Sure I will later today!Would it be possible for you to take a picture of the profile view of one of your earrings please - I'd be very interested to see how steep the arms of the setting look.
Any chance I could trouble you for the dimensions of the cushion studs?
What plastic disks? I bought the sticker one years ago but can't wear them since the glue irritates my ears. Thanks!
I am not sure how good my kids calipers are, the 1 cttw about 4.5/4.6 mm while the 2 cttw is about 5.6/5.5 mm
Pretty in pink!
Nice! It looks beautiful on your skintone.
I like the three prong setting.
Does it flip? I would worry that it would flip on me.
They look pretty, do you love them?
I can't say I don't like them but I don't think I love them, especially when I compare them with my old cut diamonds... Maybe they will grow on me, I haven't removed the tags, as I am not sure whether I want to keep or return them....
Unfortunately I can’t wear white metals. They give me eczema.
Platinum too? Surely not???
The toi et moi looks quite lovely! And it’s not a bad idea at all to get extra during the sale to repurpose into other projects.
I picked up a few items too... the 3/4ct princess logo necklace, the triple “pear” pendant and the 1ct 10k two-stone earrings. Love the princess pendant - the blue is so nicely saturated compared to the other LB blues I had seen before.
However, I’m not completely sold on the other two items. The triple pear is substantial, but not resonating with me for whatever reason. I *want* to love the earrings but I think they’re just too dainty for my ears. It’s such a shame since I have the 1ct pink studs and adore them! I think these two are going to go back.
Those earrings are stunning!
The blue princess pendant is gorgeous!