
OEC - Old European Cut help!

SB621 said:
nowicanseethemoon|1379784438|3524800 said:
I can't read the measurements in the report. Can you post them?

I think it looks like 9.05x9.07x5.00mm.

Oops. I meant the angles and didn't use the right term. That's what I get for posting in a rush.
I imagine that circular brilliant is a more generic term for a round stones that doesn't fit any of the other round parameters. It will be interesting to see the pics!

I am really glad you got the GIA cert and do suggest to EVERYONE working with a dealer to get a lab report. For the most part, haven't seen ANY come back as a higher color. In fact, more often than not, they are 3 or more color grade differences and affects the value of the diamond.
SB621|1379697682|3524246 said:
And that ladies and gentlemen is WHY YOU ALWAYS GET A LAB REPORT! If I remember correctly your jewelry said that OEC was an H or better and GIA said K, big color descrepancy right there that impacts pricing. Before I thought he was offering you a pretty good deal if specs checked out. Regardless I still think a K is fine but that is just me. If you want something higher you will need to go down in size probably to go more colorless.

I still think you should take the advise given above and see what JbEG and OWD has in your price range. Then you can make a decision on what you want to do. By seeing other options I think it will be more clear if you want to stick with this diamond or try to find something else.

Edit: Was it a recut or a repolish? If it was a recut did they recut it for a MRB or to stay in line with the OEC? Sorry but I'm confused by your post. I have known in the past that GIA didn't label old cuts as anything other then rounds but I thought it was posted recently that they now ID OEC's etc.

We need to make a sticky note, with examples of all of these cases where a great, trusted jeweler suggests a certain grade -- and then what the stones actually come back from AGS/GIA as (myself included!). I don't think people understand exactly how much a grade or two, when you're talking about large stones especially, affects the value of the stone.

OP, you may love the stone, and it may be within your budget, but why in the world would you not comparison shop to determine its true value? I love my car, and it was in my budget, but if I had found out that someone else bought the exact same thing for $8000 less, I'd be most unimpressed. You need to shop around to ensure you're going into pricing negotiations well informed of the true value of that stone.
Ok so I have looked on websites including old world diamonds and I do find the pricing is similar. As of the last time we met with the jeweler the diamond price is 22k and the setting will be 5k. The diamond has been RECUT not just polished. The jeweler says the diamond looks amazing and he knows I am disappointed by what the color came back as. He told me he will also bring in other OEC is same size range with higher color but will be more expensive. He also told me not to let this diamond get away as he thinks it came back from re cut looking 100x better than the last time we saw it. He is even willing to set it on a simple setting for a right hand ring and let me take it for a whole day so I can see if I like it. He knows i'm nervous about the color and that way i can keep it on my hand and look at it in all different types of lighting.

I have not seen the diamond since it got back from recut/gia. The tiffany diamond is still not out of the question either. It's more expensive for a much smaller diamond but i do still love it at well. I think what it is going to come down to is my boyfriend making the decision and surprising me.
You should call or email Adam at OWD. He doesn't put up any of his nice stuff really on the website because the turn over is too quick. I would also call GOG and Jbeg, looking on websites is a far cry from researching pricing, but like I said before I think you are already emotionally invested in this diamond and this jeweler.
Don't feel pressured and take your time! No matter how pretty the diamond is, it's a lot of money and there aren't zillions of buyers looking for old cuts in that price range.

Re the cutting. What did they do regarding that?
I’ve been looking at OEC in the same size and price range but I’m no expert and I haven’t seen the stone but it doesn’t seem like a steal based on the table and depth percentages. (If I’m reading them right) Something like 57% table and 55.2% depth? That’s really shallow for an old cut. I think if you follow everyone’s suggestions about contacting OWD, GOG, and JbEG you can find a better stone for the same money. At the end of the day it’s all about what makes you happy. If you love it after the jewelry sets is and lets you wear it around and that’s what you have your heart set on then go for it. Shallow diamonds like that can look really different in a setting so that will be good to see for yourself.
I'm no expert, but someone who just loves the beauty of OECs, and had a chance to see some in real life at Single Stone. In case you don't know, just look up Single Stone on this site and you'll come up with some great threads with pics of their rings. They specialize in antique and antique inspired stones and settings, generally speaking.

Just one point of comparison. I will preface this to say (most unashamedly) I am a color whore. ;) I have a 2.59 carat MRB in an F, and I usually notice color (and don't love it) with MRBs. Anyway, I saw an N colored OEC at Single Stone, also GIA certified, VS1, 2.28 carat (thereabouts) for about $28K. Of course, given that this stone was already set in a single stone setting, whose settings are handmade in platinum and are generally on the pricier end, even if you take away $4K for the setting, the stone would cost $24K. I posted the pic below. (Because this setting does not have a ton of diamonds in it, I figured $4K to be conservative.) And I swear it was very white to me. I looked at it in the sunlight mind you, and in store lighting.


Never in a million years would I have guessed that stone was an N. Anyway, to get a K, VS1, 2.6 carat, for $22K, compared to the stone at Single Stone, I would kinda think you are getting a pretty good deal. However, of course, this would be true only if YOU really liked the stone, and are comparing it only with the one I saw. And since two people may have completely different opinions on the same stone, it's a hard comparison to make. And, add to that, Single Stone had already picked out this stone to showcase, so I do know that the stone is a beautiful one.

I just wanted to share my personal experience at seeing some really beautiful OECs.

The one I am posting below is a 3+ carat J, VS1, OEC, GIA cert, also found at Single Stone. This just made my heart almost stop. I think I had some trouble breathing after.


Good luck!! Let us know what you decide. I can't wait... :)
I saw the diamond and it looks amazing... LLJsmom i am also color sensitive and even in Tiffanys I didn't love the I colors as the color bothered me a bit. Even when the jeweler with the OEC brought in other H colors to compare the OEC looked whiter! It's really amazing, and now seeing after it was recut it really blew my mind. We lost some carat weight but it was definitely worth it. It sparklers more than ever before. Is there a way I can attach a video??
oec2_1.jpg Here it is on my boyfriends pinky
I asked about the circular brilliant on the GIA report. The jeweler said it's also the first time he has seen this. He said it had to do with the stone having qualities of OEC and also and old mine cut.
Shallower OEC's can photograph dark (they pick up more camera reflection), but be incredibly brilliant and bright in person. Case in point, we got one in that is on the shallow side, and I was showing it in person. The buyer compared it against the very "best" cut (this is subjective, but most old cut experts would consider the make on these other stones to be top tier for OEC's) stones we had in stock, and she and I both chose it every time as being the whitest and brightest, even against much higher colored stones - and we looked at them in all kinds of lighting environments.

After looking at it against every other stone we had within that size range, this shallower stone made it into her top 2, along with a larger cushion. Her fiance chose the cushion, but I know that the OEC was her very favorite. It really did blow the other OEC's out of the water in terms of brilliance - it was like a lightbulb on her finger.

My point is that pictures and stats don't always tell the whole story. Sometimes a shallow stone does indeed look dark in person, but often times it doesn't. People generally advise against shallow OEC's, but they can be stunning, even if they're not the most photogenic.

Congrats on your gorgeous diamond!
I still have not decided between this or the tiffany :(
gorgous no I am editting really gorgous.... Tiffany anyone can have tiffany and there stones are graded by their own standards. This is a great stone
We still can't really see the faceting. Take closer up photos with the faceting filling up the page. Get a few face front, and then a few slightly shifted to the sides. Try in natural lighting, preferably not in the store and not with the flash on.
I like the OEC, it looks like a fireball in your video!!!! I have also seen shallow cut OECs that were amazing in real life (that were not on paper), so you have to judge some stones with your own eyes and your gut..... And seriously you are the one that has seen it, if you can genuinely say that you have seen it AND the stone at Tiffany's and the OEC gives the RB a run for it's money in terms of fire and sparkle then I think you have a winner.
It looks like a bright stone.

What everyone here is saying they need is a mug shot though.

Here are example of what they are talking about:



The finished product!

sorry they are sideways!

Thank you so much everyone for all of your help!!
ericad|1380300036|3528438 said:
Shallower OEC's can photograph dark (they pick up more camera reflection), but be incredibly brilliant and bright in person. Case in point, we got one in that is on the shallow side, and I was showing it in person. The buyer compared it against the very "best" cut (this is subjective, but most old cut experts would consider the make on these other stones to be top tier for OEC's) stones we had in stock, and she and I both chose it every time as being the whitest and brightest, even against much higher colored stones - and we looked at them in all kinds of lighting environments.

After looking at it against every other stone we had within that size range, this shallower stone made it into her top 2, along with a larger cushion. Her fiance chose the cushion, but I know that the OEC was her very favorite. It really did blow the other OEC's out of the water in terms of brilliance - it was like a lightbulb on her finger.

My point is that pictures and stats don't always tell the whole story. Sometimes a shallow stone does indeed look dark in person, but often times it doesn't. People generally advise against shallow OEC's, but they can be stunning, even if they're not the most photogenic.

Congrats on your gorgeous diamond!

Bumping for all the great feedback on shallow OEC's.....

I read this whole thread and see the finished I assume she bought the Great choice!
I love this post. I also have a shallow OEC. It doesn't show as many pastel colors as my great grandmothers OEC that I wear on my right hand, but it is bright white and I love it. I also have a 3 stone old mine ring with super high crowns and chunky facets. Sometimes I think we rely on reports too much and don't trust our eyes. Reports are good so we don't overpay and we know what we are getting, but sometimes we have to believe what our eyes are telling us. At first I was paranoid that I should return it and get another with more traditional OEC proportions. I am so glad I didn't because it's such a cool stone and brilliant in its own way.
Gypsy|1380351932|3528760 said:
It looks like a bright stone.

What everyone here is saying they need is a mug shot though.

Here are example of what they are talking about:




Gypsy - If you happen to see this - can you pls tell me who owns the top set in your photos above? I'd love some stats on the OEC in the photo and also info on where the baguette and emerald wedding band came from. And I'd just love to see some more photos if there's a thread on this beautiful set somewhere!
