
Our engagement ring!! Thank you WINK and WHITEFLASH!!!

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Thank you, ladies. I''m still so loving the ring. Paul likes to kiss my hand after he looks at it. He''s a proud *father* to it, I suppose. He refers to it as *our* ring, which is just so cute to me.

I love that when I go into different lighting, it picks up different colors and sparkle factor. It''s wonderful. Several people have thought it was bigger than it is, which is also a compliment that Paul LOVES.

Have you chosen your ring yet, Diamondseeker? I hope your daughter is doing well; I remember a while back you said she was going through some hard stuff. Blessings to her!!
Hi, Fisher, yes, my diamond is off being set now. It''s going into a plain wg setting! I figure these diamonds are so beautiful they can hold their own without having to have an elaborate setting. I just couldn''t find anything that I loved enough to pay big bucks for! I am not sure what I might have said about my daughter other than she had been sad about breaking up with her BF of 3+ years. She is student teaching this fall and is doing very well. Our son does have some problems, though, and I believe I talked about that on a thread somewhere. Thank you for your concern!
I look forward to seeing your ring in its completion, Diamondseeker.


Your ring turned out so beautifully! I just love the combo of the Roseco cathedral with the tulip head. Very nice sparkly white rock too!
Date: 8/24/2006 12:29:25 AM
Author: Small

Date: 8/22/2006 7:43:21 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly

I didn''t realize there was that much difference in height on our rings. Wow! However, even if your ring was dropped down so the diamond sat between the cathedraled curves, it wouldn''t fit! Your diamond is too big! Hee hee. You have a beautiful ring!

Ooh, and I know I''ve said this like tons of times now, but really, everyone here who helped my boy, I thank you. Sincerely. We wouldn''t have this ring, had we not gotten advice and assistance and PICTURES from you all. Our diamond wouldn''t be the sparkler that it is, either. I can''t tell you how many times I''ve heard in the *real world* that my diamond sparkles MUCH more than other diamonds seen around here, and how it looks SO much bigger than 1/2 carat. Yay! We love it, and we thank you for the time and effort you put in to help us find it. *And for helping Paul to get over the whole buying online thing.*

LOL...jen my diamond isn''t near as big as most on here so it definitely would fit LOL but thanks for the compliment. I actually like it up high. It definitely stands out and makes the diamond look bigger than it is. It was an adjustment for me as I own a marquise diamond as my original e-ring and it sits a bit lower but the sparkle and the beauty of my round diamond made the adjustment that much easier. My husband wanted to buy me a round in the first place but all of my friends had marquises and I was so adament about not liking the round. I always told him a 1ct looked too small on my finger...little did I know those that I were trying on were so poorly cut that they were looking small and dull LOL. I too am thankful for pricescope. I would have never gotten the deal or the incredible diamond I got if I wouldn''t have stumbled onto this website
It sounds like I have a combo of your old and new rings. I have a marquise set in the Roseco cathedral. It took me a while to get used to the height of the stone, but I just adore the Roseco cathedral.
Hey all.

Thanks for all of the kind words regarding our ring. Jen just adores it, so it was worth it in the end. Even if it wasn''t nearly the surprise factor I was hoping for. I''ll learn that won''t work with her, some day.

The thing I was the most concerned about was the width, because when she said she really wanted something thin, I thought the 2.5 mm might have been too thick, but it ends up that she really likes the thickness and has even said it makes the diamond "pop." I personally think that''s because Whiteflash sold me an outstanding diamond, and I really can''t express enough how incredibly patient they were with me in the decision-making process. I was a frequent caller, and especially once I wasn''t coming here to ask advice, I got a little anxiety-ridden. It was a long process, but the compliments we hear about the ring and the smile on my fiancee''s face are well worth the effort.

Thank you all, again, for the help. I''m still trying not to laugh when Jen sees a flower and slips her ring off to take pictures of the "flowers;" she''s taken to calling her ring "the tulip" here lately.

Silly girl.
Date: 8/21/2006 12:29:57 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly

There isn''t a surprise diamond. When we were looking at having a custom made replica of Water Lily, we were told it had a surprise diamond, but neither of us ever saw it in the pictures, so we decided it wasn''t necessary. We ended up not going the custom route and instead Paul asked Wink to use the Roseco cathedral and to drop the tulip head to the bottom of the shank, so it looks sunken into the band. Just like the original. Closer than I could have imagined.

I hope WINK or someone from WHITEFLASH comes upon this, because they ROCK!!!

LOL! I just now am finding this, at 6 in the morning on a Sat. Now that is not the right time to be up and working on the internet for this country boy!

I remember your ring well. It would be fun to make up some story about how I had to fight my bench tooth and nail, fang and claw to get them to do what you wanted, but it would be just a story. The bench listeded to what you wanted, said, "sure, we can do that," and did it.

Sheila did most of the work with Paul and she was just tickled pink when it was done as she knew it was what you wanted. I am so glad you like it as much as Sheila thought you would!

Date: 8/21/2006 12:29:57 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly

There isn''t a surprise diamond. When we were looking at having a custom made replica of Water Lily, we were told it had a surprise diamond, but neither of us ever saw it in the pictures, so we decided it wasn''t necessary. We ended up not going the custom route and instead Paul asked Wink to use the Roseco cathedral and to drop the tulip head to the bottom of the shank, so it looks sunken into the band. Just like the original. Closer than I could have imagined.

I hope WINK or someone from WHITEFLASH comes upon this, because they ROCK!!!
I just saw this thread bumped and wanted to chime in to say CONGRATS to the both of you.

We were thrilled to be your provider & always enjoy the opportunity to partner with a class act like Wink.
This project was a delight all the way around. Thanks for the kind words.
I''m on my first trip home since becoming engaged, and I *adored* the reaction from my parents. My mom said, "Oh Jenny! What a breathtaking diamond. Wow. It''s so BIG." Then she held up her hand to mine, and said, "Um, I need to talk to your dad about this place Paul shopped from. I like them. A lot." It was cuteness. Then my dad thought it was pretty, too. He said he''d never seen a ring like mine and that he thought it looked just like me, "simple, but with some kick." Only my dad! Heehee.

Anyway, my parents'' response was so cute, I thought I''d share.
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