
Please share your experiences on setting a pearl pendant

NacreLover, how very helpful, and VERY beautiful your photos are! While I know your preference is to not model; your pearls really do look at their most lovely being worn by YOU :clap: That custom diamond chain is so versatile ... and your new "goldens" suite is lovely; that blossom setting on the earrings is delightful :)
NacreLover - Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I am so glad you modeled these for us - they look so good on you!
Frost Me|1410462232|3749180 said:
NacreLover|1410446577|3749010 said:
Sea of Cortez

I always love your pearls, such a curated collection of quality. That chain is over-the-top, I'm sure it's weight makes for a great price point, do you know would it still be available today? I would love know manufacturer/vendor.

FrostMe, I originally saw the chain on ShopNBC shopping channel. It has a toggle clasp with citrine end caps. It also had a matching bracelet. I didn't buy it and saw mine on ebay and grabbed it. Then the price of gold skyrocketed.
I went to ebay looking but none are on now. This one is sort of similar. I will keep looking and message you if I find one.
Nacrelover: That reverse cherry is one of the nicest pearls I have ever seen. I love the sun pendant too, as well as the GSS's.
Frost Me|1410462338|3749181 said:
Would anyone know when I post a quote reply the original photo does not show again. I think I need help with my settings, but am not able to find where to change this setting.

Sometimes when I quote, the photo shows. Sometimes, it doesn't. I thought it should be standard but apparently it isn't. What you can do is to save the image onto your laptop first, then add file. But that's only feasible if you're quoting very few photos, else it's too tedious. Alternatively, even if the photo doesn't show, the person who wrote the post would know which photo you are referring to and should be able to answer your question.
cmd2014|1410477125|3749331 said:
Nacrelover: That reverse cherry is one of the nicest pearls I have ever seen. I love the sun pendant too, as well as the GSS's.

Cmd2014, Thank you for your kind words. I didn't know cherry Tahitians came in several variety's until 4ranchgirl got her pendant and Jeremy started talking about them.

I had purchased a pair of golden's stud from another vendor and took them to PP to see if they were dark golden as I had no other place to see a large variety of GSS pearls. Jeremy who is a complete gentleman didn't say anything but brought out a tray of medium goldens and I could see the answer for myself, they were light golden. After that I wanted dark golden for my collection. They are not easy to obtain. Another customer who was looking for a pair for his wife asked to have some brought in to buy, so they took his request on their overseas shopping list. Jeremy asked for some to be added into the lot he purchased and the vendor/farm? was kind enough to put in 4 identical dark golden pearls into the lot. The man selected his and I got the others.

CMD2014, If you decide you want to add dark golden to your wish list, KNOW your seller. Dying pearls golden to obtain high $$$$ does occur. I chose to buy mine from Jeremy because I trust he doesn't buy dyed pearls and is too far up the food chain and knows exactly who he's dealing with. Not long ago someone on these boards found out their GSS were dyed and it's very upsetting to be deceived. Your local store if they had them don't have a clue. If the item is a strand, you can peer into the drill hole to tell or look for dye pooling in pits in the pearl. I don't want to buy dyed pearls.


NacreLover, you have a gorgeous collection of pendants and it is so wonderful to be able to see them on you. The cherry with the teal is stunning.