
Preparing for Hurricane Rita

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Sep 24, 2004
Here we go again -

I just made all the store runs this morning. Because Katrina is so fresh in our memories,the very thought of a hurricane is frightening the H--- out of me. Apprarently, I am not the only one feeling this fear, all the stores were packed. Bread gone from the aisles, long checkout lines, no propane lanterns, batteries in very short supply and I even had to wait to get gas. So I am guessing I spent about 250.00 to "prepare".

During Hurricane Alicia, we had 5 trees on top of our house, no electricity for 4 days, did not drink the water and it was so damn hot! I really don''t want to go through that again, but we will have to see where it hits.

Funny, last month I was planning to visit Mark in NYC this week to check out stones. But I called that off because DH business was directly affected by Katrina and I can''t spend major $$ with the business taking such a big hickey. Grrr!
i know! i wish they would all go away! enough already huh? well here where i live, bread''s been scarce since katrina. i am sure other things as well, but i continue to notice the bread...i have plans to fly into houston this weekend- ah!
Take care, Ann...

I think after Katrina, EVERYONE is watching Rita with some trepidation...

Stay safe, Ann!
Yes, Ann, I don''t know where you are geographically, but if you think you are in Rita''s path, good luck and be careful! I haven''t been following where it is supposed to hit (or has hit by now). I don''t even know if you will still have electricity by the time this is posted. Besides all the other inconveniences associated with lack of electricity (like lights that won''t go on and water from wells that won''t come out the faucet), one even loses one''s computer! Now that''s deprivation!

Oh, Ann, I am so sorry to hear that you''ve had to postpone your trip! Would you have been looking for diamond ''stopper'' rings?

These hurricanes are scary business. I don''t know where you are located but certainly echo everyone''s sentiment that you stay safe. I guess it has been a roller coaster couple of months for you - kids to school, weather gone to h***, and now missing a diamond shopping trip!!!

Take care of yourself - the sun will shine again - and all will be well. . .
My clients in houston are all getting ready to head for the hills. Im sure some already took off. Everyone pulled their advertising because no one is really oging to see or hear it if no one is there.

I truly hope it falls apart in the gulf. I know that''s unlikely but I am hoping.
I went to the grocery store today just get some things to cook dinner, and the check out lines were wrapped around the inside of the store, and everyone's carts were packed. Lucky for me I got to use the express lane.

My grandmother is just southwest of Houston, and wants to stay home. Our house was built in the 40s and has survived Carla, Alicia, etc with no flooding ever.

I went online to check hotels in Austin, San Antonio, & New Braunfels and they are all booked. My BFs parents live NE of Houston and they are thinking about leaving too. But if they stay maybe we can bunk up with them. We could get a hotel in Dallas/Ft. Worth, but my grandmother has osteo-arthritis and isn't thrilled about sitting in the car for 4+ hours.

And my personal favorite, is that the BF and I have a big date planned for Thursday night to see Evita and have a fancy dinner. I guess thats not happening.
Yes, I am in Houston. My husband just got back from a 1 hr. search for gasoline for our son''s car. He is not even here (in College, North Texas), but we wanted all 3 cars gassed and ready to move if need be.

I am so worried about my home. I know that''s wrong, and we should concentrate on being safe. But I can''t stand the thought of all our beautiful things being destroyed by wind and rain. But it probably would be better if I was not here to see it. We will stay if the storm is a low 3. Anything more and we will be visiting friends in College Station. Though I''m not sure that is any better or safer.

I remember during Alicia I was so frightened and scared I had on my husbands motorcycle helmet in the closet!!!!!!
We have enormous trees surrounding our house. I am certain they will end up on the house. Leaks I can handle, but wind blowing out windows - I will come unglued.
Oh Ann,
Please stay safe. I know you are worried about your house. I would be too, but we need you and your family to be out of harms way. Good luck, I will be thinking of you and praying for the best. This is sooo scary.
YIKES...I''m glad we visited Houston LAST California girls can only handle earthquakes....not hurricanes! Honestly I''d have no idea what to do.

Stay safe everyone and be prepared for anything...
My family is getting hurrican ready also. My dad had thoughts of sending my mom, sister and I to Austin to stay with my brother, but I want to stay here. I somehow feel this great reluctance to leave, weird? My parents house survived Alicia and Allison without flooding, I''m not sure how my current condo will hold up. I''m on the second florr, so no flood worries, but my dad is worried about the windows blowing out (we''re boarding them thurs) and the roof blowing off. I''m worried about my new home, which is in a flood zone (practically the entire med center is a flood zone). Luckily we bought insurance last week, cuz NOONE is selling new policies this week, for obvious reasons. I called and made sure we''re covered, and thankfully we are. Hopefully, if it floods, it''ll only hit the first floor.

I''m more nervous for my FI''s family. They have nowhere to go even if they do want to leave. Their house had 4ft of water during Allison
, no doubts heavy rains will likely flood them again. I''m having mixed feelingsof nervousness/anxiety mixed with incredulity that anything would actually happen.
Oh Gosh, Ginger, if they had 4ft of water during Allison, I bet they are in a dangerous area prone to flooding. We are very very close to a lake, but I am more worried about the wind and tornadoes than the water.

I want this to go away.
Ginger I was thinking about your closing, maybe you should wait until next week and see what happens.

My aunt lives by the galleria and her house flooded during Allison, luckily she had flood insurance, but she was out of her house for 6 months while it was being repaired.

We currently have 300 employees from the New Orleans office now working in my building, and I feel bad for them, b/c they just can''t get away from the hurricanes. We are supposed to find out at noon what is going to happen with taking time off.

Hope you and yours remain safe. Thinking of you.


I hope you and your family remain safe. Prayers going out to everyone in the affected areas.

Good luck!
Ann, Appletini and all the H-town folks- STAY SAFE!
There is a storm tracker at this website:
In the links associated with Hurrican Rita there is one called "Storm Tracker" (sometimes they call it "Tracker" or "Hurricane Tracker"). Click on that. You can select 2005 and view the current path, speed, and level of the hurricane. There is another one "Phillipe" out there too.

My family is all in Houston (mom, dad, step mom, step siblings, grandfather, cousins, uncle, nephews, etc..) My grandfather is in the hospital there. My cousin''s hubby is a firefighter and will have to stay. The rest of my family may drive to Austin to stay with another aunt or friends. It is pretty scary. In the past, we had always waited out the storm. Even Alicia. I think Katrina has definitely instilled a new kind of fear of hurricanes.

Ann- I agree that the tornadoes are scarier for Houston than the actual Hurricane. Galveston will take the brunt of the storm, but Houston will get a ton of rain and tornadoes. My dad and step mom live on Lake Conroe. I hope everyone there takes cover.

My thoughts are with you!
Hurricane Rita is now a Category Four Huricane. (I never used to know categories of hurricanes!) The latest guess is that it will hit Texas and/or Louisiana by the end of the week.

"GALVESTON, Texas (AP) - Residents of this island city packed up mementoes and pets and started evacuating Wednesday as Hurricane Rita intensified into a Category 4 storm with 135 mph winds and threatened to devastate the Texas coast or already-battered Louisiana by week's end.

Mandatory evacuations were ordered for Galveston and New Orleans, one day after Rita sideswiped the Florida Keys as a Category 2 storm, causing relatively minor damage. Having seen what Katrina did, many residents decided not to take any chances."

Date: 9/21/2005 10:24:50 AM
Author: jorman
Ann, Appletini and all the H-town folks- STAY SAFE!

There is a storm tracker at this website:

In the links associated with Hurrican Rita there is one called ''Storm Tracker'' (sometimes they call it ''Tracker'' or ''Hurricane Tracker''). Click on that. You can select 2005 and view the current path, speed, and level of the hurricane. There is another one ''Phillipe'' out there too.

My family is all in Houston (mom, dad, step mom, step siblings, grandfather, cousins, uncle, nephews, etc..) My grandfather is in the hospital there. My cousin''s hubby is a firefighter and will have to stay. The rest of my family may drive to Austin to stay with another aunt or friends. It is pretty scary. In the past, we had always waited out the storm. Even Alicia. I think Katrina has definitely instilled a new kind of fear of hurricanes.

Ann- I agree that the tornadoes are scarier for Houston than the actual Hurricane. Galveston will take the brunt of the storm, but Houston will get a ton of rain and tornadoes. My dad and step mom live on Lake Conroe. I hope everyone there takes cover.

My thoughts are with you!


stay safe everyone!

i am sorta glad katrina instilled fear. so many people use to say they''d ride it out like they always have before. i am glad they see what can happen and does happen so that they take it more seriously. i know it''s a pain in the butt to evacuate and return and nothing happened, but things can happen. we all saw that...

i just wish they''d be done with! i hate Hurricanes!! it''s reason enough to move!

we have reservations to fly into houston and out from there to another destination friday. we spent a couple of hours last night trying to move those reservations early because of the storm. i hate to fly- add on strong winds and bad weather and i am scared to death!
Oh this just worries me soo much, my sister is there...And for all you Texas folks do you remeber a few years ago the terrible flooding in College Station? Her 50th Anniversry Corvette floated miles and was she is unsure what to do. I sincerly hope that everyone is able to get the rations they need and to stay safe.
We are leaving tonight and heading out to Kansas- Hard to find hotels anywhere- they are all booked. It was crazy- it took me about an hour to find gas last night- thought that I was going to run out! :) Anywho- I am just glad that people are wise to leave now.

Ginger/ Apple/ HouMed- IF YOU NEED ANYTHING- CALL!!! xoxoxox- be safe my dears.
Be careful renee! Definitely go as north as you can!

PS-your avatar is absolutely f--king hilarious.
Sending good thoughts and prayers to Ann, appletini, gingerBcookie, Strawdermangrl, jorman''s family, Matatora''s sister, our friends at Whiteflash and anyone else who may be affected by this hurricane. Please be safe and let us know if we can help with anything.
Date: 9/21/2005 2:36:31 PM
Author: ame
Be careful renee! Definitely go as north as you can!

PS-your avatar is absolutely f--king hilarious.
My avatar.... I had all of whiteflash up in a roar when I posted the first time- we couldn''t stop laughing. :)

Hehehe.. Love him.
these crazy hurricanes... thinking of the H-town girls, and everyone at WF! stay safe guys...
What''s with the cute new avatars, Renee and Mara?? I love ''em!! :)

Yep, I''m all packed up and ready to go to my parents'' house. What really sucks is that we''re in the middle of exams right now, and we''re supposed to have an exam tomorrow morning at 8...and the school has STILL not given us the final word on our exam. Apparently they''re deciding right now whether to close today at 5pm or tomorrow at noon (and have our exam). I can''t study right now!!! Personally I''d prefer to head out right now and beat the crowd...but I may still have an exam tomorrow!! GRRR!

At least my apt. is on the second floor. :)
Renee''s is cuter than mine. LOL!
Be safe & I''ll be thinking about you and directing positive thoughts.

Will the madness of these hurricanes ever end?
Date: 9/21/2005 3:36:37 PM
Author: Mara
Renee''s is cuter than mine. LOL!
LOL, my cowboy, my setson man. Isn''t he dreamy? :)
crap- from the :

Top winds are up to 165 mph, now a category 5 hurricane. Further strengthening is possible as the atmosphere remains favorable for development over the next 24 hours.
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