
Possible upgrade -- Pics!

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In case you''re interested, here are the actual specs on the diamond. Any red flags? Rhino thought the stone might look dark in some lighting situations. I didn''t notice anything like at all, but again, I only spent a couple of hours with the stone.

AGS Ideal Cut, H & A
Weight: 2.353 ct
Measurements: 8.66 x 8.72 x 5.20
Color: I
Clarity: VS2
Depth: 59.8%
Table: 56%
Pavilion angle: 40.6
Crown angle: 33.8
Girdle: Thin to Medium, faceted
Flourescence: Negligible
The specs look good to me. What exactly did Rhino think was off about it??? I think it's a beautiful stone Demelza!!!!
Interesting, it''s a bit of a shallower stone. It probably looks a little bigger than the average well-cut 2.35c stone...I can''t recall what Lynn''s specs were but I think maybe around 8.6mm so you may have a bit more of spread. That''s probably what he means re: the darker in certain situations. Personally I prefer a depth more in the 60''s (aka ~60.5 is my happy spot) but the specs are very nice, what is the HCA score?

But the stone compared against your old one really looks amazing and if it''s classified as H&A it should be nice. Did you see an IdealScope or lightscope image to look for light return? That would clinch it for me.
Yeah, that's what Rhino was concerned about -- that the stone is too shallow. I typically look for a stone in the mid 60s as well, but this one came along and everything else about it is right. And I definitely did not see anything in the stone that looked dark or dead. At all. It is as bright and sparkly as my 1.5 which has a depth of about 60.6. I mentioned this concern to the appraiser and she said that the relationship between the crown and pavilion angle was good and the girdle is mostly medium which compensates for the fact the the depth is a little on the shallow side. I don't want to get too hung up on numbers because the stone looked great and that's all that should matter, right? My stone has almost the same measurements as Lynn's stone which makes sense considering they are only about 1 point apart. Lynn's stone measures 8.68 - 8.70 x 5.26 mm and mine measures 8.66-8.72 x 5.20.

ETA: the HCA score is .5 TIC -- is that anything to be concerned about? My 1.5 scored around a .9 TIC, I believe.
If the appraiser liked the stone that means something!

On the HCA score, the only thing I will say is that some experts have previously noted that they felt that scores under something like ~0.6 may have less ''contrast'' to the stone. Brian at WF has told me previously that ~1.0 on the HCA is his sweet spot. Other than that I can''t speak to the score.

But bottom line, if your eyes liked it and if the appraiser checked it out then I don''t see any big red glaring flags. Numbers are one thing and sometimes all you have to go off of if you are buying virtually like I do now, but if you have seen the stone and you love how it looks AND the specs are nice, which they are, then I would not worry about the semantics of the numbers being just a bit different.
Mara -- Can you explain what you mean by "contrast"?
Contrast is the hardest to explain...

If pressed I would say something along the lines of it looks like the ''contrast'' of the light and dark parts of the diamond. I think of it as close to scintillation where you see the sparkly white and dark parts of the diamond together and how they ''play'' off each other. I don''t know if that is right...I think there is some definition of contrast in the PS Tutorial off the homepage...see what it says. I recall it being a somewhat difficult explanation for me to grasp.
That is how I understand it. It's almost too much of a good contrast and you have a need contrast for scintillation...but if there is too much, then the stone looks dark...there would be a lot of black on b-scope image #6...not enough leakage. Maybe that's totally wrong. But when I was looking for princess stones, I wanted less contrast, still understanding that the black areas were least light leakage...I wanted it nicely disbursed and not too much or the stone would look dark.

I think that there are SO many fish in the sea. I wouldn't settle .... But if your eyes tell you you're not...and you love the stone...then that's another story!
OH! OH! OH! Demelza, I just now saw this thread!

I have just 3 words for you, my friend... I LOVE IT!

I really, really do! It is gorgeous, and the size looks HUGE compared to your 1.53! H*U*G*E, I say! We were Diamond Twins before and would be Almost-Twins again, and I have honestly say that your stone comparison side-by-side shot looks even more "dramatic" (of an increase) than mine did! I'm not sure how that could be possible, since the specs are practically identical -- but the size jump looks GIGANTIC to me! Gloriously, beautifully, shamelessly GIGANTIC!!!!

Regarding the color/clarity thing... I don't know what else to say about that... all I can really speak from is my own experience. I LOVED my G/VS2... and yes, I was awfully "proud" of those letters and numbers! So I totally know what you mean with that. And that stone was gorgeous, blindingly white, and "flawless" even under a 10x loupe. Incredible. I was so happy with that diamond... but the darn thing just kept looking smaller and smaller to me
and I was SOOOO jonesing for a 2+ carat. But I was going to be very discriminating, and was not willing to sacrifice ANY beauty for size alone. But I also realized that to get the size I wanted, with the (upgrade) budget I had, I would have to sacrifice SOMETHING... and color and clarity would have to be "it". And yes, I was EXTREMELY nervous about it. Maybe it would be helpful for you to go back to my original thread and read it over... because so much of what I was "afraid of" is what you are going through -- and I got some wonderful, helpful, valuable advice.

You are lucky, though, because you have seen this stone - and you know it is a beauty. I had to get mine sent to me from the vendor to see it for myself... but that "sealed the deal". I saw that diamond and fell in love. It is a J/SI2, as you know... and it is white, white, white. It is also totally eyeclean even under close inspection (although under the loupe I can now see some inclusions... but they are wispy and faint, and silly as this may sound -- it actually "endeared" the stone to me... if that makes any sense!)

I have had dozens of people (friends and strangers) go GA-GA over my new diamond, and the question I am ALWAYS asked is, "How big is it?!" NEVER ONCE have I been asked, "What color is it?" or "What clarity grade is it?" NO ONE asks those questions! The majority of mankind (womankind!
) is totally oblivious to those issues, and when they see my stone - beautiful white, incredibly sparkly, and completely eye-clean, they just marvel at it. And it's no wonder -- because it is an incredible diamond... and in my real life (not "PS-World"!) I have yet to see EVEN ONE diamond that comes CLOSE to mine for beauty. And I've been looking!!! I know that sounds so snobby and so snooty... but Demelza, I swear it is the truth!

I personally wouldn't worry AT ALL about the drop in color. You stated yourself that there is no difference to you, visually. But look what you are gaining -- 80 points!!!! That's A LOT of carbon!!!
I know I was sure able to "get over" my color/clarity issues REAL FAST (and I'm a bit insane myself!
) ... and I think you will be able to, too. You will LOVE the size... it's a really big diamond! It's almost two-and-a-half carats!!!!!

I hope this has helped you. I know I have NO REGRETS about my upgrade -- and I went even "lower" in color and clarity than you would be. To me, your decision is easy... I would DO IT - fast - and never look back!!!!

There you go Demelza, Lynn has spoken so elequently. Go for it girl!!!!!!!!!
I think my head is going to explode!! Gosh, I'm starting to wonder if too much info may not be a good thing. If someone handed me this stone and told me only that it was a 2.35 ct AGS 0 ideal cut H&A, I would have no idea just looking at it that it was an I color, that it scored "too low" on the HCA, that the depth percentage is tenths of a percentage point "off". I would have said, "wow, this is a gorgeous stone...I wish I could own it." But then I can't help but be flooded with all this info and this persons's ideas of what a good stone is and that expert's concerns about x,y, and z. Why can't I just trust myself? There was nothing about this stone visually that was anything other than gorgeous -- EXACTLY like my 1.5. Why does it matter what a piece of paper says? Moreover, this stone IS an IDEAL CUT H&A!!! What more could I ask for? I hate being such an indecisive person and so reliant on other people's opinons on what is good and bad, right and wrong.

ETA: OH Lynn!!!! There you are! Thank you SO much for the words of encouragement. They mean so much to me!!!!!!! You know what I'm going through. Yes, let's be diamond twins again. Your
"go girl" attitude is just what I need!!

ETA again: thanks Kaleigh!!
Oh Demelza... it is my pleasure!

I honestly think that we PS''ers have a tendency to analyze, over-analyze, re-over-analyze, scrutinize, re-scrutinize, then analyze and scrutinize some more!!!! It''s not always a good thing, this "knowledge" we have worked so hard to gain!!!! We can make ourselves half crazy trying to split hairs (and then re-split again!)

I think it was Jennifer who once said, "buy the diamond -- not the paper!" and that is so true when faced with situations like yours. Just like you said, if someone handed you the diamond, you would be thrilled! I think you ARE thrilled... you''re just a little afraid. I understand. But I can pretty much guarantee you that you will NOT be sorry.

Someone else asked me (when I was deliberating and fretting) -- how would you feel if someone else wanted (or bought) this stone?! Would you be disappointed? Terribly sad? Sorry you didn''t snatch it up while you had the chance? If so... then there''s your answer.

Exactly, at some point you really need to trust your eyes. The numbers are a great guideline, but you are buying the stone not a piece of paper. Go with your gut, if the stone speaks to you then trust your instincts. I hope this helps you.
ditto ditto ditto! I didn''t even get a sarin or any analysis with my cushion. My eyes told me I loved it. Your eyes are telling you that you love this stone!
I agree Dem..and I hope you get this stone. You did have the opportunity to view it in person. I just mentioned MY preference of a higher depth and the HCA comments that have been made in the past. If I was confronted with this situation, honestly I''d get this stone. Your eyes saw it and loved it. Also, stones in this size right now are far and few between..esp in lower colors. Everyone wants them. So it''s not like there are TONS of these 2.30-2.40c stones in a good price range with an exceptional cut. If your eyes loved it then I say go for it. When ALL you have is numbers to go on, I may not be saying that, but you did see it. If it spoke to you with beauty, then you have your answer!
Date: 8/7/2005 1:23:23 AM
Author: Mara
I agree Dem..and I hope you get this stone. You did have the opportunity to view it in person. I just mentioned MY preference of a higher depth and the HCA comments that have been made in the past. If I was confronted with this situation, honestly I'd get this stone. Your eyes saw it and loved it. Also, stones in this size right now are far and few between..esp in lower colors. Everyone wants them. So it's not like there are TONS of these 2.30-2.40c stones in a good price range with an exceptional cut. If your eyes loved it then I say go for it. When ALL you have is numbers to go on, I may not be saying that, but you did see it. If it spoke to you with beauty, then you have your answer!

Mara -- that helps a lot since I really trust your opinion. I wish I had the stone in front of me to remind me how beautiful it really is. I'm going to take another look at it on Wednesday, but I am going to send my rings off to Signed Pieces this Monday to have the new head installed. Can't wait to get that puppy on my finger. And can't wait to have my rings sit flush!!!
good for you
can''t wait to see the finish product.
Nothing new to add besides wow that looks lovely in your current w-set.
Quick Update: Well, thanks to Rich Sherwood, I am now much more at peace with my decision. I have always appreciated his input on the forum, so I thought I would pm him about my concerns. Hopefully he won''t mind if I post his response:

"What numbers are "hanging you up"? They all look good to me. Great, in fact. The combination places the stone right in the "sweet spot" of light return performance. It should be a gorgeous stone.

The increase in size is substantial enough to tell a real difference over your 1.5, and while the difference between an "I" and a "G" will be slightly noticeable, it won''t be substantial. A properly graded "I" color is a fine looking stone.

If the stone is properly priced, and they are giving you a fair trade in, I see no reason not to go for it."

I am just so relieved to have an expert tell me that in fact the numbers do match what my eyes see. I will now put it to rest and stop obsessing. Well, at least I''ll try. Thanks everyone for your kindness and support and putting up with my insanity.
I am so glad that Rich was able to put your mind at ease with this beautiful stone. I know the agony that you are going through but hopefully his expert advice has helped. I can''t wait to see it in your fabu setting!!! You will love it, I am sure.
Rich is soooo awesome! I am so happy that he was able to help put your mind to rest.

I''m really hoping you buy that diamond... I think you will kick yourself into the second Tuesday of next week if you don''t!!!!

Glad you are more at ease now!!

Can''t wait for pictures of this baby!!!
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