
Pouring out my heart

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Everyone, thank you so much for your responses. I woke up this morning and resolved to start casually looking at the websites of other firms and figure out who is hiring just to keep my options open.

It is very common to firm hop after putting two years into a firm, and it was actually my goal to go into another sector after two years. Rainwood, it is interesting you asked about the tone of my firm. It is a VERY liberal firm, not old boys at all. If I had a valid sexual harassment claim, they would handle it in a way that wouldn't damage me and the other partners would be shocked by this new partner's behavior (he hasn't been with the firm for long, as I said, he had a stint in politics before coming to this firm and he is not that important).

I have had two performance reviews so far and they have been pretty positive (if there were grades, the first one was an A, second one was a B+). People seems to like me and they said in my performance review that I was intelliectual, bright, had a great work ethic, "people want to work with me," a good attitude, etc. the only negative was that I needed "more attention to detail," which I am working on. And actually, I can get work from other partners. I have actually been busier when I ask other partners for work - but it is often extremely unpleasant work and there is no sense whatsoever of continuity to it (just pieces of a case, as opposed to staying with a case). I realize beggars can't be choosers, though. It seems weird, but I just miss my old cases and feeling like I belonged somewhere.

I would absolutely never consider filing a harassment claim. Just like I knew not to sleep with him, I know this is the worst thing I can do for my career, my reputation, my emotional well-being. And again, even if there isn't any evidence. I flirted back. I am not without fault. I am not tryinig to act innocent. He made me feel so special. I had fantasies about being with him. I enjoyed feeling taken care of and a part of his team. I ultimately did the right thing, but I seriously considered dong the wrong thing.

He does not have a reputation as a womanizer, but the signs are there. He and his guy friend, a member of the team, talk all the time about how women at the firm look, act, etc. In fact, on days when the partner is traveling, he used to call up his friend and ask what I was wearing and the friend would tell him. (I know this because the walls are really thin and I could hear). When I made clear that we were never going to sleep together and he took away my work, he started traveling with this other woman all over the country (she is the one I suspect he is having an affair with). They both deny it up and down, and I have actually never gotten any vibes while they are both in the same room that something is going on between them, but all the signs are there. She comes in late, chats with him, takes long lunches, and leaves early. She gets away with murder. She has ten years of experience, as opposed to my one, and I have actually had to correct her work because it is done so poorly. He also tells people that he prefers it when women wear dresses and don't wear black, and this woman wears dresses and not black - she clearly dresses up especially for him. But on the other hand, this woman has known him a long time, and his wife ocassionally accompanies them on their business trips. While this woman and the wife went shopping together, the partner actually called me and tried to flirt about something. And when we first worked together, this woman told me that she has traveled with many men for work, and that this partner is "the only man I never got any vibes from." Given these signs, do you think there is an affair?

I actually sought a counseler out this May and have been seeing her where possible. She doesn't understand, and neither do I, why i can't stop thinking about this. Why do I care if he is sleeping witht his woman or anyone else? It has gotten better than when the fallout occurred in May. But there are still really hard days, like yesterday, when I can't focus or concentrate on anything else. There have been times when i want to hurt myself because the pain is really bad.

I haven't told anyone in my life about this. I am ashamed of my behavior. I'm even more ashamed of letting him live rent-free in my head.

And Steel, I did something similar to your advice a few weeks back. I told him that I really appreciated all the wonderful opportunities he gave me when I started, and that I enjoyed and learned a lot while working with him. I stated that while times had changed and we weren't working together anymore, we had a lot of great times and that I would never trash talk him behind his back. I asked him to do the same for me. At this point, we seem to have a tacit agreement that we will not do this (again, I am not so naive to think that he doesn't talk trash about me to people, but I do not think he is hell bent on ruining my reputation at the firm in any way; I think he won't do anything one way or another to help me or hurt me).

On my major case, I realized recently that I was replaced by another associate in an office closer to where the case will be tried (it is another state). That hurt a lot. I heard the partner talking about it to his friend (thin walls) yesterday and he said that "he feels bad that it's good news." I think they may be saying that this is good news because that associate does better work than me and/or because she is closer to the place where the case is being tried (more likely the former than the latter). This associate also has two more years experience than me, so I can try not to take it personally.

I think that the thing I have to do is focus on doing consistently excellent work for other partners. It is harder to this while he flirts with me, but I can try. He travels a lot so i can enjoy the days when he is not there.

A final thought - he always writes notes to himself on little pieces of paper (he says it his blackberry). I have gotten glances of his notes before and there is sometimes stuff about me on them. It doesn't say my name, but I can tell it is about me because it references our conversations - i.e., one note said "you have said what are you thinking about 4 times" when he had asked me that a bunch of times. More recently, when I told him I thought he was sleeping with that co-worker, i saw a crumpled up note and I read it - it said "one last thing, if you believe that. a lot of people don't like you." later on the note it said "I don't give a ratsass."

The best news is that in a couple of weeks, I am switching offices so I will no longer be between him and his best friend. That way, I will no longer hear their conversations through the walls and get upset. Only two more weeks and I will be down the hall. That way I can try to work through this.

Okay, hearing the rest of your story reminds me of a friend who was in your exact position; she ended up getting fired and her boss moved to another office. It actually was awful because we all knew it was going on even though they NEVER talked about it; that really could ruin you. You don't want the other partners to know and this may happen if you stay and it seems you are jealous of the other relationship.

You should not worry about the other relationship because it sort of is none of your business. Okay, if he is having the affair. . . then what??? Who cares; I don't want to sound harsh but you need to realize this. You need to move on; you already said this whole thing is eating away at you so you do need to leave. If you don't leave you are giving him the POWER; like you said he is living in your brain rent free (btw, one of my fav sayings).

Please get help and tell your therapist what you posted here; he really isn't worth it!!!! I am sure you are a beautiful girl with lots of dreams and there truly are wonderful things awaiting you if you move forward toward the positive!!! You do not need negative!!!
Date: 9/22/2007 8:01:08 AM
Author: redcardinal
Everyone, thank you so much for your responses. I woke up this morning and resolved to start casually looking at the websites of other firms and figure out who is hiring just to keep my options open.

I actually sought a counseler out this May and have been seeing her where possible. She doesn't understand, and neither do I, why i can't stop thinking about this. Why do I care if he is sleeping witht his woman or anyone else? It has gotten better than when the fallout occurred in May. But there are still really hard days, like yesterday, when I can't focus or concentrate on anything else. There have been times when i want to hurt myself because the pain is really bad.
You need to tell a family member or your therapist about these thoughts; please get him.
You are torturing yourself by staying. This guy isn't worth it!!! A much better guy will come up in the future.
I am confident that no other partners know. There is one who may think there is a flirtation, but I highly doubt it is anything of consequence.

Skippy, was your friend actually having an affair with her boss? If so, this is different.

In fact, if it ever came up, I think people would be way more suspicious that this partner and that other woman are having an affair than him and me. Since they travel together and we do not, after I put a stop to that in January. Also, I do not feel ostracized or anything in the office. People think that he and I are co-workers who are also good friends, and joke around, maybe a couple of jealous associates would say I flirt, but no one knows if it is anything more than that.

I need to stay focused on my goal - to get him out of my head and do excellent work for other partners. I need to work really hard, get my own life, and move on.

I really would like to think that I could move on without having to change jobs. It is better for me to work with other partners anyway since this guy isn''t that important to the firm.
Hon, you''ve got to find a way to get away from this jerk. You have basically handed him your self esteem and asked for it back. But he''s not going to give it to you because he sees young women as prey, not as people. The more you ask for it (for a friendly word or a kind glance, for some attention) and he doesn''t give it to you, the worse you''re going to feel about yourself. He doesn''t care about you. He''s a charming manipulator. He''s probably an old hand at this with DECADES of practice at just how to hook a young woman and make her totally emotionally dependent on him so he can get what he wants. Now''s the time to say to yourself STOP! Take control. Avoid him. Start working on rebuilding your self esteem on YOUR terms. Also, if he''s ''through'' with you, if you don''t stay out of his way, he may retaliate to get you out of the way. Avoid talking to or interacting with him as much as you can.

And whenever you have tender feelings for him, think about his wife and her devastated and totally wrecked life: empty of intimacy and trust, constantly betrayed and humiliated. And be glad you didn''t become one more stab-wound in her heart.

I agree with Skippy that his current affair is not your concern, btw. And I wouldn''t be surprised if she''s not the only one he''s having an affair with. Sometimes serial is also concurrent with these types.

I really, really hate men like that.

As one of the older guys on this forum... My advise is based on decades of watching these things play out.


Like take a vacation and never go back except for a day or so to turn over your case files.
The chances of you surviving this with a positive carrear move if you stay is somewhere between zilch and none. Of course, leaving right away will be difficult - but it allows you a much better chance of haveing a sucessfull carrear.

Your heart is in the right place and I applaude you for resisting. But your boss will almost certainly do everything in his power to sabatoge your carear... Even if it looks like he is trying to help you (and you cannot know all the methods he has at his disposal). Trust me, people are noticing that you are having your cases taken away... and word will spread. Personal evaluations are meaningless in cases like this (companies have been known to give better ones to people whom they are trying to get rid of).

Once you have lost support of the boss -- delaying your departure only adds to the damage. It never makes things better.

HR where they exist most often does not help in a situation like this.

This is actually sexual harrassment - but the chances of you having a carrear if you file charges also goes down the drain as well (that is not right - but it is reality).

I believe that you will have learned some valuable lessons that you can apply in the future.

While not exactly the same issue - one of the lessons I learned related to "bosses" manipulation of employees resulted in me turning the tables on the Plant Manager a few years back at the start of one of these "things." My position was that I was not going to sign a form authorizing continued deferred maintenance on a piece of equipment. I was put under a lot of pressure to sign that form by all levels of supervision and managment - all kinds of explaintions why it would be OK - and even the right thing to do. Finally, at the worst time for me (working 78+ hours a week and under a lot of stress) I was asked to appear in the Plant Mangers office to discuss this...

Now these situations end either one of several ways... you either convince the plant manager that you are right - or you fold and now managment knows that they can manipulate you, or you leave the company (and they will find a way to fire you if you do not leave in a short period of time).

I''d been arround the block before on these issues in previous jobs (and not always made the right choice when I was younger - probably your age). This time I walked in and stated at the front of the conversation " I thought I was hired for my honesty and integrity, and if that has changed then let''s negotiate a severance package..." That changed the entier tone of the conversation - and I never did sign that paper - and the plant managment had to explain to the inspectors why they had deferred that maintenance.

Oh, I got an unasked for pay raise later that year and now have a lot more freedom at work; as I earned the respect of even higher levels of managment in the company.

But, I only learned how to do that because I had previous situations not work out so well.

Stick to your standards. There are firms out there who want people who do that.

And, get out of there as fast as you can. You will feel a lot beter inside.

Best of luck.

rc, so you have made it clear that you seemingly don't intend to leave the firm...despite 20 people telling you on here that is the thing to do.

so i guess my question is then, what do you expect people on here to tell you? how to get over him? how to get him out of your head? if your therapist can't help you with this, how can we? i guess i am unsure as to what the nature of the original post was because it seems you don't really like the advice you are getting and maybe expected something else.

i suggest that you look within yourself as to why this man seems so appealing to you. honestly he sounds like scuzz to me and an old gross pervert to boot. can't even imagine that being appealing. i bet his wife doesn't even find him appealing, the picture you paint!

why do you even care if we all think that he's having an affair with this other woman? the way you detail out every little nuance of why or why not tells me you think about that a lot. definitely mentally damaging to you.

seriously, if you continue down this path, it's total self destruction for you. IMO, you are too far in based on your responses to get yourself out alone. if your therapist cannot help you, find someone else who can. do you have any friends that you can talk to? someone who won't judge you but can be of assistance? also, i don't really know you very well but are you a real member of this forum? if so people usually find it when they are coming here to search out engagement rings, so that leads me to ask, is there a boyfriend involved here? if so, what does he think about all of this?

i firmly feel that moving out of the office down the hall or whatever and just trying to soldier through it will not be the saving grace you imagine. it's time to realize that this dream job and dream firm has turned into a nightmare...and both of you are at fault. don't bother being embarassed or ashamed of your part in it, just DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. that's the part of adulthood that sucks. having to clean up your messes. just realize that by getting yourself into this situation, you may have to take a few lumps, whether it's stepping back if you move a firm or whatever, but honestly no job is worth this kind of trauma. seriously. as a 32 year old who has been in the corporate industry since i was 17, i have seen my fair share of positive and negative situations. later in life you will look back on this and think WTF was i thinking sticking around there. life is just too darn short. and please don't try to hurt yourself over this LOSER. that's something else you'll look at later in life and also think WTF!!

do you have family or anyone older than you that you can talk to who can give you a round slap upside the head? sometimes that can help when one is not thinking clearly. (i'm joking but partially serious too!)
Redcardinal: I am so glad you are still with us here.
Just open your wings and fly out of the building and the area if possible not just next office.Do it as soon as possible and then you can try to figure out why you got attached ( attracted?)to that place and person.

You must believe in yourself as we all do believe in you.I wish you luck..
and to piggyback on Mara''s last response: why do you care if he''s having an affair with another woman or not?! i don''t think you''re clear for yourself what you want to do about any of this.......until you are, you won''t find yourself taking the necessary steps to cut your ties [mentally, emotionally, in the office, etc] with him and end the situation. at some point and hopefully with a counselor, you''ll ask yourself why you were susceptible to him in the first place. while he is a scumbag predator, it always takes two to tango.

movie zombie
He is a sleezey manipulative jerk. Don''t think for a 2nd you are the first or the last. Why would you want to work in a place you have to beg for work in?

Iam sorry but, I have seen this type of man in action. He thinks of nothing but himself and believes in you to not rat him out. Thats his power....take yours back and move on...

Here goes. He has already damaged your career at that place. You say he probably doesn''t talk badly of you but he has taken these cases from you - actions speak louder than words. Probably the other people there think either a) you had an affair with him that ended badly, or b) you are a poor worker, neither which speaks well. You say it doesn''t matter, because he is not an important member of the firm, but you referred to him as your "boss" and a "partner." You say that things will get better because you will move down the hall, but it is obvious he is affecting your ability to concentrate and get your job done, and the jobs you have gotten since then have been lower on the scale for advancing your career. You have a number of options.
If you really want to stay, do not have any more interaction with him. Actively pursue developing another mentor there. Not just someone who will give you grunt work, but will mentor you and be an ally. Work like hell to impress that person.
If you are unable to do that or your firm is too small, then you should leave and do the same at another place. Yes you have lost 10 months, but if you are unable to get over this you will just end up losing more time.

Unlike some of other posters, don''t think contacting HR is all or nothing. You can have a meeting with HR and be forthright about this situation and ask for their suggestions. If you don''t want to file suit, you can request they make a note of this for their file. It won''t help you, but may be helpful to to someone in the future. They will not go out of your way to help you, but if this is a pattern he may end up becoming a liability and he will get what he deserves. I would NOT mention your suspicions about the other employee. You have no hard evidence she and he have done anything inappropriate and sounds like sour grapes.

Good luck.
Date: 9/21/2007 4:33:08 PM
Author: redcardinal
Thank you so much for your responses and support.

I would like to look for a new job, but realistically I think I have to wait a year. My grades weren''t that spectacular and I am in a specific field, and this firm was honestly my ''dream'' firm.'' It''s a shame because I really like all of my other co-workers except for this guy. If I could get over him, and truly not care anymore, I could see myself staying at this firm for the long haul. Also, I just bought my first home so I can''t take a job that pays less for at least another year. So it is really hard for me to accept changing jobs yet....

When you said that thing about him making me feel just reminds me of something. I assumed from day 1 when he was flirting with me that he had slept with many many women besides his wife (in fact, I think he may be sleeping with another co-worker, but that is besides the point). Anyway, when we were out drinking one night I asked him, ''Tell me, how many women have you been with since you have been married?'' And he wouldn''t answer me, and I whined about it a little bit. And then he whispered in my ear, ''Zero.'' And I said, ''You are such a liar.'' And he said, ''You''re special. Isn''t that what you wanted to hear?''

And even though I was disgusted because I didn''t believe him, a little part of me really wanted to believe it was true. That I was so special to him.
That was 9 months ago and since then he has contended that he has NEVER cheated on his wife and that I am the only one he is attracted to. But my heart and head tell me that he is lying, I just wish I had hard proof so I could really let go of this notion.
Blech!!!!! he sounds like a d!ck!!! I can''t help being shocked and sickened by his behaviour

I hate to sound sexist but men are different from women. Some men think with other parts of their anatomy and I hate to say it but women tend to be the voice of reason (not always though but frequently).
He obviously is VERY attracted to you if he is willing to affect your career like that and he clearly hates losing what he wants.
He sound like a questionable human being so I wouldn''t trust anything that spews out of his mouth. He sounds like someone who likes playing games. As a partner one would expect him to be professional and not let his personal feelings get in the way of work.
I know sometimes people are just attracted to each other even if they don''t trust each other. The two are not mutually exclusive
but....I would advise you to stay away from him.
He''s trouble love so either go to HR like somebody else said in a previous post and tell them you want to be assigned to someone else, or start looking for a new job! That''s the only way you will cope with this. Believe my, the only way is to stay away from this a$$hole. You really have to stop flirting with him, you are just giving in and he clearly knows it....
Oh and WELL DONE for not giving in to your attraction and doing something physical. I personally feel we can''t help the way we feel but we CAN control the way we act, and you did good!!!
Also, go out and get yourself this book:
The adultery club by tess stimson (2007). It''s fiction but it really opens your eyes to what could''s also about a young lawyer (working in london) and an older married can buy it on amazon link. I really think it would be worth the read...
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