It looks amazing on you
How do you find the different 'characters' of the Octavia and the Peruzzis? I recall the latter were called quite 'busy' by someone else on here in terms of fire and scintillation, which I imagine perfectly matches the sparkle-fest that is an Octavia!
I am jealous you get to see this sort of performance everyday - I love how it seems to be difficult to 'read', like it will take time to see all of its performance nuances, rather than seeing it for 5 minutes then always knowing what it will look like!
The combo is definitely a sparkle-fest. It is hard to look away from the ring. One thing that I just realized is that both the Octavia and Peruzzis are sparkling still even under the sun. Just amazing. I only noticed because my round brilliant doesn’t do that.
I wish Yoram would cut more. It’s amazing what Karl K and Yoram have put and build together.
...both the Octavia and Peruzzis are sparkling still even under the sun. Just amazing. I only noticed because my round brilliant doesn’t do that.