
Post your 1st world problem today

@Natylad I feel your pain and I am sorry.

I also have a similar first world problem. I have Dupuytren's and eventually might not be able to wear any of my rings. It has been already suggested to me to take my ER and wear it around my neck. Because wearing rings can exacerbate Dupuytren's. I am not there yet. Plus I generally wear my ring infrequently anyway which has nothing to do with my DD. So perhaps my issue isn't as great as yours since you wear your ring most of the time. But yes I get it and my constant finger swelling/shrinking (again not to do with DD but perhaps Raynauds) is frustrating. Sometimes I put my ring on and by the time we get back home my fingers are swollen to the point I have trouble getting the ring off my finger. I have taken to just wearing my ER with no band. I feel engaged all over again lol. It's not a bad feeling at all. :kiss2:

I am sending you well wishes and gentle hugs. Wishing you good health. And blingy joy. May you be able to enjoy and wear your rings. XOXO.

Thank you so much for this thoughtful message my dear @missy....
Wishing you good health and lots of blingy happiness too!! ❤
I'm on a flight, my phone is about to run out of juice, and I haven't brought any reading material. I was reluctantly accepting that I'd need to read the easyjet magazine for 2 hours. But shock horror! No magazine! Just the laminated safety instructions. Woe is me. Woe is life.
Trader Joe's is always out of stock on the ONE item that I'm craving and go shopping for.

Another first world problem is TJs always stops carrying my favorite products. As soon as I fall in love poof it’s gone.
I just found out salmon and other fish can have worms or parasites and I can’t unknow this so I’m gonna give up fish!

I know Cod often has worms so I won't eat that. At least parasites can be killed by freezing, but I don't think the worms are.
Trader Joe's is always out of stock on the ONE item that I'm craving and go shopping for.

Yes!!! I hear you!! What happened to the Gummy Fruity Candies?!!
This afternoon I visited a new (to us) Asian market with my daughter, and she pointed out Durian wafer cookies. We've always been curious about Durian so we bought them.
They weren't terrible but they also weren't particularly good, so I broke them in pieces and tossed them out to the squirrels, who seem to be enjoying them.
My first world problem: Now I'm burping durian.
With each burp I like it less and less. :tongue:
Ill eat all your strawberries
send them to me :lol-2:
Frozen berries have doubles in price in the last two months so ive stopped buying it

But my meat box never arrived yesterday :(2
It has chicken in it :(2
It cost $100
Ill eat all your strawberries
send them to me :lol-2:
Frozen berries have doubles in price in the last two months so ive stopped buying it

But my meat box never arrived yesterday :(2
It has chicken in it :(2
It cost $100

They should reimburse you for the $100. You have to expect that the chicken would arrive edible…

Any strawberries given to us including the chocolate covered ones are yours! :lol:
Are we allowed to reply? ::)
The JUC. Because if what you really want is the regular clover bracelet, then you’ll always feel that pang when you look at the sweet!

I would buy neither, save up another year or two for the perlee you want. That is the only name brand piece I have always wanted. I have only seen one worn in real life. Seen a ton of the JUC.
I'm getting so my cleaning service seems to be doing a less than stellar job.
I saw some little girls going door to door and got all excited about getting some Girl Scout cookies. But no, they just wanted a donation for their school. I gave them a few bills because they were so cute. But I didn't get anything. Nope, nothing. :(
$3 for a cup of generic so-so coffee on my date lunch with mine wifey.
I've grown strawberries in pots on my deck. I've never seen any worms, but now I'm not sure if I should throw the plants out. They are perennials, so they come back each year.

Not sure about pots but out in the garden they are good for two years but get a bit tired after that so in the 2nd year you let the runners become the replacement plants
I looooooove strawberries

I eat blackberries that grow on the side of the road
Not sure about pots but out in the garden they are good for two years but get a bit tired after that so in the 2nd year you let the runners become the replacement plants
I looooooove strawberries

Thanks, yes, I've been planting the runners so the pots always have something that comes back in the spring. I guess now I have to check for worms. But maybe since they are in pots and not in the ground it won't be an issue.
Thanks, yes, I've been planting the runners so the pots always have something that comes back in the spring. I guess now I have to check for worms. But maybe since they are in pots and not in the ground it won't be an issue.

Where do you live ?
I honesty would not worry

they say you don't even need to wash srrawberries here
I eat them straight out of the punnet walking home from the shop

but if you were worried I'd just soak the berries in water for 5 min

We havn't been out to the local berry farm for two years thanks to stupid covid
Gross, you say?
You wanna hear what's gross?

We all swallow SEVERAL CUPS of snot every day. :knockout:

You have a nice day now. =)2

Thanks for the heads up @kenny..:sick:
I saw some little girls going door to door and got all excited about getting some Girl Scout cookies. But no, they just wanted a donation for their school. I gave them a few bills because they were so cute. But I didn't get anything. Nope, nothing. :(

The girl guides don't even sell their girl guide bickies here anymore
They are for sale in the supermarket once a year (now)
Its a little sad because buying the biscuits from the girls themselves gave a connection to what the guides have been up to for people who don't have girl guides at home

But the activity of selling biscuits was deemed surplus to learning or something :(2
I’ve only vomited four times in my life. Once as a child, after I got carsick and ate pecan pie. Once when I was pregnant. I think one other time in past 23 years since my pregnancy—tho I don’t recall. Today was the fourth. Omg. I died.
I’ve only vomited four times in my life. Once as a child, after I got carsick and ate pecan pie. Once when I was pregnant. I think one other time in past 23 years since my pregnancy—tho I don’t recall. Today was the fourth. Omg. I died.

Your back and your abbs might feel it tomorow :(2
Take care

but 4 times
Wow o_O
I saw some little girls going door to door and got all excited about getting some Girl Scout cookies. But no, they just wanted a donation for their school. I gave them a few bills because they were so cute. But I didn't get anything. Nope, nothing. :(

Are the Girl Scout cookies made with real girl scouts? :lol-2:

JOKE BTW, it's a line from the film Addams Family.

DK :))
I’ve only vomited four times in my life. Once as a child, after I got carsick and ate pecan pie. Once when I was pregnant. I think one other time in past 23 years since my pregnancy—tho I don’t recall. Today was the fourth. Omg. I died.

I’m sorry! I hope you feel better soon.