
Please comment on this setting

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Date: 12/2/2005 1:38:38 AM
Author: Boom
Leon is willing to remake the ring for me if I really truely want a thinner shank, so no tweaking the original, just building a completely new one.

Doesn''t suprise me actually. I think he knows he can find a taker for THAT one, no problemo!

I adore the proportions on the hand shot ... and it''s a suckers bet to compare it to Ally''s ... hers is awesome & works for her stone ... but the proportions on hers are for a COMPLETELY DIFF. SIZED STONE. Yours are for yours. Yours wouldn''t work on hers and hers wouldn''t work on yours (probably, IMO).

From all I''ve heard on P-scope, it''s perfectly normal to doubt things from the photos, especially with custom work where you can''t truly envision the finished product until it''s, well, finished. Will Leon let you touch & feel & try before "deciding". I think it''s the only way you''ll really know if it''s what you want or not (notice I didn''t say what you "envisioned" - fantasy can''t EVER meet reality precicely - no matter HOW much $/time/creativity you throw at it).
i wouldn''t change a thing...proportions are a big deal, you don''t want a top heavy ring or a band that can''t support the weight of the could also have problems with the melee if it''s too thin etc.

ally''s stone was smaller so it makes sense that her ring shank was smaller too.

i think it looks beautiful, strong but delicate, i think in person it will surprise you, these vanity images are so hard to tell what the rings look like but in person people have been often surprised at how the ring looks on their hand. i think the vanity images make the rings look alot more bulkish than they are in person.

i say leave beauty alone!!
I agree, it''s gorgeous. Really
Don''t change a thing! Its gorgeous...I''m drooling and she will love it!!! Plus pictures never do these rings justice.

You are making this soooo difficult.
For the past few days, I''d agonized over whether to have the setting remade and have spent every waking moment thinking about it. I went to several jewellers to try on similar rings (impossible to find, really) so that I could get a feel of the difference in a few tenths of mms of shank. I realized 2.5mm was a pretty good width for me, but the photos still bothered me. I looked at photos of all the Leon halo rings posted on PS and in his catalogs and I think I''ve figured out what seems ''off''.

The halo in my ring is small compared to other Leon rings. If the halo was bigger, I think I would have been really happy with what I see. Examples:
Small halo, but with a clear airline
Big halo

Either way, the proportions seem better, no?

Unfortunately, I won''t get to see or touch the ring prior to it being shipped to me. Since I''ve just moved out of the US, shipping the ring back is out of the question...

As for Ally''s ring, although her stone weighs less than mine, the measurements are very close because hers is a RB.
Okay ... at least with your photo examples I see where you''re coming from & what appeals to you more. But here''s the $64,000 question -- would you like those other two rings, or even Ally''s better than "yours" IN PERSON? No way to know! If it bugs you this much that you''re losing sleep over it - then maybe you''ll need to play out the creation of a new ring that does (in photos) match your vision.

Side story that may be helpful, may not: last night I was playing around online & found out that the jeweler that made my ring has added it permanently to his "collection". The pix of the ring online ARE MY RING. Here''s the funny part. I wouldn''t have picked it out as "the one" from those pictures. I would have skipped right past it or dissected it to bits, seeing only the faulty "not me" parts of it. I fell in love with that ring IN PERSON, ON MY HAND, with its eventual centerstone placed into an empty setting. It SUNG. It SPOKE TO ME. It dazzled. The pix - eh? Do nothin for me. (The pix I''ve taken myself emphasise what I love about it ... but taken by a third party, nothin'' special.) For what it''s worth?

Your story is very helpful. I know I may love this ring, but there really is no way to tell unless I see it in person. A remake would take another 2 months and I''ve already waited a long time for this ring.
I tried on a Daniel K halo Asscher in person and loved that look. The shank was quite thin and made the center stone ''pop''! Maybe I''m a little too obsessed with recreating that, it may very well be, that Leon''s ring would look just as good on my finger.
Date: 12/4/2005 3:13:12 PM
Author: Boom
I tried on a Daniel K halo Asscher in person and loved that look. The shank was quite thin and made the center stone ''pop''!

Hee hee .. yr gonna start to think I work for Leon! I''s a PLANT. Not really.

It''s interesting that you mention wanting to ensure the center stone "popping" cause that''s actually what I like BETTER about "yours" AND Ally''s -- rather than the two you just posted. I think the more narrow halo makes the Asschers POP ... and that the POP factor actually has a lot less to so with the band width than the halo width. This may be why Leon did that on both yours & Ally''s rings and stands (artistically) by the proportion. The delicate halo is exactly what took my breath away about Ally''s when I first saw it, and made her stone look ENORMOUS. I also went back to look at Lovey''s and in some pictures the halo looks the same size as the shank, sometimes it looks slightly slightly smaller. In NONE does it look bigger. Here''s the link to that thread. I do love this one also!
Tough call but bottom line is you won''t know til you have it on your finger so you may not know til then. Even if you change it. Pictures are not accurate, it''s really hard to tell what it will look like on your finger. What if you have him remake it and it still looks off to you?

This is why custom is not for everyone, you will not know if you love it til you put it on and wear it for a while. I find that things tend to grow on me. I don''t love 90% of what I put on my hand right away. My mind has to get used to it. Sometimes going standard works for people because they can return things or not have as much hassle as with custom, but I like more unique items!
I agree it would be a tough call. It really is too bad you can''t see it in person. For me, part of having a Leon is trusting his artisic instints and him knowing how to best showcase my stone. From what I''ve learned about him here, he likes to have some room to be creative and if you want a cookie cutter design with exacts he might not be the best way to go. If you are feeling that strongly about it, I''d probably go ahead and have him remake it but understand it is really hard to tell from pictures how things will look in person. Good luck. I''m looking forward to your hand pics which ever you decide.
What size finger do you have? I thought that I wanted a very thin setting and went so far as to buy one. I believe the one I bought was 2.3mm wide. I loved it in the store, for the 5 minutes I had it on, then once I got it home and was wearing it all the time, I began to dislike how thin it was. It felt cheap (even though it wasn''t) and the ultra thin setting, while it made my diamond pop, made my fingers look like sausages. I wear a size 6 - 6.5. I used to think thinner was better, but not where my ring was concerned. I am now in the process of trading my setting for a more substantial (although not thick or chunky) one.
I wouldn''t change this setting until you see it in person. I KNOW it''s difficult because of where you live, but I''m sure something can be worked out about that if you think hard enough.

My concern is that you tell Leon to remake it thinner, and then when you finally get it, it is thinner than you expected, or something else is not as you expected. He obviously won''t remake it a third time.

Is it possible for Leon to photograph the ring on someone''s hand that is about your size? I think these close up pics are not really good for anything when it comes to seeing how "thick" or "thin" pieces of the ring are. Heck, I''ll "volunteer" to go down to Leon''s and take a picture of the ring on my hand
hehe. Just give me the word
Oh I see you already have pics on a hand! LOL I still think it looks perfect!

If you want, ask Leon to take a picture of the person''s entire hand, that way you get the "whole picture."
I was going to say, "That looks like a Leon," and it is. I think that ring is absolutely breathtaking the way it is. I wouldn''t change anything.
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