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I really like number 1. The three double prongs are very pretty and I like how the hearts frame the diamond. Very nice design!
Date: 9/24/2005 12:28:04 PM
Author: valeria101
The sort of project just great for reminding a talented jeweler how underused his R&D resources are!

Thinking of Mark Morell (see actually.

Val I love that modified Ribbon ring with the 3 petals...stunning!!! That would be seemingly similar to how the hearts could be made in the first design. With diamonds!

MM would be fab for a job like this!
I liked #1 best even before reading anyone''s post, and then I would echo those comments about it being more finished looking etc... (Being of Irish descent, I also thought those 3 hearts in the graphic made it look like a shamrock!
) But I must admit either one is very pretty, and I like your designs better than the one from Whiteflash.
I like #2 better, but I LOVE the version Val suggested, that is stunning!

Great idea! I like the 2 hearts!

ooooooooh!!!!!!!!!!! LOOOOOVE the #1 with the 3 hearts!!! What a pretty design! Ditto onit looking more polished and finised. There seems to be something "missing" from the 2 heart design.
#1 is my fave! I find it more pleasing to the eye. Either way you will end up with a very unique ring. Good luck!
Although both are unique.... but if i must choose one... i would pick #1. I like the flower petal look.
#1 Definitely!
The setting with four hearts is liste at TheNaturalSapphire company. Can''t remember with which sapphire though!

The pictures are less flattering (but maybe more realistic?) than the poster kid there.
this should have been attached to the previous post...

My vote is for the first design.. the second looks too much like a tension setting.. and since that is the case, I think the 1st showcases the uniqueness of the hearts and design..
Date: 9/24/2005 12:52:33 PM
Author: Odilia
I liked #1 best even before reading anyone''s post, and then I would echo those comments about it being more finished looking etc... (Being of Irish descent, I also thought those 3 hearts in the graphic made it look like a shamrock!
) But I must admit either one is very pretty, and I like your designs better than the one from Whiteflash.

I like #1 as well. My first MIL has a ring that''s almost identical and it is made to look like a shamrock!!
Thank you all for your help. You guys are wonderful!

I think I will go with the first design with the 3 hearts and 3 sets of split prongs as Mara suggested. I agree that the first design has a more "finished" look and frames the center stone better.

Val - the hearts will be plain plainum, not heart-shaped diamonds.
I love the ribbon ring you posted. Very elegant and unique. However if I go with paved diamonds, there won''t be much money left for the center stone (budget issue
)... so I think I will just stick with one center diamond. As for the sapphire ring, I am so glad to be able to see a real ring with a similiar design and concept. Really appreciate your input!!

I will play around with my design more and try making the hearts open instead of solid to see if it will look better.
Date: 9/26/2005 5:53:36 PM
Author: Sheep

Val - the hearts will be plain plainum, not heart-shaped diamonds.
Aha! What was I thinking... it must have been your saying 'heart shaped' in the first post somewhere that got my imagination running wild looking for how wn Earth could that thing be done (still believe it would not work, btw). Tiffany has a ring with metal loops holding a round stone - it is a huge round aquamarine Mara keeps in her stash of pictures
It may look nice, but I am not sure how practical it would be (cleaning every day!? - nope...) - so... no loss, really.

I hope you will pass by the forum while the ring is being made - it should turn out quite a beauty, as much as I cna tell.

I suspect the setting was used a bit oddly in the yellow sapphire ring - one would think the culet of the stone should fit in the basket formed by the four hearts, not hoover above, no? I guess the stone just didn't fit in there and for some unknown reason they just made the prongs longer to set the sapphire hoovering precariously three miles above the finger
The prongs look 'worked on' anyway. Perhaps this was meant as a temporary display? Who knows...

Best of luck with the custom project ! (crossing fingers)
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