
Our home has grown by two feet......

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Kayla, my pricescope twin... Congratulations!!!!!!!!
She is absolutely adorable!!!!!. And I love the name Kara =) Glad to hear you are two are doing well...I know what you mean by son who was born on September 18th is also very high needs/colicky!! I had no idea just how hard being a mother is and how wonderfully rewarding it is at the same time. I tell ya, I have alot of respect for moms who have other little ones and have a newborn in the house...I really don't know how they do it. Enjoy every minute with her...time does fly by too quickly!! Sorry to hear about the fever and headaches..but aren't epidurals great? I gave in and got one at 7cm dilation.

My little one is a huge porker!! was 8 lbs 1 oz and it past 12 pounds at 7 weeks...people can't believe he's so young and I'm pretty petite so it's pretty funny. Yesterday was the first day I ventured out with him alone for the first time..armed with my husband's beard clipper..LOL!! only thing that will calm him down..I swear people stare when they hear my buzzing stroller go by =)
Here's a pic of my precious..sorry to hijack!

Congrats again..I'm so happy for you!!! =)

P.s. haven't posted in sooo long..hi everyone and oh yeah..I can't believe the awesome eyecandy that's been posted here lately!!''s the pic

Cute Cute Cute
Cute Cute Cute
How are you! I wondered what happened to you! I figured you must of had the baby, but I was not sure and I have not seen you on here at all. HE is adorable!!! I am sure you must be estatic!! I am so happy for you and your husband.
Yeah, I know exactly what you mean about how mothers with other kids and a newborn do it. I don''t know either. At least my other daughter is in school most of the day.
I have been taking her out since we got home from the hospital because my husband went back to work and I had to go pick up my daughter from school.
I put her in the baby carrier and just walk, but now that the weather is colder, I drive over to the school so she isn''t exposed to the cold weather.

She is getting baptised on Sunday and I am keeping it relatively small, just parents and siblings and the godparent (only one).
Congratulations, your baby is just the cutest!!!
Thanks guys=) he is adorable...when he isn''t screaming his guts out. His colicky fussiness peaked since last week so no time on pricescope!!
Kayla, has Kara''s colic gotten better now? There are times when my hubbie and I get really down thinking his crying will never end. He basically cries al l day...even when we hold him. We are getting about an hour of happy baby now but otherwise he''s pretty miserable. He has his 2 month appointment this friday and I''m so afraid the the vaccine shots will make him more cranky.

Hope the baptism went well...btw, do you have daycare while you are working?
Kayla, you and your baby girl look so sweet together on Halloween, I love the little outfit!

Slammie, your cutie is adorable....Greg and I were cracking up at you calling him a 'porker' (my middle sister was like that, a totally huge chubby baby, her nickname was chubber, and now she grew up to be a skinny twiggy adult!! the irony!) and also at the thought of the buzzing beard clipper in the stroller! Greg said 'well I hope the baby can't get ahold of the clipper'..I was like 'of course NOT...!!!' ...MEN!
Date: 11/15/2005 1:58:48 PM
Author: slammie
Thanks guys=) he is adorable...when he isn''t screaming his guts out. His colicky fussiness peaked since last week so no time on pricescope!!
Kayla, has Kara''s colic gotten better now? There are times when my hubbie and I get really down thinking his crying will never end. He basically cries al l day...even when we hold him. We are getting about an hour of happy baby now but otherwise he''s pretty miserable. He has his 2 month appointment this friday and I''m so afraid the the vaccine shots will make him more cranky.

Hope the baptism went well...btw, do you have daycare while you are working?

Kara has actually gotten better now that I have stopped breastfeeding. I am preparing to go back to work on Nov. 27th, so I have weaned the breastfeeding to just once a day.
Usually, colic is from gas. Are you breastfeeding? Try those mylicone drops. They are pretty good at relieving gas, if that is what is causing it. Also, carry him on his belly or in a baby carrier when you are trying to do things around the house, at least you will have your hands free. Does he like a pacifier?
Don''t worry about his crying, if it really gets to you, put him in his crib for five minutes and just let him cry. As long as you know you have done everything possible to soothe him, it won''t hurt him to cry a little.
When you go to the doctor for the immunizations, tell her about his crying. See what she says or suggests.

Kara got her immunizations last week and had fever for two days and became a really fuzzy eater. On top of that, she also got a cold from my other daughter, so it was terrible!

The baptism was nice, I will post a picture of us.

I don''t have daycare right now, I do have a family member who can babysit for me who doesn''t work and stays at home. I work three nights a week and I scheduled myself to work every other day so I don''t need a babysitter. The morning I come home from work, my husband will just go to work in the afternoon, that way I can get some sleep.
Here is a picture of us. I was going to post a picture with my husband, but he said no, so I cut him out!

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Here is one more of Kayla and Kara sitting on the couch. I told Kayla to smile, but it came out like a frown. She loves her little sister so much!! I am so glad.

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Butterfly, your girls are just adorable. And you are a cute mommie!!! slammie I'm sorry your baby has colic. My best friend's baby had it pretty bad too, but it doesn't last too long. Before you take him for the vaccinations give him some baby tylenol that helps. My kids are teenagers, makes me miss the baby stage. Enjoy, your babies are just precious!!!
all these cute kiddies!

Butterfly your children are just so adorable.
I hope it goes smoothly when you head back to work.

Slammie- What a handsome little guy. Hang in there with the crying.
Ask the Ped. about it.
Thanks guys for the encourgement! Kayla, your daughters are so precious!!! Your older daughter's expression just cracked me up. Glad to hear that Kara is doing better and you're lucky you have someone to help out. My mom was originally going to help babysit but they ended up moving out of the area so I don't know what I'm going to do. At this point I feel like not going back to work because by the time he is a happy boy, I will need to go back and don't want to miss out! I have tried the babybjorn but he HATES it. I just bought a sling/pouch and he is getting used to that. Funny Mara mentioned Chubber because we call him chubba the hut. =)

I did breastfeed initially but it turned out Cameron was tongue tied and was causing me to crack and bleed! It was awful!! After pumping every 3 hours for 6 weeks, I had to give in and do formula which I cried about for a couple of days.
By the way, you look like you lost all your pregnancy weight..did you do any exercises? I still have about 8 more pounds to go and living in Juicy sweats. I can't fit any of my jeans =(
here''s pic showing what a porker he is =)

I really MUST come over to this forum more often!

Kayla and Slammie, you both have beautiful babies! Congrats!
Thanks so much Patty!!
slammie, your baby boy is just precious!!! He is really a beautiful baby.
Thanks again Kaleigh!! And thanks for the tylenol it in and he''s sleeping like a baby

He weighed in at 14 lbs 4 oz at 8 weeks 5 days..I can''t get over how big he is!
Sorry Kayla! didn''t mean to hijack your thread.
Date: 11/18/2005 4:57:55 PM
Author: slammie
Thanks again Kaleigh!! And thanks for the tylenol it in and he''s sleeping like a baby

He weighed in at 14 lbs 4 oz at 8 weeks 5 days..I can''t get over how big he is!
Sorry Kayla! didn''t mean to hijack your thread.

Don''t worry about it, twin!
I am going back to work soon, on Nov. 27th and am sort of nervous. Both about the job and how things will go at home!
Sometimes I wish that I could just be a stay at home mom, but I realize that I would never survive it. I would go crazy with boredom and eventually die...[:eek

At least being at work gives me time to actually talk to real people, even if I don''t necessarily like all of them! I have to give a hand to stay at home moms though, I could just never do it.
Even on the days my husband is off, I will wake up early and get the kids ready so we can "go for a drive". Just to get out of the house and do something else than be in the house!
reading about you babies and all that goes with it brings back memories for me. My youngest is almsot 2 but it sure seems like yesterday I was going through the same thing.
Slammie, you son is such and handsome little guy and Kayla/Butterfly what a sweet picture of your girls. The baptism dress is beautiful..
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