
Package not delivered... has this ever happened to you?

Hello everyone, thanks again for your support and advice.
The pearls did not turn up today unfortunately :cry: I did wait all afternoon for the Canada Post delivery guy and I talked to him. He was very nice and was trying to remember the package -- he couldn't remember delivering the package (he did vaguely remember the other package, which I found, as well as where he had left it), but also said that if it says "delivered" in the tracking info, then he (or someone else, I guess) must have scanned the package. He will check the local post office again for any packages, but he doesn't think it's likely that it stayed there. So I think it probably was delivered, the question is where.
I also contacted PP again and asked if they shipped with insurance, and I was told they are filing a claim and we will give it a week for the package to show up -- if it doesn't, then they will look into sending me a replacement. I am really happy (relieved) about that, but obviously still really hope the package does show up at my address. I will keep you guys posted.
yingh|1430160022|3868522 said:
So sorry to hear that! There is still hope.

I've had a Fedex package showing "Delivered" when not. I tracked it down to their local office. They were not sorry at all. Filed a BBB complaint, but they have many complaints already.

Have you asked your postal service who was on your mail route that day? Your regular mailman or another person?

Once my mailman left a note in my mailbox saying nobody was home to receive the package, while I was just sitting inside watching him drive away... Apparently he was too lazy to walk up to my front door and knock. I called the postal office and they delivered it the following day.

Cannot wait for the drone delivery...

Aha, so I was thinking maybe FedEx is safer, but according to what you say it is not necessarily so... :?

Actually, my mailman is super nice. If he seems me walking down the street he gives me my mail, or lets me know I have something.

Drone delivery, of course, would have its advantages -- no human errors, I suppose?
cmd2014|1430173237|3868639 said:
I've had Canada Post say things were delivered that were actually out for delivery (over a couple of days apparently). So I'm hoping that your parcel is just late and not lost! But I also have a community mailbox, so I've never had anything left at the door.

I would imagine that PP insures what they send out though, so that if something doesn't make it to you, no-one ends up being out of pocket. Seems to me someone else here on the board had something go MIA in the mail, and PP replaced it with something similar (it was a one of a kind item IIRC from the connoisseur sale, so it couldn't be exactly replaced, but they did a nice job with a substitute).

Thanks CMD. Based on my conversation with PP, this is what I think will happen if the package does not show up. This is not the Connoisseur sale so hopefully in that case they can replace it with the same items.
Tucs|1430185840|3868747 said:
Drone delivery, of course, would have its advantages -- no human errors, I suppose?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I guess you've never argued with a computer? :D
ennui|1430187580|3868772 said:
Tucs|1430185840|3868747 said:
Drone delivery, of course, would have its advantages -- no human errors, I suppose?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I guess you've never argued with a computer? :D
Indeed. Drone delivery would bring an entirely new set of unimagined problems. Right now, you can be fairly certain that the deliveryman would not accidently drop the package into the middle of a lake or field, say, but who knows about a drone?
Delivery really is the nightmare of selling at a distance.
I don't post much but wanted to chime in to commiserate. I had a sad experience where a (non-jewelery) xmas gift was marked as delivered to my inlaws house where we were all staying, but we were home all day and it most certainly was not delivered! I got an awful runaround from the postal service, who made me wait, and then told me it was too late to file a claim. The seller eventually offered to recreate the item at her cost, but by that point we had just bought something else for the recipient. It wasn't super expensive, but it was ooak, so it was very disappointing. I hope that your story has a happier ending -- I'm guessing that PP will be better to work with re: insurance/replacement than a one-person shop. Best of luck!!
The package is here!!!
I'm so happy and so relieved! The post man said he just got it today and he had no clue how it accidentally got scanned on Thursday. Who knows. I have my beautiful pearls, now I can chill out. All pearled up, that is :-)
Yay, so glad for you!! :appl:
So good to hear! Congrats!!!
Yay!!!!! So glad you got your pearls!
:appl: yay!! I'm so happy for you! Now neck shots please??
Thanks Blingbunny, Yingh, ltlmsmft and Bailey!

And here are the neck shots -- sorry they aren't very good. They strands are beautiful -- the blue are more irregular/baroque, the white are very smooth; both very lustrous.



Tucs, they are gorgeous on you!! Looks like they were worth the wait. :))
So beautiful!!!
I'm so glad to hear they arrived safely!!! They look gorgeous on you individually, as well as twisted. I like the smooth roundish shape of the whites but the baroque shape of the blues is very interesting as well. Mine have that same shape.
YAY!! So glad this had a happy ending. Both strands are lovely. Congrats! :appl:
All's well that ends well! They are lovely.
Tucs, :wavey: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Beautiful, so glad they arrived!
I love them twisted! It really brings out the blue.
Tuc, You must be incredibly relieved! Your necklaces are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your pictures.
Tucs I'm so glad they arrived safely for you. They look lovely and are very special pearls. Congratulations :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
hooray hooray and huzzah!! :appl: :naughty: :dance: :dance: :dance: :appl: :naughty: :dance: :dance: :dance:
I am so happy for you! And they are GORGEOUS!!!!
:appl: I love happy endings.
Thanks blingbunny, Bailey, baby nurse, enbcfsobe, pearlsngems, frost me, pregcurious, Krissy7, 4Ranch girl, ckrickett and ennui!!
Great pearls and so glad your package arrived safely!!!
Yay! It was just a Canada Post "out for delivery" for multiple days quirk. Glad they arrived. They look great on you!
I'm so glad they arrived safely! They are beautiful!!
Beautiful Tucs!
Thanks CMD, ricezo and Lovinggems!