I’ve been on the search for a teal sapphire for a while, and got this one the other day. It’s exactly what I wanted - (perfect color, very clear, perfect size) but I noticed it has a huge window . I’d love some other people’s thoughts about if I got ripped off, should return, keep, etc.
It’s non heated, Madagascar origin, 5 ct and was about $10,000. It would be for low profile, art deco style engagement ring.
Thank you so much for your help!
I’ve been on the search for a teal sapphire for a while, and got this one the other day. It’s exactly what I wanted - (perfect color, very clear, perfect size) but I noticed it has a huge window . I’d love some other people’s thoughts about if I got ripped off, should return, keep, etc.
It’s non heated, Madagascar origin, 5 ct and was about $10,000. It would be for low profile, art deco style engagement ring.
Thank you so much for your help!