tulip, what a priceless beautiful ring! Like everyone else, I'd love to see the small details.
This is what I do with my camera. It's kind of makeshift but.....I found a little magnifying glass to use in addition to my macro. I hold it up to my lens and, in effect, what it does is to increase the macro on my camera to bring details into better focus. You have to experiement with your subject by putting the mag glass against your lens and then getting closer or backing up.....etc.
What a special ring...I love that it is engraved with the previous owner''s special day...it must have been a very sentimental, meaningful piece to them, and I hope it becomes the same for you as well!
What a great find...I''ll have to make a point of peaking more closely into antique stores!!
Thank you all! Susi - that is so helpful to know - I''m pressed for time during the daylight hours tomorrow - I promise I will do more photos in the next couple of days. It will be fun to play with the camera and try out what you''ve told me.
Date: 1/28/2008 9:15:00 PM Author: tulip928
I''m trying to post one more picture that hopefully will show some detail... If this doesn''t work, I''ll get more pics soon.
I just found this thread and wanted to add my congratulations on the lovely treasure you''ve found Tulip! Such a pretty and special ring!!! I love the art deco styling and the touch of color from the sapphires.
I just found this thread. What a beautiful ring and what a treasure. I just love it. I love that it has the date engraved on it too. You were so lucky to find it, it is so beautiful.
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