
Ode to OEC Joy

Jimmianne|1429452911|3864430 said:
daintyG|1429448261|3864412 said:
Jimmianne|1429437758|3864371 said:
Last one!
I have now fulfilled my obligation to go completely down the rabbit hole trying to capture the essence of what I'm seeing IRL. =) : )

best on full screen.

Very nice! Thanks for sharing. The one with the shark made me smile, too. I'm so glad your diamond brings you joy. Don't feel like you should quit posting pics and videos because I've enjoyed them!

Thank you, DaintyG.
I absolutely LOVE your vintage cushion and your wonderful photography too. Both are gorgeous and I would have to guess that you are either a photographer or a photo buff. Inspiring work.

Aww, thanks so much! And thank you for your sweet comment in my thread. I actually only enjoy photographing my diamonds. Otherwise I rarely take pictures worth seeing. Thank you for the compliment. Ihave enjoyed revisiting your thread to see your lovely pictures.
Jimmianne|1429359084|3864026 said:
Saturday/sweet spring photo.

Ohhh this looks yummy. OECs look so beautiful in nature (or the backyard). You can see all sorts of colors - green, pink, red... amazing!
Jimmianne, It's raining here but boy do your pictures and videos brighten the day!
Calliecake|1429480346|3864591 said:
Jimmianne, It's raining here but boy do your pictures and videos brighten the day!
it's been raining here too! LOTS!
Glad I was part of the brightening LOL

Let's hope for a little sunshine tomorrow.
Jimmianne, forgive me for bumping this thread, but I have not seen Joy before, and she really does deserve some more attention :-) So so beautiful! :love: :love: :love:
Thanks for bumping the thread! I had so much fun with that diamond.
Now coming up on first anniversary of getting it.
I can't believe how many boring videos I posted. I was really in LOVE.
this is the only one that stands out to me now.
Scandinavian|1458224476|4006722 said:
Jimmianne, forgive me for bumping this thread, but I have not seen Joy before, and she really does deserve some more attention :-) So so beautiful! :love: :love: :love:

I agree! Jimmianne, it's been too long!
Jimmianne, not sure how I missed this thread, but so glad I stumbled on it, your OEC is simply stunning!! Oh. My. Word. :cheeky: Love all your photos too, they are stunning & the video as well, congrats on a gorgeous ring!! :appl: :wavey: :love:
Thank you, HG and sarahb!
I am loving going back through the thread and remembering the enthusiasm. It was such a lovely celebration with the outpouring of good wishes from PSers. I had forgotten how much love surrounded Joy and had started to take her for granted IYKWIM