
POLL: HOT OR NOT? (or, do I have Buyer's remorse, or am I letting recent discouragement colour my decision-making?)

Awful? Awesome? What should I do?

  • Return it and eat the shipping costs

    Votes: 13 37.1%
  • Keep it and try to get as much use out of it as possible (cost per wear)

    Votes: 17 48.6%
  • Keep it and go to therapy and/or Meditation class

    Votes: 8 22.9%

  • Total voters


Feb 2, 2015
Have been going through a bit of a personally challenging time lately, and my recent purchase is still within the return period (i.e.- I still have about 24 hours to decide).

Backstory: I've been trying to concentrate solely on building the 'Grand Tour' capsule, as it is the look I generally prefer for work (WFH via Zoom) and with this most recent purchase I jumped off the deep end, overspent my comfort zone (I mean, for a piece that in theory would be versatile enough for me to justify the expense). But after I received it, I started to lose confidence. It was about double the scrap value, and I'm generally frugal, and this makes me really uncomfortable. I usually try to minimise my losses at resale, and this piece would lose me a lot if I let it go again. But at the same time, I've never seen another one like it, and it lets me wear my Hera cameo as a bracelet.

Click for better view of texture:0.jpg

It is a 14k watch chain, 15" in length, and over 25 grams. The Striated texture is what grabbed my attention. It has a satin finish, which I prefer to high polish. First pic is how I wore it Friday last, and then again yesterday I added the bangle:

bracelet 3.jpg

Does it look cheap, like brass? Is it awful? At 15", I won't be able to wear it as a necklace unless I attach an extender. Am I letting my fears and insecurities steer me wrong? Have you ever overspent and then been happy that you did? Will I regret returning it?

Sigh. Please tell me your thoughts.
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I think the weight complements the cameo really well. Anything thinner might look disproportionate. I love the texture and finish — sometimes it can look overdone and appear “brassy” but yours is really well executed.

I’m also a frugal buyer and try not to buy if theres a large risk of loss at resale. At the same time, for more versatile pieces that I wear more, I’m trying to learn to loosen up a bit because the value of enjoyment is higher, which I often underestimate. I say all this much easier than I can get myself to believe it though so I get your challenge. When you wear it, do you keep thinking dollar signs or do you smile?

By the way, I have a cameo brooch from my grandmother and trying to figure out how to wear it — hope you don’t mind but I’m copying your watch chain into bracelet idea!
I think what it's worth to you can differ a lot from whatever its price or resale value are and that's what I'd go by. If I really like something, it's unique or hard to find, and/or think I'll get a lot of wear out of it (cost per use), I would definitely pay more than whatever I think it should cost. I have a jewelry budget so, to me, it would just have to be worth waiting that much longer for my next goodie.

If you keep it, I also like the idea of getting an extender so you could wear it as a necklace too. Being able to be worn as a bracelet or a necklace would also make it worth more, to me.
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I can’t imagine a better match for your Hera cameo — the striated texture and the subtle shadow it casts creates the perfect backdrop for the fine detailing in the cameo’s frame. Still, if you don’t see yourself wearing the chain alone or with other pieces, I can understand your hesitation. As cheesy as it is, does it “spark joy” for you during this personally challenging time? If so, I would keep it even knowing there would likely be loss at resale, as the value of having something on your wrist that makes you smile is priceless emotional armor.

Plus, chunky chains are still in this year! I recently added a chunky cable link bracelet too.
I think it is a beautiful heavy chain that complements the Hera cameo perfectly -- however, I am reading that you overspent your comfort zone, that you spent double the scrap value, that you are frugal, that you would lose $$$ if you were to resell down the road -- for me personally, these numerous budget/financial factors would outweigh the pleasure I would get out of wearing the item -- I would return it and keep a lookout for a chain for Hera that is within your budget/comfort zone. Just my 2 cents ...
Thank you for your responses so far. My stomach has been twisted with worry all day, so having this uncomfortable conversation does help narrow things down. I'd rather have bad news sooner than later.

I searched all over eBay, Etsy, 1stDibs, RubyLane, and IG, and there's nothing I can find with this texture, so the worry included 'fakeness' but was mostly about overpaying. Just to rule out my worst fears, I took a ride up to the local pawn shop to have it tested on the machine, and it read 15k. They acid-tested and it came as at least 14k but less than 18k. So that's less problematic since the seller didn't lie about gold content (which would make the question moot because I'd send it back right away if they had.)

I can't find any hallmarks, but here are the clasps:

It's probably not antique, more likely vintage. Maybe 1960's Italian? I do like it, and I do think it's unusual in its texture. If I didn't keep it for my Hera cameo, I could ask David Klass to cut one link, to convert it to a pair of 7.5" bracelets, and suspend some coral balls, or antique intaglio charms from them, in the Elizabeth Locke style. But...

That wouldn't change my dilemma, because it would involve spending even more. I'm giving myself until midnight tonight (EST) to make the final decision.

@stracci2000 @lala646 @Mreader @YadaYadaYada @Rfisher Could you chime in as well? At this point I'm leaning toward returning.
I saw this while at work and I’m still at work so can’t read as thoroughly as I would like but since you tagged me I will say but I think it’s a very beautiful chain. I really like the links. But you have to love it. Double the scrap value is not necessarily crazy when it comes to these types of chains. I’m also curious at how much it weighs? Does it still seem like a “good price“ when you factor in the weight? How would you feel if you sent it back and somebody bought it? Sometimes I use that as a barometer. Heck, I even sent something back and then regretted it immediately and contacted the person and re-bought it! so I would try to gauge how you would feel if you did send it back. Right now you seem so anxious that I think sending it back might be the right decision but just try to envision those factors.
Also just to add I hope I didn’t seem impatient in my response. I just meant that I planned to make a more detailed response once I got out of work ha ha but I understand agonizing over a purchase so when you tagged me I wanted to respond right away!
Personally, I love it. It's truly unique and it's beautiful. I would also pick up an extender at some point so I could wear it both ways. No, It doesn't look cheap. It's got the chops to be a staple piece.
But, you need to be comfortable with it. Money, because I don't have a lot of it to spend on extra things, is always the mitigating factor. If I thought that I wouldn't wear it enough, then the cost per wear would be a deal breaker. But if you're asking if I would keep it if I could? Yes, I would.
I really like it a lot and not just saying that either. It has a good weighty look to it which along with the texture is very cool.

The problem though is that you are having some feelings about how much you spent on it. That is a little tough because if you are going to reflect on how much you spent on it when you wear it instead of admiring it, then that’s reason enough to send it back. It will take some of the joy away you know?

At the end of the day it comes down to which you will regret more, the amount of money you spent or sending it back and possibly not seeing another like it.

Also keep it mind that if you do return and end up regretting that later you may have to spend a lot of time trying to track down another one. Consider how much your time is worth, maybe it is worth the premium you paid.
First of all, I just want to say that I LOVE your idea of a Grand Tour capsule collection! It brings back fond memories of reading Victorian and Edwardian novels (Middlemarch, House of Worth, Henry James' The Ambassadors...) for me. I only have one Italian pietra dura grand tour themed piece, but I always sigh with longing when I see these come up for sale. There's just such a wise and romantic air about them.

The chain does look somewhat brassy to me in the first three photos, so I can see how you were worried about that. But perhaps it's something that could be improved by cleaning and wearing? I usually find my 15ct pieces brassier than I like when they arrive, but they always seem to improve after a few gentle but thorough scrubs.

Double the scrap value actually doesn't sound too bad, since old gold chains have been getting so popular. Even antique gold filled chains are no longer as cheap as they were two years ago. I usually only look at antique chains, though, but I could imagine that the premium has gone up for vintage ones as well? If it's something I love and can't live without, I'd totally have no qualms paying above scrap for it.

So that comes back you "connect" to the chain and does it really, really please you? I don't know if I'm unusual in this, but I happen to be quite particular with chains myself. I like them to be just a little unusual if I'm paying a premium for antique-ness, so I look out for details like faceted links, bar chains etc. And even then some that were perfect on paper/listings just didn't jive with me when I have them in my hands, and trying to convince myself to like them more never worked. I've learned that if I don't have the feeling of "over my dead body" when thinking of giving up a fancy chain, it's not the one for me...

Oh and since 15ct gold was discontinued in the UK in 1932, would that make it older than 1960s? Unless there were different karat standards in Italy or wherever this was made? Hmm I know little about Italian gold beyond the wide use of 18ct.
I don’t read your posts as fleeting insecurities, and temporary doubts. You have questioned the price, and you have questioned if it looks cheap.

Others have already given great responses that I wholeheartedly agree with - I cannot add anything meaningful on top of what’s already been said.

Maybe a little indulgent snack to help you think, and sort out a bit of clarity and peace with a decision?
Have been going through a bit of a personally challenging time lately, and my recent purchase is still within the return period (i.e.- I still have about 24 hours to decide).

Backstory: I've been trying to concentrate solely on building the 'Grand Tour' capsule, as it is the look I generally prefer for work (WFH via Zoom) and with this most recent purchase I jumped off the deep end, overspent my comfort zone (I mean, for a piece that in theory would be versatile enough for me to justify the expense). But after I received it, I started to lose confidence. It was about double the scrap value, and I'm generally frugal, and this makes me really uncomfortable. I usually try to minimise my losses at resale, and this piece would lose me a lot if I let it go again. But at the same time, I've never seen another one like it, and it lets me wear my Hera cameo as a bracelet.

Click for better view of texture:0.jpg

It is a 14k watch chain, 15" in length, and over 25 grams. The Striated texture is what grabbed my attention. It has a satin finish, which I prefer to high polish. First pic is how I wore it Friday last, and then again yesterday I added the bangle:

bracelet 3.jpg

Does it look cheap, like brass? Is it awful? At 15", I won't be able to wear it as a necklace unless I attach an extender. Am I letting my fears and insecurities steer me wrong? Have you ever overspent and then been happy that you did? Will I regret returning it?

Sigh. Please tell me your thoughts.

Wow !
I love it !
It so doesn't look like brass i promise
But i would second the cleaning idea
(i found an old ring in mum's stuff we thought was worthless brass and it cleaned up to be 9k)

I would get an extender made to match so you could do the necklace/ choker thing
Also ... :lol-2:
I wanted to vote both B & C
I think cost to frequency of wear should always be a factor to consider

But Meditation is cheap - you can do it at home
so that will save you more money to put towards the extender
Me again :lol-2:
This would have to be one of my favorite PS looks i have yet seen
I think if you (please keep this) keep it it could well become a signature piece in your collection
Which when i re-read your post is kind of the idea with one of those capsule things

It’s a very unique chain.
Look at the workmanship in each link. That’s a lot of work.
Workmanship and rarity cost money.
How much is too much?
Many of us spend thousands on having a piece of jewellery made so the cost is always more than the sum of the parts.
But I understand your dilemma.
Will you be more upset if you let it go or will your disquiet over the price affect your enjoyment of it?
And for wearing as a necklace, I’d get another large cameo or large brooch and put jump rings on each side of it so you can fasten the chain ends to the centre piece. The end links are beautiful enough to wear at the front.
Sorry, I am just seeing this now!
I love it! In the grand scheme of things, it was way less than some PSers spend on getting some guy to set Grandma's diamond.
Gold is super high right now, and may continue to soar. You paid double the scrap, but way less than a fancy jewelry store would want. Aren't you worth it? I think you are.
It is interesting, and amazing! I would attach an extender and wear it as a necklace. Just attach a sturdy gold chain bracelet. I bet you have one in your stash somewhere.....
Then you can remove the extender and rock that cameo!
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I can understand your hesitation, @PreRaphaelite as you say the price is outside your comfort zone. I think it’s a beautiful piece, but obviously, you have to feel that it’s worth it.
I personally never buy any jewellery with the idea of selling it and how much I would gain/lose on resale. I buy it to enjoy for myself only.
I think the chain looks beautiful with your cameo. And you haven’t found anything else like it, so….
All jewellery is luxury, and the craftsmanship has to be taken into account. Double the melt value doesn’t sound unreasonable to me.
Ask yourself: would I wear this very soon?

Aside from your modeling pics, would you? How’s the cost per wear? Sometimes the heart just wants what it wants and the price doesn’t have to make sense :)
Sorry, I am just seeing this now!
I love it! In the grand scheme of things, it was way less than some PSers spend on getting some guy to set Grandma's diamond.
Gold is super high right now, and may continue to soar. You paid double the scrap, but way less than a fancy jewelry store would want. Aren't you worth it? I think you are.
It is interesting, and amazing! I would attach an extender and wear it as a necklace. Just attach a sturdy gold chain bracelet. I bet you have one in your stash somewhere.....
Then you can remove the extender and rock that cameo!

I had a feeling you would appreciate it
Thank you everyone for your responses!

It was a fitful night of indecision and when I awoke, my decision was made, and here's why:

When I think of Hera, the cost never occurs to me. Can't even recall it exactly, when looking at her. I have mental peace with what I paid (and she definitely wasn't a 'bargain') and I look forward to experiencing her every chance I get. Same with Marjorie. Same with my 4-strand coral beads. None of them could be called a 'good deal' but regardless of actual price, it was fair enough and I will only lose a little when they move on. Peace. Pure enjoyment. Mind-clean, in Pricescope Parlance.

This chain was beautiful and really unique, but my mind couldn't let go of the twinge of pain in order to relax and enjoy the flush of pleasure in wearing it. My stomach kept sinking when I looked down at it.

So I contacted the seller to start the process (and, surprise! A new 're-stocking fee' of $14 which wasn't disclosed). That's what my grandfather would call "a sting in the tail".

I probably won't find another textured link chain like it again, but the sense of relief as I handed it over to the post office lady this morning has flooded me with endorphins and I think I made the right choice. I hope someone else loves it (and gets a better price than I did!)

But after all that, can I just say THANK YOU to everyone who voted, commented, or even silently read, my post. Having a community of engaged and interested people is incredibly valuable. Whether I made the right call or not, I appreciate the feedback.
You are right to return it if you feel anything other than delight and joy. That’s what jewellery is all about.
That one wasn’t for you. There will be another one out there that will be the right one.
Until then, keep browsing.
Have been going through a bit of a personally challenging time lately, and my recent purchase is still within the return period (i.e.- I still have about 24 hours to decide).

Backstory: I've been trying to concentrate solely on building the 'Grand Tour' capsule, as it is the look I generally prefer for work (WFH via Zoom) and with this most recent purchase I jumped off the deep end, overspent my comfort zone (I mean, for a piece that in theory would be versatile enough for me to justify the expense). But after I received it, I started to lose confidence. It was about double the scrap value, and I'm generally frugal, and this makes me really uncomfortable. I usually try to minimise my losses at resale, and this piece would lose me a lot if I let it go again. But at the same time, I've never seen another one like it, and it lets me wear my Hera cameo as a bracelet.

Click for better view of texture:0.jpg

It is a 14k watch chain, 15" in length, and over 25 grams. The Striated texture is what grabbed my attention. It has a satin finish, which I prefer to high polish. First pic is how I wore it Friday last, and then again yesterday I added the bangle:

bracelet 3.jpg

Does it look cheap, like brass? Is it awful? At 15", I won't be able to wear it as a necklace unless I attach an extender. Am I letting my fears and insecurities steer me wrong? Have you ever overspent and then been happy that you did? Will I regret returning it?

Sigh. Please tell me your thoughts.

Wow, I absolutely love the cameo( finely carved),the whole package is wonderful.
Have been going through a bit of a personally challenging time lately, and my recent purchase is still within the return period (i.e.- I still have about 24 hours to decide).

Backstory: I've been trying to concentrate solely on building the 'Grand Tour' capsule, as it is the look I generally prefer for work (WFH via Zoom) and with this most recent purchase I jumped off the deep end, overspent my comfort zone (I mean, for a piece that in theory would be versatile enough for me to justify the expense). But after I received it, I started to lose confidence. It was about double the scrap value, and I'm generally frugal, and this makes me really uncomfortable. I usually try to minimise my losses at resale, and this piece would lose me a lot if I let it go again. But at the same time, I've never seen another one like it, and it lets me wear my Hera cameo as a bracelet.

Click for better view of texture:0.jpg

It is a 14k watch chain, 15" in length, and over 25 grams. The Striated texture is what grabbed my attention. It has a satin finish, which I prefer to high polish. First pic is how I wore it Friday last, and then again yesterday I added the bangle:

bracelet 3.jpg

Does it look cheap, like brass? Is it awful? At 15", I won't be able to wear it as a necklace unless I attach an extender. Am I letting my fears and insecurities steer me wrong? Have you ever overspent and then been happy that you did? Will I regret returning it?

Sigh. Please tell me your thoughts.

Im late to this party, but I say keep it! I love how unique it is and the chunky look is very in. I do not think that you will find anything like this again. It was a splurge, but you can switch up the look. I also LOVE what you did pairing it with the cameo! It compliments perfectly.