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Date: 1/30/2009 4:57:23 PM
Author: platinumrock
Date: 1/30/2009 2:24:17 PM
Author: mausketeer
last one........ Gggrrrrrrr! (get it? ''cause they''re claws? Oh, nevermind......)
Won''t have it for another few weeks so - hand shots when I do.......
Thanks Platinum - my you are a good cheerleader - thank you so much for all your nice words through all of this (why does it feel I''ve gone THROUGH something exactly? This has been SO stressful!). Well I went from elated this morning to a bit worried right now to tell you the truth. I knew it was an M. I LIKE M''s. I''ve seen lot''s and lot''s of M''s and that''s what I wanted (L/M) but the pictures are kind of freaking me out a bit (don''t get me wrong - the RING itself I love. The mounting, the workmanship, etc. I think it is gorgeous and exactly what I wanted). It''s the stone I''m worried about. I am hoping that the darkness I see in the stone (let me clarify that I am not referring to the darkness of the COLOUR - I''m talking about the light inside the stone, or well, the LACK of it in the photos) is due to the look of the photos only and not the stone itself. Do you not think it looks a little...... well, FLAT Platinum? Please, I''d love your honest opinion? Because that was the ONE thing I specifically wanted the appraiser to look at: "How is the light return?" (because I knew it was deep I was worried about it from the get go and that is why I wanted the appraiser to look at it in the first place).
Well last night my boyfriend informs me that the appraiser didn''t even CHARGE him for looking at the stone and my boyfriend is under the impression that it was because the appraiser didn''t like it and thought we should pass on it! ???? The thing is, I didn''t even hear anything from the appraiser directly, he just told the vendor to tell me that it was A-okay across the board but to be sure I was aware of the colour (which I was). Now I''m worried that it''s too dark (again!) because of the CUT. Listen, a warm faint yellow I LIKE, dark lifeless stones I don''t.......
God, if I have to send this back to New York after it''s made it''s way here my boyfriend is NOT going to be happy with me..... sigh......
- Jodie -