
OMG Christmas Shopping.

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Ya''ll know what! We have taught these stinkers (our dear DH''s) that we will do these things and heck, they love it!
So year after year, we do all the shopping and well, we become Santa. My husband has no feaking clue what anyone
gets. This year I made him go for one short shopping trip to buy his mom some gifts. Everything he picked out was gross
so he says "see, I could never do this". Well, he could if he''d put a little more effort in it. While we all are ranting, I get a lttle ticked when DH says I don''t know what to give you. Well, I''ve dropped hints for months, showed his things in catalogs, he
just doesn''t pay attention. I take great pride that always give the best gifts. And I put a lot of thought and work into it.
I''ve told my daughter a few things he could buy me, but they are just minor little things. My other gripe is my stocking, it''s always just stuff that DH apparently sent daughter to the local drugstore the day before to buy. His stocking and the kids are fun, full of neat things and stuff they like.
So, I ask all other ranting PS''ers (ha ha) does anyone else have DH''s like this?

I''m wondering if he feels bad Christmas morning when he and the kids are showered with gifts and I''m opening so few.

Then I have to clean up, cook and entertain the rest of the day. And watch other people open gifts I so thoughtfully bought for them. That hubby has no clue about. Ok, end of rant.
Ann, rant away. I swear DH doesn''t even sees the gifts he gives me until the time I open it. Yes, we see it the same time! If it wasn''t for his mom I wouldn''t get anything. Arrggg.....I know he pays for them and I don''t mind giving him a list of things I like but still. Just ONCE I would like him to go out of his way and into a store (or online) to buy me something himself.
awww ann...definitely rant away....i think that many times the guys don''t realize just how special the gals do make the holiday for them..they can take it for granted especially year after year. i definitely do everything for the holiday around the house and i even give greg a list on what to buy me so that it''s easy for him (and he prefers it that way mostly)...but i figure well it comes once a year and then i can rest all year round, lol!!
Last year Mark was already living in China and I was still at home. A couple weeks before he came home for Christmas he started hemming and hawing over trying to bring stuff home and complaining about having to go shopping on Christmas Eve since he didn''t get home until December 23. I told him not to worry about it. I went and bought all of my own gifts, including stocking, wrapped them and put them under the tree.

On Christmas, we did stockings and opened gifts while pretending that he bought all of mine. When we were done I went on and on about how he actually got me exactly what I asked for and even put so much time and effort into the stocking (my favorite part). I''m thinking this year he''s finally got the idea that no I do not want the camera that you have been eying.
DH is actually great about gifts for me and my stocking, finally...we''ll see if it lasts after we have kids someday.

I was talking to my mother about this topic tonight (DH is OOT and I actually had 5 minutes to converse with her, lol) and she said" what do you mean, M doesn''t help you with Christmas presents? Your father loves to pick out Christmas presents!" ARgh. I cannot tell you how many times when I was growing up listening to her gripe about the same sort of issues as are being discussed on this thread--the cards, the gifts for in-laws, the food, etc. I thought it was just so funny how she''s FORGOTTEN now, being an empty nester, and loving every minute of Christmas card correspondence, gift exchanging, hostessing little parties, etc. Mind you, she hasn''t had a job in 30+! But I do remember days during the season when she''d run my bro. and I to every grocrery store in town, searching for the right this or that to serve at a cocktail party...

So I prayed tonight, (which I don''t do often, if at all) Lord, give me the strength not to be like my mother, in that I will be able to remember all the stresses I subjected upon my children, or not ever subject them to, that I will be a steadfast, strong woman who can pull together a feast without it turning into a huge ordeal although it takes only 1.5 hrs for all those who are invited to dine at my table to enjoy..."

Oh, and there is this last part: "Lord, please let this woman be of strong mind and body until she is 99 and I am dead and gone already so I don''t have to deal with her during my last years of holiday existence. Please."
I am SO glad to run across this thread! I have really had it hard getting into the whole holiday thing as well. As far as shopping is concerned, yeah, I have alot done, but for me that''s not the point: this is the holiday season for me, too, and I can hardly enjoy it cuz I am the one that has to make it happen...or it won''t. Just ask my hubby.

Don''t get me wrong. I love my DH to bits, but, omg, he is such a moody scrooge this time of year and every year! With 9 kids, each year it has always, and I mean ALWAYS been up to me to make the list, choose the places to get the gifts, help him to remember his family, buy the cards, fill out the cards, mail the cards, etc. And the cooking. The baking. The decorating. I always get the same response from DH about lights on the house. He is a wiz at delegating to one of our sons a holiday related chore. I absolutely detest that and he knows it, but he always does it.

I guess for me this year, I am looking forward to seeing my extended family---brothers, parents, cousins, etc.---out of state and that is what is keeping me going cuz I am not in the mood. These last 2 weeks, we had to add attending two funerals to our list of things to do. Talk about a holiday mood killer. Some good friends and former neighbors lost their middle son in a motorcycle accident. He was 25! We went to that funeral last Thursday. On the same day we heard of this young man''s death, we got word that one of my 12 year old''s choir classmates had been killed in a freak accident in Hawaii on a catamarran. He was 13. His funeral was yesterday and this family live on my street.

I feel guilty for still having my own 7 sons and 2 daughters. Isn''t that weird? I mean, here I am trying to get Christmas shopping done and I feel so down. I have had a hard time sleeping, I am snappy, I have hardly any appetite and I want to be happier but its so hard.
I am Jewish so we do Hanukah, and I have been pretty low key this year. We will be away for most of Hanukah and I am not bringing gifts with me. My oldest got a large contribution to a guitar and pedal and supplies, so he is happy but it won''t all be in til January since the company sold out of the model he wanted. I think I found a Nintendo Wii (for triple the price?!) for my 11 year old and will get him some games if it shows up. Considering he has an XBOX 360 from last year and a PS 2 he is not lacking but he wanted one so if I can get it, fine. I got him some itunes cards because he loves them. My 5 year old got Leapster and some games, and some stuff off is thrilled. I am getting the Rolex and my hubby got two watches on Saturday too, so I am not getting him anything. I did my cards before Thanksgiving and they arrived, I gave the list and stamps to the stationers and for a little extra they addressed, stuffed, stamped and mailed them...yay, so that is done. I would normally decorate a bit but since we are leaving it does not make sense. I did teacher gifts, tips for the trash guys etc, so that is all done...but I just feel a bit like, oh, it is the holidays...oh well...and our mall is a NIGHTMARE til at least mid January...I avoid it at all costs, and people get in fights over parking spaces and are sooo not in the spirit that I cannot stand to be near it, which is pretty funny since I run to the mall any other time of the year without a thought...
I truly love to make others happy and usually take alot of joy out of shopping for others, but not so much this year. Money is tighter than usually at this time. My DH always says its tight at Christmas as a hint to me to not spend too much, but this year it is tight with his work load so slow. I am going to go back to work at least part time next month to help out.

I did take alot of enjoyment at decorating the house, and writing the cards I did send was theraputic, but I usually do a newsletter and I just couldn''t this year. I want this year to be over. Outside of my time with my folks for my brother''s wedding in Nashville, and seeing everyone for Christmas, I am so ready to be done with the holidays and this year.

For once, I would love to have my hubby get into the festive mood associated with Christmas and join in the prep, the shopping or at least the light heartedness. For once.
Date: 12/15/2006 2:46:20 AM
Author: monarch64
DH is actually great about gifts for me and my stocking, finally...we''ll see if it lasts after we have kids someday.

I was talking to my mother about this topic tonight (DH is OOT and I actually had 5 minutes to converse with her, lol) and she said'' what do you mean, M doesn''t help you with Christmas presents? Your father loves to pick out Christmas presents!'' ARgh. I cannot tell you how many times when I was growing up listening to her gripe about the same sort of issues as are being discussed on this thread--the cards, the gifts for in-laws, the food, etc. I thought it was just so funny how she''s FORGOTTEN now, being an empty nester, and loving every minute of Christmas card correspondence, gift exchanging, hostessing little parties, etc. Mind you, she hasn''t had a job in 30+! But I do remember days during the season when she''d run my bro. and I to every grocrery store in town, searching for the right this or that to serve at a cocktail party...

So I prayed tonight, (which I don''t do often, if at all) Lord, give me the strength not to be like my mother, in that I will be able to remember all the stresses I subjected upon my children, or not ever subject them to, that I will be a steadfast, strong woman who can pull together a feast without it turning into a huge ordeal although it takes only 1.5 hrs for all those who are invited to dine at my table to enjoy...''

Oh, and there is this last part: ''Lord, please let this woman be of strong mind and body until she is 99 and I am dead and gone already so I don''t have to deal with her during my last years of holiday existence. Please.''
Ah too funny. Yes, besides trying to be Santa, I am trying to be the hostess with the mostest. And yep, sending the kids to get this and that, and they will be moaning to whole way to the store.

Just once, I would like to be surprised with a gift from DH that he actually went and bought without being told. Why is that you suppose we females feel that way? Does it go back to cavemen bringing home the bacon, so to speak!! Prove your love, go to the mall!! I have shown DH Whiteflash, GOG. He says he can''t buy a diamond for me. Well, not the big one, but surely WF or GOG could help him pick out a 1ct RB to please a PS''er. Simple? Heck, I''ll do the setting, just show me the love.

I bought tons of those clear red plastic dinner plates, just in case I get brave and say no china for Christmas (as I put away the Spode, unused) Everyone who comes to my house for Christmas knows it will be nice. Hhmm, maybe not anymore, I''m tired. Already.
For the first time, I did about 60% of my shopping online and that was a blessing! I had a very limited budget to work within so this helped alot with no cost shipping.

I really am not trying to just moan and groan but I just have felt like I was going to scream from exhaustion, frustration over what I did have to try to get at the mall, class parties, etc. I still have to get just one thing for my husband and I am going to try to do that tomorrow or Saturday. Since we are leaving to go out of town, I took it upon myself to send 95% of the gifts ahead that go to family over there, rather than me trying to pack them into the rented van we are taking and our luggage. For me, that was a major coo.

I went to two back to back holiday concerts tonight and am exhausted. Oh, and I was up most of last night with a stomache so I am so sleep deprived. The other day when I went to the doctor, I guess he picked up on my anxiety and my mood and put me on some xanax and sleep meds. I have only used the xanax once. Guess I didn''t hide my mood very well. The bags under my eyes weren''t disguised very well either I guess.

I know once I get to my mom and dad''s I will be fine. Exhausted, but happy.
Oh D, that is awful. What a terrible time to lose a child, not that there is ever a good time. I am so sorry for them. What happened with the catamaran? Were his parents with him? Too scary. My older kids go off when we are on vacation and it scares me, I want to let them have some independence but it still freaks me out. Do not feel guilt, thought that is probably normal, like survivor guilt or something...I am sure you feel just so sad and down about it.

I know what you mean about the men hubby is a wonderful provider but unless it is to critique what I am doing he is off to the races and is not helping me. He was annoyed that this year I did not have a photo for the holiday card. Last year I did, since it was my son''s bar mitzvah and I had professional photos taken in Augst...there was a great one of the kids and I sepia toned it and used it. This year I had some photos from vacation but none of them were that good, I just like the kids to be in the photo, not me or hubby, and none were any good. Of course he liked ones that I thought were bad so I just skipped it! Then he thought I was odd for wanting to put the dogs name on the card, even though all of our friends with pets do it...not a biggie but it just annoyed me. I just feel like I cannot wait for spring now...battening down and just getting through winter and I hope it is not a bad one...
The accident where the 13 year old passed away was so weird. It was in the news and the papers here in Southern CA. His mom had won this trip through triple A and so they went. Anyways, he really didn''t feel like going, but did anyway. He was having fun like everyone else and went up to the front of the craft to hold onto the mast and suddenly, it snapped, pining him down, crushing him. He was gone before anyone could do anything. The mast hit his mom, breaking her foot, and another woman. But he died right then and there.

My son and the other kids in choir were stunned, in shock, and overwhelmed with sorrow. The boy''s older brother has played basketball with my oldest son for years. Just too close to home, ya know?

The school had grief counselors on campus for the first day or two and permitted kids to go home if they wanted. This has been so tough for these kids. The boy who died was well liked, kind of out there and goofy, but genuine with all the teachers too. Tonight at the jr. high holiday concert his parents were there to be presented with letters and pictures that the school student body created in memoriam of him. The principal showed everyone a plaque with his photo and a few lines about how he was everyone''s friend, made everyone smile or laugh and was had a beautiful singing voice. Now he sings with the angels.

Needless to say, it was a very emotional concert. Afterwards, kids hugged the mom and dad and cried somemore. The choir teacher is from Hawaii and she broke down and apologized to the parents that the incident occurred in her home state. I''m sorry, but this whole thing has been so overwhelming for me. I know it may seem kind of weird, but things come in threes and this is two out of three so a part of me is really anxious for the third thing yet to happen to complete the cycle.

Anyways, that is the story. I pray daily for these two families who lost children. Too young to die. I just want to hug them or do something for them, but nothing will lessen the pain. Only time will ease it and make it tolerable, but it will never go away. For me, I remind myself each time I get snappy, which is happening alot theses days, to take a few extra seconds to collect myself before I blurt out something I will regret to my kids. It makes you stop and appreciate what you have...
LOL, to both Deanna and Diamond''s responses...see, this is why they should just call off the holidays completely, and let us just have one big winter feast!

This is SUCH a stressful month, period. Why IS it that women kind of bear the brunt of holiday stress, while our men sit back and watch football (or whatever it may be) , and we are to worry and stress over finding the right thing for every person we may not necessarily even have close bonds with? Hmm? Once again, my DH is OOT and has really no idea...when he called tonight I had to ask him, "sweetie, do you want me to go ahead and send your Christmas cards to your co-workers?" when I knew damn well he would say "yes" unequivocally. Why do I even ask? *sigh*

I would LOVE to go crawl into bed right now, and have it all to myself, EXCEPT there are presents all over it waiting to be wrapped. Presents for HIS family, I might add. Well, this has turne into a big ol'' bitch fest for moi...sorrry everyone!

Deanna...once again, you''ll get through it (might you pass along some of that xanax? I still haven''t found time to get to a doc to get some for myself...just rely on a co-worker who''s in the same circumstances to dole me out two per plane trip, hee hee) And Diamondfan, bless your little pea-pickin'' heart for even being able to spend some precious time here on PS and giving everyone such sage advice are such a gem and I soooo look forward to conversing more with you through this website on the laptop I just bought myself for Christmas that DH didn''t care to learn about....tee hee!
Thanks, Monnie, right back at you!

As we speak, it is 3:30 in the east coast, and I have been trying to get a Nintendo Wii...finally looked on Ebay...not sure what I will do, just not trusting Ebay lately. Got one off Amazon but the seller never replied to me, I want to get it before we leave or else I am worried it will sit out and get stolen or snowed on. Not good. I do not know how the guy is shipping and do not want it to go back to him but I am frustrated. It is all my 11 year old wants. Oh well, maybe in January?

Deanne, what an awful tragedy. Especially to see it happening in front of your eyes, I think I would kill myself. I could not handle it, and I do not think life would ever be the same again. Makes most crap seem just so parent should outlive their child and a violent death at the age is just too horrible. I cannot imagine what everyone thought, you are in shock as things are happening and by the time you realize something is happening it is too late. I could just not imagine a worse thing in this heart goes out to them, and to all people who have suffered a recent loss (or any loss), and hope they can get through the holidays as best as they can...
I can totally relate. In Christmases past I''ve been stressed to the brink of panic attacks so these last couple of years, I''ve REFUSED to let that happen. My solution is to minimize everything as much as possible. I buy all the gifts online, I decorate the house minimally: tree, a few knick-knacks, a wreath, and stockings), and I have our caterer drop off food for our Christmas Day dinner instead of cooking it myself. I can happily say that I''m feeling OK this holiday far. We''ll see if it sticks once our houseguests arrive (relatives).

The one thing I haven''t taken care of yet is those d@mn Christmas cards. Every year, that is the ONE thing that I loooathe doing. Having to confirm addresses with people, hunt down new addresses, and do the actual envelope addressing and stamping is SO time-consuming. And that 12/25 deadline is always looming overhead. The clock is ticking......
KD, that is why I had the stationers do it all..a bit more money but soooo worth it...we send out almost 200 cards, and NO WAY could I deal. I have carpal tunnel and my hand cramps when I write a check, so no chance I am doing all that. I used to, years ago, but no more.

I also got my 5 year old an ipod shuffle. He has begged for one and they are so tiny and not sooo costly that I am okay with it. I found headphones that are not the inside the ear ones, these were not too pricey and fit flat over the ear...safer for his hearing and also the others would not fit in his tiny ear. I then downloaded all his favorite songs, a lot of Disney (Be our Guest, and songs from Cars and stuff) and I know he will love it and feel like a big boy, like his brothers with theirs!
Diamondfan~ you shoulda said something about the wii!! I had an extra one... my mom and brother stood in line (for 12 hours!!!) at the EB games in Universal Citywalk on the first night of release and they both got a console. They are totally nuts. We ended up selling the extra one to my mom''s co-worker at cost just last week, and he wasn''t even that dedicated about buying it for his kid. Kinda pissed me off because I should have sold it on eBay or to someone who actually wanted it. bah.
Well, now I might have two!!! I got one off Ebay and the guy is overnighting it with Saturday delivery for me, I will have the tracking number later today. The one I bought off of Amazon, I have not gotten an email back from the seller, I have sent three, but it shows that it is I am not sure...yikes. I way overpaid but that is all my son wants, so I got it. It comes with 5 games...sports ones, and then once I see it I can get all the stuff I need extra...what is cost on it? I don''t even know...
I''m glad I am not the only one that feels this way- I was just thinking the other day how I am SO NOT in the x-mas spirit this year....I have not done any shopping at all, the only thing I have done is mail out the cards...I have absolutely no desire to go to the mall at all next week either. I can''t stand the crowds, the fights over the parking spaces, etc...ughh!!! And, with our wedding coming next Sept., the LAST thing I need to do is spend $$$. But, whatever.....

I did go to 2 xmas parties last week- they were fun- but I am still feeling very Scrooge-like ...BAH HUMBUG!!!!
lol it''s so funny how many PS''ers feel a little bah humbug this year as well!! i feel okay for the most part mentally, just kind of tired and not really able to concentrate to get what i need to done. for 3 years we have wanted to do a photo on our xmas cards but we just never do!! last nite greg was like ''are we going to do our xmas cards this year''..i said YES this weekend. so we''ll have to get those done and out. we already have a bunch that came in from friends. and a few that people sent that never came!! argh. we have a xmas party this saturday, then our xmas party on sunday. greg has a holiday concert on sunday too. then next wed we are going into SF to hear some sort of holiday singing thing with my family. then next friday, i am taking the day off (woo hoo) and that night greg and i are going into SF again to see the nutcracker. then it''s only 2 days til xmas and the madness is really upon us. and work is pretty crazy right now too. i just can''t wait til i get some time off...i will have a 5 day holiday and then work 2 days and then a 4 day holiday. so that should tide me over til we take a real vacay in spring!
rebot, there are two different versions of the PSP out? 1.5 and 2.0? awww man, do i need to learn about them first before i buy?? so you''re saying the 1.5 is better? what''s the difference between the two?

sorry, i''m using you as my go-to for info on the psp. it will make my shopping much easier. hehe.
okay so i have an update!!

between yesterday and today i have finally started to get going on stuff. i bought grandma a gift on RE, bought greg's mom a gift on RE. today i went to restoration and bought a bunch of these lap duvets i love for a bunch of people (i have one from last year and it's invaluable to me on the couch!)...and a new duvet for us..hee hee..a few things for friends, and a few holiday things for myself.
and i decided i am getting my sister an ipod shuffle, and my dad a wine fridge, and supplementing greg's gifts with a pair of jeans and a few sweaters, and my mom a gift cert to her fave quilting shop. i have a few other things and i got some stocking stuffers for greg today at RH... and everyone else is pretty much basically done. so i'm almost there, woo hoo, just have to WRAP everything. and make my stuff for our sunday party.
oh and do our christmas cards which we are both doing tonite.

anyone else making progress???
Mara, are the lap duvets like smaller blankets? I saw the foot duvets and I was like YES - I have been trying to find slippers for myself and DH and they are on sale....might have to pick those footies up!!
Date: 12/15/2006 6:49:08 PM
Author: Mara
okay so i have an update!!

between yesterday and today i have finally started to get going on stuff. i bought grandma a gift on RE, bought greg''s mom a gift on RE. today i went to restoration and bought a bunch of these lap duvets i love for a bunch of people (i have one from last year and it''s invaluable to me on the couch!)...and a new duvet for us..hee hee..a few things for friends, and a few holiday things for myself.
and i decided i am getting my sister an ipod shuffle, and my dad a wine fridge, and supplementing greg''s gifts with a pair of jeans and a few sweaters, and my mom a gift cert to her fave quilting shop. i have a few other things and i got some stocking stuffers for greg today at RH... and everyone else is pretty much basically done. so i''m almost there, woo hoo, just have to WRAP everything. and make my stuff for our sunday party.
oh and do our christmas cards which we are both doing tonite.

anyone else making progress???
OMG, tell me your mother doesn''t have the quilting bug too!
That is such a random thing, my mom is and has been all about quilting for like the past 15 years! Anytime I want to get her a gift it''s narrowed down to three categories: GC to quilt/fabric store, Crabtree & Evelyn, or sterling silver clip-on earrings. LOL!
hehe monnie, my mom is a huge quilter, and she also does crochet and knitting too. i am always after her to make me some scarf i saw in a magainze as the new hottest thing or whatever. she makes the prettiest quilts for my friend''s babies and stuff too. one year she might be REALLY into knitting, and then the next year REALLY into quilting, but she loves all three of them. she used to do things like cross-stitch too when i was young, and she sews as well. i loved how she got her plug in for what she wanted for her presents this year. she was like ''has anyone asked you what i wanted this year?'' i said nope. so then she''s waxing on and on about how no one gets her what she wants etc. i said ''okay so what do you want...tell me in case anyone asks.'' LOL! so of course she was more than happy to rattle things off which is how i zoomed in on the quilting cert for this year. hhaah.

FG yes it''s those same kinda things, greg actually got me the foot duvets like 2 years ago and they are SOO warm, they make my feet actually sweat! i can''t wear them for very long. but i LOVE the lap duvet!! we got one last year and i use it all the time. it''s so ratty and old and i can''t get rid of it because i wasn''t sure if they would have them this year and it''s invaluable to me, haha. so i was like SCORE when i saw them on sale..i hightailed it over at lunch but they didn''t have all the colors i wanted so i still have to order a few online. got us one too...hee hee. it''s the best for snuggling on the couch watching tv!

so about 4 more xmas cards arrived today...greg made noises when he was bringing them in...haha. i said WE WILL DO OURS THIS WKD! so yeah we have to. the more that arrive, the guiltier we feel, hahaa.
milly - version 1.5 and 2.0 are great if your DH is computer savvy because you can download the games. When Sony discovered that people could download the games instead of buying them they came out with newer versions that have different internal software that prevents people from downloading.

I just want to say that I am not encouraging anyone to download games. My husband is a super computer nerd and since we live in China the copyright laws don''t exist (or at least aren''t enforced) so we tend to download all of our games and tv shows. If your DH isn''t computer savvy then get whatever is easiest. They all play the same games the same way.
Has anyone seen the blanket thing that is almost like a blanket with sleeves? You can put the top part on like a cape thing and then snuggle with the rest of it wrapped around you. It looks great since I always feel cold on my shoulders and want to wrap myself but the blanket does not always fit. I saw it and cannot remember where, and it looked like a nice gift!
thx rebot! i''m probably going to just take the easy way out on this one. head to target and get him whatever version they carry, prob the newer one. hee.

mara, what are these lap duvets? where can i get me some? we''ve been using the same old fleece blankets for 3 years now and i think it''s about time we change ''em. they''re getting old....
restoration hardware, milly! they are not ''elegant'' looking really because they are like little down blankets, but i love them. and they have them in a bunch of diff colors.
Date: 12/16/2006 2:37:26 AM
Author: Mara
hehe monnie, my mom is a huge quilter, and she also does crochet and knitting too. i am always after her to make me some scarf i saw in a magainze as the new hottest thing or whatever. she makes the prettiest quilts for my friend''s babies and stuff too. one year she might be REALLY into knitting, and then the next year REALLY into quilting, but she loves all three of them. she used to do things like cross-stitch too when i was young, and she sews as well. i loved how she got her plug in for what she wanted for her presents this year. she was like ''has anyone asked you what i wanted this year?'' i said nope. so then she''s waxing on and on about how no one gets her what she wants etc. i said ''okay so what do you want...tell me in case anyone asks.'' LOL! so of course she was more than happy to rattle things off which is how i zoomed in on the quilting cert for this year. hhaah.

FG yes it''s those same kinda things, greg actually got me the foot duvets like 2 years ago and they are SOO warm, they make my feet actually sweat! i can''t wear them for very long. but i LOVE the lap duvet!! we got one last year and i use it all the time. it''s so ratty and old and i can''t get rid of it because i wasn''t sure if they would have them this year and it''s invaluable to me, haha. so i was like SCORE when i saw them on sale..i hightailed it over at lunch but they didn''t have all the colors i wanted so i still have to order a few online. got us one too...hee hee. it''s the best for snuggling on the couch watching tv!

so about 4 more xmas cards arrived today...greg made noises when he was bringing them in...haha. i said WE WILL DO OURS THIS WKD! so yeah we have to. the more that arrive, the guiltier we feel, hahaa.
That''s so mom is the same way--she''ll make out a list and email it to me "in case anyone asks."
She also has made wedding quilts and baby quilts for friends (and us), and they are just beautiful. She''s made a sports themed quilt for DH this year for Christmas which I can''t wait to see...we usually brainstorm together via email or phone, and what I have in my head turns out to be completely different from the end product, but hers is always way better than what I had in mind! She''s always telling the recipients of her quilts that she wants them to be loved and used, but somehow they end up in a keepsake box, or on a wall, or whatever because people feel like they need to display her work rather than "mess" it up! I just have three of her I sleep with every night that Dh is always trying to steal in the middle of the night ("it''s sooo soft!" he says), and the other two she made me for my college graduation and our wedding gift. The latter two are kept in a storage bench thing in our bedroom and are very carefully taken care of, lol. She would freak out if she thought I didn''t use''s funny. But they are sooo sentimental to me, and maybe someday the only things I will have to remember her by as she is not a jewelry person (maybe I was adopted?). Anyway, thanks for sharing about your mom''s craftiness. When I was in high school I thought she was a total dork but now that I''m a bit more "grown up" I think it''s really special that she is so artistic and great at doing something she really enjoys.
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