
Packrat's five stone AVC ring project

Hi packrat!

I'm following this project with interest for sure! You've posted some of my all time favourite rings!

I can really empathise with your needs to get something for you in terms of style, and needing to look and use some ideas from the rings you've posted.

The 3-stone of cricketgrrl is stunning isn't it - I've loved that for the longest time, and like that it's sturdy, yet still retains real grace.

I was looking around the other day, and saw this's out of the UK, but the idea is there...

I'm kind of seeing 5 very slightly graduated stones, with the shank coming off the end bezels, at the same width more or less as the outer stone size, and perhaps an underplate that has been graduated to sit the 5 U-cups on top of, making an 'edge' to the cups/stones at finger/skin level. The LM ring shows it sort of, but is uniform in width. I think with a very slight graduation in stone size, even with an underplate, a wedding ring will sit next to it nicely, as you've graduated only slightly, and it's not an obvious centre stone with 4 sides.

I think you will have seen this one too, but will post the link... I wonder if this is done in a 5-stone at all? Whether there are any pictures out there?

Wishing you the best of luck with's going to be stunning!

packrat said:
hehe sorry, I was running out the door to work! It would still have the cuppy U's but then the prongs would be flat-ish like in this picture. I'm not sure if it will work for a graduated cushion, I'll have to check w/HC first. And actually, now I'm trying to figure out if I should just do this one the way I planned (Graduated Leon type w/U's) and then get the other for a RHR. I'm completely torn!

Just my 2 cents but I'm not loving the look of these flat-ish prongs for your AVCs, there just seems to be too much metal. I like the claw prongs on the corners of each of the stones much better. But of course, go with what YOU love. Have you seen this ring in person?
Stargurl, nope, I've not seen any of these in person..just flying by the seat of my pants mostly. A lot of "oooo I like this! oooo what if I did that?" I've been looking at the flat-ish prongs more and I think they're better on rounds of the same size, the way cricket's are. I think they'd look too much like birds on the graduated cushions and that would drive me nuts.

Wendy-that first one you posted, I love! I had printed out the bigger proportions picture and penciled in the flat prongs..but I erased it yesterday and made little semi bezels on the sides of each stone-not on the top/bottom of the stones- and I like that a lot more. I'd like them to be really thin. I don't know how much space semi bezels on five stones would take up but I think I would like it.

I definitely don't want it to look like a center w/sides or a three stone w/sides, so I like the very slight graduation of the .3/.35/.4 best..I'm not sure what kind of mm graduation that would translate to, but that's the all around look I'm wanting, not necessarily the exact carat weight.

Marie said they're getting some smaller AVC's in the end of the month so fingers crossed there's some in the batch that will work for me..

Any thoughts on doing little semi bezels?
Claw prongs preferred here as well (and I'm sure that's not a
hi again!

I'm glad you liked that ring - it's stunning isn't it. I think you have to listen to your heart with this project, and if you have been leaning towards some kind of bezel setting, then stay with your first inclinations! I really think that with the stone combination of .3/.35/.4 ish, the mm graduation is going to very very slight. That said, an underplate such as the Leon type ring isn't going to graduate very much, so will allow all manner of rings to be worn up snug with the 5 stone.

Really it's just a choice of tab type prongs or half bezels really...and cricketgrrls's ring is kind of between the two...not sure how to explain it better! Have you seen the side profile view of her ring, it's not the same as either the Leon or the one I showed you.

I'm preferring a bezel choice, but I love them through and through! Claws are gorgeous, but I do prefer bezels, it's such a timeless look, and offers such safety.

I've just pulled the trigger on some work...bezels all the way! I'm having some diamonds reset, in a ring, pendant and earrings - and have just agreed to let go of $3000!! It's scary to be sure, hoping the choice is the right one...I know I felt a little jitter this morning when I posted off my bits and bobs, not to be seen again for a few weeks, but can't wait to get them back looking very very different. I need to make a thread actually...need some advice on a platinum chain.

I'm so looking forward to seeing what you choose...listen to your inner's not usually wrong!

Thanks Gypsy and Wendy! I'm actually glad I don't have to decide right now..I'm so torn between pointy prongs and semi bezels! Bezels/semi's are my favorite. It's nice to be able to talk it out tho and get opinions..I need to figure out my mind. I'll ask HC too when they have the stones what they think. Maybe they could do some sketches or something. I wish I knew how to draw jewelry!
hey hun! I've been quiet about your project as I don't want my love for a certain style sway your decision or anything :wacko: but do you think you could possibly get a cheapie fake five stone band both types prongs and bezel or semi bezel to wear a bit? I'll look for some for you. I think you know what I would choose but I'm in a weird boat myself with prongs with my seven stone project, maybe once that is completed, I"ll give you a better assessment of what I think of both options having worn it for a bit?
Wendy, I forgot to ask who is doing the work for your projects and when they'll be done?

Hey D&T! :wavey: Hmmm I never thought about doing's a good idea tho! Maybe I'll poke around ebay and see if I can find anything that might work. Gimme a holler if you find something! How much longer till yours is done?
Another couple weeks before the new AVC's come in..I've already shredded my cuticles and am a mess of hangnails, and now I've still got another two weeks or so to wait me occupied lest I go nuts waiting!
Have you seen the Michael B. Riviera ring? The settings (baskets in this case) sit on a band and aside from the center stone, the stones change in size in a gradual way so the top and bottom edges of the diamonds form two flat planes connected at the back of the ring. The girdles of the diamonds also make a nice curve in the gallery view.

Can't wait to see how your project goes. :appl:
Oh boy - just saw your reply in my thread, they're not making this easy on you! :cheeky:

I actually really like the flat prongs on this one, and I think they'll look even better with the longer, flatter-ended cushion shapes. I don't like the prongs on the ends though - I think a semi-bezel end just "fits" better. Which is kinda making me sad, 'cause HC's prongs are edible...


Are you going to have enough room for all those stones on your finger if none of them tuck under at all?
I know it! I guess that will make it all the more exciting when they come in?? Gah!

I'm pretty sure I can get 15mm's easily on my finger..the "pretend" ring I made had paper cutouts that were 19mm's across and they worked fine..of course, if I end up going semi bezels on each that will increase the width across. I really dig the flat prongs..but I worry they're going to look like birds on graduated stones. I suppose once they have the stones, HC can draw something up maybe, to help me visualize..

They do do amazing prongs..I think that's part of why it's so hard to decide..tho I do have a colored stone RHR project planned in my head that would use prongs so I'd still get to have them!

ETA The stones tucking you mean having the stones curved, following the curve of the finger, rather than being straight across the top of the finger? I definitely don't want them straight across, but curved.
Hehe two projects makes it easier to decide, I imagine :bigsmile:

I meant - they're all girdle to girdle in that pic, as opposed to with the first pair of sides sitting a bit underneath the centre, and the second pair sitting a bit under that, so overall you probably shave a mm or two..?
Ohhhh der! I getcha know what, it's not even something I'd thought about. I just assumed they'd be girdle to girdle, just kind of at an angle b/c they'd be curving..I never stopped to think they might be tucked like that. Is tucked better? Do you lose any finger coverage that way?
I think that's just one of those things that's totally up to your preference! Unless you can't fit everything on your finger otherwise, in which case it's awfully useful ::)

Now that I actually think about it I don't know how you'd tuck with those flat prongs though, so I guess that takes care of that question :sun:

Have you decided the exact sizes you want? Or are you waiting til the stones come in?
I'm not sure..I'd like the graduation to be slight, like in that second mock up. I'm just not sure what the mm's would be of (roughly) those specific sizes..maybe they'd be too wide and I'd need to go say, .20/.25/.30. Whatever sizes will get me about 15 to 19mm's across I guess, with that smallish graduated look! I think they're getting in quite a few smaller ones..I think they'd be willing to lay them out for me and take pics or something, to see what sizes look the best.
They've got some stones set aside for me. Do you think these sizes will give the slight graduation I'm looking for? I don't want it to look like a center w/sides.


Would I be better off seeing if the .25's could be used as the end stones and if there are any .3x's for the second set?

Can Jon take a pic of the stones at the requested sizes for you so you can see actual sizes versus approximating the look?
I bet he could..good idea!
packrat|1320519900|3054702 said:
They've got some stones set aside for me. Do you think these sizes will give the slight graduation I'm looking for? I don't want it to look like a center w/sides.


Would I be better off seeing if the .25's could be used as the end stones and if there are any .3x's for the second set?

LOVE that graduation! And great idea on having them send you some pics of actual stones lined up... I bet it looks different in 3D :love:
Hey Yssie! This is a mock up D&T did for me, to kind of give an idea what the proportions might look like. I like it a lot. It's smaller tcw than I had wanted/hoped for, but if it's going to give me the coverage I want, then that's not a problem.

These are the mm's of the stones, from Marie, 2.7/3.8/4.5/3.8/2.7

Jonathan said he'd take pics on Tueday, so that will help a bunch also!

Awesome - hope those pics come in soon, I wanna see!

Have you decided on whether you're going with regular or flat prongs yet?
I'll post em soon as I get em I promise!

Either semi bezel or prongs, is what I'm figuring now..I thought about doing the flat prongs but making them shorter, sort of like Freke's Big Blue setting from dimend Scaasi. Maybe they wouldn't look so bird-like then b/c they wouldn't be touching each other.
Thoughts? Bigger ends? Bigger center?

packrat|1320786586|3057216 said:
Thoughts? Bigger ends? Bigger center?

bigger ends... if you want more finger coverage increasing the ct of the smallest stones is by far the best bang for the buck... plus I think the graduation will look smoother with bigger ends, right now the ends are strikingly smaller to my eyes in the pic...
Thanks Yssie! I'll email and see what they have, for ends and center just to be sure.
Hi Packrat!

I love the look, but like Yssie, I also think I'd probably go a little bit bigger on the end stones. This will be blingaliciously stunning!
Thanks Laila! I emailed Marie so we'll see what they've got. I mentioned even if they don't have the sizes in the right color, at least that would help visually to decide which of the three looks is the best fit for me. I can wait for other stones if I have too..
Packrat, I saw your AVCs on Facebook and my jaw hit the floor.....I am pretty sure my keyboard is going to stop working soon from all of the drool on it! :appl: :appl: :appl:
I saw these on facebook too.... and droooooool!!! I am working on a five stone project.. all the same size..but it made me stop and think.. so beauitful... :love: :love: :love: