
Photos of my cats to bring some cheer to your day!

There is a Tinky inside every scared cat
Our Tibby for one
so much love inside to give

....well not today
Neither him nor Borris were overly impresses with breakfast and usually id just open a different sachet but right now we all have to have things we don't usually like
(we are eatting a lot of cabbage)

I think Bob is saving all her love for her mom, and that’s definitely not me!

I’m eating a lot of cabbage too. I like to chop it up and throw it in soup.
@MeowMeow Is this the one that inspired your profile name? (;
& I must know this adorable poofs name!

His name is Loki :) and no I had 4 other cats who were mine at my father's house. They inspired my name XD I had to leave them when I married because they had all been living together for years and we thought it would be too painful to separate the 4 of them from each other just so I could have a cat. My husband also wanted a cat so we got this fluffy man to join us. He is quite happy being the only fur child in the home. :)

I love your little kitties! I would love to see more of them!
I think Bob is saving all her love for her mom, and that’s definitely not me!

I’m eating a lot of cabbage too. I like to chop it up and throw it in soup.

It does taste good in Thai soups
Im really only still learning what to do with it but as a kid i would eat in raw out of the garden but in those days it was boiled for hours till it was served up as mush
ive done it lightly fried with bacon which was a huge success

I don't like carrot so ive been making appleslaw and pinnapple slaw - might do a chowmein this week

This is darling Blue
in the 90s i worked for a large provincial rural servicing company - i worked in the garden centre but as we had a large grain store and we also sold hay and straw the company had a long history of work cats on our site

i find Missy's story about her ex mousser so sad because the firm i worked for always looked after their feline employees
Blue was my darling, she slept in a basket in our terracottage pot house although if it were cold she would slip back in the cat hole cut in a big old heavy door and curl up on the grain sacks
sometimes on a sunday when only the garden dept was open she would sneak into the rest of the shop and curl up on a stack of towels

It does taste good in Thai soups
Im really only still learning what to do with it but as a kid i would eat in raw out of the garden but in those days it was boiled for hours till it was served up as mush
ive done it lightly fried with bacon which was a huge success

I don't like carrot so ive been making appleslaw and pinnapple slaw - might do a chowmein this week

This is darling Blue
in the 90s i worked for a large provincial rural servicing company - i worked in the garden centre but as we had a large grain store and we also sold hay and straw the company had a long history of work cats on our site

i find Missy's story about her ex mousser so sad because the firm i worked for always looked after their feline employees
Blue was my darling, she slept in a basket in our terracottage pot house although if it were cold she would slip back in the cat hole cut in a big old heavy door and curl up on the grain sacks
sometimes on a sunday when only the garden dept was open she would sneak into the rest of the shop and curl up on a stack of towels

Aaw, Blue was such a beauty! It sounds like she had a good life.
Aaw, Blue was such a beauty! It sounds like she had a good life.

She was my shadow
And she was great PR for the firm
She wasn't too keen on kids though ...we would warn the parents - dont let your child do that, but no - still kept pulling tail....and wham ! Blue took no crap from anyone !

After i left the firm restructured and desided it wanted to concentrated on its key core rural departments - although our shop had a great following from city folk mainly due to our garden centre the entire shop's turnover was about 20 times less than grain and seed - the next smallest dept, so the shop part was dismantled or sold off
the garden centre moved onto a very busy main road so Blue was rehomed after a nice article in the paper

Which was a much happier ending than the firm them selves who were finally taken over by their majority shearholder who then surcomed to a take over themselves by their major opposition who i think are now China owned
This is my fur son with his plastic bottle lmao . :D he has been with us almost 3 years now.

OMG what a sweet and sassy baby. Love him. Please hug him from me. I can feel his soft hair from here. What a precious sweetheart. :love:
I’m sorry for Missy’s kitty loss, I know just exactly how that feels and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. They say we never really get over grief, we just find room for it and add it to our world. That’s my experience.

My experience too. And my heart goes out to you. We never get over their loss but we learn to live with the pain and grief and by saving another (for us) it helps make it more bearable. Knowing that in their honor we save another. I still cry every day over Fred and Francesca and suspect I always will. They were special souls. Heck I still feel pain over our dog Apache's death in 1974 so I am hopeless what can I say.
I’ve always been a dog person and still identify as one, but I am totally in love with my found-in-a-forest cat. Here are some of my favorite pics of Shale (full name: Sir Shale Bristletail of Falls forest. He comes to the name shale).


And today he hung out in my hoodie pouch while we made brunch

That photo of Shale biting kills me. I just love that. His sharp teeth and the earnestness with which he is attacking. What a love. And what a wonderful life you are giving him. FWIW I always thought I was a dog person too...until I got my first rescue cat in 1992. Just saying. :kiss2:I think we have room to be both cat and dog people.
By the way I love Shale's big head in your last pic. What a great shot. :kiss2:
Beautiful cats everyone! This is my sweet heart, house panther...she has brought just so much joy. She’s super communicative and loving, though this picture doesn’t look like it!

Aww we called our Francesca girl a panther. What a beautiful baby your girl is. Enjoy her!
Oh dear lord. How did this picture give me both kitten and human baby fever?!?!

I must stay awayyyy the cuteness is too much

Dang y'all I'm so close to adopting a kitten. I miss my all black girl :(
Theres something about black cats and their brain that works differently! @missy knows! (;

@PreRaphaelite Your babies are gorgeous gorgeous!

Its funny how every cat represents their owner well or how well the pair or trio seem to match eachother like siblings!

@Luce I love me some fatty cats! But for obvious reasons I'm partial to your Siamese. The apple heads are Just so adorable!

@Bluegemz Of course you'd own a black cat! With your mysterious and glamorous self!

I do know! Black cats are special. All cats are special but yes I know what you mean. I miss Francesca so much. Hugs to you @TheGarnetGirl
We found the Siamese abandoned in the bushes at work. My 2 cat rule went out the window.

Haha yasss! My two cat rule went out the window back in 1993 when I had Buster (rescued him in 1992) and my sister said it wasn't good for cats not to have companionship as I was in my twenties and out all the time. So instead of getting a second I managed to get a second and third lol. But they came together and I couldn't separate them if you kwim. That is how I became the "crazy" for cats cat lady. :lol:

And you know what? Despite all the pain and heartache losing them I don't regret one minute. They always gave us so much more than I could ever hope to give them. But I try to show them how much I adore and love and cherish them.
Best thread ever! :clap::appl:

I do not have a kitty at the moment, but here’s Bob Cat. She belongs to my neighbor and she is afraid of me.


Aww I don't believe any cat would be afraid of you @JPie because they have to sense what a wonderful animal lover you are. Bob cat is beautiful. And I love his name.:love:
We have 4 cats. And then my fosters.

This is Celtie.

She was a foster fail and feral to friendly. EFFECTS.jpg

She stayed because she decided I was her person. She is terrified of anyone she doesn't know. Celtie adores me and went from silent to hugely chatty. She's also a pirate cat. She likes to sit on my shoulder and get super close. She has the biggest purr. Celtie grooms all the fosters too and teaches them manners. Celtie was living in a neighborhood with mostly tnvr cats and someone wasn't fixed. She was trapped at 4 months. Never had been socialized before. I'm shocked she turned around. I still have scars on my hands from her intitallly though.

The neighborhood where she lived poisoned and "removed" over 18 cats. Only her and one other were able to be saved. Our rescue group tried to save them all but we couldn't. Those people were determined to harm the cats.

Thank you for all you do @elizat for the rescues. I am crying reading about the cats who were poisoned and can only hope karma exists and that the people who did this will suffer a brutal end. Sorry I am not sorry for wishing that on such horrible individuals.

Celtie is beautiful and I am glad she chose you to be her person. She couldn't have chosen better. :love:
I take a video a day for a good friend of mine (who also happens to be a PSer) and here are some still shots from that video I took for her last night.
Oliver and Gracie fooling around.
Gracie was the best thing we could have done for Oliver as he was not getting any affection or attention from our adult cats Tommy and Bobby and Oliver was turning unwanted attention to Tommy chasing him all over. Tommy is hyperthyroid and not doing great right now and adopting Gracie made a big difference. Though they all occasionally chase Tommy much of that unwanted attention has been diverted. So did I want to have 4 cats again? No not really. But we did it for Oliver and Tommy. And so far it is a success.


and where was Tommy during all this? Haha safely watching from a distance. Love Tommy. He is a sweetheart in every way. A lover not a fighter.

I’ve always been a dog person and still identify as one, but I am totally in love with my found-in-a-forest cat. Here are some of my favorite pics of Shale (full name: Sir Shale Bristletail of Falls forest. He comes to the name shale).


And today he hung out in my hoodie pouch while we made brunch

"Sir Shale Bristletail of Falls forest"....I had to say it out loud and it made me laugh. Your kitty rescue story is one of my favorites! He is such a handsome boy. :kiss2:
Gracie loves the sun.


I've already posted this tonight so forgive me
This is Tibby watching tv, happy, sleepy and contended after a roast chicken dinner
- this week i had to buy kitten food - it was all i could get in my price bracket - i thought it woukd be a treat as Tinky loved kitten food - but noooooo
Mr and Ms Ex strays are now Ne Nd Ms fussy pants
But i noticed after i poured the chicken pan juices into the bowl of rejected kitten food it did get eatten up 20200407_221802.jpg
Gracie loves the sun.



She looks like Timothy - last year's stray that had the kittens under the grape vine
I hope she, her kittens and Isabel (this year's rescued stray- found good safe homes especially in these new scary uncertain times

Im now giving breakfast (a slice of Tibby's cat sussage/ cat version of dog roll) the stray who used to belong to the people who lived here before us - served under the grape vine of course
Some one somewhere is feeding it something because it looks reasonably healthy, but its a pretty wild thing
Its definatly related to Tibby
They have the same yellow almond shaped eyes20200407_221802.jpg
I had to resurrect this precious thread!

Looking through it- filled to the brim with everyones adorable, incredibly cherished felines raised my spirits!

I have to update to add that we just adopted this rescue from one of my coworkers mothers!

She has a large pecan orchard and has been feeding a young white calico cat when she noticed that she was missing, she finally found her dehydrated and that she had given birth to a litter of four kittens, three of which had passed but she was still tending to them.

This little boy was the only survivor and needed to find a good home as there are many predators like rattlesnakes and coyotes that would love to have him as a snack.

Hes been home with us for two weeks now and has been successfully weaned off of substitute milk after having his mothers for 5 weeks (such a good young mama cat!), and is eating dry food now!

He is a gray & white little boy with stripes all over and he definetely has a fiesty and powerful personality! He loves to play! He is a fighter and has a very strong personality!

Brother & Margaret have also finally gotten used to him and dont mind his presence anymore! At first they hissed and I felt so bad but the kitten never seemed fazed (he might end up rooling the roost after all) but now they both have accepted that theres another one to our gang!

I still havent settled on a name for him yet so any ideas are welcome! The stranger the better!

A photo of him on some of my daughters books having just eaten with a messy face!

The two photos I took when we first got him and took the little trip to bring him home

One of my sweet Brother sleeping- a little teddy bear! Sweet boy has been sleeping around my neck at night and the weight has actually been soothing me to sleep. Hes a very intuitive cat when it comes to depression or stress. He truly could be a comfort animal ❤

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@TheGarnetGirl congrats on your new addition! He is soooooooo cute! And Brother looks like a total sweetheart.
He's gorgouse @Garnetgirl
Looks like a happy family :kiss2:

How is the mommy cat ?

today its been raining all day
Tibby likes to sleep in but Borris is keen to go out and meet the world as soon as one of us gets up
She doesn't use her dirt box often but ive checked its clean and i washed it and put in new litter yesterday

Right now Tibby is having a very wet run around before bed - he's been inside since lunchtime and i know he has used the dirt box once a few months ago ....

Anyeay while Tibby was inside dry on the spair bed Borris insisted on being outside - she made a little nest and buried herself in it so i found a 'rain jacket' for a few hours before i extracted her and brought her inside

I leave this old garden chair in the laundry, which has a view from the backdoor out over the garden but no one has sat on it for months20200618_142110.jpg
Borris now
The side of her closest to the telly is all warm and fluffy


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Beautiful kitty pics, thanks for sharing!

Mine and the dog joining me in the garden.


DK :kiss2:
I had to resurrect this precious thread!

Looking through it- filled to the brim with everyones adorable, incredibly cherished felines raised my spirits!

I have to update to add that we just adopted this rescue from one of my coworkers mothers!

She has a large pecan orchard and has been feeding a young white calico cat when she noticed that she was missing, she finally found her dehydrated and that she had given birth to a litter of four kittens, three of which had passed but she was still tending to them.

This little boy was the only survivor and needed to find a good home as there are many predators like rattlesnakes and coyotes that would love to have him as a snack.

Hes been home with us for two weeks now and has been successfully weaned off of substitute milk after having his mothers for 5 weeks (such a good young mama cat!), and is eating dry food now!

He is a gray & white little boy with stripes all over and he definetely has a fiesty and powerful personality! He loves to play! He is a fighter and has a very strong personality!

Brother & Margaret have also finally gotten used to him and dont mind his presence anymore! At first they hissed and I felt so bad but the kitten never seemed fazed (he might end up rooling the roost after all) but now they both have accepted that theres another one to our gang!

I still havent settled on a name for him yet so any ideas are welcome! The stranger the better!

A photo of him on some of my daughters books having just eaten with a messy face!

The two photos I took when we first got him and took the little trip to bring him home

One of my sweet Brother sleeping- a little teddy bear! Sweet boy has been sleeping around my neck at night and the weight has actually been soothing me to sleep. Hes a very intuitive cat when it comes to depression or stress. He truly could be a comfort animal ❤


Aww congrats n your newest family member! What a sweetheart. ❤
Beautiful kitty pics, thanks for sharing!

Mine and the dog joining me in the garden.


DK :kiss2:

Adorable. Both of them. I love seeing our furry family members basking in the sun. ❤