
Poll:Brown or Yellow Tint in J/K/L stones?

Do you prefer a brown or yellow tint in your J/K/L colored diamonds? (Picture below)

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@MakingTheGrade its funny I think that there is something up with my "colour vision"....I think that is a very light cream tint, so more on yellow scale haha!!

its very beautiful!
@MakingTheGrade its funny I think that there is something up with my "colour vision"....I think that is a very light cream tint, so more on yellow scale haha!!

its very beautiful!

I'm not familiiar with how to assess emerald cuts since I've never owned one!
The GIA cert only lists table as 63 and depth at 66.6%. That table percent seems large to me..
I'm horrible at assessing emeralds, but I think the color is great!
no idea either only with what I see and its yum!!! also I doubt it is the way you must look at round brilliants.
You seem to like tint, so it's probably not an issue but be aware that fancy cuts will show more color than round cuts. So if someone is comfortable with a K in round, they may find that going a few clicks higher (roughly an H/I) might provide the same look in a fancy cut.

Also, I can't help but notice you are getting a K with brown tint that has blue fluor. Is the fluor medium, strong or very strong? In normal stones where tint is "yellow" the blue can help offset to make slightly more white. I've not seen how blue fluor effects brown tinted stones but I have to think it has some effect, even if minimal (obviously determinant on how strong the blue is).

I'm far from the emerald master but I think you want to avoid a bowtie effect and you want the "lines" that are created from the emerald cut to "flicker" on/off in an alternating pattern and aesthetically pleasing manner. I wish I could recall the thread that someone posted the various effects and provided live links to stones where videos could be viewed to visually see what they were saying.
Was looking at another thread and saw this ad at the bottom of the PS screen. I apologize this is an animated GIF but if you look at the emerald cut you will see how the "steps" or "lines" are alternating in this photo and what I was trying to say above.

Thanks @sledge Yeah its hard to judge cause the video isn’t head on its sitting at an angle.

The company selling it classified it as excellent cut (based on what I have no idea). But they have a good 30 day return policy and it’s well priced at 3800$

I don’t think I mind tint at all and I’m curious to see a K! And maybe set it in Rose gold. And yes. Medium blue Fluoro.
it is lovely!!! love the brown tint. i can't tell much from the video because of the angle but it looks really nice from what i can tell. did you pull the trigger?
I much prefer brown tint over yellow... I like a gray tint as well. It really depends what look you're going for though. :)
I'm not familiiar with how to assess emerald cuts since I've never owned one!
The GIA cert only lists table as 63 and depth at 66.6%. That table percent seems large to me..

So after poking around PS emerald threads, apparently those numbers actually do fall into the range of numbers people look for in emeralds. Shows what I know after years of only looking at MRBs!

Per a post by @chrono from years ago, who I respect lots and lots as a pro in almost all things shiny, her numbers:
Depth 63% - 67%
Table 60% - 65% (basically a little less than the depth)

Haven't pulled trigger yet, want to see the vid on my computer at home and not just the screen on my phone! Leaning towards ordering it and sending it back if I don't like it. All the stats including the price seem right!

I'm thinking of doing an EW band style ring for an RHR or alternate ERing. Long story short, I may be getting remarried for pragmatic health insurance reasons, and it'd be awkward to wear my 5 stone as my wedding band/ering since it's TECHNICALLY from my first marriage. But I designed and paid for most of the ring so I don't really associate it with my ex. Can understand why my current SO wouldn't love that though. He doesn't mind that I still wear it at all.
Also @whitewave I feel like I should blame you for my recent obsession with “faint brown”!
it is lovely!!! love the brown tint. i can't tell much from the video because of the angle but it looks really nice from what i can tell. did you pull the trigger?
Doing it right now!
Wanted to wait to see it on my computer and I think I'm feeling confident on the color and cut.
Doing it right now!
Wanted to wait to see it on my computer and I think I'm feeling confident on the color and cut.

I’m curious where you’re buying it from?
I’m curious where you’re buying it from?

They seemed to have the best prices in general so I thought I"d give them a shot. I've heard them mentioned here before