
Please Show Me Your Emeralds


May 23, 2010
Okay, ladies, please let's see those emeralds! :appl: :appl:

I have only a couple of stones left to set, and one is an emerald (emerald cut, just to be redundant about it) from Dana at Mastercut. It's a 5 x 7 Muzo mine stone, I bought it a couple of years ago, and I still haven't decided on a home for it. Please show me yours, and in a few months, I'll show you mine. :naughty:

This is also a great excuse for LD to unveil some of her lovelies, since she's reticent about starting her own threads. If she lived near me, I'd go and into her jewelry box . . . :cheeky: . . . sorry, drifted off there . . .

All emeralds welcome here, rings, earrings, round, square, whatever. They seem to do these kind of "show me your" threads in SMTB all the time, and it seems to work for them, lets see if we can get one going over here. :appl:
I don't have an emerald but I want to play! This is a 3.something emerald my jeweler showed me (as soon as I walked in it was all, "I just got an emerald you will appreciate!"). Just light oiling (with a lab report to prove it). A little bit of jardin, just enough to add a little visual interest imo. I was in love the moment I saw it but it was 15k. The thing looked 15k too. But my picture does not reflect that. They are apparently difficult to photograph. So I photoshopped it to look more like what it looked like in person. It looked unreal. Just unreal, man. Totally eye-popping color. Before that, I had never "gotten" emeralds. Now I get it, and I want one.

I think it was actually more bluey than in my photoshopped version. I should try again.
I'd love to play but cannot; it photographs as an ugly green blob. ;(
Chrono|1357184124|3346043 said:
I'd love to play but cannot; it photographs as an ugly green blob. ;(

I would like to see your ugly green blob anyway.

Wow that sounds awkward to say. :oops:
Not sure if you're looking for set or unset, or both, but here is mine, also from Dana. North Carolina emerald, .75 ct, 5.5 mm.

I love emeralds.

I had a stunning tiny green one from Gene that was chipped while it was set (I don't even remember where I had it set!) and I was so heartbroken. I eventually lost the thing! Does anyone know if Gene has more emerald rough?

I have another lighter one that I bought from Simply Sapphires a while back..I'll work on a picture :))
My emerald/brown diamond ring. I forget the specs on the emerald, but I didn't pay that much for it 10 years ago. You can see it has a window. It is untreated and quite clear.

athenaworth said:
My OMC emerald five stone
I'm in LOVE! You have such amazing jewels!

DH gave me an emerald pendant for my birthday 3 or 4 years ago before I found PS. I love it even tho its not PS quality. I recently lost it... I have no idea where it is and it's breaking my heart... I finally told DH :( I wish I could post mine! I hope I find it... It's gonna be here somewhere!
My Andrew Sarosi ring

The two smaller ones are still unset.

My emerald and diamond snake ring.
iLander you're naughty! :devil:

Like Chrono, my camera hates green gemstones and I REALLY can't capture the smooth, velvet glow of any of the Emeralds I own but I do have some photos that I've taken over a period of time that do their best to capture the Emeralds at something that almost resembles what I see! I've found that sunlight is the best for my camera to take this photos but since I live in the UK that means I have a window of about 1 hour per year!

Surprisingly, I've never felt the need to collect Emeralds and I think that's got something to do with the fact that I never feel I can better my inherited Emerald (and in truth, don't want to).

Anyway, here goes ..............

Photo 1 - my inherited untreated Emerald. This is my pride and joy and one of the very few things that if I ever lost I'd be heartbroken. It's about 100 years old (maybe more), set with two old cut diamonds all in platinum. Surprisingly since my Mum wore this nearly every day of her life the only damage is a tiny chip on the girdle! The clarity is amazing and there's only one tiny strand of jardin. For me, this sets it apart from the normal Emerald (but then I'm biased)!

Photo 2 & 3 - this is an oiled Emerald and is lighter than the desired colour but it really does glow. I've never been able to capture this one so these photos don't do it justice unfortunately. From memory, I think it's around 3 or 4 carats.

Photo 4 - I bought this because the clarity was good but it does have a large window! Luckily on the finger the window disappears. It's not a great Emerald but it's pretty.




And a few more - these are NOT good quality:

Photo 1 - this is about 4ct, heavily oiled and badly cut. It's impossible to photograph and just looks dull and grey in all photos. Thankfully it's better in real life but I still don't love it!

Photo 2 - this is an oval that I haven't set yet. Actually this isn't a bad stone but it just doesn't scream "love me"!

Photo 3 - cluster African Emerald ring. I hate this! The colour of the Emeralds are good but ........... just not my style!

Photo 4 - earrings! These are so heavy that I can't wear them. The Emeralds are better than the photos make them look.




Lastly this is just one that you'll probably think of a curiosity - it's a Trapiche Emerald.

You asked to see the ugly green blob and so you'll get to see my ugly green blob. :tongue: It looks translucent to opaque in my pictures and the colour looks either too blue or too yellow. It is just a bear to photograph as it doesn't look like this at all in person. I've pretty much given up on trying to photograph it anymore. :(sad



Chrono - that's exactly the problem I have too. I remember your Emerald and it's so much nicer than your photos suggest! I think we both need new cameras!
My 5ct columbian emerald set in diamond art deco bracelet.


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Oh dear God Sarabear. I know I've said it before and I'm going to say it again, you have exquisite taste in jewellery. This bracelet is one that I would love to own and I covet it intensely. It's absolutely sensational. Honestly, words fail me.

:love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love:
I hope you wear that bracelet often because goodness knows it is spectacular in every way. Please send it to me whenever you tire of it but I know you will love it forever.
Thank you so much LD and Chrono! You both are making me blush! :oops: I actaully haven't worn it very much since I got it right when I had my first child. Since then my social life has taken a rather large hit. My DD took it out yesterday and walked around with it for awhile. That was the most light of day it has seen outside of the bank vault in a long time unfortunately.

But thank you again so much for your words. I have a special place in my heart for art deco and this bracelet is definitely my favorite piece :bigsmile:
Awwww that's so cute. I don't know if I ever told you but I have a soft spot for Art Deco also. My hubby bought me an art deco watch that would match your bracelet very well! :lol: He followed it up last year with a gorgeous art deco diamond bracelet - inspired by your bracelet but on a much less grander scale - and this is all because of you!!!!! :wink2:
LD|1357225157|3346252 said:
Awwww that's so cute. I don't know if I ever told you but I have a soft spot for Art Deco also. My hubby bought me an art deco watch that would match your bracelet very well! :lol: He followed it up last year with a gorgeous art deco diamond bracelet - inspired by your bracelet but on a much less grander scale - and this is all because of you!!!!! :wink2:

OMGoodness LD post pictures? Or did I miss them? Now I have to search to see if you posted a thread about them! I would love to see!!
EDit: oops didnt' meant to hit submit!
Glad I could help inspire the art deco love around the world!! :appl: I'm always amazed that people on PS like my jewelry choices. My family (outside of DH) and my friends totally don't get it all at. I think they just see it as a waste of money instead of my view- that I'm owning a piece of history or art. You have said several times that you enjoy my taste and I'm so glad you bring it up because I do on occassion need a reminder that there are others out there who really appreciate the classic/ art deco-y, slightly different jewelry choices I make.
Sarahbear621|1357226051|3346264 said:
LD|1357225157|3346252 said:
Awwww that's so cute. I don't know if I ever told you but I have a soft spot for Art Deco also. My hubby bought me an art deco watch that would match your bracelet very well! :lol: He followed it up last year with a gorgeous art deco diamond bracelet - inspired by your bracelet but on a much less grander scale - and this is all because of you!!!!! :wink2:

OMGoodness LD post pictures? Or did I miss them? Now I have to search to see if you posted a thread about them! I would love to see!!

Glad I could help inspire the art deco love around the world!! :appl:

I'll start a thread for you! No idea if I've deleted all my old photos from here but there's a good chance I have! I'll post in Show Me the Bling as they're both diamond pieces. Give me 5 mins x
I think I can do without emeralds until I see ones like yours, Sarahbear. LD, I have had it up to here (hand WAY over head) with your covetous antics when you have enough of your own! I love art deco and have loved Sarahbear's bracelet since I first laid eyes on it. This one is mine, I tell you, mine! I will not be polite about it! I of course have nowhere to wear it, since my fashionable, dress up style, social life seems to be nonexistent these days :blackeye: :(sad

Kismet, as usual, made a truly stunning ring by seeing the potential in the materials from another ring. LD, I really love your Mum's ring, and love that it has demonstrated its strength and endurance by hanging in for years and years. It also looks to be a high quality lovely one. Chrono, I'm afraid to say that to truly judge your emerald, you will have to mail it to me (while you're at it, there are a few other items of yours that I need to more closely scrutinize), NKOTB, I saw that emerald too and am glad you jumped on it. And when and if you become a size ho (hee hee), keep me in mind (though that outside shot is a bit overexposed to really get a true sense of color). Athenaworth, I remember what a coup it was when you bought that ring! Did you ever get the emeralds tested? Of course I love it as is, but it would be thrilling to find out they had minimal treatment. Sigh, that leaves me. I guess I'll have to go get my camera and take some pictures of some earrings I have that are diamonds with little emeralds in the center...

But LD, Seriously?!! Sarahbear's is mine, I tell you, mine! And I will tell the Mods on you!!!!! :evil:
minousbijoux|1357236097|3346407 said:
I think I can do without emeralds until I see ones like yours, Sarahbear. LD, I have had it up to here (hand WAY over head) with your covetous antics when you have enough of your own! I love art deco and have loved Sarahbear's bracelet since I first laid eyes on it. This one is mine, I tell you, mine! I will not be polite about it! I of course have nowhere to wear it, since my fashionable, dress up style, social life seems to be nonexistent these days :blackeye: :(sad

Kismet, as usual, made a truly stunning ring by seeing the potential in the materials from another ring. LD, I really love your Mum's ring, and love that it has demonstrated its strength and endurance by hanging in for years and years. It also looks to be a high quality lovely one. Chrono, I'm afraid to say that to truly judge your emerald, you will have to mail it to me (while you're at it, there are a few other items of yours that I need to more closely scrutinize), NKOTB, I saw that emerald too and am glad you jumped on it. And when and if you become a size ho (hee hee), keep me in mind (though that outside shot is a bit overexposed to really get a true sense of color). Athenaworth, I remember what a coup it was when you bought that ring! Did you ever get the emeralds tested? Of course I love it as is, but it would be thrilling to find out they had minimal treatment. Sigh, that leaves me. I guess I'll have to go get my camera and take some pictures of some earrings I have that are diamonds with little emeralds in the center...

But LD, Seriously?!! Sarahbear's is mine, I tell you, mine! And I will tell the Mods on you!!!!! :evil:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :lol: :lol: :lol: :appl: :appl: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: that was hystiercal Minous!

And Athena I just have to say again I love that ring! The craftmanship is devine and I just love that design. It is saved in my inspiration folder.
I've been reading this thread, turning pea green with envy, but also happiness that I get to SEE your beauties. If it can't be me, PSers wearing those emeralds is the right thing (but sending them to my doorstep is the REALLY right thing).

You all have Emeralds; I have emeralds. Bought this half-eternity on my employee discount 12 yrs ago when I had the great misfortune to work at Tiffany. Probably treated out the wazoo, but what the heck, I didn't pay much for it & it goes ok w/my spinel. The color shows up much darker on PS than reality -- honest, they are emerald colored, not muddy.

As soon as I can, I plan to supplement it with an etoile-style band, set with the 9 2-mm Princess Montanas I have waiting for me to cough up the $$ to get it made. My new year's resolution!

--- Laurie

I'm not getting into a future ownership dispute with Minou and LD - but just thought the record should show that when Sarah first posted that bracelet, I covered my husbands computer desktop with pictures of it. Tee hee.

I too adore your taste. Can't wait for the two new rings to be revealed in a few weeks!
Thank you for posting all those beauties. Athenaworth - that is one of my all time favorite rings, I just love everything about it. Sarabear - :o where is the eyes popping out of the head emoticon!!!

What I like about emeralds is that all seem to have their own personality.

Right now I have an emerald ring from Reeds (a pic somewhere on here). The ring I wish I could post was the emerald I got for my engagement ring. It was a beautiful emerald cut just shy of .7 carats, a very clear, strong emerald color. Probably a little on the dark side, but looked like it had a little green light in it. Unfortunately it was lost, and was not individually insured.

You know I love you BUT there comes a point in any relationship that serious consideration has to be given as to whether our friendship can continue. SHOULD the lovely Sarahbear EVER want to part with her bracelet (and let's face it, I doubt she will), I already have an open ended ticket to fly half way across the world to pick it up from her personally. Soooooooo, that's it. Deal with it! :devil:

****** Please note, this thread was made without harm to any of the forum members ................. yet :eek: *******
Sarahbear621|1357221401|3346190 said:
My 5ct columbian emerald set in diamond art deco bracelet.

I'm gonna get my Mr. Johnson chopped of and become a gal so I can wear this after I swipe it from Minous after she swipes it from you.
Better call the cops; I'm on my way. :naughty: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :bigsmile:


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