @springerspaniel @mrs-b @MamaBee @Jemi and everyone else. Enjoy a wonderful weekend. XOXO

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We’re home.
Trip went smoothly and Bobby gained weight.
I sit with him every couple of hours enticing him to eat.
So far it’s working. He gained 3/4 of a lb in two weeks woohoo.
Now we wait for the results of labs and cultures.
Enjoy a wonderful weekend lovely ladies ♥️
We’re home.
Trip went smoothly and Bobby gained weight.
I sit with him every couple of hours enticing him to eat.
So far it’s working. He gained 3/4 of a lb in two weeks woohoo.
Now we wait for the results of labs and cultures.
Enjoy a wonderful weekend lovely ladies ♥️

YAY!!!! I was just gonna post here about the Bobster! Those are great gains!!
:yay:. I’m so glad it went well @missy, such good news.

We’ve got our furry grandson here, forgotten what hard work a puppy is!


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So happy for you and Bobby, @missy keep up the good fight. ❤️ That’s some good weight gain! Praying for improved labs!
I feel similarly to you and @Austina about the tone of some of the hangout threads…
Now I only come to PS for this thread and the blingy ones.
Life is busy. Work is hard. Weekends with my grandson are the highlight of my life.
Love to the NIRDIs!

I lubs you ladies--don't leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Austina what a sweet picture--you guys match! A couple of dollies. Looks like a big place to furniture...perfect!

@missy I hear ya.

Sooooo I went out to pay my Visa and the bank is, what, 8 minutes from my house.....sunshine when I left....and 5 minutes in....WHITE OUT SNOW. LOL Can't make this up. I hate that driving and mostly I just stay home when predicted, but whatever!! Typical of where we live. Stinking cold now. Poops.

Sooooo I went out to pay my Visa and the bank is, what, 8 minutes from my house.....sunshine when I left....and 5 minutes in....WHITE OUT SNOW. LOL Can't make this up. I hate that driving and mostly I just stay home when predicted, but whatever!! Typical of where we live. Stinking cold now. Poops.


Why don't you pay your bill online, much easier - never have to leave your house.
Why don't you pay your bill online, much easier - never have to leave your house.

I wanted to test my road skills. :wavey: Not really. It is a favorite spot for and groceries. I can leave my house.
Good morning lovely ladies and happy freezing Super dog Sunday..Happy Groundhog Day!!!!!!

@canuk-gal I hear you. I need to get out of the house every day just to breathe some fresh air and feel like I am accomplishing something. I go mad if stuck inside too long. Hope the snow has stopped and that it melts soon. I feel for you because I am not a fan of winter. Not in the slightest. When I was younger I enjoyed winter sports but now. No. thank you. LOL. Good news is Spring is coming!! Cannot come fast enough. Sending you big hugs and warming vibes

Aww thank you so much @Slickk and @canuk-gal and @Austina so appreciate your well wishes for our sweet Bobby. I am very concerned about the culture but by mid to late next week we should know more. I am nervous because depending on the results we might have to euthanize Bobby but won't go into details right now. Praying for a negative culture. Thank you for your support and love. XOXO

@Austina awwww you both are so adorable together. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE that photo. And thanks for your support last night. I couldn't believe what I was reading. I have no words anymore. No. I have plenty of words but won't share them here lol. But I always say, if someone is showing me who they are I must pay attention. I did not do that years ago and unfortunately paid the price and will not do that again. I wish I could say it's ignorance but no. It is willful ignorance and that is very very different. All the facts are there but people are twisting them for their own agendas. Though yes I was surprised who shared that. Very surprised. But my eyes are open. I have no choice. We all have no choice because ultimately this will affect everyone. Anyway, big hugs and enjoy your sweet grand dog. :kiss2:

@finerthings I hope you are having a lovely weekend

I hope all the NIRDIs are enjoying a wonderful weekend
Leaving you with a couple of photos/pictures.
One is a painting I find very beautiful
Sending love and hugs and good wishes your way

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This is not my photo...adding it here in honor of Groundhog Day
OK so wow. I was in bed hanging out with Bobby and Greg and looked up and there was something on the ceiling that looked like a bug. Turns out it is dried blood. And there were several spots scattered all over the ceiling. Only thing we can surmise it was from the two weeks ago when Bobby had the skin tag surgery and then 8 hours later he was bleeding all over the place. BUT how the heck did it get splattered on the ceiling? Wow. Now all cleaned up thanks to my DH and our trusty ladder. Poor sweet Bobby

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@canuk-gal I get you about getting out and doing some shopping especially if there is a nice grocery store involved. One of my favorites closed a couple of years ago and I have missed it since then.
@missy I hope that Bobby's tests come back soon and show that he is at least stable for now. Wonderful that with your coaxing he has gained some weight. Fingers crossed. ❤️❤️
@canuk-gal I get you about getting out and doing some shopping especially if there is a nice grocery store involved. One of my favorites closed a couple of years ago and I have missed it since then.

It's also my fav spot for restaurants. 3 great ones within a block of each other. My DH did think I was crazy but if I worried about the weather all the time I'd stuck indoors. It is -25C and I have to so to Safeway--luckily it is very close.
OK so wow. I was in bed hanging out with Bobby and Greg and looked up and there was something on the ceiling that looked like a bug. Turns out it is dried blood. And there were several spots scattered all over the ceiling. Only thing we can surmise it was from the two weeks ago when Bobby had the skin tag surgery and then 8 hours later he was bleeding all over the place. BUT how the heck did it get splattered on the ceiling? Wow. Now all cleaned up thanks to my DH and our trusty ladder. Poor sweet Bobby

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Look at that doll face! So cute!!
GM girls and happy marvelous (how did you get here so fast) Monday!!!

@missy I hope that Bobby's tests come back soon and show that he is at least stable for now. Wonderful that with your coaxing he has gained some weight. Fingers crossed. ❤️❤️

Look at that doll face! So cute!!

Thank you @finerthings and @canuk-gal
Bobby is a very handsome boy thank you. Tommy was also so handsome of course. Everyone who met Tommy said how beautiful he was. He had a classic lion face. My heart hurts missing him. I don't know how to "snap" out of it and I know I must let myself grieve but this is so painful.

@Slickk hope you have a good Monday and enjoyed a wonderful weekend

Hello everyone else.

We watched this documentary series last night on healthy eating and it was good. "You are what you eat; a twin experiment"
Basically summing up plant based diets are the healthiest. Generalization of course and I recommend watching it. It goes fast and was enjoyable except for some parts that showed how animals were being kept for food on farms etc so those parts I did not watch. A small part of the documentary and most was very watchable

We went hiking yesterday and it was cold. It's a very busy week for us. Next week too. Cannot wait for Spring. Enjoy a great day girls. Be well. XOXO

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