
Poll: How do you feel about permitting fireworks?

How do you feel about permitting FWs?

  • 100% freedom for unrestricted public and private use

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • 90

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • 80

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 70

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • 60

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • 40

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • 30

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • 20

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • 10

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • 0 They should be completely banned, public or private

    Votes: 7 25.9%

  • Total voters


Apr 30, 2005
How do you feel about permitting fireworks (FW)?

Compared to the other 49, California can be seen as practically a different country.
Awareness of downsides of FW is growing, and public policy is changing to keep up.

Several major cities here in SoCal ban ALL private fireworks, and professional city-funded shows require permits.
This year some cities couldn't get their permits, or the contractors had trouble finding trained employees and paying fees for environmental permits, and the required environmental monitoring.

Yes, FWs are ultra cool! And they're a cherished American tradition; I get it.
But recently some downsides of FWs are gaining attention and concern.
The sound is like a bomb suddenly exploding
Veterans, and others with PTSD, suffer.
Pets are deeply traumatized and many run away.
Accidents: every year kids, and adults, get fingers blown off, go blind, etc.

Many coastal CA cities always hold their professional FW shows over the ocean.
Besides air pollution, toxic burnt
solids and chemicals fall into the ocean, that harms marine life.
Then, prevailing coastal wind direction blows the fumes inland.
Yesterday morning, July 5, the news reported that the air over the entire LA basin was unhealthful to breath. I'm not kidding.
Bibi and I were in a food store at 9 PM (peak FW time) and the smell was overwhelming.
Right across the street was a huge, private, expensive, and illegal FWs show, that lasted
probably 20 minutes. :angryfire::knockout:

Drone LED shows are making inroads.
They produce no pollution and there is music instead of sudden bombs that startle Vets and pets.
But reports are they are entirely underwhelming - so we'll see how that goes.

The times are a changing.
I expect FWs will eventually go the way of Columbus Day, at least here in CA.
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I saw the videos from yesterday. Didn’t seem like most folks gave a damn about the ban.
Imo fireworks should be banned at least for private use. Stick to public displays if you must (for special occasions), but there’s enough pollution on this earth without us adding more to it every time we want to celebrate something. In india around Diwali people go insane letting off fireworks and I swear the air is like breathing poison. It smells so acrid it makes you gag instantly, and your lungs literally hurt. Just awful.
I was in Mumbai over 20 years ago on Diwali, staying on Marine Drive, and I was honestly TERRIFIED. Teenage boys setting off god knows what indiscriminatly. Ran back to the apartment to hide! But I’m a big wuss :)
I was in Mumbai over 20 years ago on Diwali, staying on Marine Drive, and I was honestly TERRIFIED. Teenage boys setting off god knows what indiscriminatly. Ran back to the apartment to hide! But I’m a big wuss :)

Oh I don’t blame you. The worst is when they set off those cone shaped fireworks (that basically spray upwards from the ground) right on the road! Or the spinning wheels! On roads that cars drive on!!

They keep banning fireworks every year and every year people manage to burn them anyway but it’s gotten better than when I was a kid for sure.
I prefer banning fireworks from being sold from retail outlets like supermarkets, to minimise the risks of them being let off without any considerations, such as during quiet evenings when people are out and about walking their dogs, or in the middle of the night.
I prefer to attend ticketed organised displays.
I love fireworks for their sound, smell and lights, and above all, the element of surprise.

DK :))
50% because they can look great and I'm not for banning things that are fun

! but can be also dangerous (people have blown their hands off), plus pets are terrified and the air become polluted big time, it literally stinks after 5th of November over here.

I'd just make them harder to obtain so kids don't get their hands on them
Not sure how to vote since I am in favor of municipal "regulated" displays with appropriate precautions but am in complete agreement with private bans. Total ban in every metro area where we are; our whole state (not CA) is a tinderbox every summer. Plus, we used to have a cedar-shake roof.

Still plenty of yahoos setting off M80s all night long this year but not the aerial displays that worry me more for fire danger.

This is separate but the injury rate is ridiculous. Relative who had to reattach fingers and limbs in a rural area always dreaded being on call for the 4th.
Ban for private use and sale in stores.

I spent my 21st birthday as a senior year student physical therapist in a hospital, debriding burns on a 17 year old male who had been setting off fireworks. He had burns from his armpits to just above his privates (his one bit of luck.) He was in a whirlpool tank for the procedure.
They could not give him enough pain meds to make it tolerable. We told him to go ahead and swear as much as he needed to.
Thank goodness your bird survived. The fumes alone are very serious.

Private fireworks are very scary things.

I live close to a state where it's legal to buy the hugest things you can imagine for home use. They're like surburban bombs.

When I was a young kid in NY, a friend's older brother lost a thumb. I never forgot that.

Much worse, I have a video of a son's friend at the moment he blew off his fingers. It's the most horrible thing I've ever seen in a fireworks situation.

So for me, it's Walt Disney World.
I now live in an area that has a very strictly enforced ban on private fireworks, due to extreme fire wildfire danger during the summer months. I love this ban! We went to view a professionally staged municipal fireworks show on the night of the fourth, and then enjoyed a quiet night at home. No fireworks going off all hours of the day and night as they did when I lived in the “big city.” I’m not sure if the ban also applied on New Years Eve (I think it does), but the general restrictions seem to have a spillover effect - the celebratory blasts etc. are usually over within a half hour here, whereas they’d go on for hours in the city. l enjoy public fireworks displays and usually try to catch one or two per year, but I can do without the private stuff.
I'm in favor of banning FWs for private use especially in neighborhoods. NOT a fan of randos setting off FWs over or near my house and all our trees. Years ago we witnessed a house fire from a lighting strike a few doors down and it was devastating. Firey debris falling on my roof, in my yard and on our trees is very upsetting and worrisome to me. Also, I've seen a FW go rouge more than once, all it'd take is a FW shooting off wrong, hitting a house or tree and disaster can ensue.

I also had a dog years ago who was severely traumatized by the FWs exploding. Thankfully my current pup couldn't care less. But for my dearly departed pup it was horrendous. He'd lose all control of his bowels (1 AND 2) and he shook and quivered uncontrollably. The only thing that helped was hiding in the car inside our garage where the sound was muffled to some degree.


ETA wasn't sure how to vote, I chose 50. I thought that would be allow for permitted controlled public display and ban for private use.
At this moment in time, I'm completely against any fireworks except those in a licensed municipal display for certain. I unfortunately live in a state that allows people to literally do whatever they want with fireworks whenever they want, year-round, and it's been misery for days. (Fortunately, I'm in a small town that is a suburb of larger cities, so it's not as bad here as what I'm hearing from friends and colleagues who live in the cities proper.) With municipal displays, at least veterans and pet owners know what areas to stay away from when, and they don't last all that long. The private stuff is utterly unpredictable, other than there being more when it's dark. It's everywhere, it goes on forever, it leaves the air thick with smoke and the most unhealthy particulates for hours, and I'm convinced when people living on half-acre plots in suburban neighborhoods set off tons of the municipal-grade stuff all evening - with very young children running around loose in the yard while they do so, mind you - one of these days one of the rest of our roofs is going to be set on fire. So - I want the private stuff GONE, and I want it gone NOW.

I've been OK with municipal displays for the sake of those who enjoy them, but I'm increasingly leaning toward those being banned as well, as we learn more about the effects on wildlife and the health dangers of fine particulate pollution, as well as the increasing number of regions newly at risk of wildfires.
Sorry, I should have separated private FWs from public FWs.

Bulletproof ain't easy to write. :oops:
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I worked as a trauma nurse so I highly dislike fireworks. Every year so many accidents happen. Especially to children. Not to mention fire danger.
I'm not a fan of fireworks, however, I live in FL, they sometimes go off because its a Tuesday. Only thing you can get folks on is the noise ordinance so setting off after 11pm becomes a misdemeanor.

Ivy unfortunately experienced her first 4th of July here and it scared her half to death. Thats even after they were both drugged up.

The good is that fireworks have been light this year. Its been hot, and people don't have the disposable income for giant displays.
I love fireworks and have no problem with professionals setting them up and igniting them.
In the hands of the general public - NO.
Before public use was banned here in Australia (some exceptions) every year there were heaps of reports of people being badly burnt, losing an eye and absolutely terrified and terrorised pets. I personally knew someone with third degree burns at age 10 due to fireworks - it was horrific.
I’m OK with professional, municipal-funded fireworks on civic holidays or special events. But otherwise, no. In my town, there have never been many fireworks displays, but now they are completely banned; I don’t miss the noise and the pollution.
in NZ some have been trying to get fireworks banned for decades
it cant come soon enough for me
a stupid and dangerouse waste of money
they are only available for sale for a couple of days before Guy Fawlks but people save them up for any often randomtime durring the year
it upsets pets and farm animals, it probably upsets wildlife as well

there is a social cost because people spend money they dont have on the stupid things
i was born and breed in a city with a university and students can be bl**dy stupid with the things, i remember one year two halls of residents having a 'war' between two buildings setting them off horizonailly towards each other, other years fireworks were tied to ducks and other small deffensless animals....

hospital A&E depts are busy enough with out adding fireworks to the mix
and then there is the very real fire risk

before Gary retired and there was someone at home all the time i had to leave work early for a week before and after to get home in time to make sure Tinky was inside, he was terrified of them, im sure he thought the world was ending
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I'm not a fan of fireworks, however, I live in FL, they sometimes go off because its a Tuesday. Only thing you can get folks on is the noise ordinance so setting off after 11pm becomes a misdemeanor.

Ivy unfortunately experienced her first 4th of July here and it scared her half to death. Thats even after they were both drugged up.

The good is that fireworks have been light this year. Its been hot, and people don't have the disposable income for giant displays.

poor Ivy, i dont understand how families here, with pets, still want to set off fireworks in their backyards
They are beautiful but not worth the risk in my opinion. Public displays by professionals with permits are all I would agree to for fireworks. However, as you noted, they are bad for the environment. I cringe when I see the fireworks sales booths set up in parking lots and such. Everyone thinks they are experts and we all know they are not. The poor animals are scared senseless and I honestly never considered the impact on vets.
Enforcement of any regulation is hard to come by it seems. I didn’t hear any fireworks in my neighborhood, but did hear them from somewhere in the distance. The public fireworks had been postponed due to rain so I knew it wasn’t from that event. Private individuals in neighborhoods certainly should not be igniting fireworks. It would probably take the National Guard on the 4th of July to police all of the illegal handling of fireworks. A ban would be great but I am sure sales would just move underground. Some folks in large, private venues have a display at wedding receptions! As much else is, totally over the top!
i remember one 6th November coming into work one morning and a very sad whippet was penned in the inwards goods room
our floor manager's boarder's dog had got so scared from neighbourhod fireworks she had ran into a barbed wire fence, and he had just picked her up from the emergency vet
her chest and legs were all stitched up ,poor little thing
my friends who had horses always found it a major ordeal having to over night with their horses
Thank goodness your bird survived. The fumes alone are very serious. ...

Thanks, he's fine.
We immediately left the store, and left the food in our cart for them to restock ........ Ya know, "Canary in a coal mine." :eek2:, and all that. :errrr:
Not sure how to vote since I am in favor of municipal "regulated" displays with appropriate precautions but am in complete agreement with private bans. T

This is my feeling. I think private fireworks should be banned and they are here. You need a license and a permit. Too many reckless, stupid people out there and people get injured, and fires can start. For municipal fireworks, where safety protocols are followed, I think they are fine. But people with pets need to keep them safe inside.

We still have Columbus Day although many towns have changed to Indigenous Peoples day. On the state calendar it shows up like this:

Indigenous Peoples' Day/Columbus Day
I dunno 2am they are very annoying but in my teens I got to use actual dynamite so Im kinda like meh bans are stupid.
The good stuff that use to be common is restricted now.
Today's are much weaker.

In the banana republic of IL almost all of them are banned but its ignored. Hence im listening to them right now.
You used dynomite as a teenager. Why does that not surprise me?
Up here in CheeseHeadLand, you can buy anything but it's illegal to set them off . Equally silly.
I am 100% against fireworks. The animals get so scared and people always get injured. I hate them.
I have always hated fireworks because of all the horrible noise that goes with them. Sounds like a war. I always feel sorry for people with PTSD and the animals.

I mentioned this story here before.
In the 90's, we attended a fireworks show in our town.
Midway though, one of the canisters dropped sideways, shot into the crowd and killed a 12 year old girl.
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I just saw on Facebook that a friend who lives in Indiana had them going off in her neighborhood until after 3:00 am last night. She and her husband couldn't sleep and had movies on loud all night to block the sound as much as they could for themselves and their poor dog. One of her other Facebook friends said that a house in her town went up in flames because one of the neighbors was setting them off.

I forgot about another group for whom these neighborhood fireworks must be awful: neurodivergent people who have sensory and overwhelm issues around sound. Oh, and survivors of mass shootings and gun violence.

They haven't gone much past midnight in my area, but they've been at it every single night for over a week, all evening long. It's been hot enough that the pavement warms too quickly to walk my dog in the morning, so the only time I can typically walk her this time of year is in the evening, but she's much too scared of it all, plus the air quality is horrendous - you can't see your hand in front of your face and your lungs burn. So......she hasn't been walked in over a week, and her walks are very necessary for her physical and mental health. (She's reactive and sniffing is soothing to dogs, so behaviorists have taught me to walk her a lot and let her sniff as much as she wants on walks to keep her at a calmer "baseline." She's also always had gut motility issues that we've managed with regular walks to "keep things moving," and that has become even more of an issue as she has aged to now 10 years old. If she doesn't get regular walks, she starts to be unable to keep food or very necessary medication down.)

Why, oh why, are humans unable to care about anything other than their petty "wants" in the moment?