
Opinions wanted: what colour of pearls should I buy first?

What colour of Pearl strand should I buy first

  • White

    Votes: 18 54.5%
  • Gold

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Black

    Votes: 7 21.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Multi-colour

    Votes: 5 15.2%

  • Total voters
Apr 22, 2020
Hi all! I am a complete Pearl newb - I love them, but I haven’t ever bought any because I’ve always considered myself too young for pearls (I’m in my late 20s).

My favourites are white and gold (but champagne coloured, not the deep rich colour) south seas and black Tahitians. I am not that fond of Akoya pearls, not sure why but they’ve never appealed to me in the same way. Perhaps it’s because I like big sizes!

The only problem is that IMO white pearls are best suited to someone a bit older than me, I never see anyone except for women in their late 30s at the earliest donning white pearls. I feel like black pearls lean a bit younger and edgier, so I’m leaning towards buying those, but it feels like usually people buy white and gold first because those colours are like “staples”.

Multicoloured strands are also an option, but again, it feels like a single coloured matched strand is more classic than multiple colours on a strand.

Opinions are welcome!! Thank you!
This conversation has come up before, though I'm not sure if it was on this forum. It seemed most of the ladies said they wore their black pearls far more than they did their white ones. That, along with your feeling that white pearls are for older women, is why I picked black. I also wear my black pearls more than my whites, both strands and earrings.

Also, imo gold pearls don't seem to me to go with as many outfits as black pearls do. South Sea golden pearls also tend to cost a lot more than Tahitian pearls of the same quality.

Lavender, pink or peach freshwater pearls can be had for a lot less than the saltwater pearls but, again, imo, don't go with as many outfits.

Multi-color strands also don't go with as many outfits imo. Also, I've had a couple multi-color necklaces and bracelets and just didn't care for them very much so I wouldn't vote for them for anyone else either.

So, I'd say black Tahitian pearls, though of course the best answer is just whichever you prefer.
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I voted multicolour.

What about something like @MakingTheGrade’s fabulous ombré strand. That can lean both young and edgy but also classic.
white pearls are best suited to someone a bit older than me, I never see anyone except for women in their late 30s at the earliest donning white pearls

Ooh -- that is old. :P2

I think you should go with what strikes you as the most beautiful -- and worry less about how well-suited it is to your age, zip code, office culture, skin tone, hairstyle, etc.

Your question sounds backwards to me. It's a bit like "I like men -- what should I be looking for?" whereas on here it's more like "I need this kind of man -- where can I find him ASAP?"

Admittedly, I am more of a jewelry buyer than a jewelry wearer, though, so take this with a grain of salt.

If you love looking at pearls, then a bracelet makes a lovely and lower-stakes gateway drug (hopefully @yssie will be along).
How about Tin Cup necklaces in white or black pearls to start with?

You could probably make those yourself with low outlay by getting the components and a set of pliers. It is really easy, honest.

How about some pendants in different colours and styles?

How about starting off with a strand of baroque Tahitian pearls to see how you feel about them, and build your collection from there?

And yes, I started to wear strands in my early 30s, and bought my first workhorse of a strand of 8-9mm gem quality pearls from The Pearl Outlet (I believe they have ceased trading, shame) to form part of my business wardrobe when I was climbing up the corporate fruit tree.

I don't like multicolour strands as I like to wear multicolour tops personally.

Have fun, and be warned - pearls can be very additive!

DK :))
I think you should go with what strikes you as the most beautiful -- and worry less about how well-suited it is to your age, zip code, office culture, skin tone, hairstyle, etc.

This. Have a play with different options and see which make you smile the most.

Ooh -- that is old. :P2

Also this, with a wry smile :oops:

I’d definitely second the suggestion of a tin cup as a gateway too.
There and grandma threads are my favourite kind of threads
Im so excitted for you

But oh dear @AllAboardTheBlingTrain
if i could find my time machine i would take you back to the '80'
every bright young thing from Princess Di to Madona to .... and well even me :lol-2: wore pearls

Buy the colour you think you will enjoy wearing
i admit i went many years without wearing pearls again
stupid me

Check out how @MakingTheGrade makes pearls edgy and youthful
I promise these are not your grandma's pearls
although i would give my eye teeth for my grandmas' pearl rope
But my grandma was probably from a much earlier era than your nana

Don't be afraid of white
Buy some white freshies to have some fun with
think about size and length
You can rock the nacre girl !
If you are really so indecisive, buy some fakes from the supermarket first and see which of those you wear most.

I just did just that
Well some ultra chepos off the internet in a style i wanted to try out in earings

But oh boy they feel so cheap i havnt got brave enough to try them out yet :lol-2:
I voted multicolour.

What about something like @MakingTheGrade’s fabulous ombré strand. That can lean both young and edgy but also classic.

i dream about that one !
I need to spend too much money on the house in the next few years so my medium term plan is to do an ombre in cream, peach & pink freshies
I used to make jewellery with pearls and semi-precious stones etc., and had attended craft fairs with my efforts over 20 years ago!

I don't usually feel my age (late 50s), however, talking about what I did in the 1990s made me realised I am that old.

DK :lol-2:
LlHi all! I am a complete Pearl newb - I love them, but I haven’t ever bought any because I’ve always considered myself too young for pearls (I’m in my late 20s).

My favourites are white and gold (but champagne coloured, not the deep rich colour) south seas and black Tahitians. I am not that fond of Akoya pearls, not sure why but they’ve never appealed to me in the same way. Perhaps it’s because I like big sizes!

The only problem is that IMO white pearls are best suited to someone a bit older than me, I never see anyone except for women in their late 30s at the earliest donning white pearls. I feel like black pearls lean a bit younger and edgier, so I’m leaning towards buying those, but it feels like usually people buy white and gold first because those colours are like “staples”.

Multicoloured strands are also an option, but again, it feels like a single coloured matched strand is more classic than multiple colours on a strand.

Opinions are welcome!! Thank you!

Welcome to the nacre side as they say around these parts
You can tell im excitted becsuse this is my 4th post on your brand new thread

Make sure to have fun with your pearls
Don't over think why you like something too much at this stage
Just go buy a couple of fun freshwater strands - maybe even look at Edisons ad you said you liked the big sizes and just have fun
WillPearlJewelry on Etsy has a few inexpensive baroque Tahitian strands listed.

DK :))
I used to make jewellery with pearls and semi-precious stones etc., and had attended craft fairs with my efforts over 20 years ago!

I don't usually feel my age (late 50s), however, talking about what I did in the 1990s made me realised I am that old.

DK :lol-2:

I don't know where the time has gone DK ?
I don't have kids so i imagine i still feel the same as i did 30 years ago
But i look in the mirror and see my grandma some days

When you work out where you want to spend the serouse money you must talk with our @yssie
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Opps forgot to vote
so i voted for other
as in pink or apricot/ peach or blue
Hi all! I am a complete Pearl newb - I love them, but I haven’t ever bought any because I’ve always considered myself too young for pearls (I’m in my late 20s).

My favourites are white and gold (but champagne coloured, not the deep rich colour) south seas and black Tahitians. I am not that fond of Akoya pearls, not sure why but they’ve never appealed to me in the same way. Perhaps it’s because I like big sizes!

The only problem is that IMO white pearls are best suited to someone a bit older than me, I never see anyone except for women in their late 30s at the earliest donning white pearls. I feel like black pearls lean a bit younger and edgier, so I’m leaning towards buying those, but it feels like usually people buy white and gold first because those colours are like “staples”.

Multicoloured strands are also an option, but again, it feels like a single coloured matched strand is more classic than multiple colours on a strand.

Opinions are welcome!! Thank you!

About white pearls: if it's a choker it will not look outdated, the Vivienne Westwood pearl necklaces are pretty much in fashion right now with many fakes selling on sites like Etsy.
Pearls are having a comeback in the mainstream and are also popular with some men (celebs).
I don't know where the time has gone DK ?
I don't have kids so i imagine i still feel the same as i did 30 years ago
But i look in the mirror and see my grandma some days

When you work out where you want to spend the serouse money you must talk with our @yssie

Friends about my age talk about their grand kids, and made me realise that yes, I am old enough to have them too - the baby that I babysat and put me off having kids for life when I was in my late teens turns 40 next year!!!

DK :lol-2:
Friends about my age talk about their grand kids, and made me realise that yes, I am old enough to have them too - the baby that I babysat and put me off having kids for life when I was in my late teens turns 40 next year!!!

DK :lol-2:

Our lines and wrinkles and grey hair will be our own
Omg thanks all for your responses!

@seaurchin: I'm kind of leaning towards black myself! I didn't realise they were more economical than south seas (you can see I know NOTHING about Pearls except I've seen some that I like and those are the ones I like, haha).

@CMN: thank you for the suggestion! An ombre strand could look very cool and would definitely look younger than an all-white strand, but I have very long hair that I always wear down. So I guess I would need to figure out how to grade the pearl colours because the ones at the back of my neck would forever be hidden. It's a cool idea though. I love @MakingTheGrade's jewelry :D

@LilAlex: haha, I didn't mean it in an insulting way. I just meant I usually see them on people a decade older than me at the youngest. I've tossed up the idea of buying pearls often but I've always held back because I feel like it doesn't fit my age. Like, I do dress in clothing that suits pearls imo - lots of blouses and fitted skirts - but I feel like every time I put on a white pearl strand (I borrow my mom's, sometimes) I look 10 years older, perhaps because of the way I dress as well. I love white pearls, don't get me wrong, and I'll definitely buy them for myself in the next decade, but for now I'm afraid if I do get them I wont actually wear them. As for bracelets, I know I won't ever wear pearl bracelets unfortunately, I've tried them on many times but I don't like how they look on me and their delicacy makes me nervous.

@Pearlescence: tester fakes is not a bad idea, thank you!

@dk168: I have a little inexpensive pearl jewelry already, given as gifts - baroque pearl earrings and a baroque pearl tin-cup type necklace; both of which I rarely wear. I think the baroque shape is something that doesn't appeal to me, and that lack of appeal has grown over time. Pendants though, that is a good idea. Weirdly I find the idea of a WSS pendant very age appropriate, as well as a WSS tin-cup style long necklace (though I am not overfond of the tin cup style). It's only the idea of a proper strand that holds me back. So perhaps I should get the WSS pendant followed by perhaps a tin-cup style before coming back to the Tahitian strand! As for work, I am currently changing jobs to a work environment where I will have to dress down more than I currently do, so no pearls of mine will make it to work, unfortunately!

@lissyflo: Oh I totally didn't mean to offend, sorry! Was just writing out my thoughts but I think I inadvertently insulted the whole board.

@daisy and Diamonds: Thank you for all your messages Daisy! I believe I would be a young millennial. Princess Di had beautiful jewelry, but I don't like small sized pearls, so it doesn't personally appeal to me. I will check out Edisons. I think I made a post a long time ago and was told that brightly coloured pearls are usually dyed (I was tossing up the idea of a bright red strand but apparently those pearls are dyed, I didn't know!) Perhaps if I go with freshwaters I could get peach or something that would suit my colouring.

@Gloria27: A choker would be a great idea, except i have no neck :D But I will work on my hang ups a bit more and see if I can get around to the idea of a white pearl strand.
This is so excitting @AllAboardTheBlingTrain
and you never know, once you start in your new job maybe your tin cup will fit in

Dyed pearls are lots of fun

i have an er
$30 bright blue strand i wore to death, if i knew who are i have put the bits for safe keeping it'd be getting it restrung just because i had so much fun with itb
This is so excitting @AllAboardTheBlingTrain
and you never know, once you start in your new job maybe your tin cup will fit in

Dyed pearls are lots of fun

i have an er
$30 bright blue strand i wore to death, if i knew who are i have put the bits for safe keeping it'd be getting it restrung just because i had so much fun with itb

I doubt the tin cup style would work at the new job! It’s a jeans and T-shirt kind of place and I hate that style but I will have to tweak my wardrobe to dress more casual. Ugh.

Perhaps I will get a strand of dyed pearls eventually :D
@AllAboardTheBlingTrain when I started my career in my 20s, I was working in controlled environment where jewellery and makeup were not allowed.

I started to move into management and desk jobs in my 30s and began my journey up the corporate food chain. That's when I started to upgrade my business attire with the aim to look more polished.

Good job the business formal clothes I had made at the time still fits for the odd occasions when I need to dress up to meet clients and contractors face to face!

I don't really need anymore pearls, however, a nice strand of round blue Tahitians is on my bling wish list, and I hope to be able to get one next year.

The other issue I have is that, I want a paved diamond clasp made with Nittel system so that it can take different strands of pearls (my WSS and the blue Tahitians), in about 14-15mm, and it will cost me a small fortune!

DK :lol-2:
Pearls are definitely addictive! I say buy what you think you'd wear and love the look of. I rotate through all my pearl necklaces pretty evenly, and I don't think any of them look particularly dated.

I wear my ombre strand with the clasp on the side sometimes so you can see the full color gradient in the front when I wear my hair down.

You can also layer pearls with gold chains to give it a more modern and younger feel.


Tin cups of different styles

White pearls can also read as younger if the size is more patterned or you include an accent pearl

Baroque shapes also read less formal, as do including metal pieces

Medley strands I think are the best of all worlds! I like how versatile this "set" is. I can wear them doubled up, just a single one at 16 or 18" depending on the neckline.

Or I can chain the two lengths together to make a rope
Also I find how modern my pearls look also depends on the rest of my outfit. Ombre strand and a leather bomber jacket definitely doesn't look like grandma or a stepford wife haha
Pearls are definitely addictive! I say buy what you think you'd wear and love the look of. I rotate through all my pearl necklaces pretty evenly, and I don't think any of them look particularly dated.

I wear my ombre strand with the clasp on the side sometimes so you can see the full color gradient in the front when I wear my hair down.

You can also layer pearls with gold chains to give it a more modern and younger feel.


Tin cups of different styles

White pearls can also read as younger if the size is more patterned or you include an accent pearl

Baroque shapes also read less formal, as do including metal pieces

Medley strands I think are the best of all worlds! I like how versatile this "set" is. I can wear them doubled up, just a single one at 16 or 18" depending on the neckline.

Or I can chain the two lengths together to make a rope

Wow, your ombré strand is gorgeous! I agree that none of your necklaces look dated. I find the black pearls super edgy and this is definitely enticing me to go in that direction. I especially love how you’ve worn your necklace in your leather jacket pic, with just a hint of white.

I think tin cups as a style work for me just fine when the pearls are round/slightly off round. It definitely gives me a good idea of something to play around with.
Also I find how modern my pearls look also depends on the rest of my outfit. Ombre strand and a leather bomber jacket definitely doesn't look like grandma or a stepford wife haha

Pfwaaaa, I'm dead! :kiss2: