
Photos of my cats to bring some cheer to your day!

I had to resurrect this precious thread!

Looking through it- filled to the brim with everyones adorable, incredibly cherished felines raised my spirits!

I have to update to add that we just adopted this rescue from one of my coworkers mothers!

She has a large pecan orchard and has been feeding a young white calico cat when she noticed that she was missing, she finally found her dehydrated and that she had given birth to a litter of four kittens, three of which had passed but she was still tending to them.

This little boy was the only survivor and needed to find a good home as there are many predators like rattlesnakes and coyotes that would love to have him as a snack.

Hes been home with us for two weeks now and has been successfully weaned off of substitute milk after having his mothers for 5 weeks (such a good young mama cat!), and is eating dry food now!

He is a gray & white little boy with stripes all over and he definetely has a fiesty and powerful personality! He loves to play! He is a fighter and has a very strong personality!

Brother & Margaret have also finally gotten used to him and dont mind his presence anymore! At first they hissed and I felt so bad but the kitten never seemed fazed (he might end up rooling the roost after all) but now they both have accepted that theres another one to our gang!

I still havent settled on a name for him yet so any ideas are welcome! The stranger the better!

A photo of him on some of my daughters books having just eaten with a messy face!

The two photos I took when we first got him and took the little trip to bring him home

One of my sweet Brother sleeping- a little teddy bear! Sweet boy has been sleeping around my neck at night and the weight has actually been soothing me to sleep. Hes a very intuitive cat when it comes to depression or stress. He truly could be a comfort animal ❤


Words cannot describe how adorable this baby is!
Waaaa! I want one!
But Miso is very challenging and would probably not tolerate a new cat.
<3 Cats are magical.
Our sweet Oliver. He is 3.5 months old and such a sweet boy. 34AB724F-9A12-4099-A536-A67489D4DE69.jpeg994B123B-2C21-4F82-A9EB-77BD6BDC84E5.jpeg79D07111-76BB-4DA9-865D-58D2911E7DBD.jpeg

Omg perfect name for his adorable little triangle face!! Look at those sweet innocent eyes and that smile! Oh dear im in love!

@moneymeister Theres a reason why there are so many myths about cats. (:

Many cultures rich with spirituality believe that cats and cats only, toe the line between our world and the world of the dead. They believed that they are able to see those spirits and also strong enough to wore them off! Many believed that while a black cat was unlucky and was a sign that it was your turn to die or were the sidekicks to witches and to those that delved deep into the spiritual realm or shapeshifted, other breeds/colors of cats were frequently welcomed to keep away evil spirits. Ive had too many odd experiences to feel as though I can confidently debunk any of that really. Spooky stuff!

@stracci2000 Awwwwe I know the kitten fever well lol
What a responsible cat mama you are though to recognize that the one you already have might not be the best bigger brother! ❤
Hopefully these can satiate your kitten fever though!!

Blue is growing up! Seeing those kitten photos makes me have the fever all over again!

Blue in his favorite chair earlier today in the classic sitting-chicken cat pose that makes you wanna squeeze them!


Kossac (Margaret) lounging like a baby doll on it as well tonight!

I was loving on him between these shots, putting my face in his oh so soft fur, so you-know-who got jealous & came to wrestle Kossac for a duel!


After Blues neuter!
He had a little nurse (:

Now I present to you,
A short story depicted in images titled, "Blue & his Sea-green Blanket"
A Love Story ❤ These pics were all taken on different days.


He fell asleep with the equivalent of his own stuffed animal & I tucked him in.


Blue watching television for the first time, The Big Comfy Couch to be exact. My childhood show that Ive now passed down to my daughter.


Kossac Cuddles ❤

Before Blue had his Sea-green Blanket he tried many different spots for napping but none were ever quite right...


Hmm, what are you two turkeys up to? Warm towel compresses...spoiled cats!!!IMG_20200729_124537422.jpg

The most handsome boy on the planet ❤️ Brothers nature & personality never lives a day short of his name. Sweetest boy ever!

Before Blue had his Sea-green Blanket he tried many different spots for napping but none were ever quite right...


Hmm, what are you two turkeys up to? Warm towel compresses...spoiled cats!!!IMG_20200729_124537422.jpg

The most handsome boy on the planet ❤ Brothers nature & personality never lives a day short of his name. Sweetest boy ever!


I want to cuddle with them! So cute!
I want to cuddle with them! So cute!

They all come into the bedroom to be lazy & sleep, just like their mama lol

Blue is turning out to rule the roost & be the most dominant despite his young young age and even after his neuter he's kept the same spunk. Luckily he's no terror - just in everyone's business and super playful and curious!

Brother isn't the smartest cat (I swear a previous female cat I owned could read my mind or understand what I was saying...) But he sure is the sweetest. He has the nicest disposition, & can never get pet enough. He sleeps on my head at night but I don't mind. I keep our room freezing just so he can keep doing so! Haha

Margaret, or who is now known as Kossac (my daughter changed his name & I feel it's appropriate as weve known he's not a female for well...years!) Is also a sweetie but loves his independence. He loves going in and out of the house and hunting birds although he never catches them. His fur feels like nothing I've ever felt, and almost feels like mink just with thicker hairs. When he sees me napping he always likes to come up and sleep next to my daughter and I.

Don't get me started on our other two cats! Yes I know, we have five! Shhhhhhhhhhh. All boys too!
Thank you lovely @Polabowla ❤️
I was hoping that with everything going on in the world, big or small that pictures of my kitties and their lives in their own small world's could inspire some happiness & relaxation.

I know for me personally seeing other people's cats and their personalities shine through the images is completely relaxing!
Borris has now seen that green blanket ....
And she wants it !

It is SO soft, the best place for napping!
Here I buy those big yarns & you can easily knit it yourself!
Since it has holes it's also really breathable and doesn't make you overheat!

Also Daisy, you and your sweet beloved Blue was the inspiration for naming my kitten Blue too. I mean Im partial to color names (my daughter is Scarlett & we have others planned for new kiddos) but you were the original one that introduced me to that name. I love it & hope it honors him well!
It looks like he too was a deep steely gray and white?
Before Blue had his Sea-green Blanket he tried many different spots for napping but none were ever quite right...


Hmm, what are you two turkeys up to? Warm towel compresses...spoiled cats!!!IMG_20200729_124537422.jpg

The most handsome boy on the planet ❤ Brothers nature & personality never lives a day short of his name. Sweetest boy ever!


Aww add me to the list of those who want to cuddle with your sweet babies @Garnetgirl. :love:
It is SO soft, the best place for napping!
Here I buy those big yarns & you can easily knit it yourself!
Since it has holes it's also really breathable and doesn't make you overheat!

Also Daisy, you and your sweet beloved Blue was the inspiration for naming my kitten Blue too. I mean Im partial to color names (my daughter is Scarlett & we have others planned for new kiddos) but you were the original one that introduced me to that name. I love it & hope it honors him well!
It looks like he too was a deep steely gray and white?
Your Blue sure is cute
Cats seem to suit pastel colours
Blue would be so honoured

its usually a dog's name here or a boy with red hair
Because Blue was an employee of my work when i left she couldn't come with me
a few years latter the firm desided they wanted to concentrate on their core business so the garden centre was sold off and was moved to a very busy main road
they advertised for a new home for Blue and she went to live with a retired lady who was home all day

Borris likes to be tucked in but she gets hot now its getting warmer
i have an old favourite shirt i just can't chuck out so its become a cat sheet
The best thing about cats is they love stuff you make them, specially things that feel nice
the yarn of your blanket looks so soft
He sleeps on my head at night but I don't mind.

I had a very special cat who used to sleep on my head, too.
He was a big boy, 16 lbs.
When he would do this, I used to relish the feeling, knowing that one day he wouldn't be there anymore.
Now that he's gone, I really miss him!

:bigsmile: :love: :love: :love:

OMG. I'm impressed that you resisted to urge to #SnuggleRightNow - I don't think I woud have!! :love:
So some good and bad news!

Bad news is that Blue got into his first fight while exploring our back yard and within 24 hours his foot was twice the size and swollen! I was able to examine it and it looked as if another cat had hooked his claw down deep into his big fat pad on his left hind leg.

I was terrified that it would get worse and it would have been hard if I had to spend thousands on a vet visit but I sat down and did some research and was lucky in that after looking I realized that I had five days worth of pain medication and antibiotics leftover, so I was able treat him at home completely!

Before the antibiotics he was limping and it was huge and hot to the touch and even would bleed a very loose mixture of blood and pus occasionally. This all happened only within 48 hours of him getting clawed, it was nuts. I gave him both medicines and kept him on strict bed rest in our bedroom with brother who took care of him and nursed him.

Brother stayed by his side and they'd always fall asleep with their arms around eachother!!
He was such a nurse to Blue, I'm telling you there's a reason why our siamese is named Brother!

Good news is that after only two days he's back to 100% & I'm so thankful! Praise the cat God's because I prayed!!!

Some photos from this time although I didn't have the heart to take pics of his foot when it was it's worst!

I'm so glad the kitty is recovering. It is scary when the cats get sick or need medical attention. Thank goodness you had antibiotics on hand!
I'm so glad the kitty is recovering. It is scary when the cats get sick or need medical attention. Thank goodness you had antibiotics on hand!

Thank you for your well wishes!
I feel as though I was super lucky! The amount I gave him was able to keep him comfortable and safe and was able to treat him!
I even have 3 days of pain meds and antibiotics left but I hope I don't have to use them.

My biggest fear & thank God it didn't come to fruition, was if the other cats claw or debris had gotten stuck in his paw and then it healed around it and sealed it inside, because then the medicine wouldn't have worked and it would have gotten swollen again and would have needed exploration and I just wasn't sure if I had the heart to do that!
I suppose I would have as I have the material needed for pain and infection along with bandaging but it wouldn't have been easy.

Poor little baby is all better now!
It’s so cute to see the cats that are snuggled up. Mine do not like each other!! But they will tolerate one another to sit in the sun.


I've been wanting to tell you how sweet that b&w kitty looks in your avatar. That face! I just want to squish him(or her?)
It’s so cute to see the cats that are snuggled up. Mine do not like each other!! But they will tolerate one another to sit in the sun.


Borris and Tibby are like that too
occasionally they say hello nicely to each other or sit about that far apart in the sun
you see all those pictures of other people's cats all snuggled up
I think Tibby would but Borris is having done of that !