
Paging Monarch

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Best wishes for tomorrow and for a speedy recovery.

People make such strange assumptions, and you know what happens when we assume...

You''ll be in my thoughts tomorrow.

*Disclaimer* What you are about to read are some thoughts from a mind that''s been exposed to painkillers, very strong painkillers. Some of what you read will be coherent, some will quite possibly be unitelligible babble.

Well I made it through! I''m 4.5 hours post-op and doing pretty well, all things considered. Everything went well with my surgery, no complications, and things went exactly as planned, which is wonderful. I was pretty emotional sitting in recovery, I think because of the anesthesia (they put me totally under), so that was probably the worst part of it all. I remember tears streaming down my face for no apparent reason and wanting to sob but knowing somewhere in my mind that that wouldn''t be a good thing to do for my sinuses at this point (you can''t blow your nose for a few days after this type of surgery).

the wisdom teeth I had pulled are causing the most pain, my jaws just ACHE. I don''t have pain really at all from where they released the upper palate where it had fused together...boy that was a weird feeling though when I first came back into reality. Oh, and they saved that part for last, and I TOTALLY felt the surgeon doing the whole whacking the bone with a mallet and chisel! At that point I was starting to come around and I remember squirming but my arms were tied to the chair (good thing, too or I might''ve escaped right then).

Now I have nice big chipmunk cheeks, partly from swelling and partly from all the damn gauze stuffed iinto the backs and sides of my mouth! I started to get a little upset when i looked in the mirror an hour ago and DH told me I still looked beautiful
bless his heart, I love that man.

Soon I will be attempting to "drink" some mashed potatos mixed with water DH picked up at KFC...he''s been experimenting with blender recipes for a few days and thinks he''s a pro blender chef now, which is great! Then I will take my antibiotic and some more painkillers, the last round is starting to wear off.

Funny side story: (well not funny at the tiime) yesterday i got a call from DH while I was at work in the a.m. telling me I needed to go home and check on our house because apparently there was some sort of electrical malfunction going on and everyone on our block had breaker boxes going snap, crackle, pop, and that some fires had started.
So I raced home to find our block completely barricaded off with every fireman, policeman from the surrounding suurbs there handling the situation. I went right into our house (we have two dogs inside) and things seemed ok, but no power was on. So I went to the basement to see if the breaker box was smoking or sparks were shooting out or whatever, they were not that I could see but out of stupid habit I flipped the light switch on anyway and sure enough, "SNAP CRACKLE POP POP POP POP"! I ran back upstairs, put the dogs out, flagged down two big burly firemen (and that was the highlight of my day I tell you), and they came in to make sure it was ok and flipped the main breaker switch off for me. We were without power until I ot home from work yesterday at ~4:45. At which point our neighbor across the street comes over to tell me to check all of our appliances because most people''s got blown, like t.v.''s microwaves, computers, etc. Of course I was not happy to learn this and thought, my, what better timing as usual could go on in my life?

the couple who live right next door to us (you know, 5 feet away) are putting an addition on the back of their house. When they broke ground yesterday morning the guy hit the electric line and caused all these problems. I feel so bad for the couple, they are sweet, older and were so excited to get this project underway. They feel so bad about being the cause of the whole mess (although it was the contractor''s fault). We ended up losing our microwave, a small t.v. in the bedroom, alarm clocks, the under the counter kitchen CD/radio, our garage door opener, and landline phones, and a few other small things. So I just look on the bright side and figure we will get to do some shopping, yay!

OK that''s all I have for now, thanks again ladies for your support and words of encouragement! and thank god I have a laptop and PS to keep me occupied during my recovery!
Great news Monarch.
I think you were reading my mind because I was thinking of bumping this to hear if your surgery went well. I am glad your surgery went well. Glad hubby is going to pamper you; you deserve it!

I love that your hubby is now the blender extrodinaire! Very sweet!!!

Gosh, that poor couple next door; how embarrassing.

So glad that surgery went well. So sorry about the electrical mess! Take good care of yourself, eat lots of milkshakes and keep us in the loop regarding how you''re doing!
Date: 5/3/2007 11:15:45 AM
Author: KimberlyH

So glad that surgery went well. So sorry about the electrical mess! Take good care of yourself, eat lots of milkshakes and keep us in the loop regarding how you''re doing!
Ditto, take care of yourself and I hope you can imbibe lots of yummy soft foods

OH, take care of yourself! Quite an ordeal you've been thru!

P.S. Are you sure it wasn't Sparkles22's cat chewing your wires???????????????????????

Date: 5/3/2007 11:35:03 AM
Author: canuk-gal

OH, take care of yourself! Quite an ordeal you''ve been thru!

P.S. Are you sure it wasn''t Sparkles22''s cat chewing your wires???????????????????????

LOL Sharon!!
Date: 5/3/2007 11:40:54 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 5/3/2007 11:35:03 AM
Author: canuk-gal

OH, take care of yourself! Quite an ordeal you''ve been thru!

P.S. Are you sure it wasn''t Sparkles22''s cat chewing your wires???????????????????????

LOL Sharon!!
Hey Lorelei--hope you are well these is rainy here today and hence I have a bit of a pout on my face................

Hi, Thanks guys! Nope, it wasn''t Sparkles cat chewing wires, but now I will have to go read her thread and figure out what you are referring to, LOL!

I can''t eat dairy products for the first few days or so says the doctor, so meanwhile I have lots of those Naked fruit smoothies on hand, they are so good and bursting with vitamins and dietary fiber and all that good stuff, plus they are all natural.

The worst part of this isn''t the pain, it''s the swelling! I wish I had the courage to post pics of my temporary face here but I don''t, ha ha. I''ll tell you this, though: My cheeks are so huge I look either like a hamster who''s been storing food in his cheeks for an hour and is totally at storage capacity, or the cheeks of a person who is morbidly obese. I''m icing all the time, I have this head wrap thing that holds lightweight ice packs but the swelling is to be expected and today and tomorrow it is supposed to peak. Hopefully by the weekend it will start to dissipate. But for now my DH and I are just laughing about it, it really is comical!

I''ll keep you updated...I''m off work for the next three weeks so you''ll be seeing lots of me here on PS!
Date: 5/3/2007 2:31:47 PM
Author: monarch64

I''ll keep you updated...I''m off work for the next three weeks so you''ll be seeing lots of me here on PS

Oh goodie!
I will post some pics of the new calf''s in my thread over the weekend.
yay monnie glad to hear you are doing as well as can be expected!!

and yes once you are back on the milkshakes, yummy. mint chocolate chip!!

i tried doing the food in a blender thing when my ex broke his jaw and he thought most everything was just gross.

so mostly he did soups through straws (aka think TJ''s corn chowder or tomato pepper etc) and ensure drinks for vitamiins and stuff and a ton of milkshakes! he lost like 20 lbs too, i think most of it came back on when he got better but what a drag...anyway hang in there woman and good for you!
Skippy, can''t wait to see calf pics, that will totally cheer me up!!!

Mara, yeah blended/pureed food is not the best but I figure with a little creativity I can at least eat to survive, plus I have a little "reserve" shall we say to tap into, ha ha. I can''t suck anything through a straw yet due to the wisdom teeth/dry socket thing which is also making things a little tougher. But I did stock up on lots of dairy free sorbet and soy dream "ice cream" from TJ''s so if I can just let that soften up enough or maybe even blend it for a few seconds it will be perfect. And yes, there will be some weight loss for me as well, I think I''ve already dropped two pounds in the last two days just from eating so few calories plus my body working extra hard to heal itself, it''s amazing. I know a lot of it will come back on once my recovery is complete but by then I will be dealing with braces/wires/all kinds of other discomforts so at least I will still have that "eating is a PITA" portion control thing going on, lol!

DH went and rented me a few DVD''s including Blood Diamond, Charlotte''s Web, and got me a book of puzzles that looks like it will drive me absolutely insane with frustration, but it was sweet of him anyway. I thiink he''s actually enjoying being able to take care of me, normally I am quite independent. This morning I got up before him and was cleaning up the kitchen which he promptly heard me doing and made me stop, hee hee. One day post op and I''m already stressing out about little messes he''s made...I think when he goes out of town next week I will call a cleaning service and have them come do all the scrubby, labor intensive stuff!

If anyone thinks of a good smoothie or liquid diet recipe please feel free to share with me...
Date: 5/3/2007 5:22:56 PM
Author: monarch64
Skippy, can''t wait to see calf pics, that will totally cheer me up!!!
okay. I will do it Sunday!
How are you feeling? Are you getting better? I hope you have a speedy recovery.

I put some cow pics on "Skippy''s pet calf" for you
How are you doing Monarch? I've been MIA lately but I hope you're feeling okay. I remember seeing some smoothie recipes somewhere but I can't find them...I'm thinking it was in a diet thread of some sort...cannot remember where it was though!
oh yeah on smoothie recipes...

there are a ton of recipes on hungry-girl''s site...check them out monarch.

but some mental favorites that i remember...things like protein powder, flax meal, honey, bananas, 2% milk (or use full fat if you need it), yogurt, mangos, strawberries, blueberries, peanut butter etc etc. you can make some pretty yummy things it seems with smoothies. also you can use gelato or non-fat frozen yogurt or ice creams for a more creamy texture. throw in some cocoa powder for a chocolatey feel (aka honey, chocolate, peanut butter, banana and some milk or vanilla yogurt would be super yummy!!!).

the smoothie thing can be fun, the protein powder will give you boosts of protein and the flax meal will help with fiber, but you can also add in fiber one cereal (when crushed down and blended takes on the flavor of what you mix it with for the most part) for a large dose of 14g of fiber...also use other cereals in the smoothies for more texture and fiber/protein.

yum!! anyway hope you are continuing to do well, check in when you can.
Hi everyone! I''m alive and well...I just drove out to my oral surgeon''s office today (first time driving since surgery last Wed.) and had a good report. My swelling peaked probably the day before yesterday and has been slowly going down since, leaving my cheeks and under my eyes a nice bruised shade of yellowish''s lovely, really.
I''m not in much pain, though, so I haven''t been taking the prescription meds, just Advil, for the past 24 hrs which is good because I hate feeling "out of it" from those hardcore pain meds.

The blender is still my best friend and I have been trying different smoothie ingredients here and there. Mara, I think tonight I will try adding peanut butter and banana in with some almond milk and crushed ice, and maybe a little vanilla ice cream and see how that goes (it sounds good anyway!) I think I''ll also try crushing down some of my soy/flaxseed TJ cereal and add that in for fiber also, thanks for that tip.

Oh, random story that made me feel good from today''s dr. visit: before the doc came in to see me his nurse was telling me how impressed they were because I was so calm pre-op last week and everything went so smoothly because of that...she said about a month ago they had a younger guy have the same procedure done and he was so nervous and freaked out that it was a lot rougher on everyone involved and he had a lot longer recovery process due to just being so worked up and negative about the whole thing. She made me feel pretty proud of myself, as I am not the bravest soul when it comes to surgery or doctors/hospitals, etc. I told her I did a lot of research and had lots of time to prepare myself mentally and emotionally and I think that helped me through more than anything. That poor guy, though, I felt sorry to hear he had such a bad time of it.
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